Chapter 1296 Phoenix Egg!Unicorn horn!Qiao Anu! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Empress Nuwa looked at Zhao Linger with a happy face, and a slight smile appeared on Yuhua's face, and she whispered to Du Yu: "Since you have successfully come to southern Xinjiang, I still have a sweet show for you. Of course you also You can't be an empty-handed wolf. You need to sacrifice at least three sons of Fuxi in exchange for this opportunity, and it must be done before the end of this world, can you do it?"

Du Yu knew that this was Empress Nuwa's encouragement, so he smiled and said: "Since Fuxi and I are immortal, killing one of his sons is also killing, and killing four is also killing, why not do it? But Empress Nuwa should tell I am He Xiangyan Chance?"

"You know, Ling'er's mother, Lin Qing'er, is also my blood." Empress Nuwa's charming face showed an ambiguous smile: "She is beautiful and beautiful, and she is not inferior to Ling'er. It's a pity that Tuofei was murdered to death by that bastard of Witch King and a Moon Worshiper. I pity her miserable life and gather her soul by my side, as long as you can collect the props to bring her back to life , and sacrifice the three sons of Fuxi, I will use my divine power to resurrect her, and together with Linger, how about serving you?"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Empress Nuwa actually wanted to give her the beautiful, gentle and virtuous witch queen Lin Qing'er?

She is Ling'er's mother, is it really good to do this?

Du Yu coughed and said with a wry smile: "Of course I am obliged to complete the mission of Empress Nuwa, but this is too shocking. I don't know what Empress Lin Qing'er means. Besides, can Linger accept it?"

Empress Nuwa smiled, and gently pinched Du Yu's face: "Don't give me a sloppy eye, your beauties, how did I see at least two pairs of mother and daughter flowers? If you have a disease, don't cover it up. gone."

Du Yu was ruthlessly exposed by Nu Wa, and his old face turned red.

Nuwa sighed softly: "Besides, Lin Qing'er had a rough life, was betrayed by the one she loved, and was besieged and died in order to save her daughter. I really can't bear my own blood, such a tragic fate, I must entrust her to you." To a trustworthy person. Apart from you, I really can’t find another trustworthy person. When you get this pair of mother and daughter flowers in the future, you must treat them well, otherwise I won’t spare you!”

Her phoenix eyes glared, and Du Yu immediately stood at attention and yelled, promising to complete the task.

"It's no wonder. As the ancestor of the prehistoric demon clan, Empress Nuwa is said to have married her elder brother Fuxi in a parallel plane, and her brother and sister got married. She didn't have so many ethics." Du Yu thought in his heart.

Thinking of the beauty in the game, Empress Lin Qinger, the empress of the witch, with a face as ripe as a peach and as graceful and luxurious as a peony, Du Yu felt a burst of enthusiasm.Taking a peek, Zhao Ling'er's watery lotus, pure and invincible face is staring at herself timidly.

This is a real god-level task.

Du Yu felt that there was a long way to go, so he coughed: "Then I will take on this task boldly. But I don't know what is needed to revive Madam Lin Qing'er?"

Empress Nuwa said indifferently: "It's not too complicated. It needs phoenix eggs and unicorn horns as medicinal materials for healing. The phoenix is ​​the emperor of all birds, and it has the characteristics of resurrection from nirvana. , can restore the cultivation base of Queen Wu Lin Qinger. But these two things require a lot of effort from you."

Du Yu sighed.

He knew that it would not be so simple to have the hidden heroine, Empress Wu Lin Qing'er.

In the original plot, the holy aunt delivered the baby for Ling'er, and Li Xiaoyao needed Li Xiaoyao to find the phoenix egg shell and the unicorn horn.Phoenix eggs and phoenix eggshells have different difficulty in obtaining them!
This difference is huge, like someone looking for you, wanting the discarded placenta left by your wife after giving birth, and another person wanting your own son!
The former can be considered, the latter must be desperately.

To get a phoenix egg means to challenge its father or mother, a real divine bird phoenix!

To make matters worse, unicorn horns don't seem to be something that can be easily obtained.

Du Yu smiled wryly.It is by no means an easy task to revive and subdue the witch queen of the Fairy Sword series.

"The sons of Fuxi are coming quickly." Du Yu remembered something: "We are haunted by this group of lingering fellows, how can we complete the mission of Empress Nuwa?"

Nuwa smiled proudly and said: "If Fuxi comes here in person, I will fight with all my strength as if facing a big enemy. What are his sons afraid of? As long as they enter my land of Miaojiang, I will cast spells to make them How about they idling in circles for at least ten days and a half months, so as not to disturb your mission?"

Du Yu was overjoyed. In this way, his own strength had another chance to improve. When he fought against Fuxi's sons again, his winning rate would be even greater. He bowed deeply to thank him.

Empress Nuwa said with emotion: "You don't have to thank me. If you hadn't continuously sacrificed the souls of gods and demons to me, so that I can continuously recover my divine power, I wouldn't dare to waste my divine power easily and deal with these wolf cubs. Maybe I'm still in Nuwa now. In the ruins, sitting in a city of distress. However, this kind of sacrifice can only solve the temporary crisis. The long-term strategy is to restore the worship of the Miao people to me. At this time, the black Miao people are thousands of miles away, and the white Miao people are flooding the sky. They are all worshiping the moon That bastard did it. But I have to do my best to prepare for the decisive battle with Fuxi, and I can't spare this person. You can take Qing'er and Ling'er to fight for me and send them away!"

