Chapter 1293 Unyielding Fight!Hearty victory! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Du Yu to beat Uncle Xi.

Du Yu is Du Yu!
He is invincible.

Su Daji really couldn't find any other reason to comfort herself, she could only use this reason to comfort herself.

On the battlefield, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Uncle Xi's majestic body, tens of feet tall, appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah?" the beauties exclaimed, their faces paled.

What they were most worried about happened. Du Yu was actually defeated by this giant fairy?
Heshu and Zhong laughed grimly.

"You really deserve to be the second brother."

"Hmph! A mere mortal, even if he has the power to cultivate immortality, how dare he fight against the immortals of our Fuxi clan? Court death!"

Uncle Xi's gaze froze into the distance, motionless.

After a while, Hou Xiaobai realized something was wrong.

"Why is Uncle Xi bleeding?" Hou Xiaobai exclaimed.

Uncle He looked at Uncle Xi with dull eyes.

Uncle Xi's mouth was spitting out golden yellow blood one by one.

The golden blood is exactly the blood of God!
Just like Zhao Linger was injured, what flowed was also golden blood.

Uncle Xi's gaze gradually dimmed, he turned to one side, and shouted angrily, "You??? How could you defeat me? What kind of kung fu did you use?"

Du Yu's figure appeared.

He was also quite embarrassed, one arm was broken abruptly, and blood froth kept spitting out of his mouth. The impact he had just faced with Uncle Xi hurt his heart and lungs.

But it's all worth it.

Because of Uncle Xi, the heart was hit by his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with all his strength!

Du Yu could feel that his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms had caused leapfrog damage to the Immortal Uncle Xi.

This is exactly the strongest point of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.It subdues true dragons and possesses special damage powers against higher level creatures or beings.

Uncle Xi was hit hard by Du Yu and succeeded!

In that instant, the power of 21 beauties in Du Yu's body became the decisive weight to determine the tendency of the balance of victory.

Enriched by the skills of these beauties, Du Yu hit the most terrifying blow of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in history, and it was firmly imprinted on Uncle Xi's chest.

Uncle Xi's complexion was pale, and with a wow, he spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

This time, there were faint fragments in the golden blood.

Pieces of guts.

Uncle Xi's heart and lungs were broken by Du Yu's palm.

His gaze no longer had aloofness, and with a scream, it turned into a stream of light and fled towards Nanyue!
Nanyue is the territory that Fuxi assigned to Uncle Xi in mythology.There, he still has many lackeys under his command, who can resist Du Yu's attack.

Unfortunately, Du Yu would not give him such a chance.

Although his arm is crippled, he still has the Demon Town Tower!

Du Yu swung it violently, urging the Demon Suppressing Tower with all his strength, and flew high.

Like a fly swatter, it ruthlessly covers a fly flying in a panic.The demon lock tower rushed towards Uncle Xi at full speed.

Uncle Xi felt the danger instinctively, and when he looked back, he was scared out of his wits.

"Shuo Yaota! Save me!" He yelled at Uncle He and Zhong Zhong.

He Zhong and He Shu, who had long been intimidated by Du Yu's tough tactics, were stunned at this moment, how could there be time?
Besides, even if they are willing to save it, the Demon Locking Tower can break even the Hunyuan Qicolor Banner, how can they stop it?
Uncle He and Zhong looked at each other, and they turned into two rays of light, rushing towards the sky.

"You son of a bitch!" Uncle Xi cursed, took out a small umbrella from his arms, spat a mouthful of blood on it, activated the treasure, and gently twisted the umbrella.

The small umbrella shines golden and grows in the wind, facing Du Yu's demon-locking tower.

Uncle Xi ran faster and almost formed a shooting star.

He had already been beaten to the bone by Du Yu, and he never dared to utter his bold words before.He only had one thought, which was to escape and come back for revenge.

But Du Yu didn't give him any chance.

The demon lock tower, with the power of an SS-level fairy treasure, forcibly smashed through the resistance of an unknown umbrella, covering Uncle Xi's head.

"No!" Uncle Xi shouted as if he could predict his own tragic fate.

Uncle Xi regretted it too much, but it was too late to regret it now!
Du Yu seized the moment when Uncle Xi was beaten stiff, jumped up high, and stabbed the dark soul stone towards Uncle Xi's forehead in one fell swoop.

Demon God absorbs.

This is Du Yu's revenge on Uncle Xi!

If a god stands in my way, let the god fall; if a ghost stands in my way, let the ghost kill him!

Du Yu's face was calm, as if he was doing the most ordinary thing, but the dark soul stone in his hand emitted a scorching and menacing light!
Straight to Uncle Xi!

Du Yu wants to go against the sky and kill the god emperor's son!

Like a ray of light and lightning in the dark night, it went straight to Uncle Xi!

God, can't stop me, God, can't stop me.

There were infinite waves in Du Yu's heart, but his Dao heart was like a rock, crushing these waves on the beach one after another!

There are thousands of piles of snow in the waves, but only the Taoist heart is firm!
"You're doomed!" Du Yu's eyebrows were full of heroism, and his words were full of heroism!

Although his cultivation level is only one-tenth of that of Uncle Xi, Du Yu's exquisite tactics, ingenious backhand and extraordinary courage allowed him to successfully bridge this terrifying gap, and abruptly completed this mission. Incredible lore!

