Chapter 1294 Ling'er Goddess!Recover black and white seedlings! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Hou Xiaobai had completely resigned himself to his fate, and the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and said, "I've accepted it. Sister, you can do whatever you want, right?"

Su Daji twisted the water snake's waist charmingly, and said delicately: "Young Master Hou, how can you say that? Anyway, you are also the son of the Hou family's power, and you are the star of the future. The master will not kill you easily, so don't despair."

Hou Xiaobai already knew Du Yu and Su Daji's methods very clearly from the painful experience of the other half's soul, and he said with a wry smile: "Most of the good things in me have already been handed over. Now there is no There are other things to protect yourself. How will my sister plan to send me down?"

Su Daji smiled brighter and more charmingly, and lightly hooked her fingers.

Hou Xiaobai's soul, as if attracted by a magnet, left his body obediently, and the soul came out of his body, walking towards Su Daji.

Su Daji used the jade-faced nine-tailed vixen's soul seduction technique to seduce Hou Xiaobai's soul, and walked towards Du Yu with a smile on his face.

Her water snake waist twists gently, and the fragrant fragrance blows. Her two petals are straight and round buttocks, twisting alternately, with light fox steps and high heels.Even though Hou Xiaobai has already ended up in such a field, he couldn't help but be attracted by Su Daji's beauty, and felt confused for a while.

Su Daji captured Hou Xiaobai's soul and put it in front of Du Yu: "Sisters are going to hunt down the traveler and the others. It is estimated that these guys will not be able to escape. As for how to deal with Hou Xiaobai, please show me the master?"

Du Yu didn't even bother to look at Hou Xiaobai.This dandy who bullied him countless times is no longer qualified for Du Yu to face up to!
That's right, Du Yu's gaze at this time was aimed at overlord bosses like Hou Shenjiang and the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. How could he put such ineffective fellows as Hou Xiaobai in his eyes?
Does the sparrow know the ambition of the swan?
Facing the flattering and begging Hou Xiaobai, Du Yu waved his hand in disgust, and half of Hou Xiaobai's soul, ethereal, entered the soul-holding tower in the heart of his castle.After reuniting with the other half of the souls, Hou Xiaobai's screams also came from the soul arresting tower.

The Soul Detaining Tower is the place where Du Yu imprisoned the souls of ordinary adventurers. It can be tortured and interrogated day and night, just like entering eighteen levels of hell.

The Demon Lock Tower is used to snatch those demons and goblins. It combines various abilities such as detaining and letting dogs bite people.

The dark soul stone is the most advanced place of detention, imprisoning immortals, demons, and gods.

Hou Xiaobai almost looked at Du Yu, step by step from the weakest adventurer in the slums to today, and sent a concubine, enchantress, to kill him so simply and without temper!
He could only be imprisoned in Du Yu's soul-detaining tower forever, full of resentment in his heart, and endure the torment.

Su Daji whispered to Du Yu: "These Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng can be used to deal with the increasingly popular general Hou. If they are used well, the value of these dude brothers is no less than tens of thousands of troops."

Du Yu nodded.

At this time, Shi Feixuan, Xiaolongnv, Zhao Linger and others who chased and killed Traveler and others returned one after another.

Although Traveler and the others were cunning and fast, they couldn't escape too far under the search of the beauty team and were killed one after another.

So far, the forces of the Hou family who entered this world and pursued and killed Du Yu have been wiped out.

As for the bloody keys of these people, Elizabeth took them and slowly searched for the most useful weapons, props and resources for the team.Given enough time, Elizabeth can figure out the best combination of values.

After cleaning up Uncle Xi and the others, Du Yu's team set off on the road to the south again.

But when he was looking for a ship, he saw a fleet of green peacock feathers head on.Men and women stood on these boats, all wearing white Miao costumes, holding Miao knives, bows and arrows, standing proudly and coming quickly.

Elder Shi snorted coldly, stood upright in front of Zhao Linger, and shouted: "Is it Bai Miao's fleet? That bitch Gai Luojiao is also here?"

From the cabin, there was a clear and sweet laughter from far away: "Long time no see, Elder Shi is still so tough and forthright. Unfortunately, Gai Luojiao is going to offend this time!"

I saw a white figure leaping from the leading ship of the fleet, like an elegant lark, attacking Elder Shi!
Elder Shi gave a loud shout, and the bloody aura of the foreign fist burst out, and he slammed the elegant white phantom with a flaming palm.

Only a crisp bang was heard.

The white phantom and the red palm wind separated as soon as they crossed each other.

I saw a smiling man standing pretty by the river bank, holding a Miao lancet, staring with a jade face with a smile, as if he was determined by Elder Shi.

Elder Shi yelled angrily: "Gai Luojiao, what do you want to go north to the capital with so many people?"

Gai Luojiao's gaze, through Elder Shi, first met the holy aunt, bowed and said: "Master, how are you, old man?"

Only then did Du Yu know that General Bai Miao Gai Luojiao was a disciple of the Holy Aunt.

The saint nodded with a smile.

Gai Luojiao looked at Zhao Ling'er, who was snuggling sweetly beside Du Yu, and said, "Your Majesty Baimiao General Gai Luojiao, see Your Highness, we are here to welcome His Highness back to the Baimiao clan under the order of King Baimiao. Your Highness the Queen of Wu She is the saint of my Baimiao tribe, Your Highness has the holy blood of Baimiao, so she should return to Nanzhao to inherit my Baimiao throne."

