Chapter 1299 Fierce battle between black seedlings!Ling'er shows off! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
The enemy is getting closer and closer, Anu gradually detects clearly, his little face is full of helplessness.

"With so many enemies, we have no hope of winning. Withdraw." Anu pouted.

"Withdraw?" Du Yu shook his head: "Yue Ru's illness can't be delayed. Besides, Empress Nuwa said that there is not much time to resist Fuxi's son. We must hurry up and count on every second."

"But how can these enemies be dealt with?"

Anu pouted.

Du Yu chuckled.

His villains are running out of value, and he doesn't plan to send a team of beauties to fight this terrifying number of menacing enemies.

What he released was the demons and goblins in the Demon Locking Tower!
The poisonous lady and a bunch of spider spirits appeared in the godswood!
And this is just a small part of the monsters in the monster lock tower.

In addition, the descendants of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, as well as all kinds of goblin warriors, Xing Tian, ​​Xie Jianxian and other monsters also appeared in place.

When the poisonous ladies saw Du Yu, their faces showed hatred, but Du Yu just flicked the demon-locking tower lightly, and said calmly: "If you want to go back, come up, I will send you in."

Who among these monsters is not afraid of the Monster Locking Tower?
Therefore, they immediately chose to retreat.

In this narrow forest with dense branches, it is an excellent place for the spider spirits to lay traps and maximize their strength.

Du Yu said loudly: "There is an enemy army of the human race that is closing in. As long as I can get more than 10 monsters with heads, I will release them. It is up to you to decide where to go."

The hesitant monsters immediately turned their eyes red!
As long as you kill ten humans, you can be free.

This is what Du Yu, the prison-suppressing king of the Demon Locking Tower, said!
They are monsters, most of them are heinous, bloodthirsty, and killing people is their nature.

With this reward mechanism, these monsters immediately screamed and pounced on the Hei Miao people who were slowly approaching from the dense forest.

Anu stared at so many monsters in a daze, and rushed towards the Hemiao people with a sharp weapon in his hand, muttering: "You really have a way. But"

She gave a wry smile: "Although these monsters are quite powerful, they are a mob and a mess. It is difficult to defeat Baiyue's elite black seedling troops who have experienced many battles. At most, they will cause some trouble."

Du Yu smiled lightly, and waved again.

The technique of "spreading beans into soldiers" in Taiping Yaoshu instantly produced more than 500 yellow turban warriors and 3 yellow turban generals.Under the command of the general, the yellow turban wrestlers rushed to the depths of the dense forest with a uniform lineup, roaring and shouting.

At the same time, there were hundreds of hatched orcs.They were all hatched in batches from the orc incubators under the Ozark Tower, put on heavy armor, and appeared in this strange oriental fairy world, roaring and rushing at the enemies in the dense forest.

Bloodlust and killing are the instincts of these orcs.

They trampled on the branches and leaves of the dense forest mercilessly, grabbed the pale-faced Hemiao warrior behind the forest, ignored the Hemiao man's knives, slashed and stabbed him, and cut off the head of the Hei Miao warrior with one slash!
Along with the blood, the heads of the Black Hmong warriors, as well as the aroused primitive animal desire and roar of the strong orcs flew up.

After the three arrows were fired, Du Yu was also a little tired. He jumped onto the crown of a big tree, and looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers fighting frantically not far below.

The assault force, with Orcs and Yellow Turban Warriors as the main body, and monsters as support, unexpectedly appeared in front of the black seedling troops that were approaching every step of the way!
The Hei Miao people didn't expect that they would be attacked by such a large-scale vicious attack in the Shenmu Forest, and they were suddenly caught off guard.

The strong orcs are full of impact. When they run wildly, they can reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. In addition, they are covered in heavy armor and weigh more than 300 kilograms. Almost all of them are like small tanks. Tendons snapped and flew up.

The yellow turban fighters also took advantage of the fire and joined the battle, punching and kicking the Hei Miao fighters on the opposite side until they vomited blood and retreated.

The monsters are even more unkind.The poisonous lady leads the spider spirits, spewing toxins, fangs, and spider webs, which are hard to defend against. The addition of a large number of monsters such as the gourd warrior, the evil sword fairy, and Xing Tian has turned the battlefield into a hell on earth, and there are dying people everywhere. The screams of the black seedling soldiers.

"Unexpectedly, your summoning ability is so strong." Anu was stunned: "These monsters, heavenly soldiers, and orcs all obey your command? It's amazing."

Ling'er, Su Daji, Su Mei and others also watched with great interest.

Li Xiaoyao was the most restless, clamoring to go down to join the battle, but Du Yu didn't stop him.What Li Xiaoyao needs now is combat experience.Fighting a lot is good for his growth.

From the very beginning, the fighting situation was very fierce. Due to the surprise attack of Du Yu's summons, the Hei Miao people paid a high price, but the good times didn't last long.

Because the number of summoned objects is only over 2000, which is far less than that of the Hei Miao people, and under the command of the four guardians, the Hei Miao people quickly stabilized and formed a battle formation, and the power of the army formation became stronger instantly.

