Chapter 1306 Du Yu Conspiracy, Persuading Qilin! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu and others accelerated with all their strength and went deep into the Dali Qilin Cave.

Under the fierce attack of Du Yu's team, all the monsters in Qilin Cave retreated one after another.

In the sky above southern Xinjiang, Fuxi's congenital gossip formation formed by dark clouds and lightning is advancing rapidly for thousands of miles.

Xi Zhong, He Shu, and He Zhong turned into three bolts of lightning and rushed towards Dali.

Xi Zhong kept pinching his fingers to calculate and adjust the orientation.

The Qilin Cave is vividly visible.

Xi Zhong's eyes turned cold, and he shouted sharply: "It's right in front! Charge down."

The three of them landed at the entrance of Qilin Cave in unison.

"That damned mortal is inside?" Uncle He grinned, "Let's go in."

"Don't be busy!" Xi Zhong has the air of a general, with a calm demeanor, and shouted in a deep voice: "In this unicorn cave, I can feel a powerful divine beast unicorn. These mortals must have plans when they come to this cave!"

"Brother, what do you mean?" Uncle He was the most treacherous, rolled his eyes, and laughed slyly.

"That's right." Xi Zhong sneered coldly: "I've been refining weapons recently, and I also need the soul of a unicorn. Since the mortal Du Yu has also entered here, why don't we come up with a plan to drive away tigers and wolves? Let them talk to each other first. Let's kill and kill, after killing both losers, shall we go to pick up the bargain?"

"Great plan, big brother." Not to be outdone, He Zhong also flattered him, and said in a low voice, "Can we use some magic to help Du Yu draw monsters?"

"Hey, I have my own opinion." Xi Zhong smiled coldly: "Let Du Yu bear the anger of the unicorn beast for us. We will show up at the critical moment, and let these mortals know the tricks of the fairy family!"

He disappeared in a flash.

Du Yu and others continued to advance in the Qilin Cave, getting closer and closer to the powerful Qilin beast.

"Huh?" Du Yu waved his hand suddenly.

The team stopped.

Su Daji sniffed her nose vigilantly, the Nine-Tailed Fox's consciousness has a talent for perceiving danger.

But it's business as usual.

"Master, what did you find?" Su Daji asked.

Du Yu shook his head: "No! It's a bit evil!"

"What's wrong?" Su Daji worriedly said, "My consciousness has been scanning the surroundings, but I didn't find any problems."

"It's because it's too peaceful, so it's wrong." Du Yu said decisively: "Since the great god Fuxi has broken through the southern border, he is looking for a decisive battle with Empress Nuwa. Then there is no reason for Xizhong and Uncle He to rest at home. They must He will come to us for revenge!"

"Well, it's reasonable." Su Daji nodded and said, "But why can't I feel it?"

"The enemy's cultivation base is higher than ours, blinding our spiritual perception." Du Yu closed his eyes and said slowly: "Although I also can't perceive these wolf-minded guys, my instinct tells me that this It's messy inside."

"Could it be?" Ling'er Bingxue was smart, her eyes lit up and said: "The reason they didn't come in at this time is to let us fight with the unicorn beast first. They will come to pick up the fallen peaches again?"

Du Yu smiled and nodded: "That's right. Ling'er guesses that it should be so."

"What a despicable person from the fairy world, who is so powerful, but acts so wretched and despicable!" Su Mei said dismissively, stomping her little feet.

"The more powerful you are, the more you know how to cherish feathers. You don't need to take risks in battles that can be won by tactics." Su Daji's eyes were cold.

"What should we do?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

"Follow the plan!" Du Yu said decisively: "Everyone stop first and be on guard. I will go in alone and look for the unicorn beast."

"It's too dangerous!" Su Daji said worriedly: "Phoenixes, unicorns and other beasts are arrogant. What if they see you and launch an attack directly?"

Du Yu's eyes flashed with wisdom: "No! Qilin is not an ordinary beast. He must be able to sense the danger around him. Since Xi Zhong and these bastards held back their patience and didn't attack us immediately, they probably hit two birds with one stone. Since there is such a big enemy, Qilin will probably agree to cooperate with us to get a better chance of survival."

Everyone nodded.

Du Yu, as the captain and leader, made this decision very prescient and reasonable.

Du Yu broke away from the team and rushed forward.

Qilin Cave, the further you go, the more you go down, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the cave walls are burnt orange red by lava and flames.Even if Du Yuxiu is Shenzhan, he can't help but sweat dripping from the high temperature.

Bypassing a dark cliff, Du Yu's eyes suddenly brightened!
A large expanse of lava pools, bubbling lava bubbles, and orange-red lava magma erupted continuously, burning and lighting up the lava top hundreds of feet high like daylight.

"Is this the deepest part of Qilin Cave?" Du Yu's gaze swept over them one by one.

This lava pool, about a few hundred meters underground, is a vast underground lava cave.

