Chapter 1311 Horror!Tai Chi produces Liangyi! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu had thought a lot, what was his comparative advantage in fighting the sons of Fuxi?
In terms of cultivation, Du Yu is definitely not as generous as the sons of Fuxi who have the father of the god generation Fuxi.They are destined to become a generation of gods from birth, and no matter how bad they are, they are also small immortals.

But Du Yu's road to immortality is full of ups and downs. From the master, to the magic technique, to the elixir, to the next step of the road to immortality, he has to explore everything by himself.Although Du Yu's fairy fate is good and his luck is quite good, it is not a series of adventures, but he went very smoothly, and he has cultivated to the realm of practicing virtual fusion all the way.

But the difference in strength between the two sides meant that it was impossible for Du Yu to win against Xi Zhong in terms of immortality and realm!Even with the addition of the Tiangang Constellation Formation, Du Yu's skill has increased tenfold, and it is absolutely impossible to win!
If Du Yu insists on fighting against Xi Zhong's immortal art, in a word, the egg hits the stone.

But Xiantian gossip told Du Yu that everything has both yin and yang.For one thing, there are advantages and disadvantages.Du Yu also keenly saw the inadequacy of Xi Zhong, a dude who was born in a family of great gods!
That is the lack of belief in winning.

There have been more than one battles with Uncle He, He Zhong, Uncle Xi and others. It is obvious that the sons of Fuxi have already gained the upper hand. He will also panic and retreat in a hurry.

This is a sign of lack of confidence!
In the final analysis, this is the flower in the greenhouse, which cannot withstand any storms!

Greenhouse flowers through and through.

From Uncle He, He Zhong to Uncle Xi, no one can fight to the end in front of Du Yu!
Therefore, through observation, Du Yu has already seen clearly the biggest weakness of these sons of Fuxi!

They don't have the hard experience of walking up step by step, they can't stand heavy injuries and harsh battles, in a word, they are not enough men!
A real man can stand up straight in the face of death and crisis!
Du Yu is such a man!

No matter how big the storm is, in his opinion, it is only temporary.

What kind of difficulty is there, can it compare to him entering the space, like a dog in the water, even the living quarters are leaking shacks, and there is no guarantee of survival?
These sons of Fuxi can't understand such a desperate situation at all!

This is the biggest difference between them and Du Yu.It is also an irreparable shortcoming on the road of practice.

Suffering, although it is a bitter life experience, no one is willing to try it.But there are some things that can only be understood after experiencing real suffering!

Along the way, Du Yu has endured countless hardships and strengthened his heart. When it comes to inner strength, he dare not say that he is the most persevering in the space, and at least he is much stronger than the sons of Fuxi who have a smooth journey and smooth sailing.

Therefore, Du Yu's tactics were hand-to-hand combat!

Give up competing in the high-level fairy arts, and use solid martial arts fighting skills to fight Xi Zhong to the death!

Maybe, Xi Zhong's fighting strength will beat Du Yu to a bruised face, maybe, the 3 times difference in strength is enough to make Du Yu's head bleed, but only in this way can Du Yu be the safest and most sure You have to give Xi Zhong a hard blow!

Only by hurting him can Xizhong be forced to make a mistake.

Xi Zhong didn't make any mistakes, but Du Yu could only die.

Sure enough, it was as Du Yu thought.

Xi Zhong took three blows from Du Yu, and his confidence, which was originally vigorous, was hit hard.

As the son of the Emperor of Heaven, even if he fights with others, if he takes out the Fuxi Renhuang sword, the opponent bows his head first, and many of them immediately admit to being cowardly. How can there be such a rogue, hand-to-hand combat?
He had never met Du Yu who was so brave and fearless, with hard fists!

"Bastard!" Xi Zhong quickly calmed down, swiped the Fuxi Renhuang sword, and sent out another lore.

"【Tai Chi produces Liangyi】!"

The Renhuang sword split into two, turning into Yin and Yang poles, piercing Du Yu's body from the left and right sides respectively.

This [Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi], just by hearing the name, one knows that it is a move that doubles the power of the Fuxi Renhuang sword to attack the enemy.

The two poles of yin and yang are by no means a simple addition of power, but the two poles are mutually generated, and the power of the mutual generation will greatly strengthen Xizhong's attack power.

Xi Zhong sneered: "Look at me, I will split you in half with the magical skills created by my father!"

[Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi] Wrapped in a fierce divine wind, it flies with two wings.

Without dodging or evading, Du Yu charged towards Xi Zhong.

He really didn't dodge or dodge, he chose to charge hard!
For a moment, Xi Zhong lost his mind.

And such a brave and almost suicidal immortal?
In order to get closer, even at the expense of completely giving up defense?
What a stupid idiot is this?
Especially seeing Du Yu being hit by [Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi], one front and one back, hitting his body almost at the same time when he was charging towards him, two waves of terrifying blood burst out, and his body was almost cut into two pieces, Xi Zhong I couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Silly X! You are such a fool, such a reckless attack can only bring more damage. If I were you"

"It's a pity, you're not me!" Du Yu endured the severe pain, and despite the damage from [Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi], he rushed up.

