Chapter 1322 Hearty!Revenge of the Witch Queen! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Lin Qing'er couldn't help but burst into tears. If it was before, she would feel sorry for herself, but???
When she saw Du Yu with her eyes at this time, she settled down.

The slumped face of the Witch King has gradually blurred???
She already has her new man!
A new man who can be called the backbone of a woman.

With Du Yu, she will no longer be afraid, no longer cry, no longer confused.

Lin Qing'er leaned lightly on Du Yu's shoulder, rubbed Du Yu's face tenderly, and murmured, "It's good that you don't have to be sad about the witch king's betrayal."

In front of loved ones, there is no need to hide.

But there are people present who are not from this circle.

Li Xiaoyao protested: "I said, there are me and Anu here. Master, can you restrain yourself?"

Anu respected the Empress Wu the most. Miao women are bold by nature, but they pursed their lips and said with a smile: "I'm not in the way, you go on, my lady."

Du Yu and others continued to watch the development of the situation in the protective film.

Just like in the plot, at this time, the Queen of Witches, Lin Qing'er, was attacked by the Moon Worshiper. In desperation, she used the Dream Snake skill, turned into a real descendant of Nuwa, and fled in a hurry.

This is right in the arms of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon.He let everyone see the half-human half-snake body of the witch queen.With the naked eyes of the Miao people, how can they tell who is the descendant of a god and who is a goblin?In short, when they saw that they were not human, they were filled with righteous indignation, and they believed the lies of the Moon Worshiper, and they all shouted and killed them.

Lin Qing'er's beautiful eyes were fascinated, she looked at her self in the lower realm, and in the end, in desperation, she chose to blew herself up and died with the Moon Worshiper.

This is the choice of people, the destiny created.

All tragedies must be blamed on the man Lin Qinger chose!
Witch King!


There are scumbags, and there are tragedies for women.

If the Witch King was a man enough to hold up a piece of sky for his wife and daughter, how could Lin Qing'er fall into the hands of Bai Yue so tragically?
In the world, evil exists at any time, and it cannot be avoided.In your life, how can you have no enemies, no wicked people who hurt you, hurt your family, wife and children?

But some people rose up to fight back, fought back forcefully, and even killed the villain who murdered his family!cut!Make it pay ten times the heavy price.Such a man is called a hero, and 99% of the male pig feet in Hollywood movies are like this.

But some people are cowardly, lack wisdom, do not distinguish between right and wrong, and dare not resist. The result must be that their wives and children are separated, their families are destroyed, and they themselves also end up in tragedy.

Sometimes, what people need is really just a little courage!
A mad dog with courage will at least not be bullied.

Lin Qing'er's fate is all due to the scumbag Witch King!
She could see more and more clearly, and her eyes became more and more clear, but the snake body twisting in Du Yu's arms became more and more hot.

Because she finally realized what a stupid woman she was in her last life!
Who has no mistakes in life?
A wrong decision has brought endless pain to yourself, so you should correct this mistake with the determination of a strong man to cut off your wrists and the courage to give up, and bring the rest of your life to the right track!

Before, Lin Qing'er was indulged in the little tenderness given by the scumbag of the witch king, and failed to see clearly the cruel reality, which led to such a tragic fate.

It's not too late to mend the situation!
Lin Qing'er looked at the eyes of Wu Wang and Bai Yue, and they became cold.

Du Yu laughed and said, "Then let's go down now and kill this moon worship, shall we?"

Lin Qing'er nodded deeply: "Okay!"

Thanks to such a forced close observation of the plot, she has seen the whole story clearly.She transformed from a gentle wife and queen to a cold and ruthless avenging angel!

A true avenging angel.

"I want to personally kill the forged Nuwa's will, blaspheme the gods, and force my moon worship leader to death! His body is broken into pieces!" Lin Qing'er gritted her teeth.

"Very good!" Du Yu put his arms around Lin Qing'er's slender waist: "This is what I want! Let's start?"

At this moment, the protective film disappeared.

Du Yu and the others all fell to the ground.

At this time, the palace had already fallen silent, and there were ruins everywhere after the scuffle.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is triumphant, and his plot succeeded. He killed the Queen of Witches, controlled the King of Witches, and transformed Nuwa God Sect into Fuxi, the Emperor of Heaven. Endless benefits.

He was proud of himself when Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of him!
"What's going on?" The Moon Worshiper was in a daze.

Didn't he just kill Lin Qing'er?Why did another one jump out?
Here I need to explain that the world view of Xianjian is different from other worlds.During its time travel, it does not interact with the real world at all.That is to say, no matter how upside down Du Yu and others are in this world, returning to reality will not affect anything.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon did not expect to see Lin Qing'er again in such a strange situation!
Since she passed away ten years ago, after her resurrection, Lin Qing'er's appearance at this time has remained unchanged, exactly the same. I don't know if I should thank the Lord of Worshiping the Moon for letting the woman not be able to live in Lin Qing'er for ten years. leaving no trace of her flawless beauty.