In the wide crypt lava cave, there is a chain bridge suspended in the air.Against the background of the continuous eruption of orange-red magma, the chain bridge is constantly swaying and wandering, as if it might be melted and burned at any time.

A middle-aged man with a serious face stood in the middle of the chain bridge with his hands firmly behind his back and a calm expression on his face.

"Who is coming?"

The middle-aged man spoke slowly, with a calm expression on his face.

Du Yu took a deep breath, and met the middle-aged man's eyes.It is found that this person has deep eyes, as if he has insight into all the truths in the universe, and his cultivation is profound and unfathomable.

"My name is Du Yu, and I am a cultivator of immortality." Du Yu said slowly.

"Why are you here?"

The voice of the middle-aged man did not fluctuate and remained unchanged forever.

"In the beginning, I was asking for your unicorn horn." Du Yu admitted frankly.

"You are so bold!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily!

In the entire empty lava cave, the middle-aged man shouted angrily, shaking the rock on the top, rustling down.

These stones fell into the gurgling magma underground, constantly arousing the magma to erupt, and the sound of plop plop was endless.

"Do you know how many people came to me, trying to get my unicorn horn, but in the end they all fell into this magma cave and became ghosts?" The middle-aged man's voice was cold.

Du Yu smiled and said, "I have two friends whose lives are dying. In order to save their lives, I had no choice but to alarm Senior Qilin Shenshou."

Qilin proudly said: "You regret it now, it's too late to apologize."

Du Yu smiled: "Apologize? Of course not. Heavenly talents and earthly treasures, those who are capable, should be taken."

This is said with the force of the bone, too high!

The implication of Du Yu's words is that the unicorn horn is a blind medicine in the world, as long as I am strong enough, I can come and get it whenever I want!What apology do you need for blind medicine?
Qilin was furious.

It was proud and arrogant, and thought that this mortal would definitely fuck up when he saw him, and begged for mercy on his knees in fright. Take any unicorn material, just take whatever material, there is no sense of guilt at all!
"You humble human being, how dare you talk nonsense in front of me!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily, and turned into a four-dimensional mythical beast with two horns on its head, dragon scales, dragon head, cow's hooves, horse body, and snake tail.

The unicorn beast.

Compared with the phoenix, Qilin was more imposing, with icy eyes fixed on Du Yu.

"You really don't know how to die!" Qilin sneered, and said with a calm smile, "Prepare to die."

Du Yu smiled: "Since I dare to go to your cave alone, I am absolutely sure that I can take the unicorn horn from you! In my opinion, everything in the world is nothing more than this!"

He gently took out Phoenix's [Phoenix True Feather] and played with it in his hand.

"Even the thing of Phoenix Nirvana, you got it?" Qilin's eyes narrowed.

Only then did it understand that Du Yu dared to say that he had natural talents and earthly treasures and took them at will, so it turned out that he really had such a reliance!


Since the phoenix's feathers, which are regarded as life, fell into the hands of this person, this person must have fought fiercely with the phoenix in the godswood forest and won.

"Even if you win Phoenix, so what?" Qilin was even more annoyed, and said in a low voice, "I am not comparable to that softie like Phoenix."

Du Yu said coldly: "I took out the phoenix's true feathers, not to threaten you. I just want to tell you that I have the same strength as you, and I am definitely not a mortal who bows and kneels before you to pray for gifts!"

"Hmph! No matter what happens to the Phoenix, I will never give you the unicorn horn."

Qilin was still angry, but it also recognized that Du Yu, who was able to defeat Phoenix, was qualified to negotiate terms with him.

For these divine beasts, if they don't have enough strength to impress them, and they don't even bother to look at you, how can we talk about cooperation?
"That was the original idea. I came here to save your life!" Du Yu looked enigmatic.

Hearing the help, Qilin's face darkened, and he laughed loudly: "It's ridiculous! I am a majestic beast, and I need you to save me? What's more, you are a hunter with impure motives? What do you have to say?"

Du Yu said calmly: "As a divine beast, you probably feel it too, right? There are three uninvited guests from the heavens who have entered within a thousand miles of your unicorn cave."

Qilin nodded proudly: "They have extremely high cultivation bases, and they have sneaked all the way here. But within a thousand miles, how can they hide from my divine sense?"

Du Yu secretly called it a fluke.This unicorn beast actually found Xi Zhong and the others, but he didn't realize it!

From this point of view, his own strength is indeed not as good as the unicorn beast.

"But so what?" Qilin said impatiently: "It's not them that you broke into my cave. Don't talk about it."

Du Yu smiled, and sighed quietly: "Yes. I, the intruder, only ask for a horn of your old man. If you want to fight or exchange, everyone can discuss it. But these celestial beings behind are asking for nothing more. It's your old man's life! Together with this unicorn cave, which one is more important, you don't need me, an intruder, to judge the pros and cons for you, right?"

Qilin's face became gloomy: "Don't talk nonsense. They are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven, how could they plan on me? I guess they are clearly following you. If you die here, they will naturally retreat."

(End of this chapter)

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