Chapter 1295 Nuwa Appears!Innate gossip map! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Father, father, is he the second elder brother??" Uncle He spoke with difficulty, and described how he followed Fuxi's order to greet his brothers, go to the lower world, and hunt for Nuwa's blood descendants, but in the end he encountered repeated setbacks In the end, even the life of the second elder brother Uncle Xi was involved.

"Bastard!" Fuxi was furious.

The wrath of the great god, between the heaven and the earth, it seems that a magnitude 10 earthquake has occurred, the clouds are swaying, the turbulent wind suddenly rises, the ground cracks, and the mountains and rivers flow back!

People all over the world looked up at the sky in horror, not understanding why the gods were so angry.

"It's really useless." Fuxi yelled furiously: "As my son of Fuxi, I can't even do anything to a mortal, and I have failed repeatedly. Do you want me, the majestic Lord of the God Realm, to go and get a mortal in person?"

"He is not an ordinary mortal." Seeing his father's fury, He Zhong couldn't avoid the punishment, so he immediately stood up to smooth things over for his fourth brother Zhang Mu, and said with a smile: "Father, this kid's cultivation has also reached the level of practicing virtual fusion." The realm of Dzogchen is about to step into the stage of transcending the catastrophe and ascending with one foot. The cultivation base of the second brother is nothing more than an immortal who transcends the catastrophe and ascends to the great perfection. In addition, beside this person, there are no less than 30 very powerful immortal cultivating beauties , It seems that they are all his Taoist companions. After forming a strange formation, the 7 people work together, and I wait like a tiger pulling a turtle, and I have no way to speak."

Fuxi was about to get angry when he heard a chuckle: "Father is recuperating, why worry about mere mortals? I see that the second younger brother's tablet is not broken in the Hall of Longevity, and he should still be in the spirit. I am willing to share my father's worries. Go to the lower realm to capture and kill that mortal, and save the second brother."

Fuxi glanced over, but it was the eldest son Xizhong!

Fuxi has four sons in total. Xizhong, as the eldest son, has obtained Fuxi's five-point true inheritance. His cultivation base is the deepest. He has already broken through the bottleneck of the ascension stage and reached the initial stage of stepping through the void. Compared with the second son's cultivation base, he is even stronger is more than five times higher.

Even in the God Realm where there are so many masters, Xi Zhong's strength can be ranked among the top twenty.

The stolen gongs and drums cannot be beaten.

Fuxi's position was wrong, and he lied that Nuwa had fallen.

Therefore, in the battle with Nuwa for the Lord of the God Realm, Fuxi was unwilling to let more Gods of the God Realm go to the battle.The best solution is to go into battle with father and son soldiers, and quietly uproot the lingering Nuwa forces.

Unfortunately, Nuwa received unexpected assistance, and the progress of the matter was very unsatisfactory.

He Fuxi's great god battle against Nuwa was successfully counterattacked by Nuwa who regained his strength, so he had to retreat temporarily to recuperate.The hunt for Nu Wa's blood descendants ended with the fall of the second son.

It is undoubtedly good news that the eldest son Xizhong is willing to play.

"I'm very happy that you are willing to share your father's worries and take the initiative to invite Ying." Fuxi's face was calm, with a smile on his mouth, full of appreciation: "But with the example of your second brother, you must be careful. Be sure to separate him and Nuwa's blood descendants." , cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots.”

"I don't know where this guy fled to right now?" Uncle He was still terrified of Du Yu's guerrilla warfare.

Fuxi sneered and counted with his fingers.

He calculates the innate gossip, all things in the world, there is no escape from its evolution, and if you do the calculations with your fingers, you will find the secrets of nature!

"Well, this person is going to southern Xinjiang now." Fuxi's face darkened: "It seems that this person must be related to Nuwa, and maybe the last time Nuwa's accidental restoration of prosperity was also related to this person! Chase me There is no need to capture this person alive, just kill him!"

A cold smile appeared on Xi Zhong's face.

His character is most like Fuxi, with a strict and fortitude, with endless insidious calculations, strong strength, and rarely rivals.

In his opinion, although this matter is a bit tricky, the strength of ordinary people should be extraordinary, but if he can be killed, Fuxi's future position will be firmly established, who else?
"Father, don't worry, I will never let this person escape from my grasp." Xi Zhong glanced at the third and fourth younger brothers with disdain.

"Bring your brothers!" Fuxi's order is unquestionable: "Don't underestimate the enemy. I want to see his head."

"I obey." The three shouted at the same time, turning into three beams of light, flying towards the southern border at lightning speed.

Du Yu's fleet was very fast, and within a short time, it had already sailed into southern Xinjiang.

A group of people waited and temporarily settled in the house of the holy aunt.

The holy aunt put Lin Yueru in place, and said with a sad face: "According to my observation, Miss Lin's injury can only be cured by collecting 36 puppets. But the puppets are only found in the trial cave in the territory of Heimiao."

Gai Luojiao said: "Your Highness, Brother Du Yu, the Black Miao is currently aggressively invading, and my territory of Baimiao Dali is a whole country. Please quickly find a way to kill the Black Miao and restore order in the Baimiao territory."

Du Yu felt dizzy for a while.

Which task should I do first?
At this moment, Du Yu suddenly heard the voice of Empress Nuwa: "Have you finally come to southern Xinjiang?"

Du Yu was overjoyed.After he killed Uncle Xi, he knew that the God Realm would come for revenge, so he drove the fleet to the southern border, and finally got in touch with Empress Nuwa.