Elder Shi yelled angrily: "Fart! Your Highness Ling'er is the daughter and only heir of the Witch King of our Hei Miao tribe. He should inherit the throne of the Dali Hei Miao tribe."

The two confronted each other for a while.

The Bai Miao fleet docked, and hundreds of Bai Miao's capable fighters jumped out of the ship, surrounded Elder Shi in the core, and they were about to fight.

Elder Shi was not someone to be easily provoked. Seeing that he was outnumbered, streaks of blood appeared on his face, which was a sign that he would activate the poisonous blood and was ready to perish with the enemy.

Zhao Linger's anxious little face turned pale, she stepped forward and shouted: "Uncle Shi, General Gai, please stop!"

She is a black seed and a white seedling, the common blood of the king, the two generals of the Miao nationality had no choice but to stop fighting for a while, but they looked at each other fiercely like two fighting cocks, and if they disagreed, they would fight again.

Ling'er said softly: "Ling'er appreciates the kindness of the two generals. But Ling'er already has Brother Du Yu at this time."

This girl of Nuwa blood, with a pretty face flushed slightly, took a peek at Du Yu, her beautiful head almost hanging down to her chest, and whispered: "So Ling'er actually doesn't plan to return to Dali or any place in Nanzhao, Whoever is in charge, I just want to stay by my brother's side and be a happy little woman."

As soon as these words came out, Gai Luojiao and Elder Shi exclaimed at the same time: "Your Highness, how did this happen?"

Gai Luo said bitterly: "Your Highness, I don't know. I don't know what Hei Miao has done recently. The Bai Miao is flooding the sky. I hate that under the leadership of the Moon Worshiper, Hei Miao started to take advantage of the fire and invade my Bai Miao territory. Our army Fighting against them will be disadvantageous, and please return to Nanzhao for the birth of the white seedlings, and lead our clan to repel the enemies of the black seedlings!"

Elder Shi said in a low voice, "Fart. In the territory of Heimiao, there are thousands of miles of barren land. After a long period of severe drought, the people are already in dire straits. It is clear that you Bai Miao used witchcraft to do it! Your Highness, don't listen to this bitch's one-sided words. Back to Heimiao Miao, succession to the throne is the real thing. As for the Moon Worshiping Sect Master, Shi is willing to do his best to sweep away the obstacles in front of the throne for His Highness."

Zhao Linger looked left and right, not knowing how to make a decision, so she could only cry and look to Du Yu for help.

Du Yu smiled lightly, hugged Ling'er's slender waist, stroked Ling'er's beautiful hair, and said, "Does Ling'er still remember the orders of the Nuwa Empress? She hopes that you can inherit her blood and bring Nuwa's daughter to Miao Jiang. Faith is carried forward. At this time, the black and white Miao are in dire straits, and the people are suffering. As the common blood of the two races, you should stand up and fight for the suffering of the Miao people."

Ling'er timidly said: "Brother's words are very true. But I don't know how to do it?"

Du Yu smiled: "Since I have taken on the responsibility of protecting you, you don't need to worry about your own safety. Even the people in the God Realm in the sky have been killed by us, what else can stop us? You just have to be bold and take on the responsibility bravely." Take the responsibility of Nuwa's blood."

Ling'er nodded vigorously.

Gai Luojiao and Elder Shi were overjoyed at the same time, they were afraid that this son-in-law of Nuwa's blood would refuse to do it.But which side did Linger go to? The two couldn't stop arguing, and they were about to clash again.

Ling'er received Du Yu's solemn promise, and she was determined. Seeing that the black seedlings and white seedlings were about to fight again, she showed the majesty of Nuwa's blood and shouted: "Since the Miao people are all descendants of Nuwa Empress, since you Elect me as the heir of their respective kingdoms, and I, Linger, dared to use the name of Empress Nuwa to order you not to fight again. Everyone must obey my orders. If you refuse to obey this order, I will not take over the The throne!"

Elder Shi and Gai Luojiao, the old enemies, had no choice but to withdraw in resentment after hearing Linger's categorical statement.

A bloody battle with heavy casualties in the plot disappeared invisible.

Du Yu looked at Ling'er appreciatively.This little girl is worthy of being a descendant of Nuwa, she has the aura of a king, and when she is a king, black seedlings and white seedlings all succumb.

Therefore, the two major forces, Gai Luojiao and Elder Shi, merged into one temporarily and used them as Ling'er's bodyguard.Under the leadership of Linger, everyone boarded the Baimiao fleet together, turned around, and traveled along the river, catching up with Shenggu and Lin Yueru's boats, and sailed together.

Uncle He and Zhong were still in shock and fled to the God Realm.

In the heavenly court in the God Realm, Fuxi is recuperating in seclusion.The injury severely injured by Nuwa recovered quickly at an extremely fast speed.

But suddenly, he was restless, as if something big had happened.

After pinching and counting, Fuxi's face darkened.

Uncle He and Zhonghua turned into two balls of colored light, rolled in front of Fuxi, and burst into tears.

"Niezi! Why are you crying! What happened?"

Fuxi was furious and roared.

(End of this chapter)

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