Chapter 1298 Worshiping the Moon Sect Master!Strong black seedlings! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The most terrible enemy is not the strongest enemy, but the fastest growing enemy with unlimited future.

Guys like Du Yu are as tenacious as cockroaches and skyrocketing as bamboo. Every time they see him, their strength jumps a thousand miles.

"We must make a decision early! Get rid of this person!" Xi Zhong clenched his fists tightly.

"Jian Jiangan?" Uncle He couldn't figure it out: "Aren't we unable to enter Miaojiang?"

Xizhong sneered and said, "The appearance of Empress Nuwa is just to show her attitude. She has to do her best to prepare for the decisive battle with her father, so how can she spend so long with us? I estimate that she will have to withdraw after ten days at most and return to Nuwa. Wa ruins, to prepare for the decisive battle. We only need to wait for a while before we can enter Miaojiang. Besides"

He laughed sinisterly: "We are not without people in Miaojiang."

"The God Realm is in Miaojiang, the core hinterland of Nuwa, and there are also arrangements?" Uncle He was stunned.

Xizhong sneered and said, "What Nuwa said is absolutely correct. Taking advantage of her divine power gradually declining, the father sent a conspirator from the lower realms to shake Nuwa's belief in Miaojiang. This person has done a very good job. That's right. Even Nuwa's blood-born witch queen was killed by him. If Nuwa hadn't awakened in time this time, he would have turned Miaojiang into a place of faith for our father."

"Who is this person?"

Xi Zhong sneered, closed his eyes, and entered meditation with his consciousness.

The distant Nanzhao Kingdom.

In the magnificent palace, a figure is sitting on the throne, enjoying the feeling of an emperor.

Next to this throne, stood the Witch King.

But it's a pity that the Witch King saw that his throne was occupied by others. Instead of being furious, he bowed his knees and said with an apologetic smile: "My lord, do you need me to take off this black robe of the Witch King and wear it?" on you?"

The person sitting on the throne is the actual ruler of Heimiao, the Moon Worshiper!

The Witch King in front of him has long been a puppet Xibei who has been swapped, and the real Witch King has long been secretly killed by Bai Yue.

"No need." The Moon Worship Sect Master sneered: "At this time, although the people are gradually attracted by my Moon Worship Sect, and because of the floods, they no longer believe in Nuwa Empress, my influence is increasing day by day. But for the worship of the Witch King, You can't underestimate it. You can rest assured that even if one day in the future, I need your abdication, I will make proper arrangements for you. I won't mess with you."

The fake Witch King wiped off his sweat and said with an apologetic smile, "That's very good. Thank you, the leader, for not killing me."

At this moment, the leader of worshiping the moon suddenly changed his expression, waved his hand and said: "You go down now. I have something to do."

The fake witch king retreated immediately upon hearing the sound.

In the empty palace, the voice of the Moon Worshiper resounded: "Subordinate, see God Fuxi."

A ray of light belonging to Fuxi descended from the sky.

Xizhong's voice sounded: "I am Xizhong, the eldest son of the Great God Fuxi, do you know me?"

The Master of Worshiping the Moon respectfully said: "I have received an oracle from the Great God Fuxi. Apart from him, you are the only god who is qualified to give me an oracle. What do you want to order?"

Xi Zhong snorted coldly and said, "You haven't been doing very well recently!"

Surprised by worshiping the moon, the god is dissatisfied with his actions, which is no small matter.

He said even more respectfully: "Your subordinates are not doing their job effectively, and if there are any omissions, please let the gods show you."

Xi Zhong sternly said: "You were appointed by God Fuxi to enlighten the Southern Border for the God Realm, and expel the heretical belief in Nuwa. How come you don't even know that Nuwa's divine envoy and descendants returned to Southern Xinjiang?"

Baiyue's face changed abruptly.

He said in a deep voice: "I sent my guard Shi, using the Witch King's serious illness as a bait, to go to welcome Zhao Ling'er back, and prepare to use the Witch King to harm her secretly."

"Elder Shi?" Xi Zhong sneered and said, "I'm afraid you, an elder, have already rebelled and turned to Ling'er. Next to Ling'er, there is a man who has always been against our heaven. I don't care what you use." No matter what method, you must kill this wave of enemies for me, or capture them alive and hand them over to me."

The leader of worshiping the moon pondered: "However, the miracles of Empress Nuwa have been appearing recently, and it seems that her old man has been resurrected. Under such circumstances, it seems that to deal with her angels and blood descendants..."

He smiled wryly.

Xi Zhong sternly said: "That's right! Nuwa has been resurrected. But you have completely offended Nuwa by killing Lin Qing'er, her blood descendant, and destroying the foundation of her belief. Want to surrender? I'm afraid you will die sooner! "

Thinking of his tragic fate after the resurrection of Nuwa Empress, the leader of Moon Worship couldn't help but feel bitter.If he had known that Empress Nuwa would be able to resurrect and wake up, he would never have fallen so completely on Fuxi's side.

Xi Zhong's voice said indifferently: "You have only one way to go. It is to continue to cooperate closely with us and send Nuwa back to the state of eternal sleep at all costs. Even let her fall completely! Don't worry, the emperor Fuxi is about to make a move. You All I have to do is deal with her minions, angels and blood descendants, they must all be caught and brought to me. How?"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon also knew that he had opened the bow and had no arrows to turn back, and it was impossible to back down, so he gritted his teeth cruelly and said: "This subordinate understands. This subordinate will deploy manpower and start hunting down Nuwa's envoys and blood descendants. Good news for your arrival."