Baiyue was guilty of being a thief, panicked for a while, and shouted: "This witch is not dead yet, kill her for me!"

Behind him, Elder Shi and other strong black seedlings followed.Although Elder Shi sympathized with Queen Lin Qing'er and even helped her get the Heavenly Snake Staff, Lin Qing'er's body as a "goblin" had been exposed at this time, and even the Black Miao Witch King ordered her to be executed. A beloved empress also brought people to rush forward.

Du Yu fought repeatedly, killing Xizhong, Uncle Xi, and even Fuxi was severely injured by him. How could he take the worship of the moon at this time in his eyes?He waved his hand abruptly.

Qing'er, Ling'er, Anu, Xiaoyao, Su Mei, Caiyi, etc. who hated the worship of the moon for a long time rushed forward and fought against the forces of the worship of the moon.

Du Yu didn't let them show mercy.

As mentioned earlier, the world of Paladin is different from other worlds. It has changed the history of the past and has no influence on the present.The past can also be regarded as a small copy, so even if Bai Yue is killed here, the leader of Yue Bai will still appear in the real world unscathed.

But at least Qing'er Ling'er, who is full of grief, can vent her anger!
Baiyue had indeed been prepared for a long time, and his henchmen and henchmen were everywhere, swarming here.

But it is a pity that after the resurrection, Qing'er, Ling'er, mother and daughter who did their best, under the raging rage of revenge, the divine power of Nuwa's blood descendants poured 100% on the heads of these Hemiao people.

At this time, these strong black seedlings realized how terrifying it is to provoke a descendant of Nuwa's blood!
Elder Shi was secretly startled: "When the witch queen was killed just now, she seemed to be restrained, and she didn't have such a powerful lore skill? Could it be that she has been letting us in just now?"

This guess is close to the truth.

Lin Qing'er is really kind-hearted. She couldn't bear to hurt the Hei Miao people who were blinded by the moon worship. She was tied up in battle and couldn't exert the strongest skill power.

But now that he knows, killing people here will not affect the real world.In addition, after witnessing the damage done to herself and Ling'er by the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, Qing'er was no longer confused, and fully utilized the powerful magic ability of Nuwa's blood to 100%!

There were flying corpses and black seedlings flying everywhere. Lin Qing'er turned into a terrifying killing machine, and mercilessly gave the most horrific punishment to these people who betrayed her.

Elder Shi was also shocked by the witch queen who turned into an angel of revenge. In his memory, this empress always smiled like a spring breeze. She never used a foul word, and even scolded the leader of the moon worship, but at this moment, she seemed to have It is a monster that kills countless people.

"Ma'am, what are you doing?" Elder Shi shouted.

Ling'er shouted: "We are here for revenge! In this Black Miao country, wicked people run rampant, and the city foxes and rats persecute my mother, causing her to die tragically. Who can I go to tell about June Feixue's grievous injustice? "

Elder Shi was about to argue, but was already rolled up by Qing'er with the tail of a snake, and thrown outside.

Elder Shi still has a conscience, so he doesn't have to kill him.

Everyone else, including those black Miao people who don't know the truth, will be killed!

Kill them all!
It has to be said that for a most kind person who has suffered such a strange injustice through the ages, once the fire of revenge is ignited, the consequences will be very terrifying.

Lin Qing'er mercilessly launched revenge and killing.

Anu, Xiaoyao, Su Daji and the others didn't have a good impression of the Hemiao people. Seeing that these vicious murderers were still fighting in the corner, of course they killed them.

Heimiao's royal palace instantly turned into a terrestrial Shura field. Thousands of Heimiao warriors were rampaged by the powerful Du Yu team, crushed and killed all the way, leaving only a corpse on the ground.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon retreats every day.

He couldn't figure out why Lin Qing'er, who had always been gentle and deceitful, would become so violent and tough, killing people like hemp without mercy.She even brought back such powerful companions, all of whom were skilled in immortal arts, no less than the immortals in the heavens. Her so-called masters were useless under the siege of the enemy, and they were killed and fled in all directions.

He, only himself is left.

The Master of Worshiping the Moon had a ferocious expression on his face, stumbled and opened the gate of the palace, and with a gloomy face, rushed towards the Witch King.

"Baiyue Aiqing, you went to hunt down Lin Qing'er, the demon girl, why did you come back? Did you succeed?" The witch king was full of worries, with a tangled expression, and was still surprised to see Baiyue escaped in a daze.

Then, he saw the most incredible scene.

His wife, Lin Qing'er, slowly pushed open the closed main hall door.

Her face, just like the first time he saw it from Bai Miao, was so noble, so gentle, as beautiful as a geese flying in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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