Chapter 1286 Love Caiyi, risk your life to save your husband! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Since I was successfully slowed down by you, and you also slowed down, everyone will be evened out." Du Yu chuckled and continued to run away.

"Silk!" A spider spirit descended from the sky and landed in front of Du Yu.

"Essentials of peace!" Du Yu's eyes turned cold, and a bolt of lightning slammed down.

The spider spirit screamed suddenly, and the skin on its back was blackened.Du Yu's fairy art is not for display.

There was a sound of breaking wind from behind.

Some spider spirits ejected highly poisonous poisonous pincer daggers. This thing was contained in their mouths, and it could be used as a hidden weapon.

Du Yu's ability flashed and he dodged again.

The poisonous lady was so angry that she went crazy. She never dreamed that this seemingly ordinary man would be so difficult to deal with. His skills and magic weapons seemed to be inexhaustible. escape.

Although Du Yu had a lot of tricks, but the spider spirit rushed from all directions, and was still seriously injured by poisonous pincers, poisonous silk and other terrifying weapons. Fortunately, Du Yu had the heart of Garuda to prevent poison, and he possessed the Snake Slaying Sword. It can greatly lower the opponent's attack priority, but it won't be too badly beaten by the spider spirit.

He rushed out of Pansi Cave like a big bird.

The poisonous lady led the sisters and rushed out frantically.

This was the first time that someone was able to escape from the Pansi Cave unscathed.

Such a thing has never happened.

The poisonous lady watched the cooked duck fly away with a ferocious face, and yelled angrily: "Hmph! Even if you can save Caiyi, what's the point? Will you be poisoned to death by my poison in the end? Don't bother"

She didn't finish speaking, because the man in front turned to look at him.

This look is full of endless killing intent and coldness!

Du Yu's glaring stare to the poisonous lady, who was well-informed and experienced for thousands of years, made her take two steps back involuntarily.

The look in this man's eyes is so terrifying.

The poisonous lady was furious, she couldn't see Du Yu's true strength, but as a monster, she was frightened by the stares of mortals, what a shame.

She screamed, "Kill him!"

From the front hole, a gloomy man with double blades appeared.This man has an indescribably feminine and sissy aura, but judging from the evil aura on his body, he is the same as these poisonous ladies in Pansidong.

"It turns out that the male spider spirit has returned." Du Yu snorted coldly, and carrying Caiyi, he jumped up and rushed towards the man.

"Silk!" The man opened his mouth wide, and tens of thousands of poisonous silk spewed out together, shooting at Du Yu.

[Thousands of Poisonous Silk Needles]!
This is the highest skill of the spider spirits in the Pansi Cave. These poisonous threads are as thin as cow hairs, wriggling slowly, like gossamer. Once they enter the human body, they will quickly penetrate into the subcutaneous fat, enter the blood vessels in the body, and then go to the brain, The heart and other vital organs move.On the one hand, it releases paralyzing toxins, and on the other hand, it controls people's actions and minds.

This kind of skill is not very powerful, but it is even more vicious and extremely difficult to guard against.

Du Yu instinctively felt something was wrong.

Fortunately, he has rich combat experience and has too many cards to deal with.The Wudang Pai Ti Yun changed his direction on the spot, jumped to the other side in an instant, and dodged the [Thousand Poison Silk Needle].

The man smiled sullenly, swung his double blades, and slashed over.

Du Yu waved his hand: "Let you also taste my strength."

[Life and death talisman]!
Compared with insidious kung fu, although Du Yu doesn't use it often, the unforgettable pain of this life and death talisman is enough to make the enemy a big headache.

Although the male body is not a human being, it is a human body at this time. After the transformation, the meridians and human beings also have a lot in common.He was hit by Du Yu's wave of life and death talismans, more than 20 of them, his body trembled, he fell to the ground with a wail, and convulsed.

This life-death talisman was no longer formed entirely by the internal force of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, but was simulated into a colder and more powerful life-death talisman with higher-level immortal power and ice silkworm aura.The biggest difference is that this kind of life-death talisman, in addition to being able to sneak into a person's acupoints and meridians, causing people to die of pain, can also be detonated in a timely manner, completely destroying the enemy's combat capabilities.

I could only hear muffled puff puffs on the feminine man's body, his expression was extremely painful, and he couldn't help but yelled immediately.

Du Yu descended from the sky and stepped on the back of the man's head, only to hear a slap, the back of the man's head was crushed by Du Yu's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants!
The man's head exploded, and he quickly returned to his original shape, turning into a human-faced spider the size of a millstone.

But the spider spirit's vitality was extremely tenacious. Even if its head was crushed, its body was still moving around, its eight furry claws were scratching around, trying to escape.

"You severely injured the male spider spirit in the Pansi Cave, and you gained the possibility of refining the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd."

Du Yu was reminded that he would not be polite, so he flipped his hand, and the purple golden fairy gourd glowed, and immediately sucked the headless male spider spirit into the gourd.

"The strength evaluation of the spider spirit is A-, and you can carry out refining at the price of 100 million survival points."

"Why is the evaluation of the strength of the spider spirit not high?" Du Yu pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "So it turns out that the biggest weapon of the spider spirit is traps and toxins, and the actual strength is not very good. First refine the spider Let's talk about it."

