Chapter 1285 Shocking reversal, run away with beauty! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Solemnly recommend a masterpiece of a friend - "Legend of Villains", ISBN 3459834!Ruthless, unscrupulous, black-bellied and cold, neither can describe him!Who is the ultimate villain.This line does not count the number of words, friends who like god-level villains, you can go and have a look, it is very evil and very good-looking.

In front of this is a large cave, which is tens of thousands of square meters, but the most shocking thing is that there are 7 or 8 black spider spirits gathered here.They are all about the same size as Poison Maiden.

"Poison Lady's backstage is so hard?" Du Yu was startled: "No wonder this task is worth 10000 villain points?"

The 7 or 8 black spider spirits have turned into human forms one after another because of the time passed by the demon mirror.

The poisonous lady picked up the silkworm cocoon containing Caiyi with a look of resentment on her face, and laughed wildly: "I finally captured this bitch, and I will suck her cultivation later, let her out, and with her beauty, Act as my spy. Hmph, this little butterfly spirit, born with a face and figure that fascinates men, as the eldest mistress of the Liu family, can she bring me a lot of benefits, right?"

The seven spider spirits at the bottom looked at Caiyi's silkworm chrysalis with salivation, and said one after another: "Elder sister, even if you captured Caiyi. Without the help of our sisters, you would have lost your life. This thing cannot Do you want to swallow it alone? You have to give us some sweetness to taste."

The poisonous lady looked helpless.

Why didn't she unite with her natal family in the first place?
Because these guys are also greedy sluts.If they participate, I will have to share the benefits.

But this matter is also helpless, who made her unable to withstand the reinforcements invited by Caiyi?
"Okay! You rascals," the poisonous lady said unwillingly, "I'll share half of the meeting with you! Hmph, Caiyi bastard, how can I deal with you after I've drained your cultivation? Haha, I She is best at sucking up the cultivation base of goblins, erasing the memory of her spiritual consciousness, holding her natal demon core, leaving only her torso, and driving her out, like a walking dead, at my mercy. Hehe, the most exciting thing"

The other spider said charmingly: "Elder sister, you have a deep cultivation level. The pheasant essence on the west mountain was sucked dry by you, wiped away the spiritual consciousness, and sent it to a large family, and finally cheated it. This big family all entered into my black spider forest and wrapped up our food and drink. Haha, before the man died, he wept blood and tears at the pheasant essence, and my little sister admired it."

The poisonous lady laughed out loud.

Caiyi in the silkworm chrysalis could hear it clearly, and fear, sorrow and misery welled up in her heart at the same time.

She is a weak woman, what else can she do?I can only recite silently in my heart, and shed tears of sorrow and bitterness into my heart.

"Sanggong, as long as you are safe and sound, I am willing to die even if I die." Hearing this poisonous lady, she also wanted to erase her spiritual memory and make her lurk in the Shangshu Mansion to do harm to the Xianggong's family. matter, they made up their minds.If there is such a day, I would rather die than let my husband down.

However, she is a kind girl, among the swarms of spider spirits, she can only tremble, waiting for the cruel judgment of fate.

The cultivation, sanity, memory and dignity of 2000 years will be completely deprived by this group of enemies.

And what was left to him was eternal darkness, endless darkness like a walking dead.

Is this my destiny?
"Who will save me?"

In Caiyi's heart, she couldn't help thinking of this idea.

That man, Du Yu, said sternly in front of her: "If you don't know how to love yourself, you can't love others."

So, I, a little butterfly spirit who has given everything, can I think about myself a little bit?

Caiyi's tears fell like pearls.

Just when she was about to collapse, she suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Hey, silly little butterfly, do you know you regret it now?"

Caiyi was both surprised and delighted, although her body was paralyzed by the toxin and she was gradually unable to move, but this voice sounded like the sounds of heaven.

"Brother Du Yu?" Cai Yi cried sadly, "Why are you here? Get out quickly, I'm hopeless."

"Hey, I said you can't die, you can't die." Du Yu's voice was full of firm confidence, which made Caiyi feel at ease.

No matter how strong a woman is, at critical moments, she hopes to be protected by a man.

Du Yu is different from the weak Liu Jinyuan, he can always give himself the strongest protection.

Even in the lair where the black spider spirits are rampant, he dares to go deep into the tiger's den and come to save himself.

Caiyi was deeply moved.

"But these black spider spirits?" Cai Yi said softly, "They are not easy to mess with."

Du Yu said in a low voice: "Don't make a sound. My top priority now is to get their poison antidote. It's not difficult to kill them, but the problem is that you stupid little fool have also been poisoned. They are dead, you also be buried."

Caiyi agreed softly, lay down in the cocoon, and stopped talking.Although the place is still dangerous, she feels extremely safe with Brother Du Yu by her side.

Du Yu lightly touched the black spider spirits.

As he said, with real swords and guns, he has no fear at all to fight these spider spirits, but Caiyi's tragic fate in the plot is that the poisonous lady died, and Liu Jinyuan's poison could not be undone. Thousands of years of skill in exchange for Liu Jinyuan's ten years of longevity.

