Chapter 1314 All die together!The last let go! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Xi Zhong was shocked and angry.

He couldn't imagine how a mere mortal would have such powerful and heaven-defying treasures, and they would emerge endlessly. No matter how powerful his killing skills Xi Zhong showed, Du Yu would always have a way to crack them!

"Bastard!" Xi Zhong swung Fuxi Renhuang sword while deducing, trying to kill Du Yu.

He was riding a tiger right now, the last move of the Xiantian Eight Diagrams Formation was not yet completed, so the deduction must not stop, otherwise the power of the Eight Diagrams Formation would turn back against its master.To put it simply, these Taotie, Kunpeng, Li Snake, Yingzhao, Yinglong, Tuntian Python, Qiongqi, and Luanniao will all pounce on him in turn.But Du Yu broke through the congenital gossip unbelievably, and when he came in front of him, wouldn't he resist being beaten?
Du Yu's eyes were extremely determined, all he had learned and his life's skills were condensed in one palm, and he uttered roars of dragons and tigers, firmly imprinting on Xizhong's chest!
Looking at Du Yu's moves, Xi Zhong felt a sense of despair in his heart.

He is good at deducing innate gossip, from this aura, he can even foresee that his own death is approaching!

"No! Don't!" In despair, Xizhong slashed down with Fuxi Renhuang's sword!
He wants to prevent death!
Fuxi Renhuang Sword has infinite power, it is easy to kill a mortal.

As long as he can delay for a moment, just a few breaths, his innate gossip formation, the four images produce gossip, and he can finally complete it!
Although this formation is not perfect, but at the juncture of the life-and-death battle, Xi Zhong thinks that the flaws of this formation are not fatal, and it is about half of the power of his father!Even if he backfires on himself, his body is still strong enough to stand in front of his father!

Win or lose, life or death, all depend on how much interest there is!
When he strikes with the sword, the opponent will have to dodge to save his life, wasting a few breaths of time.

It only takes a few breaths of time to form a large formation, complete the encirclement, and destroy the entire team of the opponent!

But Du Yu was beyond his expectation again.

He didn't dodge.

Just like that, holding on to Zhan Tianpoyue's Fuxi Renhuang sword, he rushed forward abruptly, and struck Xizhong's chest with his palm!

Du Yu's attack, like the climax of a symphony, hit the strongest note ever!
Xi Zhong felt the tearing vibration that pierced his heart. The 50% extra damage bonus of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon against immortals, plus Du Yu's full concentration, and the power bonus of 28 beauties, this blow gave him Terrible injuries were caused.

But Xizhong's Fuxi Renhuang sword slashed fiercely on Du Yu's shoulder.

Xizhong, in terms of combat performance, is worthy of being the son of the great god Fuxi. From his combat awareness, combat skills to the depth of his application of innate gossip, he has reached a level that Du Yu can't reach at present.Without the many harvests from this world, without the accumulation of hard training in the previous world, without the life-sacrificing support of the beauties, Du Yu would never have been able to achieve this step.

Du Yu's shoulder was sliced ​​open by Fuxi's sword!

His internal organs seemed to be split open at the same time, with cracked wounds, gushing blood and broken flesh everywhere.

Du Yu's consciousness gradually faded.

His eyes felt extremely heavy.

His perception, like being in water, became dull.

He was tired, tired, and wanted to close his eyes and have a good rest.

In the haze, he could only see that Xi Zhong's face seemed to be distorted with his last blow, his deduction seemed to have failed, his eyes were flustered, he was figuring out his fingers, he was in a mess, and he was spitting out blood .Blood even sprayed on his face, but he didn't feel it.

Xizhong, it's finally over.

Du Yu was pleased to see the 28 beauties rushing towards him with tears streaming down their faces.

"I'm so glad that you can be saved." Du Yu was in a daze for a while, and his last thought was to invite all the beauties to cancel their contracts!
A contract is an agreement between two parties, and one party must obtain the consent of the other party to terminate it.

He wanted to make sure that after his death, these beauties would not be buried with him, obliterated by the space, and disappeared.

"I couldn't fulfill my promise to you and stay together for the rest of my life. I'm really sorry." Du Yu finally shed the only tears since he entered the space.

Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Ning Zhongze, Zhou Zhiruo, Galadriel

The beauties felt that their contract with Du Yu had already been terminated by Du Yu, and this was the last life Du Yu reserved for themselves!
As long as they agree, they will regain their freedom and can choose to become plot characters, or become adventurers after gaining the power of weather.

They cried like pear blossoms and rain.

But no one chose to agree.

Their choices are surprisingly unanimous, and they are all rejections.

All of Du Yu's invitations to terminate the contract were rejected.

"Why are you bothering?" Du Yu was extremely weak, his body almost collapsed, his life value had dried up, and he entered a deep near-death state.This kind of body is injured and fragmented, even if it is immediately restored by medicine and magic, it must return to the space to slowly heal.

But at this time, the time left for Du Yu was running out.

