Chapter 1321 Ten years ago!Witch queen hates! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"I came up with an excellent solution." Empress Nuwa smiled lightly, "If I want to defeat Fuxi's attack, in the final analysis, I need to restore my power of faith."

"That's right." Du Yu said brightly.

In the battle of the great gods, on the surface it was a fight of skill and cultivation, but in reality it was a fight of strength.Whoever has a lot of letters and recovers quickly will have an advantage in the war.

The biggest problem why Nuwa couldn't defeat Fuxi was the lack of followers.

"I want to restore the black and white seedlings. Believe in me." Nuwa said firmly, "You must help me realize this plan. One hundred thousand mountains and one million Miao people are not enough to defeat Fuxi, but if they are sincere I won’t be defeated by Fuxi even if I don’t believe in it. It’s already pretty good to be able to confront this Heavenly Emperor.”

"To restore Heimiao Baimiao's belief in you?" Ling'er frowned and said, "As far as I know, Bai Miao still believes in you, old man, right?"

"Hei Miao's belief has been changed by the traitor Baiyue. He must defeat Baiyue. Bai Miao is suffering from drought and needs to ask for rain to show his powers in order to restore the people's absolute belief in me. Asking for rain, I am now The supernatural power consumption is too huge, it is definitely not enough, and the power of the Five Spirit Orbs is needed." Nuwa analyzed each and every detail, and her thinking was very clear.

"Then which should we do first? Killing the moon, or collecting the five spirit beads needed for rain?"

"Collect the Five Spirit Beads first!" Empress Nuwa said, "In addition, collecting the Five Spirit Beads will help strengthen your Tiangang constellation. You already have four of the Five Spirit Beads? If you can get them all The Five Spirit Orbs can also greatly increase the power of the Constellation Formation."

"That's right." Lin Qing'er clenched her fists and said, "The Five Spirit Orbs are the sky-replenishing stones left by Empress Nuwa, which are transformed into treasures after absorbing the breath of many gods and generals in the heavens. If this formation is used on the star formation , can strengthen the power of the constellation array. The power we can provide to Du Yu will also be greatly improved."

Empress Nuwa's beautiful eyes were full of wisdom, she giggled and said, "I have a magical technique that can transport you back ten years ago. You can enter the world ten years ago, and then look for that precious water spirit bead. This Water Spirit Orb was stolen by Li Sansi, a bandit from the south, in Nanzhao Kingdom, and fell into the hands of young Li Xiaoyao."

"Young me?" Li Xiaoyao laughed, pointing to himself.

"With the water spirit beads and the five spirit beads, can Fuxi be defeated?" Du Yu expressed his doubts.Even if the power of the formation is doubled, it still won't defeat Fuxi.

Empress Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "Do you know why I sent you ten years back?"

"not understand"

"The parallel time in the past is parallel to the present time, you know that, right?" Empress Nuwa smiled coquettishly.

"Hmm." Through playing the game, Du Yu knew that the time rules of this world were time travel ten years ago, and it was only a blink of an eye for the current world.

No matter how long I stayed in the world ten years ago, it would not cause problems in this world.

"Ten years" Empress Nuwa looked up at the sky outside the ruins: "In the cultivation career of Fuxi and me, it was just a flick of a finger, but for you who have limited time to grow up, it is enough to change a lot of things.

"Ten years?" Du Yu burst into excitement.

He entered the world of plots for a maximum of one year.

But now, Empress Nuwa is trying to use magic to teleport herself back in time.

Ten years is enough for Du Yu to practice hard and improve his strength greatly.

Perhaps, the greatest harvest in this world is precisely this precious ten years of cultivation time.

"Go back to ten years ago, get back the water spirit pearl, and then stay there to practice hard." Empress Nuwa leaned close to Du Yu's ear, and whispered: "The Nuwa Xuanmu method I taught you will last for ten years. , you have to practice with the beauties every night to ensure that your practice speed is extraordinary. The power of the Xingxiu Sword Formation has greatly improved."

Practicing Xuanyuan Caibu method and Nuwa Xuanmu method day and night with the beauties?Du Yu's imagination was running wild.

The picture is so beautiful, I dare not think too much about it.

"Okay!" Nuwa waved her hand: "Go to the statue of Nuwa, I will send you to the parallel world ten years ago, and retrieve the water spirit beads!"

Du Yu took Ling'er and Lin Yueru's hands and touched the statue of Nuwa.

Lin Yueru had formally signed a contract with Du Yu last night to become his woman.The price paid was only 2000 villain points, which could be called cheap and good quality.Because Lin Yueru has not leveled since she fell asleep, her level is relatively low among the protagonists.

Lin Qinger's exchange is extremely valuable!
Reached the terrifying 6000 villain value.

This is not surprising, Lin Qing'er, as the empress of the witch, is stronger than Ling'er who has been awakened for the second time.If Empress Nuwa hadn't given Ling'er the three-piece set of Nuwa artifacts, Lin Qing'er, the Queen of Witches, would have been the strongest of the Nuwa tribe.

After exchanging two daughters, Du Yu's harem expanded further.