He paid three times the price, shortened the refining time to a moment, and then flew away like a big bird with Caiyi in his arms.

The poisonous lady couldn't catch up, seeing that the place was empty, and the common lover of the sisters was refined by this mortal, she was frightened and angry, and immediately rushed out of the cave with the spider spirits in the Pansi Cave, and killed Du Yu.

Hearing Caiyi's voice, Du Yu became weaker and weaker. After rushing out of the cave, he used the flying skill of Taiping Essential Technique and flew more than 30 kilometers in an instant. He joined the crowd before stopping.

He cut Caiyi's silkworm cocoon with the Snake Slaying Sword.

Caiyi was carried out by Du Yu, Little Butterfly was poisoned, her face was pale, pitiful, trembling all over.

"Am I going to die?" Caiyi stared at Du Yu's face with blank eyes.

"You won't die." Du Yu said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter." Two lines of tears flowed from Caiyi's beautiful big eyes: "It doesn't matter if I die. But my husband's condition"

"Don't worry about Liu Jinyuan's condition!" Du Yu couldn't help shouting: "You are also suffering from a strange poison now, which is more serious than him. I will save you a little later, and you will be turned into a ball by the toxin in the silkworm chrysalis Water! Then get sucked by those damned spider spirits, understand? Don’t you have a place for yourself in your little head?”

Caiyi's pale face was stunned by Du Yu's roar, she blushed slightly, and lowered her head.

The affection contained in Du Yu's tone could not be more clear.Any fool can tell that Du Yu has feelings for Caiyi.

Caiyi was very upset at this moment, not knowing how to deal with Du Yu.

Ordinarily, Du Yu is Liu Jinyuan's brother, and he is her sister-in-law and friend's wife, so he should not be played.I love Liu Jinyuan deeply, and it is even more impossible to accept Du Yu's love.but

What I gave to Liu Jinyuan was dedication and sacrifice, but what Liu Jinyuan returned was rudeness, suspicion and abuse.

And when I encountered danger, encountered my old enemy, and at the critical moment of life and death, the person who went deep into the tiger's den to save me was this brother Du Yu!
After coming and going, Caiyi was at a loss for this friendship and warmth, and did not say any words of rejection.

Du Yu struck while the iron was hot, and poured out a black elixir from the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd.It was the antidote obtained by refining male spider essence, so she handed it to Caiyi: "Eat it! The toxin on your body will be removed."

Caiyi showed gratitude. As a monster with a cultivation level of 2000, how could she not know the preciousness of this antidote?I asked the Poison Lady twice before, almost costing my life, but I couldn't get the antidote.But as soon as the Du Yu brothers made a move, they immediately grabbed the antidote.

"Brother Du Yu, please listen to me." Caiyi struggled to get up, pointed at Liu Jinyuan who was being carried by Li Xiaoyao, and said timidly, "My family's husband is poisonous and must be treated immediately. If Brother Du Yu reads Caiyi"

Speaking of this, Cai Yi's pretty face blushed, she paused and continued: "Please take this elixir for my husband. I beg you, Cai Yi."

Looking at Caiyi's face of sincere prayer, what else could Du Yu say?
The more gentle and considerate Caiyi is, the more Du Yu loves her and cannot extricate himself.

Du Yu pondered for a while, now that Caiyi is still infatuated with Liu Jinyuan, if she doesn't follow her will and save Liu Jinyuan first, she will definitely not take the antidote herself.

Du Yu gritted his teeth, walked up to Liu Jinyuan, and fed the pill to Liu Jinyuan.

After Liu Jinyuan took the antidote, the blackness on his face immediately dissipated a lot, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at Du Yu gratefully and said, "It's Brother Du Yu, just now you gave me a pill?"

Du Yu nodded: "That's right. Younger brother and sister-in-law Caiyi came to this black spider forest together to fight against the black spiders. The elixir they refined is exactly the detoxification elixir of the poison that elder brother was poisoned by."

Liu Jinyuan's face was pale, and he stood up and bowed deeply to Du Yu, saying: "Brother's life-saving grace, Jin Yuan will never forget it!"

Caiyi walked over timidly.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Caiyi, Liu Jinyuan's expression changed drastically, and he waved his sleeves and shouted: "Fairy! You can fool Brother Du Yu, but you can't fool me after all! I know you are a traitor who is in collusion with the poisonous lady. .I will write a letter of divorce with you, and from now on, you will have nothing to do with me!"

Caiyi burst into tears, and said eagerly: "Husband, it's really not what you imagined. I had contacts with the poisonous lady before, and it was all to find an antidote for you. Husband, husband"

Du Yu saw that Caiyi was so sad, and hurriedly said: "Brother Jin Yuan, sister-in-law Caiyi is really sincere to you. Even if she is a butterfly spirit, there is Xu Xian Bai Suzhen in ancient times, and there is Liao Zhai Qi Tan, a love affair with monsters. There is a lot of truth. Why don't you trust Caiyi?"

Du Yu's words still carry a lot of weight to Liu Jinyuan, and Liu Jinyuan showed a pensive expression.

(End of this chapter)

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