Chapter 1300 Divine Bird Phoenix!Divine Might! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Ling'er dodged past lightly, flipped her hands again, and pointed at A Luo with a move of "Mount Tai Suppresses".

In an instant, A Luo was hit hard on the head by a big rock that fell from the sky, staring at him.

But he had already obtained a small part of the magic power of the water monster, and his ability to resist blows was extremely strong. With one punch, the stone was scattered, and with another punch, it hit Linger's body.

Ling'er blocked it, but was forced to take two steps back, with blood dripping from her mouth.

Ah Luo's cronies who worship the moon are really extraordinary.

Su Mei and Caiyi have already fought against Fang Dao and a group of black people.

But Su Daji singled out Gao Yuan and hundreds of Hei Miao people, only to see the demonic aura bursting out, and Su Daji's phantom was full of phantoms, molesting Gao Yuan.

On Du Yu's side, there are strong men like forests and stunning fairies, while on the side of Baiyuejiao, they are bloody and brave, with elite soldiers and strong generals.

At this moment, Du Yu looked into the distance.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?" Du Yu said softly.

"Who's here?" Anu shot a poisoned arrow, killing a black-haired man who was slashing in front of her.The latter was full of unwillingness, opened his eyes wide, and fell in front of Anu.

"Of course he was the one who set up this killing." Du Yu smiled and said, "Moon Worshiper, are you still not coming out?"

A burly old man with a gloomy face, wearing a black robe and a crescent helmet, walked out of the dense forest slowly.

It is the strongest boss in the plot of this world, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon!

Under his feet, there were corpses of Hemiao warriors and monsters everywhere.

"As expected of a blasphemer, he can summon so many powerful monsters all at once." The Moon Worshiper said with emotion as he walked, "But this is the sacred land of our Miao people, and any monsters and monsters will be killed by us." .You are no exception!"

He pointed at Du Yu with one finger, full of anger, shaking the surrounding valleys, and said sharply: "You are a sinner who blasphemed our gods, you should go to the mountain of knives and go to the pan of oil!"

This Moon Worshiper is worthy of being an old and cunning magic stick. When he came out, he did not forget to incriminate Du Yu and others, and put a sacred cloak on his behavior.

Those black-headed men whose comrades were killed by monsters saw the arrival of the Moon Worshiper, their morale burst and their hatred was full. They screamed and rushed towards Du Yu.

The Master of Moon Worship, with a look of compassion, lowered his head and sighed: "These warriors who sacrificed their lives for the sacred land of our clan will definitely be remembered by my religion forever, and they will ascend to heaven and become saints who live in eternal happiness. "

These black-headed people, who have been brainwashed by the Moon Worship Sect for a long time, are the most fanatical, screaming, and emitting bursts of red light from their bodies. They are brave and fierce, fearless of death, and their power doubles.

Falling into Du Yu's dragon wolf meteorological detection technique, these elite warriors of the Black Miao people had an extra layer of [the leader's fanatical halo] state.During the period of time taught by the leader of the magic stick, the potential of the body is fully stimulated. At the cost of reducing the defense power by 30%, the attack power, attack speed, and skill priority increase by 30% at the same time.

For a leader of black seedlings, this kind of change is not big, but for the 600 black seedling masters present, this state is terrifying.

"These guys, they've gone berserk and transformed!" Li Xiaoyao yelled, he was slashed by the Seven Star Sword by the more courageous Long Teng, and was forced to take two steps back.

"We have to find a way."

The master of worshiping the moon gave a gloomy smile, exuding more majestic power of the water system from his body.

"[Water Monster Power]!"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon shouted.

The power of the blue water system, like rain and fog, enveloped the surrounding Hei Miao fighters one after another. Under the magic power of this water system, the wounds on the bodies of the Hei Miao powerhouses healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The totem of the water monster became clearer, every muscle exploded, and the eyes were fierce, threatening to come up.

Under the hordes of powerful enemies and violent attacks, the team immediately couldn't withstand the pressure.

Ling'er was sweating profusely from the killing, but was besieged by A Luo with a dozen or so masters at close quarters.

Li Xiaoyao and Anu fought against Long Teng, surrounded by black people who were staring at each other, and they slashed at random, forcing the two of them to fight left and right.

Caiyi and Su Mei had no choice but to fight against ten or dozens, and fell into the embarrassment of being besieged.

Even Su Daji was under the siege of hundreds of strong black seedlings, which was equivalent to the peak difficulty of the inner city, and could not get out to help others.

Du Yu was under the greatest pressure and had to summon the beauty team.

The wolf-eyed beauties instantly formed three big dipper formations, and only then did they attract most of the murderous black-headed people, barely suppressing this wave of crazy attacks.

"Haha" the leader of the Moon Worship laughed wildly: "What kind of Nuwa divine envoy, what kind of Nuwa blood descendants, are all vulnerable scum in front of the black seedling warriors I looted like fire and protected by water monsters. Hmph, wait If I have to take action, you will die!"