"I know that you fought fiercely with Fuxi's sons several times, and killed his second son, Uncle Xi! But Fuxi has already sent his eldest son, Xizhong, to chase you down. Come quickly to my site cave." Empress Nuwa said with a smile, "I still have a big opportunity for you."

Du Yu hastily agreed, "I will obey your mother's will. But I have one more request."

He took Caiyi's hand: "This girl Caiyi, although she is a monster, she is kind and righteous. Please bless her."

Nuwa was helpless for a while: "The reason why I firmly guard the ruins and don't want to come out is to save my divine power. Fuxi is currently retreating day and night to speed up his recovery of divine power. When his divine power recovers, it will be the day of my decisive battle with him. At this time??? Oh? What are you?"

Nu Wa was pleasantly surprised to find that Du Yu took out the Dark Soul Stone again.

Du Yu smiled and said: "Of course I know the difficulties of Empress Nuwa. So I don't ask Empress Nuwa to bless me for nothing. There are two more bitch souls from the god world added to this, so I will sacrifice it to Empress Nuwa You, although the cultivation of these two people is far from that of the great gods, they are not without disadvantages."

The souls of Shu Ming and Uncle Xi could be heard clearly in the dark soul stone, and they were scared out of their wits!

Diablo, Sauron and other demon gods secretly breathed a sigh of relief.They were really afraid that Du Yu would sacrifice them one by one to the main god of this world like catching cattle and killing sheep.

Nuwa said with a smile: "It turned out to be two juniors in the fairy world. Although their cultivation base is just transcending tribulations and ascending, practicing virtual fusion, but absorbing their skills, I can maintain my full state for an hour or two, which is enough to affect Fuxi. Decisive battle. You have this kind of filial piety, it's great. You can have the strength to capture people from the God Realm alive, let alone your means."

Du Yu chuckled.

The basis of cooperation lies in mutual exchange and mutual utilization.

If Du Yu hadn't possessed the dark soul stone, the treasure that can absorb gods and demons, and had the means to catch Shuming and Uncle Xi, how could Nuwa Empress and Ni Bodhisattva cross the river when she was in danger, how could she give blessings again and again? To prevent?
Although Du Yu's strength is far inferior to that of Nuwa Fuxi, he has his unique resource advantages, which are enough to influence the battle of the great gods and make Nuwa look at him with admiration.

As far as Du Yu is concerned, there is no cost to continue offering sacrifices to the souls of the gods and immortals. Instead, Nuwa owes him a favor, so why not do it?

The two hit it off.

Just when Du Yu was about to sacrifice, Nuwa suddenly remembered something, waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, there should be a treasure of Fuxi on Uncle Xi's body. Although Fuxi's character is not good, he is indeed The geniuses and gods bred by the heavens and the earth, the extreme changes of the heavens and the earth, the calculation of the movement of the sun and the moon, insight into the secrets of the heavens, and deduced a kind of innate gossip formation. I have observed your battle situation, and your Tiangang Beidou formation is based on the acquired gossip. Since you are so filial, I will borrow Uncle Xi first!"

So, amidst the screams and begging for mercy, Uncle Xi and Shu Ming died.

The soul cultivation of the two people turned into beams of light, which were absorbed by Nu Wa who was thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, both of them are immortals, and they share the same origin with Nuwa's divine power, and the effect of sacrifice is 5% better than that of western demon gods.

After the sacrifice was completed, a ray of god's light flashed.

The phantom of Empress Nuwa appeared in front of Du Yu's team with a smile on her face.

After appearing, Empress Nuwa gave Du Yu a piece of skin from the back of a human body.

"What is this?" Du Yu was astonished.

"This is my gift to you, it's the flesh and skin of Uncle Xi's back." Nuwa pursed her lips and smiled lightly, brushing the flesh with her hand.The blurred pattern on the back, like a tattoo totem, immediately became clear, revealing a series of unpretentious, obscure and difficult black runes!

"What is gossip?" Empress Nuwa said with a smile: "Tai Chi is one, and it is Tao. It is the air of matter that is born in the heaven and earth, and the universe. Tai Chi moves to generate yang, and static generates yin. It is to generate two forms. One yin and one yang are the two forms. Observing the changes of all things in the world is nothing more than the yin and yang produced by Taiji. Therefore, one oddity is drawn to represent yang, and one puppet is drawn to represent yin. The two forms each produce one yin and one yang, which is the four The elephant, the four images and the division of yin and yang are the eight trigrams! The eight trigrams are Fuxi's Taoist heart through which he can become a god and forge the position of emperor of heaven! It is also his greatest contribution to the six realms."

"This Xizhong seems to have inherited the theory of congenital gossip created by Fuxi. On his back is a picture of congenital gossip that Fuxi expended a lot of energy and drew on it by himself! Without showing it to others, even I have no chance to take a closer look at it. If it is not to enhance the power of the Bagua formation of his own son, he will never show this formation. Therefore, it is conceivable how precious this thing is." Female Wa eloquently said.

"It's no wonder that Xizhong, using the Hunyuan seven-color flag, is so powerful. It turns out that with the support of the father of the first generation of gods, he drew this innate gossip diagram on his back, which can greatly increase his power." Su Daji thought thoughtfully.

"That's right." Empress Nuwa smiled: "Uncle Xi is the one who is the best at deducing gossip among the four sons of Fuxi, so he got the true biography of this picture and the Hunyuan seven-color flag."

(End of this chapter)

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