Chapter 1287 The Gone Tenderness!Sweep the enemy in the demon lock tower! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Caiyi heard that Du Yu defended her so much in front of her husband, and said all the good things for her, which made him ponder, that things could turn around, and immediately cast a grateful look on Du Yu.

Du Yu lowered his head and smiled wryly.

If he had made trouble just now and took all the benefits and credits for himself, it would certainly make Liu Jinyuan furious and drive Caiyi out of the house, but he would never adopt such a despicable method.

Even when attacking beautiful wives, Du Yu has his own principles and bottom line.Breaking through this bottom line, not to mention Du Yu, even Ling'er and other beauties will feel that Du Yu's elder brother has lowered his character.

Du Yu would never do such a dishonest thing.

It is better to seek from the straight than to seek from the melody!
Du Yu was eloquent again, explaining Caiyi's benefits to Liu Jinyuan one by one, trying to make Liu Jinyuan change his mind.Liu Jinyuan trusted this brother very much, he kept nodding his head, and looked at Caiyi with gentle eyes.

Caiyi cried until the pear blossoms were raining, and she choked up.

The poison in her body was developing rapidly at this time.Liu Jinyuan was just bitten by the poisonous lady, but Caiyi was entangled with the poisonous thread of the poisonous lady for a full hour, and the poison invaded her body from all directions.

She was a little weak, and she was about to fall.

Who knew, at this moment, a giggling sound came from above.

"Sister Caiyi, you have indeed led this group of delicious mortals into our ambush circle according to our agreement. Hehe! When I eat the meat of these guys later, I can give you the meat of your husband!" The poisonous lady and The 7 sisters jumped down from eight directions at the same time with the body of the spider spirit, laughed at Yan Yan, and pointed at Liu Jinyuan.

They knew that Du Yu possessed the Demon Reflecting Mirror and could beat them back to their original shape at any time. In this case, instead of suffering from being irradiated by the Demon Reflecting Mirror and being frozen for a few seconds, it is better to show people their original shape and fight directly.

Hearing what the poisonous lady said, and seeing the horrific appearance of those eight spider spirits, Liu Jinyuan, who had little courage, collapsed again, crying for his father and mother.

The poisonous lady has vicious intentions, since Caiyi ruined her plan, the hatred is concentrated on Caiyi, and she throws dirty water over her regardless.

"Hey, Caiyi, the potion you gave Liu Jinyuan before is called Meat Fetal Gu, which can use the yang energy of a living man to nourish our spider essence's flesh fetus. Once the time is up, the spider essence fetuses will come out of this man's body." Inside the body, bite through the blood vessels and internal organs, and crawl out. Heck! Liu Jinyuan, I’m waiting to see your seven orifices bleeding, and the appearance of white spiders crawling everywhere! They will eat your internal organs and brain, and spread the poisonous poison in your body Body, make you a walking dead!"

Under the collapse of courage, Liu Jinyuan no longer distinguished the authenticity, and in a fit of anger, he tore off one of his sleeves, slammed it on Caiyi's face, and angrily said: "Bitch! How dare you argue! Your backstage boss has exposed your hypocrisy! Today, the sleeve I cut off is your divorce letter! From now on, you and I, husband and wife, will never reunite! There will never be a day of reunion."

He stumbled and rushed towards a gap where there was no spider spirit.

Caiyi stood there dumbfounded.

Scholars at this time are full of promises, and the divorce letter cannot be written casually.

But since I gave myself the letter of divorce, it really means

Liu Jinyuan has made up his mind to abandon himself.

"Husband! The poisonous lady framed me." Caiyi couldn't hold back her tears, and staggered towards Liu Jinyuan with sobs.

Liu Jinyuan ran away desperately, while yelling sharply: "Bitch! From now on, you are no longer the daughter-in-law of my Liu family. If I see that you dare to enter Liu's residence, I will invite Taoist priests and enroll you in the Shushan sect. Lock the demon tower. Don’t let me see you again.”

"Since ancient times, beauties have been so unlucky, and those who are affectionate are always hurt by ruthlessness." Looking at this scene of human tragedy, Su Daji swayed her fox tail slightly, and there was a gloomy look in her eyes. She leaned gently on Du Yu's shoulder: "Master, you will not be like this Liu Jinyuan." Same, cruel to our Yaozu sisters, right?"

Zhao Ling'er and Su Mei also threw themselves into Du Yu's arms one after another, looking at Caiyi who stood there with a bewildered face, clutching her broken sleeve and weeping bitterly.

Du Yu hugged the three beauties tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, as long as I have a breath and a life, I will never allow anyone to hurt you. This is my promise to you, it will always be valid! I I can't even do such a foolish thing as Liu Jinyuan!"

Caiyi looked at Liu Jinyuan's back without turning his head, resolutely going away, her beautiful eyes were blurred, tears were like broken beads, and she burst into tears.

Husband, do you remember that in the back garden, a little butterfly was entangled by a nasty black spider and could not escape?

