Chapter 1307 Despicable and Shameless!The decisive battle begins! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu said leisurely: "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. You probably have heard about how the emperor Fuxi came to power. Since you don't believe me, it's okay. I don't have any attachment to this place, so I can leave this unicorn cave immediately. But boss, you have a family and a family." If you can run away, monks can't run away from the temple. Let's see if these sons of Fuxi will harvest your unicorn."

In fact, these words were all guessed by Du Yu after trying to figure out the characters of He Shu and the others.However, this time his guess was surprisingly accurate.

Qilin pondered.

As a divine beast on the same level as immortals, how could he not know some mysteries of the heavenly realm?
The arrogance of the sons of Fuxi is of course possible to beat the rabbits, and when they crusade against the enemies of the heavens, they will kill themselves as a beast and use them to refine alchemy, medicine, and weapons.

"How are you doing?" Qilin asked in a low voice.

"Unite against the enemy."

Du Yu said with a soft smile, "What I'm begging you, old man, is just a horn. As far as I know, every thousand years, the unicorn will grow new horns, and the original unicorn horns will fall back. Therefore, the unicorn horns are considered as important to you." It's not so precious. We can't talk about the enemy of life and death, it's just how to trade. But the greedy sons of Fuxi outside are not so easy to deal with."

"This is my Qilin Cave!" Qilin said proudly and angrily: "No one can please anyone. I don't trust these sons of Fuxi, dare to take risks."

"If only the small ones come, of course." Du Yu blinked slyly: "But there are still big ones coming. So the small ones will become more courageous."

"You mean? It's Fuxi?" Qilin's expression finally changed.

If only Fuxi's son came to hunt him down, Qilin still had the confidence to fight for the male and female, if Fuxi joined

The consequences could be disastrous.

Qilin is very aware of his own strength, and he is by no means an opponent of Fuxi.

"Fuxi is here, why don't I leave? I want to join forces with you instead?" Qilin stared at Du Yu with a keen gaze.

Du Yu was not afraid, and looked at each other: "Because Miao Jiang and Empress Nuwa are bravely fighting against Fuxi and fighting Fuxi in an epic decisive battle! You don't need to be afraid of Fuxi at all. In this battle, no matter who wins or loses, Even Fuxi is doomed to come here to seek your bad luck. He will be seriously injured!"

Qilin's eyes turned cold and stern: "That's right. Even if Fuxi kills Nuwa, he won't be able to please her. His sons are the only ones to worry about."

"The enemy may rush in at any time." Du Yu earnestly said: "Boss Qilin, you should make a decision early. What is your position? Of course you can fight me, and even hand me over to the son of Fuxi, but they will never let you go. Another way for you is to work with me and get rid of these sons of Fuxi who hate dogs!"

"I killed these sons of Fuxi, and God Fuxi was furious, what should I do?" Qilin was worried.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Ever since you were targeted by someone else's son, you are doomed to become a vengeance with God Fuxi! Unless you are willing to dedicate yourself and use your soul and flesh and blood as materials for refining weapons for others. If you want to survive, Why are you afraid of Fuxi? Besides, even if Fuxi wants to settle accounts with someone, he still looks for me. You fled far away, looking for a place to hide, when will it be your turn?"

In an instant, Qilin turned into a middle-aged man again, staring at Du Yu with piercing eyes, and took a long time to utter a word.

"it is good."

Xi Zhong instantly appeared in the magma cave.

His body shape and appearance at this time were the same as Du Yu's.

Wearing [Monkey King's Tricks] legendary-level battle armor, with a tall and straight body, as chic as a green pine, upright, and unyielding, with steady steps and an unruly temperament, he slowly walked into the depths of the magma cave.

"Old Qilin!" Xi Zhong's voice was like a bell, shaking the huge cave.

The middle-aged Qilin appeared on the chain bridge with his hands behind his back.

He looked at "Du Yu" with great interest, but sneered in his heart.

If Du Yu hadn't left the team all the way, rushed at full speed, took the first step, came to the depths of Qilin Cave, and found himself, he really couldn't tell the difference between the Xibei product "Du Yu" and the real one!
It seems that this celestial being is aiming to kill two birds with one stone and drive away tigers and wolves.

Xizhong "Du Yu" looked stern, pointed at Qilin's nose, and shouted sharply: "Today is your death day! Look at the trick!"

He put on a show, and with a move of fairy sword and fairy art, he went straight to Qilin.

Qilin "went into a rage", waved his arm, and there was a sound of non-gold and non-iron fire colliding, and Du Yu's fairy sword technique was instantly broken.

"Du Yu" looked astonished, took two steps back, and said in a hateful voice: "Let me spare you today, when my companions behind me come up, sooner or later they will cramp and skin you!"

As soon as he turned around, he was about to run away.

Unexpectedly, just by turning around, "Du Yu"'s complexion immediately turned into a liver-colored one, as exciting as his expression could be!

Because behind him, there was an identical Du Yu, looking at him coldly.

He went from a brilliant pretender to a poor buffoon in no time.

"Du Yu" gradually changed back to Xizhong, his face was livid.

