Chapter 1316 Battle of the Great Gods!Fuxi is furious! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
As he spoke, he had already reached the entrance of the cave and waved his hand.

The Qilin Cave collapsed completely, the mountain shook, and finally collapsed with a loud crash, causing the world to change color and create a clamor.

The entire mountain was razed to the ground.

The place where Xi Zhong, He Shu and others fought was buried under a mountain of tens of thousands of tons.

"Even if God Fuxi comes in person, it will take a lot of effort to restore this mountain." Qilin said with a smirk on his face: "I doubt whether God Fuxi can still have such power after fighting with Empress Nuwa. So many things."

Su Daji took the 【Natal Feather】, 【Kirin Horn】and the Dark Soul Stone, and nodded towards Qilin.

Qilin continued: "But no matter what, I participated in the battle to kill Fuxi's sons. I want to go to the South China Sea to avoid Fuxi's revenge. I advise you to leave quickly, find a secluded place, or escape from the middle land. Fuxi said to his son We attach great importance to it and protect the calf very much. If you all die in your hands this time, you will definitely go crazy with anger and retaliate wildly. By the way, seeing you fighting with the sons of Fuxi, you need this orb, so you will use this fire spirit Pearl, give it to you."

After it finished speaking, without waiting for Su Daji's reply, it turned into a black light and fled towards the South China Sea.It can be seen that the majesty of Fuxi is really a great threat to him.

A fiery red orb fell into Su Daji's hands. It was the Fire Spirit Orb among the Five Spirit Orbs.In this way, Du Yu's team gathered four five spirit beads.

Su Daji collected the treasures, turned back and said to the sisters: "This trip is extremely dangerous. We will go deep into the place where Empress Nuwa and Fuxi fought. One mistake will result in complete annihilation. Are you prepared?"

The beauties nodded at the same time.

"If Du Yu can't live, I don't want to be alone," Ning Zhong said firmly.

"Okay! Since all the sisters have this wish, let's set off now."

Su Daji turned into a ray of pink light and disappeared in place.

The beauties hurried to follow.

At this moment, in the sky above Miaojiang, God Fuxi was fighting the final decisive battle with Empress Nuwa.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, strong winds sweeping, the color of the wind and thunder changed, the big tree hugged by one person was uprooted, the confrontation between the great gods, even the [-] mountains in Miaojiang were violently shaking and trembling, under the majesty of the great god, Keep shrinking.

Fuxi stood coldly in the sky, constantly deducing the innate formation, different from Xizhong, his innate formation can be sent and received like a heart, Tai Chi produces two forms, two forms produce four phenomena, four forms produce gossip, and deduce them one by one , like a national player making moves, methodically trapping his old enemy Nvwa step by step, with strong chess strength, constantly growing thick, and not giving Nvwa any chance to break through and fight back.

In front of such a powerful and sophisticated enemy, although Du Yu restored some of her immortal power, Nuwa still had nothing to do.Like a phoenix caught in a net, although it has nowhere to vent its strength, it can only watch helplessly as the net tightens step by step, compressing its own living space step by step.

"You have already lost." Fuxi sighed.There was an endless sense of superiority in the voice: "Do you know where you lost?"

Empress Nuwa's beautiful eyes were clear, her complexion was calm, and she was able to control her divine power without any confusion. Even if Fuxi gradually gained the upper hand, she would not be able to defeat her for a while.

There is a trace of coldness in her beautiful eyes, is it resentment?Is it a pity?
Empress Nuwa, after using her divine power to destroy an innate gossip that was pressing towards her, she said leisurely: "You and I have fought many times. There is always no winner. This time you have an absolute advantage. What I'm afraid of is , My believers in Miaojiang have been corroded by the agent you sent to worship the Moon Sect Master, right? I feel that I am above Miaojiang, and I don’t have the power of faith from the lower realm to supplement my divine power."

"Yes! Haha!" Fuxi laughed wildly: "This is your base, but the irony is that, by establishing the Moon Worship Sect, the Master of Worshiping the Moon secretly erected my statue in the temple to accept the lower realm Miaojiang. Those foolish men and women’s worship incense, but I can draw a steady stream of faith power from your base to supplement my divine power consumption. Therefore, you can’t win at all!”

Empress Nuwa turned her head away, looked at the northern sky indifferently, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes: "The majestic emperor even used the dirty tricks of stealing followers and diverting energy, I don't know what the bottom line is, is it You dare not do it?"

Fuxi took a deep breath: "Winners are princes and losers are bandits. This has always been the case since ancient times. You and I have known each other for tens of thousands of years, but in the end it is inevitable that we have come to where we are today. For the sake of mutual support between you and me in the past, I will give you a Choose. You can choose to sleep forever, and I promise not to hurt your body, as long as you withdraw from this battle of great gods. How?"

Empress Nuwa stared at Fuxi, and said for a long time, "No! You have a problem!"

