Chapter 1292 Indomitable!Against the Heavens and Immortals! - Ask for a monthly pass!

But the battle is imminent, and he will not reveal any flaws. He calmly swallowed the flat peach that was refined with the purple gold fairy gourd to restore the true essence, and the immortal essence recovered a little immediately. Turn around and fly back, go straight to Uncle He!
Uncle He and Zhong Zhong were a little anxious to be killed by the two Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.Since the last fierce battle, the beauties knew that they could not fight against the terrifying immortals like Heshu and Zhong, so they kept practicing day and night in the heart of the castle, delving into their skills, and constantly improving the power of the formation.In this rematch, the Tiangang Beidou Formation is no longer what it was in the last battle, it has become more fierce, flexible, and changing patterns, making He Shu and Zhong even more overwhelmed.

Seeing that Uncle Xi's second brother with a strong cultivation base was beaten to collapse by Du Yu using the demon-locking tower, and the Hunyuan seven-color flag was broken, how dare they resist?

With a strange cry, Heshu was eager to run away from the impact range of the Demon Locking Tower, but Su Daji grasped the opportunity keenly, stabbed him fiercely with a nine-section bone whip, and tore him on the back, viciously A deep bone wound was left, and a large stream of blood gushed out.

This is the first time Uncle He was injured.

He glared at Su Daji resentfully, but he had no time to take revenge, the demon lock tower had already hit him.

He cast the fairy technique, disappeared in place, and fled in a panic.

With a wave of his hand, Su Daji led the Tiangang Beidouzhen sisters and chased after them.

"Go away!"

A purple ray from Su Daji shot out from his hand and went straight to Uncle He who was running away.

But Uncle Xi suddenly appeared in front of this ray, grabbed the purple ray, and twisted it fiercely with his steel iron hand, defusing Su Daji's offensive.

"Hmph. You still talk about brotherly loyalty?" Su Daji smiled cleverly and surrounded Uncle Xi.

Uncle Xi snorted coldly: "Don't think that I can't see through your true strength. That man's cultivation base is limited, and he only relies on the level suppression of the Demon Locking Tower, and you women rely on this strange array to protect yourself. Do you really think I will be fooled? Run away in a panic?"

He raised his head and roared angrily: "Let you see the true strength of the son of Fuxi."

The sound shook nine times.

The soldiers on Du Yu's side were overwhelmed by Uncle Xi's aura.

Facing the attack of Su Daji, Zhao Linger, Su Mei, Li Xiuning, Song Yuzhi, Yilin, Galadriel and others, Uncle Xi swaggered into the formation.

"Your Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is just a use of the gossip that my father discovered." Uncle Xi smiled coldly and said with disdain: "I have clairvoyance, a good ear, and am proficient in formations and gossip. Trapped in a small formation? Look at the trick!"

He dodged Song Yuzhi's sharp long sword with one move, and with a backhand blow, he floated towards Song Yuzhi's waist.

If this trick is captured, Song Yuzhi is afraid that he will die immediately.

But Song Yuzhi's face was fearless, his swordsmanship was rigorous, and he guarded the door.

Uncle Xi's palm slapped Song Yuzhi's sword. He thought Song Yuzhi would vomit blood and fly out immediately, but several powerful forces came from the sword, and forcibly resisted his powerful immortal power from Song Yuzhi's tiger's mouth. .

"Huh?" Uncle Xi called softly.

"Fox pill attack!" Su Daji really went all out, and even used her powerful natal demon pill, opened her cherry mouth, and a red bead, wrapped in terrifying cultivation, attacked Uncle Xi's back in an instant.

Uncle Xi's clairvoyant eyes, ears with the wind, can see all directions, how could he be hit by Su Daji's moves?With a cold snort, he grabbed Su Daji's demon pill.

According to his cultivation, although this Su Daji is powerful, it is not a problem to catch the demon core.

But Shang Xiuxun, who was fighting in front of him, held out a long sword, and the majestic immortal energy was poured into the long sword, buzzing like a real Longquan sword, and shot straight at his chest.


This is the power of formations.

Su Daji's attack and Shang Xiuxun's attack with all the strength of the crowd killed Uncle Xi at the same time.

Uncle Xi could barely block Shang Xiuxun's long sword with one hand, but he didn't care about Su Daji's alchemy attack.

"Touch!" Su Daji's natal demon pill, wrapped in a mouthful of immortal energy, smashed hard on Uncle Xi's back.

"Wow!" Uncle Xi spat out a big mouthful of blood again, Su Daji's natal demon pill, risking his life to attack, is not so easy to follow.

Uncle Xi finally understood the feelings of Uncle He and Zhong. The endless offensives definitely made him overwhelmed and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He Zhong was also repelled by the forces of the beauties.

Uncle He, Uncle He Zhong, and Uncle Xi were floating in the air, looking at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They are like three tigers, and the beauties are like hedgehogs.

It is said that the tiger possesses absolute power and can slaughter the hedgehogs at will, but after these hedgehogs form a battle formation, they have the strength enough to challenge the tiger, and after a fierce battle.The beauties were not killed or injured, but Uncle Xi was beaten twice by Du Yu and Su Daji until he vomited blood.

