Chapter 1312 Tiangang Constellation, Team Power! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
It's not that Xi Zhong doesn't know how to dodge, it's that Du Yu is going all out, he would rather be hit by Xi Zhong's moves and take damage, but also ensure that his offensive will not be dodged by Xi Zhong and return in vain!

What a terrifying man!

Risk your life, just for the death of the enemy!

In Du Yu's understanding, this is fighting!
Before, for a long time, Du Yu had never worked so hard.Because of his previous struggles, he had laid a solid foundation. Du Yu didn't need to fight to the death, as long as he used his strategy, he could win without a fight.

But Xi Zhong, an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, forced Du Yu to show his strongest state, use the strongest formation, gamble everything on himself, risk his life, and fight him to the death!
Xi Zhong's injury is rapidly worsening.

Du Yu's injuries were accumulating even faster at three times the speed.

"Roar!" Du Yu risked everything and struck out the most powerful palm ever!
Kang Long has regrets!

Du Yu's iron-like firm palm hit Xi Zhong hard in the throat.

Xi Zhong choked up, his fighting spirit was finally completely destroyed.

He flew backwards!
Covering his throat with his hand, his eyes revealed disbelief.

Xi Zhong's health has dropped to less than half.

This is Du Yu's victory.

This is an unprecedented miracle.

An immortal who has broken through the void and cultivated, will be suppressed and beaten by the scum of the Void Fusion Realm!
This in itself is an unbelievable miracle for the immortals.

Du Yu floated in the void, gasping for breath.

Blood gushed out of his body as if he didn't want money.

The injury was already so heavy that it couldn't be added, and even the immortal power needed to float was barely enough.

He was still standing in front of Xi Zhong!
Like a rock, let the waves rush up, and the waves will pass by, leaving behind still a rock.

Du Yu's health was only a trace of Yoyo.

The spells of Zhao Linger, Yilin and Galadriel were placed on him one after another, but they still couldn't stop Du Yu's life from passing.

Xi Zhong and Du Yu looked at each other.

for a long time.

Xi Zhong suddenly burst out laughing: "What a mortal who is not afraid of death. What a rock that dares to face head-on. It's a pity."

He said coldly: "You are just a stone in a latrine. Although it is smelly and hard, you will not escape the fate of being kicked away by me in the end."

"An immortal is an immortal." He said coldly, "A stone is a stone. You will never be able to change all of this."

He suddenly pulled out the Fuxi Renhuang sword in his hand, and was ready to deliver a fatal blow again.

This time, he will not give Du Yu any chance.

"Look at the trick! 【Yangyi Shengsixiang】!"

Xi Zhong raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

Rays of light that destroyed heaven and earth burst out from Fuxi Renhuang's sword.

In the dim light, the black and white yin and yang fish evolved into Liangyi, and gradually turned into four hexagrams: Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin.This is the so-called Liangyi Shengsixiang.

The hexagrams of Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin are more complicated and mysterious, and their power is even greater.

This is Xi Zhong's strongest move.

Originally, when Fuxi taught him the Fuxi Renhuang Sword, he taught him three tricks.

When parting, the Tai Chi transforms Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.

The power of the three moves is multiplied and progressive, and the power of Taijihua Liangyi is twice that of ordinary attacks.Liangyi produces four images, the power is four times, and the third move, four images produce gossip, is eight times the attack damage!
Fu Xi earnestly taught: "If one day you can use these four images to produce gossip, it means that your innate gossip has been comprehended to a very deep level, and you can become a teacher. In the future, if you fight with others, people in the fairy world will have no opponents."

Xi Zhong has been practicing these three moves assiduously.He didn't disappoint Fuxi either, he had successfully practiced and mastered two tricks.Only the four images produce gossip, which cannot be mastered proficiently.

Two appearances give birth to four images, four times the skill, that's enough!

The Fuxi Renhuang sword split into four in an instant, turning into four innate hexagrams, Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin, approaching Du Yu from southeast, northwest, respectively.

A winning smile appeared on the corner of Xizhong's mouth.

He thought that Du Yu was doomed!
In the past, if the difference in strength between Du Yu and him was said, at the youngest time, it was only three times.Now because Liangyi produces four phenomena, the power is four times, his skill at this time is at least 12 times that of Du Yu!
Du Yu absolutely couldn't resist this kind of gap.

The light of Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin, like four attacking dragons, roared at the same time and approached Du Yu.

Du Yu's state had already fallen to the bottom.

He did give Xi Zhong a heavy set of combos, so that Xi Zhong couldn't even call out his mother.

But the gap in strength exists after all.

This Xizhong's terrifying Fuxi gossip formation skill can double, quadruple, or eight times increase his own cultivation skills. To be honest, even if he meets the Nuwa Empress, he will have a fight if he shows the strongest state. Du Yu can reach This level is already not easy.

But then what?

Is Du Yu going to give up like this?
He has bled dry and is extremely exhausted, what else can he do?
Du Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Hmph! You have the Fuxi Renhuang Sword and the Innate Skills, but we have a whole team!" Du Yu waved his hand.

