Chapter 1297 Nuwa's Protection!Believe in Yuanli! ——Four more ask for a monthly pass!

But this doesn't mean that Anu didn't come into Du Yu's sight.

His eyes turned to Li Xiaoyao, who was laughing and chatting with Ling'er!

To say that Li Xiaoyao is also unlucky enough, the male pig's feet in the original plot were topped by Du Yu, an adventurer, and turned Ling'er and Yueru, two confidante friends, into his own private pets.But Du Yu will not do things absolutely.After all, Li Xiaoyao may still enter the space in the future and become his great help.

Du Yu's brothers, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas, etc., are all powerful at this time, and they are serving under Du Yu's command.The eldest brother, Zhao Yun, will return to the space sooner or later and join him.

So, once Li Xiaoyao entered the space and knew the original plot, what would he think of Du Yu?
Therefore, Du Yu still needs to make arrangements for Xiaoyao.It's like after he took away the little dragon girl, he matched Gongsun Lue to Yang Guo, making Yang Guo happy for a lifetime.For Li Xiaoyao, the most suitable candidate is Xiao Anu.

Speaking of Anu, in fact, many players of Xianjian love and sympathize.This little girl has a small ambition and runs around to solve the drought in her hometown; she is selfless and has no regrets, silently giving for the one she loves without asking for anything in return.The appearance is innocent, cute and cute, but the means of using witchcraft and poison are creepy. When meeting Li Xiaoyao for the first time, he will play around in circles, and he has no power to parry.Her love-hate personality is very attractive.

The holy aunt stroked Anu's hair lovingly, and said angrily, "It's not big or small! Haven't you seen your senior sister, His Highness Ling'er, and God Envoy Du Yu?"

Anu's big eyes swept across the crowd, and sweetly bowed to senior sister Gai Luojiao, and when she saw Ling'er, she bowed and fell to the ground.

"Your high priest, Anu, please refer to Your Highness Ling'er."

Seeing Du Yu, Anu also stepped forward to salute.

But in the plot, the power of compatibility is huge.When little Anu saw the bored Li Xiaoyao, his eyes lit up, and he walked over with a grin.

Li Xiaoyao also has a playful personality, and he gets along very well with Anu, and the two chatted warmly after a short while.

The saint aunt coughed: "Anu, I came to ask you for my teacher. I have something to ask. Do you know the exact location of the phoenix egg?"

Anu smiled and said: "I know this! The phoenix egg is in the godswood forest, but it is a pity that it is guarded by the phoenix himself. If you want to get this object, you have to beat the phoenix away."

"Godswood Forest, we have to deal with Phoenix." Du Yu pondered, "This battle is not easy."

But thinking of the resurrection of Lin Qing'er and Lin Yueru, Du Yu's eyes became firm and indifferent.

"The characteristic of the phoenix lies in its powerful wind skills. Once she gets angry, the entire forest will be uprooted." Anu seems to be very attracted to the phoenix egg, and has also studied it.

"Let's go!" Du Yu waved his hand.

In the air, Xi Zhong, He Shu, and He Zhong were like lightning, piercing through clouds and fog, rushing towards them like three falling meteors, and their target was the Hundred Thousand Mountains in southern Xinjiang.

"The enemy should be there." Xi Zhong squeezed the seal with his hands, and continuously calculated the innate gossip to calculate the position and movement of Du Yu and others.

This is the power of the gods and immortals.

He Zhong and uncle, in front of the big brother in the stepping through the void stage, became two obedient little brothers, one on the left and one on the right, coming to protect the Dharma.

"This time, we must let that mortal feel the power of our Immortal Fuxi." Uncle He gritted his teeth.

"Accelerate!" He Zhong shouted: "I can't wait to slaughter that man and collect his women!"

But it took an hour to fly

flew for two hours

"Huh? Not quite right?"

Xi Zhong's complexion gradually darkened, and he waved his hand suddenly, ordering the three of them to stop.

"According to our flying speed, we should have entered the hinterland of southern Xinjiang long ago. Why are you still circling around?" Xi Zhong looked coldly into the depths of the Shiwan Dashan, which was filled with clouds and mist.

"That's right." Uncle He pointed to a mountain with strange peaks: "I seem to have seen this mountain three or four times, and we went around in circles."

He Zhong's pupils narrowed and said, "Brother, what do you mean, someone is playing with us?"

Xi Zhong sighed and said, "At my level of cultivation, very few people can deceive my spiritual consciousness, but this person did it. Not only played us between applause, but also delayed it for an hour. It was only discovered by us!"

"This person's cultivation is so terrifying?" Uncle He was the least courageous, and immediately became a little timid.

He Zhong was shocked and said angrily: "Who is it that dares to play tricks on us sons of Fuxi like this? Isn't he afraid that the Emperor of Heaven will be angry and punish him?"

Xi Zhong's eyes became more gloomy, and he said word by word: "In the world, there is only one person, or a great god, who dares to despise the authority of the Emperor of Heaven so brazenly and attack us!"

"That's Nuwa!" He looked into the depths of the [-] mountains, and shouted sharply: "Nuwa Empress, you still haven't shown yourself?"

On a precipitous cliff, there is a cloud, leisurely and leisurely, the mountain clouds come out of the mountains, the clouds and mists are lingering, and the fairy air is permeating.

Gradually, this cloud that came out of Xiuxiu gradually turned into a graceful and luxurious beautiful young woman with towering temples, star-like eyes, leisurely demeanor, and luxurious attire, but there was a hissing snake tail under the long skirt.

