Chapter 1291 Breaking through tricks with strength!Crush innate gossip! ——Four more ask for a monthly pass!

In the heart of the castle, Wang Yuyan hurriedly said: "Brother Du, this Hunyuan seven-color flag is innate gossip, what I have learned is acquired, and I can't deduce its changes! I can't find the weakness of the formation."

Su Daji was frustrated for a while: "We can't find the weakness of the formation, and we don't have a direction, so we can't take targeted shots and restrain the Hunyuan seven-color flag. What should we do?"

Du Yu's eyes are firm and firm as a rock. This is the Dao Heart he acquired, which gave him the greatest change.

There is stillness in every event.

Mount Tai does not change color before the collapse.

Du Yu's eyes rolled rapidly, and his brain was thinking about countermeasures.

"Since you can't do it with ingenuity, then you can only use force to do it!" Du Yu snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and sacrificed his only SS-level fairy treasure!
Lock the demon tower!
What he thought was also very simple.

This He Zhong said that he was the most favored, and the purple gold fairy gourd he borrowed from his father was only an S-level fairy treasure, and the treasure that Uncle Xi owned was at most this level.

Then, even if the SS-level fairy treasure is overwhelmed by level, it should be better than the S-level fairy treasure!
This is Du Yu's solution.

Du Yu flicked his sleeves, and the Demon Locking Tower flew out!
"The biggest mistake you made was that you failed to catch me who was thrown into the Demon Locking Tower. Instead, you gave me precious time to develop! Senior Dugu Yuyun's painstaking efforts were not in vain!" Du Yuchao, Uncle He and Zhong Zhong sternly shouted.

Uncle He and Zhong Zhong stared blankly at the sky, the demon-locking tower grew bigger and bigger against the wind, with frightened expressions on their faces.

"What is this?"

"Is this the Shushan sect's demon-locking tower? The one guarded by Shuming?"

"We went to the Shushan School some time ago and saw this thing. How could it be said that in the blink of an eye, the Demon Locking Tower built together by the Heaven Realm and the Human Realm turned into a treasure in his hands?"

"Asshole Shushan faction, they must have known the enemies of the heavens, so that this person can get this demon-locking tower."

"There is also Shuming! I said why I can't contact him. It turns out that the Demon Locking Tower he guarded has fallen into the hands of the enemy."

Uncle He and Zhong were dumbfounded and completely stunned.

The Demon Locking Tower was in the air, and turned into a huge building hundreds of meters high. The whole body exuded the majesty and majesty of the things in the fairy world, and the momentum was overwhelming.

"What the hell is this?" Uncle Xi didn't have much contact with Du Yu, and he was still in shock at this moment, but his Hunyuan Qicolor Flag had already gone out, and there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he could only continue to grit his teeth: "I am the son of Fuxi." , this Hunyuan seven-color flag is an S-level fairy treasure, and it will never be beaten down by this kid's treasure that came from nowhere!"

When the Hunyuan Qicolor Banner and the Demon Locking Tower collided in mid-air, the aura of destruction was like two planets colliding head-on hundreds of kilometers away from the earth's surface. Collision!
Flying sand and rocks, the color of the sky changed.

On the Grand Canal, the waves are rough, the waves are monstrous, and there are capsized ships and panicked people everywhere.

Du Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he went all out to stimulate the immortal energy in his body, and continuously added it to the demon-locking tower. The demon-locking tower was like a tank with the gas pedal pressed to the bottom, roaring, rushing towards the formation formed by the Hunyuan seven-color flag .

Every time it hits, the immortal energy on the Hunyuan seven-color flag's formation will dissipate once.Uncle Xi's face turned pale once.

He also poured all his celestial power into the Hunyuan seven-color flag, and he was bound to capture and kill Du Yu and others in one fell swoop.

In all fairness, Uncle Xi's cultivation of immortal power is actually stronger than Du Yu's.After all, he is Fuxi's son, and he was born with abnormal talents and resources for cultivating immortals. After thousands of years, is he not as good as Du Yu?
But Du Yusheng's victory lies in that he has the villain attributes against the sky, and he can use the villain value to exchange for the world's famous places and wonders!

The Demon Locking Tower in his hand is one of the most powerful fairy treasures in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!
It even runs through the adventure story of the entire fairy sword world.

The Suoyao Pagoda was built by Emperor Liang Wu who assembled skilled craftsmen from all over the world and exhausted all the white gold and jade in the whole country.Later, the Shushan faction was rebuilt into a demon-locking tower, and the God Realm took a fancy to the terrain of Shushan, and sent people to help the Shushan faction to rebuild the demon-locking tower again.

One can imagine the power of this demon lock tower.

SS grade fairy treasure.

When the Hunyuan Seven-Color Flag was first sacrificed, it was truly astonishingly powerful, and it was born with gossip, containing the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, exhausting the journey of the sun and the moon, and changing endlessly. plane.If Du Yu and the others can't deduce any changes in the Hunyuan seven-color flag, they will only have a dead end.

But it's a pity that this well-arranged and lightweight Hunyuan seven-color flag met Du Yu's unreasonable and powerful SS-level fairy treasure lock demon tower, just like a scholar meeting a soldier. After hitting hard, relying on the SS-level priority advantage, the Hunyuan seven-color flag was forced back again and again.

