Chapter 1284 Bravely Entering the Spider Cave!Save Caiyi! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The spider web was getting tighter and tighter.

"Brother Du Yu!" Caiyi was in a critical moment, and no longer had time to look at Liu Jinyuan who was lying on the ground. With her beautiful watery eyes, she looked back sadly and glanced at Du Yu.

Her beautiful eyes were immediately surrounded by layers of poisonous spider webs, and she could no longer see anything.

In the darkness, Caiyi took a last look at the world, but saw Du Yu rushing towards her in spite of himself.

Like the legendary spider Shelob in Mordor Pass in [Lord of the Rings], the Poison Lady wraps her prey like a cocoon.

The poisonous lady laughed loudly, lifted the cocoon of the spider web, and sneered at Su Daji, "I'll go and absorb this Caiyi's skill first, and come out to have a showdown with you after I complete it!"

Du Yu shouted fiercely, and appeared behind the poisonous lady.

But the poisonous lady relies on the elasticity of the spider web, and her speed is unimaginably fast. She instantly disappeared in place, allowing Du Yu's attack to miss.

"This beast!" Du Yu had a heart for the kind-hearted Caiyi, and slammed it on the big tree: "The poisonous lady here is ordinary, but with this unique terrain and her unique spider web and hunting skills, It's just hanging around, coming and going like the wind, even Su Daji and I can't stop her."

Su Daji was also really angry, her eyes twitched and said: "By the way, I have an idea to destroy this poisonous lady."

She suggested to Du Yu: "The poisonous lady relies on the terrain of this forest. Why don't we draw fire from the bottom of the pot and simply burn down this black spider forest! Even if she has the ability to reach the sky, she has to escape. Besides, my lord Didn't you kill Hou Xiaobai? I remember that Hou Xiaobai had a [Demon Reflecting Mirror]. At that time, when it shone on me, I couldn't use any supernatural powers, and I was very powerful against monsters."

Du Yu was overjoyed and took out Hou Xiaobai's key.Although Hou Xiaobai performed the soul splitting technique, his adventurer's body had already been killed by Du Yu, and the bloody key was also obtained.

Du Yu handed it over to Elizabeth, and at the cost of giving up other options, got the [Demon Mirror].

"[Demon Reflecting Mirror]: A+ level fairy treasure, which can illuminate a designated target. If the target is a monster, it will be forcibly illuminated by this demon mirror to return to its original state. In the original state, only the monster's life skills can be used, and cannot be used. Hell. The duration is 60 seconds, and the cooling time is 60 minutes."

"With this thing, the poisonous lady can no longer fight in human form, only the instinct of the spider spirit is left to fight." Su Daji said with satisfaction.Seeing that the fairy treasure that once beat her to death was used to deal with a powerful enemy, her heart was full of gloating.

"Leave the fire to me!" Du Yu took out the Doomsday Blade, and the Doomsday Judgment was launched!

A shower of meteors and fire hit the Black Spider Forest.

The Black Spider Forest was instantly ignited.

There are burning tree trunks and branches everywhere, Zhu Rong is flying, and the flames are soaring into the sky. The scorching high temperature turns the entire forest into a sea of ​​flames.

The spider spirit's lair, traps, and spider webs were also quickly burned to ashes under the high temperature.Humidity and darkness are the good environment for the spider spirit to hide its body. This kind of action of setting the whole forest on fire will definitely force the poisonous lady to escape.

At the same time, Du Yu sent Zhao Ling'er, Su Mei, Su Daji and others to keep a close watch on the whole black spider forest to prevent the poisonous lady from escaping.

Sure enough, being scorched by the fire, the poisonous lady finally couldn't bear it anymore, screamed, and fled deep into the forest with a snow-white cocoon of spider webs.

"Bastard! Destroy my home! I won't let you get out of this forest alive." The poisonous lady fled quickly, turning her head and cursing.

"Chasing!" Du Yu led the crowd, and rushed towards Du Niangzi.

The poisonous lady turned her head viciously, and gave Du Yu a hard look: "The green mountains will not change, and the green waters will flow forever. Turn around and wait for me to absorb this Caiyi, and then I will take revenge on you for destroying your homeland!"

Du Yu snorted coldly: "You stinky bastard! Don't try to escape!"

He activated the space ability.

In terms of Du Yu's spatial ability, it may not be very tall. Compared with Tattaglia's time, Amin's machine, and even Deni's power of reincarnation, it is far inferior.But Du Yu's spatial ability can be activated at any time, and it can be used in a wide range of uses, from fighting to chasing the enemy, from escaping to saving his life, advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending.And the cost of activation is extremely small, which is much more than Tataglia's three times a day to use it.So who is the chosen one with the strongest ability in space is a matter of opinion.

Du Yu broke through the space barrier in an instant, came to the poisonous lady, and threw his palm at the poisonous lady.

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly felt a cold killing intent behind him.

Without even thinking about it, he jumped forward.

The poisonous lady giggled coquettishly: "Don't think that you are the only one with a large number of people. My natal family is also here, so I'll go too!"

