Chapter 1290 The Great War Resurrects!Hunyuan seven-color flag! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Uncle Xi smiled and said: "Since I took your favor and used people's money to eliminate disasters. I can't say, brother's business, my second brother must take care of it to the end! These guys must be planning to pretend to be fake, and get out of the waterway." Lu Lu sneaked out of the capital. Brothers, don’t worry, I will go around and set up spies to intercept and kill him. I will never let him escape.”

Du Yu and Su Daji were in the cabin, secretly discussing the changes in the situation.

"The other party has come to reinforce us again." Du Yu's expression darkened, "We must return to Empress Nuwa immediately to prepare for the decisive battle."

"Fortunately, Uncle He and Zhong have been unable to find us in the past time." Su Daji nodded and said: "And we used this precious time to attack the Demon Locking Tower and the mission of the capital." .Your villain value has accumulated more than 20000, right?"

Du Yu only used 2000 villain points to subdue Caiyi, which can be described as cheap and good quality, plus the accumulated villain points after completing several missions, there are more than 20000 villain points.

"I suggest that you might as well give these villain values ​​to some of our beauties from the monster race." Su Daji smiled: "I don't need it as an adventurer, but Su Mei, Ling'er, Caiyi, etc. are all extraordinary in strength. 20000 It’s enough to arm them and integrate them into your combat system. In this way, you can have three perfect Tiangang Beidou formations. It’s not enough to deal with Heshu and others, but it’s more than enough for self-protection.”

Du Yu thought about it and agreed to Su Daji's suggestion.

The Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is really a magic weapon for Du Yu's team to defeat the strong with the weak. Seven beauties with ordinary strength can be combined in a battle formation, and they can fight an indistinguishable battle with a super powerful Da Luo Jinxian.This kind of sharp weapon with more than enough self-preservation is indeed the magic weapon for the opponent's overwhelming advantage in this battle.

With 20000 villain points, Linger, Su Mei, and Caiyi's [Internal Power Chain] skill has been raised from level 1 to level 8 in an instant, which is enough for them to join the battle formation.

"The speed of our boat has reached its limit." Su Daji looked out the window at the Ten Thousand Mountains passing by lightly: "At this speed, it will take less than two days to reach the southern border."

"Not good!" Du Yu's spiritual sense is also extremely extensive, and he kept probing outwards, but encountered a powerful spiritual sense scan, and his brain felt like being pierced by hundreds of steel needles at the same time, causing excruciating pain.

"The enemy has found us and is coming!"

Du Yu said in a deep voice.

In the sky, there was a roar of roaring laughter like thunder: "Wu that kid! You still tried to escape my Uncle Xi's consciousness scan, and now you have been discovered! If you don't put your hands up, you will be arrested, so I won't waste time killing you."

From the north, a figure flew over like lightning, with a turbulent wind blowing from behind, drawing ripples in the sky.

That was the shock wave brought by Kamito flying at high speed.

"I can't help it." Du Yu glanced at Lin Yueru, and said in a deep voice, "Holy Aunt, please take Yueru away first. It is important to find medicine for her and continue to treat her. I will stay and resist these lingering ghosts." powerful enemy."

Elder Shi's injuries have also recovered to seven or eighty-eight, and he strongly urges to participate in the battle.

Du Yu and the others jumped onto the river bank and watched the boat go south with the wind and water, disappearing in the distance of the rippling blue waves.

Uncle Xi, Uncle He, He Zhong and Hou Xiaobai appeared above Du Yu and the others with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

The four formed a double-team situation, trapping Du Yu and others in place.

Du Yu said with a sarcasm, "What? You have invited reinforcements again? Why didn't you come out sooner, instead of adding fuel to the tactics, come out one by one?"

Uncle He said bitterly: "Cunning mouse, it was so hard to find me. Hurry up and hand over Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and Zijinxian gourd, and spare you. Otherwise, this is my second brother, killing you and so on will be effortless. "

Du Yu chuckled: "Can you be more serious? What second brother, third brother, do you have a sense of sight when I am full of children? How dare you call yourself an immortal at this level?"

Uncle He was ridiculed for fighting for a child, so he jumped his feet angrily, and said angrily: "Don't be complacent, we will kill you women now!"

Uncle Xi said coldly: "Just a few mortals, facing us and other great gods, I don't know where your confidence comes from? I will use some means to kill you later, and you will naturally know how powerful our Fuxi clan is."

Ling'er's eyes turned cold, she stepped forward, pointed to Uncle Xi and said, "My Nuwa clan didn't offend your Fuxi clan, why do you always target us? Nuwa Empress was attacked by Fuxi and almost fell, and I was also attacked by this and uncle." What do you want to do if you chase after him?"

Uncle Xi and the others looked at each other, laughed loudly and said, "You are a descendant of Nuwa, so you are entitled to know these things. Others are going to die anyway, so I might as well tell you. If you want to talk about Fuxi and Nuwa, it is heaven and earth." A great god who was born from the same root. Unfortunately, my father Fuxi became Zhengshuo of heaven and earth, while Nuwa, because she sympathized with those damned pariah humans and monsters, was not tolerated by the heavens. Since ancient times, the winner is the prince and the loser is Kou. This Waiting for grievances, you still go to hell, go to Nuwa to share it! Come on!"

They didn't want to say much, and attacked Du Yu from three directions at the same time.