Uncle Xi was made into a mess by Du Yu. Although he was a supernatural being, Du Yu took advantage of the level advantage of the Demon Locking Tower and continued to hit it fiercely with a brutal spirit. The millions of tons of the Demon Locking Tower The weight fell down with a bang, and the seven-color light of the Hunyuan seven-color flag couldn't stop the arrogance and ferocity of the demon-locking tower.

"Yes! Hit it!" Su Daji was very relieved to see it, and clapped her hands applaudingly: "My lord, you are welcome, stand up your big baby, and beat this uncle Xi and that bitch. Let him pretend! Haha."

Not to mention pure girls like Ling'er, even Du Yu was sweating profusely after listening to Su Daji's puns and nonsense.

But he would not give Uncle Xi any chance to arrange it calmly. He tried his best to extract and mobilize the immortal essence in his body again and again, and poured it into the demon-locking tower, driving the huge demon-locking tower to hit the Hunyuan seven-color flag crazily.

Finally, Uncle Xi couldn't take it anymore, and spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.He had never encountered such a ferocious and vicious enemy, and he was sure of his advantage in the fairy treasure, so he actually held himself down and hit him to death!
"You are all dead?" Uncle Xi roared and said to Uncle He Zhong, "Don't you take the opportunity to attack?"

Uncle He and Zhong Rumeng just woke up. They were a little stunned when they saw Du Yu showing off his supernatural power, forcefully driving the demon lock tower, and beating the second brother hard. They were so fierce and cruel.

"This is the period of time, this kid did something good?"

"Damn it, this kid's strength has taken a big leap again. I knew I should chase him all the way, and I didn't stop until I killed him. This is really a trouble for a tiger!"

Uncle He and Zhong showed remorseful expressions while shouting frantically, rushing towards Du Yu.

Du Yu only has one demon-locking tower, and he must concentrate on maintaining the pressure on Uncle Xi from the demon-locking tower, and he will definitely be killed by the two brothers on the spot.

But they soon met their match.

The two teams of Tiangang Beidou beauties led by Su Daji and Xiaolongnv are ready to fight!
"Look at the sword!" Xiao Longnv killed without saying a word.

Uncle He and Zhong fell into the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation once again, and experienced the power of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

"Damn, these stinking bitches, the sword moves are really fierce." Uncle He cursed, struggling to dodge the fierce attacks from all directions.

With a gloomy expression on his face, He Zhong also sacrificed his magic weapon, a [Sky Thunder Stone] engraved with lightning symbols.

As soon as the thunder stone came out on this day, accompanied by the roaring sound in the sky, the wind swept through the clouds, and lightning bolts smashed down head-on with a primitive and wild atmosphere.

The beauties of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, under the magic of the immortals of the gods, are happy and fearless. With the power of seven people, they are endless and endless. They rotate within the formation of seven people. One body, where to go in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!" Immortal treasures such as the Demon Locking Tower, the Hunyuan Seven-Color Flag, and the Thunder Stone collided with each other. With the colorful aura of fairy treasures, the whole world seems to have entered the ancient era in an instant, the era of god-like gods fighting against each other!
"Boom!" Du Yu roared, pouring all the immortal power into the demon-locking tower in an instant, pushing the demon-locking tower, and hitting the Hunyuan seven-color flag with an indomitable momentum.

Uncle Xi's face immediately changed, he could tell that Du Yu was going to fight him desperately.

Uncle Xi was in the sky, constantly casting spells on the Hunyuan seven-color flag formation, trying to block the crazy attack of the Demon Locking Tower.

But all in vain.

On the demon lock tower, the light shines!
The demon-locking tower, hundreds of meters high and weighing millions of tons, was like a burning white meteorite, wrapped in the wind that destroyed the world, and hit Uncle Xiangxi's Hunyuan seven-color flag fiercely.

The seven-color fairy array on the Hunyuan seven-color flag was smashed into pieces in an instant, shattered into thousands of colorful fragments, scattered in the air.

"Wow!" Uncle Xi's throat was sweet, and he spit out a big mouthful of sweet and fishy blood. He was unexpectedly defeated by Du Yu, with his firm Dao heart, tenacious will, and fiery fighting spirit, forcibly locked the demon tower with an SS-level fairy treasure, and completely defeated him. Crushed, severely injured.

The Demon Locking Tower continued to move forward with majestic momentum, rushing towards Uncle Xi.

Uncle Xi endured the severe pain, squeezed two handprints, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The Demon Locking Tower didn't care, and slammed into a mountain of ten thousand feet behind him.


There was a loud bang that shook the world.

The Demon Locking Pagoda actually smashed that majestic and majestic mountain into pieces, and the top of the mountain thousands of meters away was forcibly ground down!
The fierce battle in the audience was completely shocked by the terrifying power of this SS-level fairy treasure to destroy the world, and the battle was temporarily stopped.

"How is this possible?" He Shu and Zhong were dumbfounded.

"My lord, you are amazing!" Encouraged by this rare hearty victory, Shen Luoyan couldn't help but shouted.

"That's right, keep up the good work and kill these sluts!" Su Daji lashed at Uncle He fiercely with a whip of nine knots. While speaking, she couldn't help being filled with a sense of pride for Du Yu.

My own man can drive SS-level immortal treasures, crushing immortals forcibly!
How proud is this?

Du Yu gave a wry smile, he knew he was right, he just drove the demon-locking tower, killed Uncle Xi's Hunyuan seven-color flag, and it broke into pieces, exhausting all his cultivation base and immortal yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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