The three of Xi Zhong changed their expressions at the same time.

How could they fail to recognize that this is the lord of the fairy world, their father Fuxi, the greatest enemy who competes for the authority of the six realms including the fairy world and the human world!
Empress Nuwa.

Although it was just an incarnation of Nuwa, an incarnation outside her body, her strength was limited, but Nuwa was Nuwa, even if she was an incarnation, it was enough to make the three arrogant Xizhong look at each other timidly, not daring to go forward.

Nu Wa said indifferently: "So it's Xi Zhong's nephew. You came just in time."

Xi Zhong forcibly suppressed the shock and anger in his heart, and said calmly: "I have heard that Empress Nuwa has gradually fallen into eternal sleep because of the loss of believers in the world, and the lack of faith in the original force. Unexpectedly, Empress is safe and sound, and her strength is even better than before. It is really gratifying Congratulations."

Nuwa's beautiful eyes swept across Xi Zhong's face, and said with a calm smile: "Yes, now the Emperor of Heaven is poaching my believers everywhere, stealing away, and using all kinds of despicable tricks on the people in southern Xinjiang who believe in me, trapping all people in trouble, Trying to shake my god-based foundation. Naturally, I will gradually fall into a deep sleep."

Xizhong's eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Nuwa! I respect you as an ancient god who is the same generation as my father, so I am only polite. You actually spouted blood and framed my father. What evidence is there?"

Empress Nuwa's expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "I don't need to produce evidence, Fuxi will come to me again. We will decide in a single battle, right and wrong, and we will have our own conclusions."

Xizhong took a deep breath, and said with more fierce eyes: "In this case, why did Empress Nuwa disregard her seniority, bully the younger with her big ones, and come here to play tricks on us? Father will definitely repay what happened today."

Nuwa chuckled and said, "In Miaojiang, it's my sphere of influence! You have to worship me at the top of the mountain when you wait for the younger generation to come. I don't welcome wolf cubs who don't care about etiquette and act recklessly. !"

Xizhong was furious, and sneered, "Empress Nuwa, even if you recover your supernatural power for a while, don't be too complacent. You need to know that although my father was injured by your sneak attack, he has the world of heaven, earth and human, and the faith of countless believers." Yuanli, with continuous nourishment and bonus, the injury will soon recover to its original state. At that time, you, an ancient god who blindly opposes us, will die without a place to die!"

Nuwa waved Liuyun's sleeve lightly, and said with a calm smile, "I'm looking forward to the decisive battle with him. But at this moment, my envoy is performing a mission in the lower realm. Don't bother him. Leave me!"

Nuwa scolded softly, thunder after thunder came from the depths of the mountain.

The red lightning strikes fiercely with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

The wrath of the Great God changed the color of the world.

Looking at the majestic celestial anomaly, and looking at the empress Nuwa who is not angry and self-assured, the three of them confessed with great interest.

Xi Zhong had the most experience and the widest knowledge. He snorted coldly and said, "Ms. Nuwa, you are so majestic in front of us juniors! Since you won't let us in, I will simply wait here on the border of the southern border. I'm afraid that the father will not be long, and he will return to his original state, and I will see when the time comes, you and us can't afford it!"

Nuwa smiled contemptuously and snapped her fingers.

Xi Zhong let out a loud cry, and was hit by Nu Wa's divine power in the air, and flew backwards.

"This woman is so powerful!" Heshu and Zhong brothers were shocked, they immediately backed up and flew away in a hurry.

Empress Nuwa chuckled, and turned her head to look at the heaven in the west.

In the sky, there was purple thunder and lightning, and the clouds were billowing. It seemed that the wrath of the great god was brewing and erupting.

Empress Nuwa sighed: "Fuxi, it seems that you are planning to put me to death this time. Although you plotted against me last time, you just let me sleep forever. This time, do you want to forget the old love and come to a decisive battle?"

Not long after, the melancholy fetters between her brows were swept away, and the confidence of the goddess was restored.

"Humph. Since you want to do this, I will accompany you to the end. I will study your innate gossip map first, and then help Du Yu and others create a new formation." Nuwa Empress disappeared deep into the mountains in the form of a cloud from Xiuxiu place.

A hundred miles away, Xi Zhong put his hand on his forehead, and streams of golden blood dripped down the gap between his fingers.

He was proud and arrogant, with fierce and murderous aura, he went to the southern border, but he didn't expect his success to be unfavorable.As soon as they met, they met Empress Nuwa, and she was bounced back hundreds of miles away with a finger.

Uncle He and Zhong Fei came and landed beside Xi Zhong.

Xi Zhong said bitterly: "Smelly woman! You actually got me hurt. Wait until your father knocks your cultivation level down to the God Realm and cripples all your skills, and see how I can deal with you!"

Uncle He grinned and said, "Brother, don't say it's useless. Now that Empress Nuwa is blocking the way, even if we want to complete the mission, we won't be able to enter the southern border. We can only stare aside."

He Zhong pondered and said: "Indeed. It's really bumpy for us to kill this mortal. This man seems to be very lucky. The last time was Dugu Yuyun, who publicly reprimanded him and praised him secretly, and threw him into the Demon Locking Tower. The Shushan faction took shelter. As a result, after he came out, his strength increased greatly, and even the second brother was killed. This time, once the Nuwa empress intervenes, we can't do it again. Will he become stronger next time?"

The three of them felt heavy and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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