Thinking of this, Du Yu became angry!
He is not the kind of character who loves each other when he sees one, but every time he thinks of fate, or the sky, being so unfair to Cai Yi, a helpless woman, he can't help being angry!
In the world, he had seen too many women, for various reasons, were played by officials, rich second generations, scumbags, and hooligans, and finally walked on the road of self-destruction in confusion.

Du Yu thought that he was not a gentleman!
But he is by no means a scumbag.

He has his own principles and bottom line for women.Although his harem is huge, there is not a single woman in it. Du Yu forced him to come here!

Du Yu's care for them may not be as good as a monogamous full-time husband, but it is also better than many scum who claim to be gentle and considerate, secretly keep mistresses, and have a messy private life!

He must not allow a good girl like Caiyi to bear such a difficult fate.It's not fair to her.

Driven by such a strong mission, Du Yu approached the black spider spirits step by step with an unprecedented seriousness.

But the results were dismal.

No matter how Du Yu investigated and used his detection skills, he could not find the antidote to the black spider essence poison.

He listened carefully, and found a black spider with a smug smile: "Sister, these people are stupid enough. In fact, the antidote for Liu Jinyuan's poisoning they want doesn't exist at all."

"It doesn't exist?" Du Yu was stunned.

"Yes." The poisonous lady smiled viciously, "Actually, the poison we put into their bodies is completely incurable. Of course, if I want Liu Jinyuan to live, I can inject the venom again to fight poison with poison." , can delay the onset of toxins in Liu Jinyuan's body. But all the premise is based on my willingness. Now that I have got Caiyi, I naturally don't care about Liu Jinyuan's life or death."

"That is to say, in fact Liu Jinyuan is dead! Caiyi is poisoned, so she is dead too!" The spider spirit giggled wildly.

Du Yu cursed secretly in his heart, unexpectedly this was the truth of the matter.

Such a brutal truth.

If Caiyi is to survive, must the poisonous lady be imprisoned forever?
But the poisonous lady's toxin and the antidote are originally one. Once she realizes that she will never be free, she injects the toxin into Caiyi's body again, and Caiyi will disappear likewise.

This is how to do?
Du Yu frowned more and more.

"That's right." Fortunately, Du Yu was smart and quick-witted, and remembered that he still had a magic weapon that he could use.

【True. Purple Gold Immortal Gourd】!
This is good stuff.

Once refined by the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, the monsters may produce many good things.

Among them, there may be an antidote for spider spirits.

Moreover, the antidote had to be given in two doses, otherwise, with Caiyi's temper, Liu Jinyuan would not be able to live alone, and it would be difficult for her to live alone.

Du Yu took out the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, pointed it at these hateful spider spirits, and fell into his eyes in an instant.All attributes are exposed.

"It's actually possible to make a pill!" Du Yu was overjoyed: "It can detoxify Caiyi and Liu Jinyuan!"

This spider essence is so hateful, and Du Yu felt a little relieved when he practiced it as a elixir.

Du Yu saw the situation correctly and was overjoyed.

These spider spirits, even in their dreams, would never have imagined that someone would possess a powerful treasure that could refine them into elixirs!

This time I do it myself, I must be clean and tidy, and rescue Caiyi from the sea of ​​suffering!
Maybe it was the familiar experience that made Du Yu feel the same pity with Caiyi, maybe it was Caiyi's infatuated unrequited love and courage to sacrifice that moved Du Yu and made Du Yu stick to it to the end and vowed not to give up.

"Ambush the enemy here?" Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

Thinking of Caiyi who was trapped in the cave, Du Yu shook his head, not impatient.

He slipped to Caiyi's silkworm chrysalis, picked it up suddenly, and walked outside step by step.

Familiar with the road, step by step to avoid the detection of the spider spirits, in this cave, the silkworm chrysalis that the spider spirits use as food reserves can actually be seen everywhere.Therefore, a silkworm chrysalis cannot attract the attention of spider spirits.

But everything has a limit.

It is normal for an invisible person to push the silkworm chrysalis for dozens of steps.But if this person can walk out of the cave safely with the silkworm chrysalis, then these spider spirits who are known for their vigilance are too incompetent.

Not long after, an alert spider spirit sensed the movement and let out a scream.

Du Yu simply showed his real body, picked up Caiyi and ran away.

The poisonous lady, screaming in anger, chased after her at high speed.

"Go away!"

The spider spirits scrambled and sprayed out spider webs, trying to slow Du Yu down.

Surrounded by so many spider spirits, Du Yu was almost unable to dodge completely. When hit by the spider web, his speed was greatly reduced by 50%.

"Kill him!" The poisonous lady stabbed at Du Yu with her pair of poisonous pincers.

Du Yu snorted coldly and swung the snake-slaying sword.

On the Snake Slaying Sword, a simple ray of light flashed across.

The spider spirits who were frantically chasing after him suddenly slowed down collectively

(End of this chapter)

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