Du Yu waved his hand.

Unlike before, his eyes were cold this time, but he went all out, ready to fight to the death with this lingering human from the God Realm!

Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Zhou Zhiruo and Yilin formed the first Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.Leading the little dragon girl, practicing the virtual body.

The three sisters Shang Xiuxun, Fu Junzhuo, Shen Luoyan, Shan Wanjing, and Dugufeng formed the second Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.The leader, Shang Xiuxun, and Yuan Ying have completed their cultivation.

Su Daji, Zhao Linger, Su Mei, Li Xiuning, Song Yuzhi, Yilin, and Galadriel formed the third Big Dipper Formation, the leader Su Daji, the Nine-Tailed Fox in 8700.

After two large-scale investments, these beauties have both the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation and the dual transmission mechanism of internal force chains, plus Du Yu's Xuanyuan picking method, to realize that the true essence of the beauties has the same root and the same source, and can smoothly realize the internal energy. The breath of true essence is transmitted instantly between each other.

Seeing Du Yu summoning so many beauties to form a battle formation, Uncle Xi laughed wildly.

Uncle He has suffered a great loss from the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, and knows how bad it is, coughed and said: "Second brother, don't look at these girls, they are like fairies in the heavens, but their skills are really not low, and they are even more weird and evil. The formation method seems to be able to link each other's skills and add it to one person. My third brother and I have fought against this formation before, but we were unable to win."

"That's why you two are useless!" Uncle Xi sneered: "The two dignified sons of Fuxi can't take down a group of mortal women. It's a shame to spread the word."

Du Yu was still worried, and took out all kinds of fairy treasures, ready to fight with all his strength.

Even if the other party is the three sons of Fuxi and possesses the power to destroy heaven and earth, he does not intend to take another step back this time!
Live or die, fight!
Uncle Xi sneered for a while, and took out a set of small order flags from his arms, with a total of 7 colors.

After the seven-color command flag was taken out, in an instant, the sky and the earth changed!

"This is?" Seeing the change in the sky, Su Daji felt the bursts of strong prehistoric aura coming from the seven-color flag, and suddenly changed his expression: "Is this the Hunyuan seven-color flag?"

Hearing that Su Daji could say the name of Lingqi, Uncle Xi's face became even more arrogant, and he laughed and said, "It seems that you are really knowledgeable. It seems that you have been able to escape the pursuit of my two younger brothers for so long. It’s not all about luck.”

"What is the Hunyuan seven-color flag?" Du Yu asked.

"That's an immortal treasure left behind from the prehistoric era." Su Daji said helplessly, "These sons of Fuxi are really the second generation of immortals. There is one immortal treasure on the left and one on the right. There is really no way to throw it out."

"Hey" Du Yu sneered: "These second generations of immortals are at best transport captains who queued up their father's and mother's immortal treasures to me. The more treasures they have, the better they are for us." The better."

Hearing these careless and humiliating words, Uncle He's face turned dark immediately, and he was about to curse back viciously.Du Yu smiled lightly, and pulled out the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, holding it in his hands and playing with it endlessly.

"You!" Seeing Dad's precious celestial treasure falling into the hands of the enemy, Uncle He was so angry that his nose was crooked, but the evidence was solid and he couldn't deny it.Under the disdainful eyes of Uncle Xi and He Zhong, who looked like "pig teammates", they swallowed and said angrily, "Hmph! You take it away for a while, let's see how we kill you and get back the treasure."

"I'll come first." Uncle Xi said with a cold face, and if he stayed with these two younger brothers, he felt that his taste level was also being lowered.

With a soft drink, the Hunyuan seven-color flag in his hand grew in the wind and flew towards Du Yu and the others.

Du Yu's expression became serious, and the fierce battle with the fairy world began!
Uncle Xi's Hunyuan seven-color flag is full of prehistoric aura, embroidered with totems of ancient beasts such as dragon, phoenix, Yingzhao, and Yinglong. Under the impetus of Uncle Xi's immortal power, it quickly grows bigger and is flying In seven directions, prepare to form an array and besiege Du Yu and others.

"We can't wait for this Hunyuan Seven-Color Flag to be formed!" Su Daji shouted: "Like our Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, the enemy's Hunyuan Seven-color Banner is also an extremely powerful formation. The ancient god Fuxi is the creator of the innate gossip. But what King Wen of Zhou created was nothing more than Houtian gossip. The congenital gossip of the Great God Fuxi is much more powerful than Houtian gossip. This Hunyuan seven-color flag is made according to the meaning of the innate gossip, which gathers, confuses, and kills the enemy. And other functions and one body, it can be said to be infinitely useful.”

Hou Xiaobai laughed triumphantly as he watched Du Yu and the others, who were trapped by Uncle Xi with the Hunyuan seven-color flag as soon as he came up.

What he was most afraid of was that Du Yu would take half of his soul, successfully break through this world, and return to the bloody city, then he would die in pain.

"Kill Du Yu!" Hou Xiaobai shouted.

Around him appeared three long-lost travelers, the only remaining members of Hou Xiaobai's team.

They also knew that if they kept running away blindly, they would definitely not escape Du Yu's execution, so they got in touch with Hou Xiaobai again after they were dispersed and colluded together.

The four of them were always ready, waiting for an opportunity to strike, ready to give Du Yu a fatal blow!
(End of this chapter)

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