Du Yu nodded deeply.

Shenggu, Gai Luojiao, Elder Shi and others were so excited when they heard the oracle sent by the Nuwa Empress that they wanted to kill the black seedling worshiping the moon leader and save the people from water and fire. Du Yu and Ling'er restore the order in Miaojiang.

This is Nuwa's divine power in Miaojiang.Although she hasn't shown up for a long time, as soon as she does, Miao people will be smashed to pieces with just a word, and will not hesitate to do so.

Hearing Nuwa's oracle, Ling'er nodded firmly with a serious face.

"You can look for the phoenix eggs and unicorn horns first, and I'll deal with the three wolf cubs. After you find them, go back and deal with them and resurrect Lin Qing'er!" Nuwa ordered.

The holy girl said excitedly: "Nuwa Empress, I have served the witch queen all my life. When she was wronged and fell, I wished I could follow her underground. This time, Nuwa empress is merciful and wants to resurrect the witch queen. My holy girl vowed to complete this task. I will not hesitate to die. I know the whereabouts of the phoenix eggs and unicorn horns."

Empress Nuwa smiled and said: "It's very good. But Heimiao Baiyue and others will not be willing to be wiped out by you, they will definitely send people to make trouble, so you need to be careful."

Seeing Empress Nuwa's real body, Elder Shi no longer doubted what Du Yu and Ling'er said, stepped forward, patted his chest and roared angrily, "Don't worry, Empress. Since I dare to insult you by worshiping the moon, I will be the first to refuse. From today onwards, I am no longer the protector of the Moon Worship Sect, but the protector of Linger. If you dare to hurt His Royal Highness Linger, I will step on the bones of my old man first!"

Gai Luojiao respectfully said: "Don't worry, Empress Nuwa, we will never let the trick of worshiping the moon succeed."

Nuwa blinked at Du Yu, and said via voice transmission: "After Lin Qing'er is resurrected, I will personally decide to marry Qing'er Ling'er, mother and daughter to you at the same time, and at the same time teach them the daughters who are opposite to your Xuanyuan Caibu method." Waxuanmufa, order them to rejoice with you and double cultivate. You can sit back and enjoy the blessings of everyone."

Du Yu's nose bleeds almost spit out upon hearing such eloquent words.

Seeing that Nuwa was about to leave, Du Yu hurriedly asked, "Miss Lin Yueru was seriously injured in order to save me, and her life is dying. Please take care of Nuwa Empress, don't die."

Nuwa glanced at Lin Yueru, who was pale and thin like gossamer, and said with a calm smile, "Sage's method is very appropriate. Miss Yueru is fine for the time being. But you have to act quickly to get 36 puppets. Make it into a pill and give it to her. But this kind of pill"

A look of hesitation appeared on her face.

Du Yu took a deep breath and said, "Nuwa Empress, no matter what happens, I can bear it, and it doesn't matter if I talk about it."

Nuwa sighed and said: "The elixir made from 36 puppet worms, just like its name, is to borrow the magic of the puppet worms to absorb and return the yang to forcibly suck the human soul back into the body. But the puppet worms are a A kind of poisonous Gu has its own lifespan, and once the potency dissipates, the person's soul will still return to the underworld. Therefore, humans who use puppet insects have a short lifespan."

Du Yu was sad.

In the plot, Lin Yueru lived 20 years longer after taking the medicine made by the puppet worm.As a result, Li Xiaoyao lost his wife in middle age.

Isn't there a better way without side effects?
Nuwa thought for a while, and said with a charming smile: "It's okay! Lin Qing'er has been dead for ten years, and I can resurrect her with phoenix eggs and unicorn horns. Yue Ru is a hundred times better than Qing'er, as long as you get Those two things, I can bring her back to life."

Du Yu was overjoyed.

Killing two birds with one stone, such a beautiful thing, is really great.

Nu Wa left with a smile.

The holy girl said seriously: "Since Empress Nuwa has an oracle, we must act immediately. I also have a young apprentice named Anu, who is 14 years old and is a witch of the Baimiao nationality. She has served as the high priest at a young age. I was ordered to go out to look for Her Highness Linger, the Saintess of the Miao nationality. I am very familiar with the surrounding geographical environment, rare and exotic beasts, and poisonous insects. She should be around at this time. Wait for me to call her, and wait for Du The dispatch of the divine messenger."

She took out a bamboo flute and played it gently.

Not long after, there was a girl's charming smile like a silver bell: "Master, your old man is back?"

A young girl dressed in white seedlings opened the door with a coquettish smile, and threw herself into the arms of the holy lady like a deer.

This girl is only 14 years old, has a healthy wheat complexion, is tricky and clever, and is very shrewd at a young age.Lively and cute, outspoken but playful.A beautiful girl with ghosts and spirits.

Seeing Anu's official debut, Du Yu smiled in his heart.

Don't think too much, he is not a lolicon, and he has no love for a 14-year-old girl.If he wanted to subdue a beautiful girl, at least he had to be a [-]-year-old girl like Linger before he would consider bringing her into the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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