Chapter 1315 Killing three sons in a row!Fuxi's weakness! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
"This place is about to collapse." Uncle He yelled wildly: "You women, why don't you run away with your corpse quickly? Are you going to die here?"

He wanted to retreat in his heart, and he yelled like this mainly to persuade the beauties to make way, and his brother ran away first.If the green hills are kept, there will be no firewood to burn, and then I will bring my father and king to Du Yu and the others to settle accounts!
The beautiful eyes of the beauties were cold, and they looked at each other, but no one retreated.

Su Daji yelled: "Form a constellation of heavenly stars and surround them! Besiege them!"

Du Yu was in a coma and dying at this time. The beauties were eager for revenge and quickly formed a formation. The Eastern Qinglong, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Xuanwu surrounded Heshu and Zhong.

The power of this constellation array was vividly reflected in He Shu and Zhong!

Although there is no Du Yu in the middle to host, the beauties have a strict formation and continue to launch fierce sieges. Each attack is launched from the most unexpected and best position of Uncle He and Zhong. The power of 28 beauties is condensed on one person. Immediately, Ling Heshu and Zhong Zhong were in chaos and panicked. Not long after, Shi Feixuan took advantage of Heshu's flaw, and with a divine thought, all the power of the 28 beauties gathered on the Sekong sword, and with a tearing sound, they pierced Heshu's sword. Ribs!

Uncle He yelled in anger, and before he had time to fight back, far away, the step trainer's magic shot crossbow shot in front of him again!
This is not the skill of the step trainer himself, it is still the full blow of 28 beauties!
Poor Uncle He, who didn't even have time to resist, was shot head-on, screamed in pain, and lost three of his front teeth.

Houhou's Heavenly Demon with Bai Yunpiao, like a ghostly poisonous snake, sneaked up, grabbed Heshu's leg from under his feet, and grabbed it! Throw it into the high-temperature magma that erupted from the lava!
No matter how hard Uncle He broke free, he couldn't break free, and could only fall miserably into the magma.Houhou's Baiyunpiao was made by Shan Wanjing strengthened with the tendons of the magic dragon, not afraid of the magma burning, he pulled Uncle He out of the magma, and then smashed it into the magma.

Li Mochou's poisonous needles kept attacking He Zhong, preventing him from escaping.

As soon as He Zhonggang activated it, Galadriel's wind magic turned into a wind djinn and punched him down.

Although Galadriel's magic cannot be used in common with the powers of many beauties cultivating immortals, Du Yu's Xuanyuan picking method can be used to instantly strengthen her magic energy with the energy of other beauties, just like a magic net absorbing magic power. It is convenient, and it can also greatly enhance the combat power of the elf queen.

He Zhong and He Shu, like two clowns, were beaten into a mess by the beauties of the Tiangang Constellation Formation with the combined strength of the group.

But the strength of the two is really strong, even if they are so unfavorable, they are still defeated and not chaotic.The beauties couldn't find a chance and killed them with one blow.

But at this time, the so-called tit for tat means that the retribution of the present world comes quickly.The middle-aged unicorn who had been attacked by Uncle and Zhong before finally stood up.

He stared at Uncle He and Zhong fiercely with cold eyes, and said with a sneer, "The kindness just now has not been repaid to you yet. Here it is!"

He jumped up and rushed towards Uncle He.

He Shuda shouted: "Qilin! How courageous you are! Aren't you afraid that the emperor Fuxi will send down divine fire and burn you to ashes? My father and king will not sit idly by."

He Zhong also sternly shouted: "What happened today is my fault. I shouldn't have sneaked up on you. But you also have to think about the future, when the Great God Fuxi is punishing Nuwa, I'm afraid he will win from time to time. How can you win at that time?" manage?"

Qilin shouted coldly: "You are used to oppressing the gods and beasts, how often have you ever cared about me? If Brother Du Yu hadn't drawn his sword to help me, I would have been plucked out of my soul by that unkind bastard Xi Zhong at this time, and trained into a weapon soul! Such a deep hatred, how can it be easily intercepted? Hmph! Seeing that the Du Yu brothers can use the weak to control the strong and kill Xi Zhong by force, as a beast, how can I not feel it in my heart? Bah! What a big god Fuxi, I see this battle of the great gods , it may not be Fuxi who wins! Even if he wins, I will risk my life and kill his two sons!"

Eager for revenge, he no longer disregarded Heshu and Zhong's dissuasion, and charged like thunder and fire. A pair of unicorn horns that looked like dragon horns flashed with divine light, stabbing Heshu and Zhong.

With the unicorn beast joining the battle, He Shu and Zhong became more passive immediately.They wanted to dodge the furious unicorn, and the unicorn horns attacked fiercely, and at the same time, they had to beware of the sword combo technique of the 28 stars beauties, and they were terrified.

"This Qilin is really kind." Shen Luoyan said with emotion.

"Hmph! He jumped out to take revenge when he saw that Du Yu was able to overcome the strong with the weak, and forcibly killed Xi Zhong, the most powerful opponent. Otherwise, he would have given up and fled by now." Su Daji said disdainfully. .