28 teams of beauties, from the positions of Eastern Azure Dragon, Western White Tiger, Southern Suzaku, and Northern Xuanwu, fought on their own, intercepting the light of Xi Zhong's swordsmanship of Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin. Fight against an innate gossip image, and fight fiercely.

"Hmph. How can these women of yours stop my innate gossip, which is the most mysterious in the world?" Xi Zhong shouted sharply, "Break it!"

Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin all burst out with frightening light at the same time!
The beauties in the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation were under tremendous pressure in an instant.

You must know that Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin are each equivalent to the strength of Xizhong's body.

And the seven beauties of the Tiangang Beidou formation, added together, are not enough to fight against Xi Zhong.

This is the absolute powerhouse who broke through the void realm!
But Xizhong's eyes popped out!

Because these four rays of light were tightly suppressed by the beauties of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, and they could not advance an inch.

"How is this possible?" Xi Zhong let out a furious roar, which shook nine times.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?" Xi Zhong was overwhelmed by this scene, and roared continuously.

Du Yu rose slowly, and after Ling'er and others cast emergency spells, he had already recovered a little vitality.

Although the injury was heavy, and although the enemy was as strong as a mountain, Du Yu's eyes were burning with unyielding fighting spirit, and the sharp light wanted to pierce the sky and go away!

"You probably don't know the mystery of this magic circle." Du Yu sneered.

With the power of seven beauties, it is certainly not enough to withstand Xi Zhong's full blow.

But Xizhong also made a fatal mistake.

That is, he didn't know the details of the Tiangang Constellation Formation, so he divided his power into four!
It is true that each of these four powers has the power comparable to Xi Zhong's body, but after all, it cannot be manipulated like an arm and a finger to achieve the flexibility of the body.

The biggest difference lies in the fact that the four hexagrams attack each other separately and cannot land on the formation at the same time.

This gave Tiangang Constellation Formation an excellent opportunity.

Whenever the Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin formations collide with the Star Formation.What the Constellation Formation gives to the enemy is not the power of 7 people, but the power of 29 people!
In this way, how can Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin have a chance to break through the defense?
This completely relies on the power of the Tiangang Star Formation transformed by the Nuwa Empress, allowing the immortal power of Du Yu and others to be transmitted rapidly, no matter where it is attacked, all the internal energy of the Star Formation can be used together Instantly focus on the enemy.

Under this impenetrable iron bucket formation, the four hexagram images of Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin hit the wall again and again, and the teacher and teacher are useless.

Du Yu roared angrily, grabbed the moment when Fuxi Renhuangjian was not by Xizhong's side, and instantly used the space teleportation ability, appearing behind Xizhong!
Furious attack!

Du Yu's ghost prison roared like a giant thunder, bombarding Xi Zhong's mind.

Rao Xizhong had already been promoted to the Immortal of Breaking Through the Void, so he couldn't help being taken away by Du Yu's aura, and his spirit was lost for a while.

When he came back to his senses and prepared to fight back strongly, it was already too late!

Du Yu's iron palm, as if flying from the sky, smashed hard on Xi Zhong's vest!
Xi Zhong still suffered from Du Yu's close combat!
His celestial arts are quite a few dozen blocks away from Du Yu.The power of the Fuxi Renhuang sword is even more wonderful, but the problem is that Du Yu relied on the 28 beauties' Xingxiu sword formation to firmly block his innate formation, teleportation to shorten the distance, and the idea of ​​fighting melee !
Xi Zhong was so angry that he went crazy, and Du Yu's iron palm made him vomit blood again!

Du Yu's hatred and anger burned on the Iron Palm, raising its power to unimaginable heights.

It was hard for Du Yu himself to believe that one day, he would be able to achieve such terrifying destructive power.

To be able to achieve such terrifying damage to the immortal who stepped through the void!

Xizhong vomited blood and retreated dejectedly.

Du Yu shouted angrily, jumped into the abyss, shortened the distance in an instant, and attacked again!
Xizhong had no choice but to forcibly retract the Fuxi Renhuang sword, stopped the offensive, and specially defended against Du Yu's mad attack.

But he soon knew that doing so was simply drinking poison to quench thirst.

The Tiangang Constellation Formation began to rotate slowly!
The phantoms of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu appeared at the feet of 28 beauties one by one.With their fluttering skirts and light footsteps like the wind, they continue to become brighter and more compact!
The power of the four great beasts was gradually brought into play by the beauties.

The blue dragon in the east dominates wind, the red bird in the south dominates fire, the basalt dominates earth in the north, and the white tiger in the west dominates gold!

Plus Du Yu's Tianyuan Ziweixing, the main thunder!
There are three of the Five Elements Lingzhu in Du Yu's arms, namely the Wind Lingzhu, the Earth Lingzhu and the Thunder Lingzhu!Suddenly, they flew out of Du Yu's arms one by one, and arranged them around the Tiangang Xingxiu sword array.

Wind Lingzhu, Earth Lingzhu, faintly glowing!

Qinglong's long eyes and Xuanwu's tortoise shell simultaneously burst into dazzling light, and rushed towards Xizhong.

(End of this chapter)

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