Uncle Xi screamed in horror. From the dark soul stone, he could see the demon soul of Diablo in the raging fire, suffering eternal torment in the endless lonely darkness.

"Lore!" Du Yu ruthlessly inserted the Dark Soul Stone into the center of Uncle Xi's forehead.

Uncle Xi is a fairy and a strong plotter, but under the absorption of the dark soul stone, his soul can't help himself, and he is about to be sucked into the dark soul stone.

"Let me go. I'll give you this!" Uncle Xi yelled in despair, and the Hunyuan seven-color flag flew out of his hand and landed beside Du Yu.The sign of Uncle Xi's spiritual recognition on it has been erased.Du Yu can inject his own blood drops at any time to complete the possession of this S-rank fairy treasure.

But unfortunately, Uncle Xi underestimated Du Yu's determination to kill him.

Du Yu didn't stop, the dark soul stone burst out with powerful absorption power, Uncle Xi screamed in despair, but he still couldn't stop the divine power that could absorb the demon god, turned into a ray of light, and was sucked into the soul stone unwillingly middle.

After absorbing Uncle Xi's soul, a ray of fairy-like colored light appeared on the dark soul stone, which became more radiant and restrained.

Du Yu smiled lightly, this dark soul stone is really easy to use against the BOSS-level characters who have been severely injured.After he severely wounded Uncle Xi with the Demon Locking Tower, Formation, and Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, Uncle Xi's health dropped below the mark of being able to be recovered by the Dark Soul Stone, and Du Yu killed him completely in one go.

A trace of panic and consternation flashed across He Shu and He Zhong's faces.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Xi's second brother with such a high level of cultivation was brutally killed by this kid.

Du Yu's arm was almost broken, and the blood in his chest was churning, but he roared to the sky like a raging lion who had defeated a powerful enemy!

His voice is full of victorious battles and hearty!
This victory is crucial to Du Yu.

Ever since he entered this world, Du Yu has been oppressed by the immortals of the gods, almost out of breath, and has to adopt roundabout tactics, first to lock the demon tower, and then to go north to the capital, forcing himself to practice and strengthen his strength.

In the perilous environment of Suoyao Pagoda, Du Yu almost crazily squeezed all his potential to make himself stronger to meet this decisive battle.

He finally made it.

Gathering the power of the beauties, Du Yu finally defeated and captured a son of Fuxi!

He looked at He Shu and He Zhong, full of passionate provocation!

Uncle He and Zhong are like two panicked mice, their eyes full of fear.

In fact, in terms of strength, the two immortals, together with Hou Xiaobai and others, still have the upper hand.Although Du Yu was brave, he was at the end of his strength at this time, and although the Tiangang Beidou Formation was fierce, it might not be able to leapfrog to block the immortals for a long time.

But when you meet on a narrow path on the battlefield, the brave wins.Like every loser on the battlefield, Uncle He and Zhong lost their will to fight after seeing Du Yu's brutality and killing Uncle Xi.

They turned into two beams of light and fled to the horizon.

Du Yu gave a cold shout, and chased Heshu and Zhong who were fleeing.

At this time, he lost all his immortal power, leaving only an empty shell, but the more violent he was, the more He Shu and Zhong Yue dared not provoke him.

The immortal battle beside the Grand Canal ended in a blink of an eye.

At the cost of serious self-injury, Du Yu captures Uncle Xi alive, scares away Heshu and Zhong, and wins a rare victory.

Hou Xiaobai and the others, as if seeing a ghost, only hated their parents for having lost two legs and fleeing faster than anyone else.

Looking at these wolves rushing forward, Du Yu crumbled and fell to the ground.

Su Daji came up to help him, Du Yu shouted: "Chasing and killing Hou Xiaobai! You must kill this kid."

Su Daji looked at Hou Xiaobai who was speeding away towards the sky, with a jaded expression on his face, he snorted coldly, turned into a ray of purple light, and chased after Hou Xiaobai.

Now Hou Xiaobai has been harassed and attacked many times, and she has endured to the limit.

Su Daji's cultivation could reach [-] meters in an instant, and he caught up behind Hou Xiaobai in an instant.

With one move, the nine-section whip was whipped down fiercely.

Hou Xiaobai was hit by a whip, nearly knocked out of his wits, howled, and fell from the sky.

Su Daji was very graceful, she landed gently, and stepped on Hou Xiaobai's face with a beautiful high-heeled foot.

Hou Xiaobai's complexion immediately changed from an arrogant one to Su Daji's familiar bitter face again.What's interesting is that although he has successfully seized the house and changed the face of another man, the iconic expression of begging for mercy at this moment is almost the same as the previous face, so that Su Daji can't tell any difference.

"My good sister, whoops whoops, take it easy, take it easy." Hou Xiaobai yelled again and again.

Su Daji giggled, her flowers and branches trembled wildly, and that obsessive attitude that was well-done by Du Yu made Hou Xiaobai feel that the situation was dangerous, and she was also absent-minded for a while, and her mind was shaken.

"Didn't you put down your harsh words and want to kill my master?" Su Daji swayed her fox tail charmingly, her fox eyes were full of smiles, but revealed a cold killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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