Since Qilin was determined to be hostile to Fuxi's son, he also used his full strength, relying on the mighty body of the beast, rampaging, kicking with horns and kicks, beating Uncle and Zhong, suffering unspeakably.Uncle He cursed, He Zhong threatened coldly, and tried to force Qilin to withdraw from the battle.

Su Daji is worthy of being the strongest beauty in the Zifu District. Seeing a chance for Heshu and Zhong, she flicked her fox tail and appeared in front of Heshu in an instant. The dark soul stone in her hand pierced Heshu's forehead in an instant. !

"Let me in!" Su Daji knew that it was necessary for the souls of Uncle He and others to perform the resurrection magic on Empress Nuwa, so she had been waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"That's right!" Xiaolongnu's eyes lit up, and she said in a manly voice: "Nuwa Empress said that to revive Lin Yueru's younger sister and Lin Qinger's witch queen, you need a phoenix egg, a unicorn horn, and the souls of the three sons of Fuxi. These two dead women should be able to resurrect Du Yu, right?"

The beauties suddenly came to their senses, kept calm and thoughtful towards Su Daji all the time, and praised Su Daji in unison.

Su Daji didn't care to say more, a powerful burst of immortal power stopped Heshu firmly, and the dark soul stone penetrated into Heshu's brain again and again.

Uncle He's eyeballs finally turned into dead fish eyes, and the soul left the body and was sucked into the soul stone.

His body was also taken away by Li Mochou, who did some evil deeds to vent his anger.

He Zhong's face was ashen, knowing that it was inevitable, he suddenly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed endlessly: "Everyone, don't kill me. I am willing to surrender. I am willing to tell the great god Fuxi whether it is a big secret of Fuxi's usurper. If you forgive me Me, you will have a chance to defeat Fuxi."

Su Daji shook her foxtail lightly, and said with a sweet smile, "Really? Your news is so valuable?"

He Zhong Zhitian swears: "If what I say is false, let me sacrifice my soul to other gods, and I will die!"

Su Daji nodded in understanding, and suddenly turned her hand, and the dark soul stone pierced He Zhong's forehead again!

He Zhong's eyes turned white, he was still struggling and said: "Don't you want to live, but God Fuxi will kill all of you to avenge the four of us?"

Su Daji smiled with indescribable coldness: "I captured your souls with the dark soul stone, and I can also interrogate you and torture you. I am not afraid that you will not recruit! I will keep your secret in my heart. Diablo, Zoro, don't hesitate to give me the three Xizhong brothers!"

Prison tyrants like Diablo Sauron, how could they be polite?With a grinning grin, he pressed towards the souls of Xi Zhong, He Shu and others.

Although Xizhong, Uncle He and others have immortal power, their combat power is still higher than that of Diablo and others, but it is a pity that this is a dark soul stone produced in the western world, which can only store and imprison souls, without the slightest world True Yuan and external immortal power can be used.As for the immortal, the immortal power stored in the body is actually very limited.It is necessary to communicate with the world, mobilize the wind and thunder, and use the true energy of the world to maintain high-intensity continuous fighting.

So, after a short battle, the three brothers exhausted their immortal power, and bullies such as Diablo and Sauron, who possessed the body of the Iron Demon God, gained the upper hand

The screams of the three brothers Xi Zhong, He Shu, and He Zhong resounded through the dark soul stone.

Su Daji smiled charmingly, put away the dark soul stone, turned to the middle-aged unicorn and said, "This place is about to collapse. I have one last request."

Qilin smiled wryly and said, "What you said is probably my unicorn horn?"

Su Daji bowed, and said with tears: "My husband, I can't bear to see the Qilin beast being killed by Xizhong Xiaoxiao. After a desperate battle, killing Xizhong, I am dying. Senior Qilin, You will definitely not repay your kindness, just ignore it, right?"

Qilin smiled helplessly and said: "At this time, you have killed three Fuxi's sons in a row, do I still have the courage to say no?"

With a sigh, he took off a long dark green unicorn horn from his forehead and handed it to Su Daji.

"This is the painstaking effort of my practice for thousands of years, but since Brother Du Yu has saved my life, and it is to save him, I am willing to give it away." Qilin said generously.

"Thank you, senior Qilin, for the gift." Su Daji smiled like a flower, and put the thing away.

Qilin waved his hand.

The entire cave began to shake more violently, and it was about to collapse completely.

"Everyone leave quickly, I want this cave to collapse completely." Qilin shouted: "At that time, even if Fuxi comes here, he will not be able to restore the clues of this battle from the remnants of immortal energy and wind left behind. Everyone's battle The hole cards can be kept and used to deal with Fuxi."

"How powerful is Fuxi? Can he restore the battle situation from the scene?" Caiyi hugged Du Yu's body and said in surprise as she flew outside.

"You have seen the power of Xi Zhong, He Shu and others, but compared to Fu Xi's power, they are really just a group of children!" Qilin said leisurely: "I have seen Fu Xi make a move before, and I know how powerful he is. So even if Du Yu told me that Xi Zhong had no good intentions for me, and I still hoped that we could not interfere with Xi Zhong's well water. Who knows, I was confused for a while. In short, the power of Fu Xi is you now, no matter what I can't resist. Xizhong's defeat is due to the brothers Du Yu judging the situation and cleverly arranging tactics. Defeating Fuxi? Don't dream about it."

(End of this chapter)

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