Husband, do you remember that you told me, little butterfly, I will save you, and then let me go gently?
Since then, I have fallen in love with you, and I have given you all my heart.Even though there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, there are thousands of hardships and hardships, and they will not change until death.


You don't want me anymore.

Under Caiyi's sorrow, the toxin attack was faster, a burst of dizziness struck, and she fell to the ground immediately, no longer naked.

Du Yu jumped out and hugged Caiyi.

Seeing Liu Jinyuan and Caiyi being torn apart by herself, the poisonous lady burst out laughing.

"Caiyi, Caiyi, this is the man you sacrificed your life and cultivation for! Ridiculous feelings!" Salt.

"Shut up!" Du Yu picked up Caiyi and yelled angrily, "You poisonous lady, a bastard, what do you know about human love? Right and wrong? Although Miss Caiyi was abandoned by Liu Jinyuan, it was Liu Jinyuan's fault! After listening to your nonsense, Not on Caiyi. For her lover, she has no complaints or regrets, and she has given everything. She is a good woman worthy of men's love and pity! Brother Liu doesn't want her, I want her! The happiest woman in the world."

Caiyi blushed when she heard this, she was extremely shy.

She heard Du Yu's praise to her, heard Du Yu's public confession, and heard all the vows of happy women to be pampered!

This feeling of happiness was something Liu Jinyuan had never given her before.

In the past, she always gave without complaining and regretted, but gained almost nothing. Now, she felt the feeling of being pampered by a man under Du Yu's broad and warm shoulders.

A strange sense of shyness made the little butterfly spirit even more fragile, and the servant helped her to lean weakly into the arms of Du Yu's brother.

The poisonous lady was so annoyed by being scolded, she screamed: "Hmph! What kind of affectionate woman is clearly a promiscuous woman, just abandoned by a man, and lying in another man's arms. Let's talk again"

Her vicious eyes were fixed on Du Yu, and she sneered and said, "Can you keep her? You must know that our entire Black Spider Forest is backed by my poisonous lady! Even if you have a good cultivation base, you have more than 8000 years of fox demons. There is no way to please the power of our entire Pansi Cave."

She waved her hand abruptly.

From the distant forest, there was a rustling sound.

Ling'er exclaimed: "There are so many spider spirits!"

Li Xiaoyao's toxin hadn't been completely removed, and with a livid face, he looked at the spider spirits around him and said with a wry smile: "This time we have really entered the monster's nest."

From all directions, a large number of spider spirits poured in. Although these spider spirits did not have the ability to transform, they still looked furry and terrifying, but there were so many of them, there were thousands of them!
Adding the seven spider sisters who are as big as millstones and have been cultivated for thousands of years, the trump card in the hands of the poisonous lady has the strength enough to surround Du Yu and others!
Du Yu's face turned cold.

No wonder in the plot, the battle against the poisonous lady requires defeat.

Reflecting in this adventure world, the strength possessed by the poisonous lady is more terrifying than her superficial strength.

The entire black spider forest is her backing.This is in line with the description of the difficulty of the poisonous lady in the plot.

The poisonous lady laughed loudly: "You regret that you were against me, right? But it's too late!"

With a wave of her hand, the spider spirits launched an all-out attack.

There are spider spirits with fangs and claws everywhere, spider spirits spinning silk everywhere, and spider spirits descending from the sky everywhere.In an instant, the spider spirits were rampant on the battlefield, making it impossible to guard against, unpredictable, toxins and spider silk, all posing a huge threat to the team.

"We can't stop it!" Su Daji waved his nine-section whip, and sent the two spider sisters flying away, and said sharply, "Master, we should retreat quickly."

Caiyi cried and said, "Brother Du Yu, you are all the trouble I caused. Brother, go away. I will stay here to delay the time. Anyway, I am poisoned in my body, so I won't live long. Let me die here."

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "I said before, if you can't die, you won't die!"

His hand turned over.

A treasure filled with immortal energy and precious aura suddenly flew out from Du Yu's hand!

The light of this treasure shone in the dark black spider forest, and instantly illuminated the forest brilliantly!
The treasure that appeared was the SS-level immortal treasure that Du Yu had just recovered!
Lock the demon tower!
As soon as the demon locking tower appeared, all the spider spirits who were besieging Du Yu's team let out a painful howl at the same time.

In their eyes, this demon-locking tower naturally emitted bursts of dazzling light that would shatter the hearts of monsters and make them unable to move!
"Squeak!" The spider spirits instinctively felt that something was wrong, and many spider spirits had already retreated and fled.

But how could Du Yu let go of these guys who hurt Caiyi and besieged him?

The SS-level fairy treasure lock demon tower needs to consume 500 points of fairy power every moment, and driving it to fly is an extremely heavy burden on Du Yu.But the same help to Du Yu's battle is not so great!
When the Demon Locking Pagoda flew out of Du Yu's hands, it was only as big as the exquisite pagoda in the hands of Li Tianwang Li Jing.But as it flew, the radiance burst into flames, and it transformed into a gleaming golden demon-locking tower!
It is no different from the previous Shushan School's Demon Locking Tower!
(End of this chapter)

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