Xi Zhong sneered.

He confirmed that this prevents mortals from being so severely injured that it is absolutely impossible to do anything else.

The battle between immortals is usually decided from a long distance away.

Although a reckless general like Du Yu gave him a heavy blow in an instant, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of bumpkin to win against him.

In the end, the experienced tall, handsome and rich himself will still stand at the top of the food chain, looking down on this sad mortal!

This is the gap.

natural gap.

A gap that can never be bridged.

Xi Zhong looked coldly at the women behind Du Yu, who were exclaiming, worried, and sad.

"These women are not bad, but it's a pity" Xi Zhong himself is not lustful, except for cultivation, his attitude towards female sex is average, but he knows that the two younger brothers are more lustful than the other: "Probably they will become the dolls of Heshu and Zhong." .After being tired of being played by a bitch, then kill or drain your cultivation. What a pity."


When Du Yu's iron fist approached him again, Xi Zhong's expression finally changed!
He felt that Du Yu's palm hadn't weakened at all!Instead, it became stronger because of hatred and pain!

Like a raging lion, instead of reducing his combat strength, the injury gave him more damage and explosion!

Du Yu's iron palm that exploded with golden dragon energy struck Xi Zhong's chest viciously!
Xi Zhong didn't even have time to dodge anything before he was hit hard in the chest by this seemingly reckless man with a devastating force! !

He only heard a crisp sound, and a cracking sternum, which was ruthlessly crushed by Du Yu's powerful palm that gathered the power of 28 stars!


"Break it! Break it! Break it!" Blood poured down from Du Yu's head like a spring, but Du Yu didn't feel any pain or fear.

In his heart, there is only endless anger and hatred!
Yes, it is hatred.

On the battlefield, for a warrior, courage is good, but hatred is the best!
Du Yu's anger and hatred condensed on the iron palm, palm after palm, bombarding Xi Zhong's body like a tiger!
Like a noble mage, Xi Zhong was approached by a furious melee boxing champion, punching and hitting him loudly!

His complexion suddenly changed.

Just as Du Yu guessed, although Xi Zhong participated in a lot of immortal battles, most of the time, he was competing with spells and magic weapons remotely. When did he encounter such embarrassing and vulgar hand-to-hand combat?
In the eyes of Xi Zhong and other immortals, this is simply outrageous, like rogues from the lower world fighting, how can they be worthy of the status of immortals?
But at this time, Du Yu wanted to fight with Xi Zhong like a rascal!

Regardless of Xizhong's fierce counterattack, he slapped one palm after another, using the martial arts kung fu that he had been practicing since entering the space, without hesitation, he steadfastly fought hand-to-hand with Xizhong!

There is a tendency of immortality!

Either you die, or I die, there is no other result!
Each blow of Du Yu's palm condensed the power of 28 beauties who were infatuated with him, and it was unprecedentedly vigorous. Each blow hit Xizhong's chest and throat!

Xi Zhong ate Du Yu again in a row, a total of 8 palms, and vomited three mouthfuls of blood!

The shock and anger in his heart almost reached the level of panic.

"What's going on? Is this mortal crazy? Why is he like a mad dog, so brave and fearless? Zhao Zhao fights desperately?" Xi Zhong secretly groaned in his heart.

He had conceived many strange tactics for Du Yu to deal with, and made various preparations, but Du Yu adopted the simplest, most brutal, and most direct way of fighting.

"Take a move for a move! A life for a life!" Du Yu's palm was shining with a golden light. His cultivation base at this time had completely surpassed Hong Qigong and reached another height!
Xizhong was terrified.

He was afraid.

To be honest, his skill cultivation at this time is actually 2-3 times higher than Du Yu's.The damage done to Du Yu every time is also very fatal.Before [Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi], Du Yu completely took this trick, and his body was almost split into two pieces by Fuxi Renhuang's sword. At this time, the wound was terribly large, and the blood was like a column, and even the broken body could be seen. The bones and nerve vessels are still spraying blood water one after another.Yilin, Zhao Linger and the other recovering beauties burst into tears, throwing healing skills and magic at Du Yu, but none of them could stop the terrible injury.

As long as Xi Zhong is willing to persevere, at most 5 more breaths, Du Yu will definitely be unable to continue because of his serious injuries. Even if Du Yu has a steel-like will and a rock-like Dao heart, he is a human being after all, not a god. If the burden is too heavy, it will also cause the wound to collapse, and the whole body will collapse and collapse.

But the problem is, Xi Zhong doesn't know!
He didn't know when Du Yu would fall!

He didn't even dare to gamble!
Because every breath, Du Yu's iron palm hit him hard like a god of death urging him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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