The beauties jumped to Du Yu's side, and they surrounded Du Yu in clusters of flowers.

Su Daji gave up besieging Heshu, jumped up and appeared beside Du Yu.

She grabbed Du Yu's hand, pulled out Du Yu's dark soul stone, and stabbed fiercely at Xi Zhong who was in a state of convulsions due to the backlash of the innate formation!

Xizhong's forehead was pierced fiercely by the dark soul stone, his eyes lost his focus suddenly, roaring angrily, his eyes were completely taken away from the slowly turning gossip yin and yang fish.His soul was sucked into the dark soul stone!

Xi Zhong's physical body, having lost his consciousness, fell slowly, and was about to fall into the boiling magma.

"You can't take advantage of this guy!" Li Mochou gritted her teeth with tears streaming down her face, and swept to the sky, lifted Xi Zhong's body, and put it in the Xumi ring of the Mo family.The Sumeru ring will kill living objects, but Xi Zhong is a corpse anyway, so he is not afraid.

"The body of an immortal can refine all kinds of magic weapons." Li Mochou was full of resentment, and looked at the dead Xi Zhong viciously: "You dare to hurt Du Yu's old lady and I will train you into a corpse puppet!"

Brothers He Shu and He Zhong were completely dumbfounded.

They didn't understand what happened in the flash of light and flint just now.

It seems that the eldest brother has always had the absolute upper hand, firmly suppressing Du Yu and the 28 beauties. Du Yu occasionally counterattacked, but it didn't hurt the overall situation. Unexpectedly, he broke into the formation, and when he couldn't make a mistake in his deduction, he gave the elder brother a hard blow.The eldest brother was actually killed by backlash?


The two brothers looked at each other, and the horror in their eyes was hard to hide.

The eldest brother, like the second brother, was absorbed into the soul by a treasure of this mortal!
They don't want to repeat the same mistakes and embark on the path of the tragic fate of the eldest brother and the second brother.

"Let's go!" Uncle He screamed wildly, and fled first.

But Ling'er was out of anger.

She witnessed Du Yu's big brother, for the safety of her team, desperately fighting against the mighty Xizhong, and Yu Xizhong died together in the end.

Tears welled up in Ling'er's beautiful face like a lotus, and she stretched out her hand to block Uncle He resolutely.

"Blame me!"

Ling'er blamed herself in pain: "It's all because I'm too weak to help Brother Du Yu and kill you enemies of Empress Nuwa. I'm really useless."

"Stupid woman! Get away!" Uncle He was anxious to escape, so how could he observe Linger's expression carefully.

In the center of Ling'er's forehead, a crooked moon mark symbolizing Nuwa's yin gradually appeared!
Stimulated by Du Yu's tragic death in battle, her Nuwa blood descendant finally awakened for the second time!

"Dream Snake, evolve!" Ling'er's body, from Dream Snake's half-human half-snake state, suddenly underwent a second evolution.

Her snake tail was constantly elongating, and the scales all over her body exuded a golden light.

On Ling'er's clear water hibiscus face, there was a trace of holy radiance, she was simply a miniature copy of Nuwa Empress.

Her aura is no longer that timid little girl, but a woman who has the blood of Nuwa, has courage and responsibility, and goes forward bravely for her mission and love!
"Let's go!" Ling'er swung her golden snake tail and slapped Uncle He hard on the face.

Uncle He flew up suddenly, several teeth flew out, and there was a trace of blood on his face, which was completely swollen like a pig's head.

"You stinky woman, how dare you do this?" Uncle He couldn't believe it, but when he saw the Nuwa aura on Ling'er, his aura suddenly weakened.

Even the strongest elder brother, Xizhong, was killed, and faced with the blood descendant of Nuwa who had awakened for the second time, how dare he stay here for a long time?

"Hmph! I'll settle accounts with you next time, let's go!" He shouted to He Zhong.

The brothers immediately wanted to fly away.

But with Linger's obstruction, they could no longer leave.


All of Du Yu's beauties are already murderous, and they are here to hide and kill!

"It's all you despicable, nasty, and indecent schemers who caused Du Yu to fall!" Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful eyes filled with tears, and the Yitian sword went forward without hesitation, stabbing at Uncle He: "Pay me with my life!"

"I will never let you go!" Ling'er, with her enchanting snake body, twisted slowly and rushed towards He Zhong.

Brothers Heshu and Zhong, with earthy faces, could not be caught without a fight.One of them wielded the mace and the other used Baguazhang to fight with the beauties.

Strictly speaking, their cultivation was higher than Du Yu's, and even more than one level higher than the beauties.

Uncle He and Zhong Zhong fought desperately with great power, even though there were many beauties, they couldn't take them down for a while.

The Qilin Cave trembled even more violently.Just now, Xizhong's Fuxi Xiantian gossip formation was broken by Du Yu during the deduction, and the violent immortal power spread around and hit the rock wall.Large chunks of rock are falling down, smashing into the boiling magma continuously, stirring up the orange-red magma fire that soars into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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