He bragged to his younger brothers that he wanted Du Yu and Qilin to kill two birds with one stone and drive away the tiger. Unexpectedly, they had reached an agreement long ago, turning into wolves and tigers to go up together and fight back with him!
He is really lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot!

"You owe me an explanation." Qilin's voice was cold, and he said word by word: "Why did you run into my cave and take great pains to pretend to be someone else to provoke me to go to war with others?"

Xi Zhong was originally an arrogant person, how could he explain it, and looked up to the sky haha: "Kirin beast, you must know my origin. I really want to use your hand to deal with this mortal in front of me, but so what? My Fuxi's son, Xizhong, is interested in it, use it, many gods, beasts and immortals would like to have this opportunity!"

"This shows that your son of Fuxi covets me!" Qilin said lightly, "Do you want to use me to refine weapons and alchemy?"

Xizhong was startled, and snorted coldly: "I didn't! Since you found out, it's okay. I just want to ask you, are you willing to help me wait and kill this person? After this person dies, I will I will report your achievements to the Emperor of Heaven and give you a great opportunity."

Qilin closed his eyes, and when he slowly opened them again, he looked at Du Yu and Xi Zhong with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Fuxi's dark clouds floated over Nuwa's ruins, roaring like thunder, "Nuwa! Why don't you come out quickly?"

With a calm face, Nuwa quietly appeared in the air, confronting Fuxi from afar.

"Today is the day of fate." Fuxi's voice was extremely cold in the dark clouds innate gossip array: "Whether your way of benevolence is correct or my way of domination is true, we will fight to prove it."

"Do you prove the Tao with power and results?" Nuwa raised her head and looked at the endless blue sky, as if she wanted to see this sky, this universe, and this cycle of reincarnation thoroughly and clearly. Her voice seemed to come from afar. A voice came from outside: "Fuxi, you are still so self-centered."

"So, I became the Emperor of Heaven!" Fuxi let out a laugh: "And you and Shennong, one is dead, and the other is about to die."

Nuwa closed her beautiful eyes, and said in a light and ethereal voice: "You sent three sons to hunt down my blood descendants and angels? Do you want to catch them all?"

"Of course!" Fu Xi said with a smirk, "Eliminate the evil, cut the weeds and roots! Since they chose you, they must have this day's awareness."

Nuwa opened her eyes again, and there was already a trace of firmness and playfulness in her beautiful eyes!

"Your biggest mistake is to believe too much in pure domineering and power, and send your stupid sons to deal with my blood and angels!"

Fuxi became angry from embarrassment, shouted sharply, and bolts of lightning struck Nuwa.

The battle of the great gods begins!
In the Qilin Cave, Xizhong saw Qilin open his eyes, and sneered, "How? Have you figured it out? Is it true that those who know the current affairs are heroes, or do they want to shake the trees and help these rebels? You can decide with one word. "

The middle-aged Qilin said slowly, "Xizhong, I respect you as the son of the Emperor of Heaven. You have a different status and a noble status. Do you dare to give me an oath in the name of Fuxi, the Emperor of Heaven? Swear that after you kill this person, you will never die." Will you cross the river and tear down the bridge, turning back is not good for me? As long as you are willing to swear, I am willing to be the vanguard and kill this person's head for you!"

Du Yu was startled when he heard this, and secretly clenched his fists.

This unicorn is indeed an old man, and at this critical moment, he even prepared a surprise for himself.

Xizhong's attitude will determine his fate this time.

If the sons of the three great Fuxi join forces with this Qilin, the four superpowers will besiege him at the same time.Even if he holds the secret hole card from the Nuwa Empress, there is only one way to lose!
Absolutely, only defeat.

At that time, what Du Yu will consider is no longer how to dig deep into the plot of this world, but to give up all the benefits, lead a team of beauties, and escape from this world at all costs.

It would be his best result to return to the bloody city safely.

Is Xizhong willing to swear?
Xi Zhong's eyes were calm, looking at the solemn Qilin.

He knew very well that in the name of the Heavenly Emperor and Father, he could exchange this unicorn's service with one oath to deal with Du Yu together.


That also means that I will never be able to complete that precious fairy treasure, because I will never be able to obtain the unicorn soul, which is used as the soul of the refining tool.

Where to go?

Xi Zhong closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he said with a smile on his face, "Kirin beast, I didn't mean anything to you when I waited for you. What's the problem with this oath? Listen."

Du Yu's heart sank all the way down.

He was fully alert, and if he made a mistake, he was ready to retreat at any time.

Whether Du Yu can successfully escape from the cooperation of the two peerless powerhouses, Qilin and Xizhong, is unknown to Du Yu, but he has to try, and it is absolutely impossible to sit still and wait for death.

The expression of the middle-aged Qilin remained unchanged, a pair of powerful tiger eyes lingered on the faces of Du Yu and Xi Zhong.

Xi Zhong said, "In the name of my father and emperor Fuxi, I swear here that I will not do anything!"

He yelled, flipped his hands, and suddenly attacked the Qilin who was close at hand!

Qilin was frightened and angry, and retreated quickly.

But it's too late!
(End of this chapter)

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