Du Yu's side gradually fell into a disadvantage in terms of numbers.But some of them can't reach the roots of the Moon Worship Sect, and the Moon Worship Sect Master here can maximize the fighting potential of these already powerful black seedling elites.Looking at the black-haired men who looked like crazy tigers and were not afraid of death, they completely gave up defense, and their swords were desperate moves to die with the enemy, which made people feel terrified.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon + the Four Guardians + 600 Black Miaomen, this lineup is already equivalent to the final boss battle strength of Legend of Sword and Fairy.Du Yu's team lineup is not neat, and some people can't resist, which is normal.

Fortunately, Du Yu's team came all the way through the bloody battle, and they didn't panic about this kind of battle with the enemy's absolute superiority.

Du Yu once again cast beans into soldiers, and summoned the elf troops of the three great kingdoms to fight fiercely with the army of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon.

His combat strength alone is almost equivalent to an army.

The Lord of the Moon Worship looked at his elite troops, under the fierce attack, but couldn't take down the prisoner demanded by the immortals of the gods. With a cold snort, his veins bulged, his fingers were like eagles, and he wanted to participate in the battle to launch an attack.

But just when this decisive battle between good and evil was about to be staged ahead of schedule, there was only a resounding crisp bird song!
This bird song is full of awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth, bright and upright, majestic, although it is not high-pitched, it fills the heaven and earth, resounds through the sky, and is soul-stirring.

"Is this voice a phoenix?" The Moon Worshiper's expression changed.

The hearts of Du Yu and the others also gradually sank.

Unexpectedly, after searching for the phoenix in the godswood forest for half a day but failed to find it, he was alarmed by the fierce battle between himself and the Hemiao people in the godswood forest, and made a warning sound of Fengming.

Although the purpose of my group's coming here is for the phoenix egg, there must be a conflict with the phoenix, but now that the Black Miao people are pressing to surround them, it is definitely not a good time to start a war with the phoenix.

Du Yu and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Don't panic." Anu hurriedly said, "The phoenix is ​​an auspicious bird, and she won't kill people easily. She was just angry that we fought with the Moon Worship Sect in the Godswood Forest, and started killing, defiled her habitat, and affected her hatching." It's just a little phoenix."

"But how should we appease this mother Fenghuang who was quarreled into confinement?" Du Yu smiled wryly.

"Retreat immediately, Phoenix will not chase after you," Anu said.

Their plan is to approach Phoenix first, observe the situation, and decide whether to sneak attack or steal eggs.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate move arranged by the Moon Worshiping Sect Master would mess up the plan of Du Yu and others.

From the words of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, it can be heard that his behavior that violated the plot was also instigated by others, most of which were done by the immortals of the God Realm.

"But how could such a scumbag as the Moon Worship Leader let us go away so easily?" Du Yu shook his head and smiled.

Sure enough, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon heard the threatening sound of the phoenix, rolled his eyes, thought about it, and said with a chuckle: "It seems that even the Phoenix, the sacred bird of our Miaojiang, is extremely dissatisfied with you monsters and villains. .Hei Miao warriors, the phoenix will protect you from behind, rush forward and kill these villains."

As he spoke, he stepped back step by step.

The unexpected appearance of Phoenix made Moon Worshiper retreat back.

He believes that the existence of the phoenix is ​​enough to destroy these human beings.As for my own Phoenix, no matter who it is against, it has absolute coercion.The Lord of Worshiping the Moon does not want to fight Phoenix.

Hearing the leader's announcement, Phoenix was protecting him in the dark, and standing on his side, those already crazy black-headed people became even more imposing, screaming and rushing towards Du Yu's team.

Siege, slashing, skills, everything is used to the extreme.

The battle has heated up.

The Master of Worshiping the Moon watched with cold eyes, watching the changes in the Godswood Forest in the distance with a smile.

Du Yu and others cursed in their hearts, but they couldn't stop the Moon Worshiper from provoking Phoenix.

Sure enough, not long after, a louder and more impatient phoenix cry came from a distance.

This is Phoenix's last warning.

If you don't leave my godswood, I will launch an attack and kill you all.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon said generously: "Brothers, let's go! Kill these sinners who blaspheme the sacred bird."

The four guardians took the lead bravely, and the six hundred men were brave and fearless. Du Yu's team was caught in a fierce battle, and they were powerless to escape.

Fengming sound disappeared.

But the sense of crisis in Du Yu's heart was even deeper.

This phoenix has been completely enraged.

A tougher battle is inevitable.

The Moon Worshiper looked at the eastern sky and felt the unparalleled pressure of the phoenix, which was approaching rapidly. He smiled and cast a spell, and his body gradually disappeared into the void, leaving only one sentence behind.

"I'm waiting to collect the corpses for you."

"You bastard Moon Worshiper, you actually finished framing us and slipped away!" Su Daji was so angry that his chest heaved.

"Don't think too much, let's go through this level first." Du Yu looked at the east with cold eyes.

Without the buff aura of the Moon Worshiper, although these black seedling guardians and warriors are still on the offensive, they no longer have the crazy momentum they used to have.

After a few breaths, a coercive aura of prehistoric and strange beasts instantly enveloped the audience.

A huge bird with colorful, noble body, beautiful feather texture, appeared on a tall sycamore tree.


Between heaven and earth, the strongest auspicious bird.

(End of this chapter)

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