The yellow turban warriors and strong orcs were gradually suppressed. From time to time, strong orcs tried to attack the black Miao formation and failed. The Miao warriors who had been repaired were stabbed to pieces, and the yellow turban warriors continued to turn into nothingness because of their heavy injuries.

The monsters are still elusive and sneak attack repeatedly, but the Hei Miao people also have many ways to deal with the monsters, such as bows and arrows, crossbows, blowing arrows, and poisonous gu, all the monsters jumped away and retreated one after another.Even vicious monsters like Poison Lady only killed 6 or 7 heads before being forced back by Long Teng.

The battle of the Black Miao people was over soon.

The ground was covered with blood, stumped limbs, human heads, and broken corpses. The blood of the Hmong people was everywhere on the branches, ground, and rocks.The corpses of monsters and strong orcs also fell together with the Hemiao people, regardless of each other.

There are only more than 600 Hei Miao people left.

A Luo, Long Teng, Fang Dao, Gao Yuan and others were shocked and angry.

They never imagined in their wildest dreams that what was supposed to be a three-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-nine-sure raid would turn into such a brutal bloody battle.

Too many people died in battle, bleeding and drifting.However, the people who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses were all powerful men above the headman level.They are the backbone of the black seedling army.In the frantic fight that just ended, it was their strong performance that completely slaughtered the mixed army of strong orcs and monsters that had already gained the upper hand.

Therefore, although the black seedlings suffered heavy casualties, the 600 remaining troops are the essence, and the black seedlings still have the power to fight.

Long Teng's face was blood-stained and his face was bruised and purple. It was the injury caused by a spider spirit piercing it with a poisonous pincer. He roared sharply: "The enemy of Heimiao, the sinner who blasphemed the gods, why don't you get out and die? Your monsters It's dead!"

Behind him, murderous black Miaotou people, armed with shining Miaodao, slowly surrounded the branches in front of them from all directions.

Du Yu laughed loudly and jumped down from the treetop.

Su Daji, Su Mei, Zhao Linger, Caiyi, Anu, Li Xiaoyao and others also jumped down one after another.

Seeing the enemies whom the Moon Worshiping Sect Master named and wanted to capture were right in front of his eyes, Long Teng's eyes turned cold, and he waved his Miao Dao and shouted: "Rush up, kill!"

Although the leaders of the Miao people had just experienced a bloody battle and suffered serious injuries, they were still brave enough to rush forward.

Before Du Yu could issue an order, Li Xiaoyao and Anu charged forward, one on the left and one on the right.

Li Xiaoyao has obtained the true biography of Jiu Jianxian, and his combat experience has continued to increase. His strength has reached level 56, and he has mastered almost all the skills of the Shushan School in the plot.

Anu bit her lower lip lightly, she was pretty and lovely, she had already planted dozens of poisonous poisonous poisonous insects, preparing to entertain these black Miao people who invaded the white Miao people.

A Hei Miao man charged forward, suddenly covered the soles of his feet with his hands, and yelled.The sole of his foot was bitten by a poisonous insect, it was swollen bigger than a steamed bun, it was black and purple, and the pain was unbearable.

Long Teng was furious, swiped the Miao Saber, and landed in the air like an eagle pouncing on its food, resisting Li Xiaoyao's Wanjian Jue, and fought with Li Xiaoyao Anu.

A Luo, Fang Dao, and Gao Yuan each led the elite Hei Miao fighters to charge forward.Impressive.

Ling'er stepped forward and scolded coquettishly: "I am the descendant of Empress Nuwa, and the blood of the Witch King. I have come to southern Xinjiang to quell the rebellion according to Empress Nuwa's will. Why don't you back down quickly?"

A Luo Nai was a big man with a scarred face, holding a seedling knife in his mouth, and punched a spider spirit hiding in the dense forest, smashing her brains and dying tragically on the spot, he laughed and said: "The descendants of Nuwa? Pooh! Now we believe in Moon Worship, not Nuwa, but the Lord of Moon Worship! He is the real god with incomparable magic power. You have already been besieged and died. Are you the evil seed she risked her life to protect and escape?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

They are all close guards around Baiyue, and they all participated in the siege of the witch queen.

"Hmph. You will be condemned by the gods sooner or later!" Hearing that this person insulted her mother and participated in the siege of the witch queen, her face sank and her green hand turned over, and she used [Dream Snake], Incarnate into the real body of half man and half snake, and the mana is greatly increased!
"Look at the trick!" Ling'er's snake waist swayed slightly, and with a move of [Sanwei Zhenhuo], it burned towards A Luo who was approaching.

With a roar, Aluo ripped off the black seedling clothes on his body, and saw a black tattoo on his strong chest, which was the water monster, the magic pet of worshiping the moon!
"Roar! Look at the power of the totem bestowed by my leader—the power of the water monster!" A Luo's face was grim, and the muscles on his body swelled up in large chunks. The whole person seemed to transform into a monster in an instant, like a green giant. His muscles exploded, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he rushed towards Ling'er viciously.

Ling'er's flame was burning on him, but he didn't seem to notice it. He strode forward and punched Ling'er.

(End of this chapter)

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