Du Yu was in the air, turning over to look.

Beside the poisonous lady, there were two or three other women standing there.These women have the same charming expressions as the poisonous lady, but their eyes are not only stern, but also indescribably sinister.

"Damn it, and your natal family, do you think this is Journey to the West? Are you from Pansi Cave? And the Seven Sisters?"

Du Yu was angry, took out the demon mirror, and slapped the spider spirits hard!
Those female goblins were unaware that Du Yu still had such a powerful artifact, and they were immediately illuminated by the demon mirror.

Only the poisonous lady screamed, white air came out of her body, and she turned from a delicate and beautiful lady into a huge fluffy spider!
This is her true self.

Du Yu looked horrified.

This poisonous spider spirit is worthy of 6000 years of cultivation. In the era of Fengshen Yanyi, it has become a spirit. After destroying countless lives and the lives of goblins of the same race, it has grown such a powerful and terrifying monster body.

I saw that her body was about two feet square, covered with jet-black mane, and had eight thick, furry claws. In the front of her mouth were two sharp pincers covered with jet-black toxins. Let people know how dangerous this poisonous lady is at a glance.

Du Yu couldn't help being afraid for a while.

If he was charmed by the beauty of this poisonous lady, and found out that the real body of this woman is so heavy, should he commit suicide?
The other spider spirits beside Poison Lady were not much better, and they showed their true colors one after another.

A group of huge black spider spirits squeaked and screamed under the mirror, which made Du Yu feel heartbroken.

"Die to me!" Du Yu was eager to save the beautiful Caiyi.

I have to admit that even if they are both fairies, there are beauty and ugliness.

Du Yu's movements were like lightning, and he was able to catch up with the spider spirits in an instant.

Although spider spirits can't use black magic, they also have gifted instincts. Their eight hairy legs slide on the ground, and they run so fast that Du Yu can't catch up with them for a while.

Arriving at a cave ahead, the spider spirits quickly disappeared into the darkness without a trace.

"Bastard!" Du Yu cursed.

I really underestimated the power of the poisonous lady. Even with Su Daji, herself, Zhao Linger and other strong guards, she could still take the opportunity to capture Caiyi.

If something happened to Caiyi, she would really jump off a cliff and kill herself.

Ling'er looked at the dark hole, and said in surprise: "This poisonous lady's lair is here. There are at least 5 or 6 black spider spirits in it. No wonder this forest is called the Black Spider Forest."

Su Daji snorted coldly: "I was tricked by that black spider spirit once, how can I swallow this breath? I will walk in front later, you follow me, criticize the bully, and you must rescue Caiyi sister!"

Du Yu suddenly received a prompt: "You triggered the side mission [Love is always hurt by ruthlessness]"

"Caiyi is a kind butterfly spirit who was once rescued by Liu Jinyuan. In order to repay her kindness, she turned into a beautiful woman and married Liu Jinyuan. Unexpectedly, the black spider spirit bit Jin Yuan, and Liu Jinyuan didn't trust her. Caiyi In desperation, I had no choice but to abandon myself and risk my life to save my husband. As a crazy villain, how can you endure it? This kind of woman must draw a sword to help, and then win her love! This task rewards the villain with 10000 points. Tips , because the black spider spirit is cunning, powerful, and has the same kind of help in the Pansi Cave Cave, so the degree of difficulty is relatively high."

"Bastard, it's really Pansi Cave." Du Yu shouted angrily, "No matter how strong the enemy is, we must rescue Caiyi. Follow me in!"

"Don't be fussy." Su Daji smiled coquettishly: "Master, why don't you use the magic ring to become invisible first, and go in to check the reality?"

Du Yu nodded, put on the magic ring, and walked into the Pansi Cave step by step.

The Pansi Cave is really evil. There are sticky fluids and cobwebs left by spiders everywhere, and white cocoons hanging upside down in the air. There are prey wriggling in pain from time to time, and bones falling on the ground can be seen everywhere. The wind was blowing and the stench was suffocating. It could be seen that this place was used as a lair, and there were not a few spider spirits for support.

Du Yu followed the fresh liquid line, deduced the movement trajectories of the black spider spirits, and kept going deeper into the cave.

From time to time he could see, in the darkness, strands of spider webs everywhere.On the top of the cave and in the dark corners, an unknown number of spider spirits crouched quietly, staring at the area in front of them in the dark, feeling every slight tremor on the spider's web through the fine hairs on the spider's legs.If Du Yu hadn't used invisibility, and possessed extremely high agility and cultivation, he would never have been able to escape their detection.

Du Yu took a deep breath and walked to the depth step by step.

The traps of the spiders are constantly upgrading.

From spider webs, to spike formations, to black magic traps, but unfortunately in the eyes of Du Yu, who has a very high level of cultivation, these traps have nowhere to hide, and they were seen through one by one and avoided skillfully.

Du Yu walked for 15 minutes and went 2000 meters deep, and finally found that the traces showed signs of stopping.

Du Yu stopped at a hidden place, observed quietly, and was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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