"If you can accomplish this, I will intercede with God Fuxi to let you take over the land of southern Xinjiang left by Nuwa. You can unify Nanzhao Kingdom and Dali Kingdom and become the secular ruler of this land." Xi Xi Zhong was unceremonious and generously offered conditions.

Anyway, they are the manipulators behind the scenes, who is the puppet, isn't it just a word?

Overjoyed at worshiping the moon, he prostrated himself on the ground and hurriedly said: "This subordinate is grateful for the grace of the Almighty God. I will go to work now. I will definitely satisfy the Almighty God."

Xi Zhong closed his consciousness, took a deep breath, looked at the misty Hundred Thousand Mountains with a sneer, and said with a chuckle, "I don't believe it! With such a combination of inside and outside, your Nuwa still has the ability to turn the tables? That man can still escape?" This catastrophe?"

Brothers Heshu and Zhong are flattering like a tide.

Under the leadership of Anu, Du Yu led Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er, Su Daji and other teams into the Godswood Forest.

Elder Shi and Gai Luojiao would also follow, but after discussing with Du Yu, Ling'er decided that it was better to make arrangements as soon as possible to deal with Heimiao's offensive.

At this time, under the instigation of worshiping the moon, Hei Miao was aggressively attacking Bai Miao. The two sides fought fiercely outside Dali City, causing heavy casualties.

Gai Luojiao led the Baimiao army to support the front line.Elder Shi also secretly went to find the old part of the Black Miao army, and carried out division and disintegration.

Wherever you go, the army or strength is the top priority.

In the godswood forest, the big trees cover the sky, the shade is dense, and there are cool and beautiful scenery everywhere, it is a good place.

"Phoenix, it's not a phoenix tree that never stops, and it's not a clean spring that doesn't drink. Sure enough, it knows how to find a good place to build a nest."

Du Yu and others, while fighting various monsters in the godswood forest, explored the route to the phoenix's nest.

Thanks to Anu, an old horse who knew the way, the team did not get lost in the dense godwood forest, and could move forward step by step.

Anu released the guide bee, walked in front, and stopped suddenly.

"Huh? Why did I hear someone's voice?"

She pointed to the deep forest in front of her.

"Send someone to investigate," Du Yu said in a deep voice.

Anu smiled and said: "No need. I have all kinds of poisonous bee venom here, and they can all be used as scouts."

She released a wasp the size of a thumb and buzzed away.

The wasp circled twice in the air and flew forward.

Anu closed her eyes, as if the wasp had an inextricable spiritual connection with her, and could replace her eyes to detect the danger ahead.

Suddenly, Anu exclaimed, sweating profusely, and woke up.

Li Xiaoyao handed over a handkerchief, and said with concern, "Anu, what's wrong?"

Anu's face was pale, and he said hastily: "Not good. My guide bee was shot down. The other party is also a master of poison Gu, otherwise it would not be so easy to destroy the guide bee."

Zhao Ling'er frowned and said, "The enemy is also proficient in the technique of poisonous Gu? The technique of poisonous Gu is only prevalent in Miaojiang. Could it be that the enemy is?"

"The same black Miao people from Miaojiang?" Du Yu frowned.

"Although the Hei Miao people have been attacking our Nanzhao Kingdom, but their forces are concentrated in the capital area, why did they come to the Godswood Forest?" Anu frowned.

"The enemy is getting closer."

Du Yu closed his eyes, scanning with his mind.

"Not good!" Su Daji cast a fairy technique, and a fox miasma, centered on her, sprayed out in all directions. In the fox miasma, all hostile enemies would glow with purple light.

Everyone found that the purple light of the enemy in front was almost connected together!
"It's not an ordinary enemy, but an army!"

Anu exclaimed: "It's Heimiao's army! The people who command this army are the people who worship the Lord of the Moon."

"How big is the scale?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

"3000 people!" Anu's face turned pale.

Du Yu and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

3000 people doesn't sound like much, does it?

But for Du Yu, besides Du Yu, Zhao Linger, Su Daji, Su Mei, Cai Yi, Li Xiaoyao, and Anu, only Du Yu's beauties remained.

With this kind of lineup, outnumbered and outnumbered, coupled with the extraordinary fighting power of these black Miao people, this challenge is really dangerous.

When it comes to the difficulty of the inner city, the combat power of ordinary enemy soldiers is much higher than that of the outer city.Take the black-headed people Du Yu met as an example. When they fought against Du Yu, they all played very well.Among the 3000 black seedling troops, there are at least 600 black seedling-level fighters!

What a terrifying force this is.

What's more, among these elite black people, there are mountains beyond mountains, who can guarantee that there will be no stronger ones?
Baiyue dared to send such an army to go deep into Baimiao's Nanzhao Kingdom and try to kill Du Yu and Ling'er, of course he had full confidence.

"The leading experts are not weaker than that stubborn old man, Elder Shi. They are also the four guardians of the Moon Worship Sect, named A Luo, Long Teng, Fang Dao, and Gao Yuan. They are all highly valued by the Moon Worshipers. The physical strength is pretty good.”

(End of this chapter)

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