The beauties of the monster tribe alone are magnificent, with Su Daji and Su Mei, a pair of fox spirits and fairies, Lin Qinger and Zhao Linger, a pair of Nuwa mother and daughter, plus a wonderful butterfly.It can be said that the ring is fat, the swallows are thin, and it can accommodate both sizes. Whether it is fierce battles on the battlefield or love in bed, they are all excellent.

The number of heroines he recovered in this world has also reached five, and it is estimated that he will get a lot of rewards from the space.

Following a ray of light, Du Yu traveled to another dimension.

This is Miaojiang ten years ago.Black Miao Nanzhao Kingdom.

Lin Qing'er's beautiful eyes became moist, and she remembered how she was abandoned by the Witch King at that time, and fled from the palace with Zhao Ling'er in her arms like a bereaved dog, seeking refuge everywhere but bumping into walls everywhere.

Sure enough, in the underground world, through a thin transparent mask, Du Yu could clearly see that the Nanzhao Kingdom was in chaos.

There are murderous black Miao people everywhere, leading the Miao people of their respective tribes, holding sharp knives, holding up torches, shouting slogans such as "Kill that witch!" .

The palace was also precarious, and there was a tense atmosphere everywhere.

Lin Qing'er, Zhao Ling'er, mother and daughter, stood side by side with Du Yu holding hands, looking at the chaotic Heimiao country below.Lin Qing'er's eyes were moist, and a look of sadness appeared on her brows. Although she already belonged to Du Yu, seeing the scene ten years ago still brought back unbearable memories for her.

"It's that dog thief Baiyue!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly pointed.

A middle-aged man wearing a long robe with a sinister expression walked out of the palace slowly, and bewitched the thousands of black Miao warriors assembled outside the palace with an extremely impassioned voice: "Dear fellow black miao! Our witch queen, is A snake demon! It was she who desecrated the imperial palace, which caused the wrath of Empress Nuwa, and brought disaster on our Hei Miao people! We must kill this evil monster!"

A middle-aged man with a sturdy body and a powerful martial arts stood up and questioned: "Master Baiyue, do you have evidence for your claim that Empress Wu is a monster? You know, Empress Wu has always been respectful to the world, gentle and virtuous, She is considerate of the sufferings of the people, and has a high prestige among the people, and she is a holy woman married by the Bai Miao nationality. If she is executed easily, I am afraid that the people will not accept it, and Bai Miao will be furious, and the situation of my black Miao will be even more dangerous."

Ling'er exclaimed: "That man is Uncle Shi!"

"Exactly..." Qing'er said softly, "It's Uncle Shi who is ten years younger. He spoke out of righteousness back then, and he sympathized with our mother and daughter very much."

Seeing the questioning of the Dharma protectors under him, the Lord Worshiping the Moon was not angry, and said lightly: "This woman is good at disguising. She is very skilled at deception. She can deceive the eyes of everyone. Even I teach Guardian Shi to sympathize with her. But the facts are Now, the evidence is as solid as a mountain, and you follow me into the palace, and I will prove it to you of course!"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon so confidently, everyone couldn't help being suspicious for a while. Could it be that Empress Wu is really a monster?
A group of them broke into the palace with open flames.

Baiyue entered the palace, met the Witch King, and said loudly: "Your Majesty the Witch King, we have already finished preparations, and we must let that goblin show its original shape! Your Majesty just orders!"

The Witch King looked hesitant.After Lin Qing'er married him as his wife, she had always been gentle and virtuous, abided by women's morals, and helped him deal with many people's livelihood matters, but now he had to use such cruel methods to treat his queen, and he couldn't help feeling guilty.

The Master of Worshiping the Moon snorted coldly, his eyes were fierce, and there was endless threat in his voice: "Your Majesty the Witch King, the Nuwa Empress in the sky, has sent oracles many times, and you refused to change after repeated admonitions. Disasters have come down. The drought in our black seedlings and the thousands of miles of red land, is it because of the female goblin who made the ghosts? If you are obsessed with women, and refuse to order to get rid of the goblins, then don’t blame the old officials for arrogating to represent the public opinion. Execute the Qing emperor's side! When the time comes, your majesty's prestige will be damaged, so it's no wonder that the old ministers don't keep the minister's way."

Hearing this threatening and intimidating language, the already weak Witch King finally slumped on the throne, waved his hands weakly and said: "Since the leader has the will of heaven, even the lonely king can't protect his wife. But I There are two chapters in the agreement, one is that Qing'er must show his demon body and produce ironclad evidence, and the other is that Ling'er is innocent and cannot harm the child. If you agree, you can go."

A venomous light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Moon Worship, and he said with a sneer: "Your Majesty, don't worry! If the old minister can't let the female monster show her original shape, how can I appear to be a means of the Lord of the Moon Worship? As for Ling'er, you can rest assured, the old minister will definitely not." It will hurt her a little bit. Hehe!"

He was majestic, and with a wave of his hand, he swept away with his men and horses, and went straight to the harem.

Lin Qing'er turned her head away, as if she couldn't bear to look back, and she didn't want to recall this painful history again.

Li Xiaoyao said bitterly: "How can such a man hand over his wife to such a violent stranger? It's outrageous."

"Father, you're too weak." Ling'er was extremely disappointed.At that time, she was only six years old and still naive. She only remembered her mother leading her, fleeing in panic, and that tearful face.She caressed her mother Lin Qing'er's face sensiblely, comforting her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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