"Hmph, don't expect me, Uncle Xi, to let you off so easily." Uncle Xi was really angry, staring at Du Yu with red eyes.

Du Yu chuckled, "That's exactly what I mean, come on, let's fight again!"

He and Su Daji had long imagined the situation of encountering such a powerful enemy, and they were most afraid that Uncle Xi and the others would hide in the dark and sneak attack the wolf pupil team.The Tiangang Big Dipper Formation of the Wolf Eyes team is okay for frontal battles, but somewhat weak for sneak attacks.

Du Yu seized on Uncle Xi's refusal to admit defeat, and wanted to kill Uncle Xi hard before he was enlightened.

He rushed towards Uncle Xi.

Uncle Xi roared, and his body suddenly grew bigger.

He has the bloodline of Fuxi, the king of the gods. He is a descendant of the prehistoric immortal. In an instant, his body grows ten times against the wind, reaching a height of hundreds of feet.

He has clairvoyance and ears, and can distinguish Du Yu's moves from reality to reality. Through the dragon and wolf detection skills, Du Yu can also find out that this situation is not a trick at all. Just like that, he waved the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and a golden light Boom at Uncle Xi.

Uncle Xi sneered: "Being defeated by your demon-locking tower, you really think of yourself as someone! How can you, a mere immortal cultivator who practices virtual fusion cultivation, fight against a real immortal like me? Bah !"

With a wave of his hand, a fairy wind swept towards Du Yu.

Du Yu was a little suffocated by the fairy wind, but the light in his eyes was even brighter!

Like a bad wolf, staring at a majestic bear!

"Uncle Xi, you really forget to eat but not to fight. When the scar is healed, forget the pain. Where you can't see, I have the blessing of the entire Tiangang Big Dipper Formation!"

Du Yu roared angrily, and split Uncle Xi's fairy wind attack with his palm, breaking the void.

Uncle Xi's eyes turned cold, and he used clairvoyance to stare carefully at Du Yu's body, and he found something.

From the three Tiangang Beidou formations that were fighting against He Shu and He Zhong, 21 chains of internal force as thin as gossamer were faintly pulled out, linking them to Du Yu's body.

Du Yu and these 21 beauties can cooperate as a whole at any time to realize the overall instantaneous movement of the immortal essence.

In Du Yu's palm, he now has all the skill output of the 21 beauties.

It is equal to this palm, but Du Yu gathered the skills of all the beauties including Su Daji, and joined forces to attack Uncle Xi.

It is true that Uncle Xi's cultivation level is indeed much higher than that of Du Yu.He is roughly equivalent to the Dzogchen cultivation base of crossing the catastrophe (to say that a real immortal is boasting. In the world of swords and swords, only Fuxi and Nuwa are qualified to be called real immortals), equivalent to Du Yu's ten Double strength.

The difference in the strength of cultivating immortals at each level is more than ten times!
There is a saying that the first level of immortality is all ants, which refers to the suppression of this kind of cultivation, which can kill the lower level of immortality alive.

Quantitative advantages cannot make up for this gap.

But there is always a limit.

When the condensed quantity breaks through a certain critical value, it will change from quantitative to qualitative, forming a terrifying blow!
At this time, Du Yu gathered the power of 21 beauties, including Su Daji, a strong man in Zifu District. His power increased by more than ten times in an instant!
In an instant, Uncle Xi's protective fairy wind was shattered by Du Yu forcefully, shattered, and rushed through!

"Not good!" Uncle Xi felt bitter in his heart. He never expected that Du Yu's back moves would be one after another, and all of them were counted as his gaps!
Even though he possesses ten times the strength of the enemy, he is passive everywhere, being led by the nose by the enemy, and beaten violently!
How could the proud Uncle Xi accept this?
Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, like a real dragon riding the clouds and piercing the wind, roared in front of Uncle Xi!

Uncle Xi's pupils narrowed, and he instantly locked onto Du Yu's moves.

At this moment, he felt that something was wrong!
Being hit hard by Du Yu's Demon Locking Tower once, he has already felt the power that mortals should not underestimate. ", his Uncle Xi didn't even want to look at him with contemptuous eyes!
"Zhu Zi dare!" The seven-color order flag was broken, so Uncle Xi could only fight with his fists, mobilizing all the immortal energy in his body, and punched Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with one punch.

Du Yu gathered the full strength of 21 beauties and finally collided heavily with Uncle Xi's immortal essence.

The world is changing!

The sun and the moon are dull!

The aftermath of this move is enough to destroy all the houses on both sides of the Grand Canal and change the flow of the river!

But Du Yu had no choice.

He must defeat Uncle Xi here in order to give the team a safe future.

Only win but not lose!

Su Daji held her chest tightly, even she, who was well-informed, couldn't help becoming nervous.After all, Uncle Xi is Fuxi's strongest son, stronger than Uncle He and Zhong!
"How's the battle going?" Ling'er was also frightened by the devastating head-on collision of immortal power, and asked with concern.

"Brother Du Yu, is he okay?" Cai Yi was also very interesting.When she was by Liu Jinyuan's side, all her heart was on Liu Jinyuan.After following Du Yu, his husband and wife followed suit, and all his thoughts were on Du Yu.

"It depends." Su Daji said nervously, not knowing how the battle was going.

(End of this chapter)

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