Fu Xi's smile froze, and he shouted: "I already have the winning ticket, why should I play with you like this? What's the problem?"

Empress Nuwa's beautiful eyes were full of wisdom, and she said coldly: "I can feel power from your body that doesn't belong to this world at all. You are not Fuxi at all! Although Fuxi has fame and fortune in mind, he can't do things like stealing energy .who are you?"

Fuxi laughed wildly: "I'm not Fuxi? Then who is it?"

He smiled coldly and said, "Since you don't want to drink a toast, fine, then let you be annihilated under my innate gossip array, and see if I'm really Fuxi!"

He waved.

The congenital gossip formation, the most powerful move, the four-element gossip, burst out immediately.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds began to surge and collide, rushing towards Nuwa Empress.

Empress Nuwa's supernatural power supplemented by Du Yu has already been exhausted.It is also thanks to Du Yu's continuous sacrifices that Nuwa and Empress Fuxi have been able to fight for so long, but the rootless tree and the water without source cannot resist Fuxi's continuous power of faith from the lower realm.Nu Wa can even see through the void, directly seeing the threads of faith as thin as gossamer, passing through various temples in the lower world, linking to Fuxi, helping him recover his divine power.

"Could it be that I'm still doomed in the end?" Empress Nuwa's beautiful eyes were sad.

She has been sleeping in eternal sleep for thousands of years, and of course she is not afraid of sleeping again.But the suspicious aura about Fuxi kept her vigilant.

Fuxi is by no means a good person.

He actually offered such a condition that he could sleep forever, so there must be some conspiracy on his part.

But Nuwa tried her best, but she could only resist so far.

Divine power has been exhausted day by day.

Nuwa, she no longer has the strength to resist.

The sneer at the corner of Fuxi's mouth widened little by little, as if an insidious hunter had already strangled the graceful neck of his prey.

"You can't escape even if you want to." Fuxi was very proud, overlooking the perfect innate gossip formation, encircling Nuwa little by little, gradually tightening it.Although Nuwa blocked from left to right, trying to rush down the mountain and escape into Nuwa's ruins, she resisted stubbornly, but there was no chance.

Nuwa gradually became restless.

"Could it be that you can't even help Du Yu and the others delay the time? If you can enter the Nuwa ruins, with the formation I arranged, you can delay it for a few more days." Nuwa was full of regret.

She is not afraid of death.

But the terrifying aura on Fuxi's body reminded Nuwa of a terrible thing.

In the last world, she had seen a situation that seemed familiar to Ying Long in Guzhi City!
"If that's the case," Empress Nuwa's face turned firm: "The battle between me and Fuxi is not a battle of great gods at all, but that I can't die yet!"

But the sad thing is that Fuxi's power is too strong, even if Nuwa wants to break through, she can't do it.

Just when Fuxi and Nuwa thought that the overall situation was settled, suddenly, a roar came from the distant mountains, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, piercing into the minds of the two great gods.

"How is this going?"

Fuxi felt a throbbing from the heart.

It seems that there are several soul bonds that suddenly disappeared and broke!
"Could it be Xi Zhong, He Shu, He Zhong and the others? Something happened?" Fu Xi's gaze, full of shock and anger, suddenly turned towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

He could feel that the consciousness of his three sons disappeared somewhere there in an instant.

There, streams of smoke are rising, and the entire mountain is violently shaking and collapsing.It should be caused by the fierce immortal battle.

He could feel this change, so naturally Nuwa could feel it too.

"Fuxi. It seems that the wishful thinking you arranged didn't work." Nuwa smiled slightly: "Your precious sons are not good at being the second generation of dandies at home, but they ran out to show off their power and were wiped out." Right? Tsk tsk. It seems that even the soul has not escaped."

Fuxi opened his mouth in disbelief.

He seldom loses his composure like this.

When the second son, Uncle Xi, was killed by that mortal, he also had a telepathy in retreat, and he was so angry that he almost went mad.

But this time, he was so angry that he almost exploded.

That's a whole three sons!

All his sons fell in the battle with that mortal!
"Du Yu! I will surely pull out your tendons and bones, make tools and refine your soul, so that you will never be reborn forever!" Fuxi cursed viciously. He wished he could fly over immediately, arrest Du Yu, and avenge his three sons.

As Qilin said, he, Fuxi, is the most protective immortal emperor.She loves her four sons very much, even at the expense of angering many immortals, and wants to entrust her four sons in the land of the Four Mountains, which is full of immortal energy, so as to facilitate their cultivation.Normally, the four sons behaved like dudes, sneaked around, provoked everyone, and when they sued him, they turned a blind eye to them and neglected to discipline them.

But such a defensive father, knowing that all his sons have been killed, or completely extinguished, how can he not be shocked and furious?
Nuwa is a great god of a generation, with a strong sense of fighting, she saw the right moment, and disappeared in place with a flicker.

The fish entered the sea and fled away.

(End of this chapter)

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