Chapter 1324 The Final Battle!Worship to the Lord of the Moon! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Thanks to you, I saved Linger, otherwise our mother and daughter can only meet in Huangquan at this time, and I will never have the chance to see Linger's growth." Lin Qinger's mother was extremely happy, a pair of soft and soft clinging to the man On the broad chest.

"Five Spirit Beads, follow my call, and balance this skewed and twisted world!" Ling'er held up the Heavenly Snake Staff, and the top of the staff emitted dazzling rays of light.

According to the orientation, the five spirit beads placed around Ling'er floated up one after another, emitting soft light and connecting with each other.Water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth, the five basic elements of heaven and earth, gradually merged, and finally turned into a dazzling ray of light, shooting straight into the clouds!
Under the light of the Five Spirit Orbs, the sky over southern Xinjiang, which was originally half dark clouds and half scorching sun, suddenly ushered in a great miracle!

With Ling'er urging the apex of the five spirit beads as the core, strong circular winds blow across the sky of Miaojiang where severe natural disasters are raging!
In the sky over Dali Kingdom in Miaojiang, where the golden crow was majestic, the sun was scorching, and the red land was thousands of miles away, after being blown by this strong wind, clouds gradually formed, covering the sun and scorching sun, and restoring the moisture of the earth.

In the sky above Nanzhao Kingdom, dark clouds were billowing and rainy, and it would not leave for days, but this miraculous wind cleared the clouds and mist to see the blue sky, and drove the dark clouds full of water vapor to the severely drought-stricken Dali Kingdom!

After coming and going, the black and white Miao people who were severely affected by the disaster suddenly saw hope.

The Baimiao people poured out of the stockade in groups, dancing, singing and splashing water happily in the rain. The girls' faces were like red apples, the boys' faces glowed with excitement, and even the old man's wrinkles were stretched out.

The Hei Miao people finally didn't have to endure the harm of the excessive rain, they walked down from the mountain and looked at the sun in the sky with relief.

The bigger shock happened to the Black Miao army that was attacking the White Miao Dali Kingdom.Originally, despite Elder Shi's persuasion, they did not admit it and planned to continue the attack.But seeing the disaster disappear suddenly, and the black seedlings rising and the white seedlings raining, this is clearly a miracle!

In addition, Empress Nuwa didn't miss the opportunity, she walked gently over the ruins of Nuwa, and announced to the people and believers in Miaojiang with a clear voice: "I am Nuwa, the ancestor of the Miao people, your god. I feel the respect of the Miao people." Prayer for rain and drought, I manifest here, and send my clansman Linger to perform magic to save you from disaster. You should be more devout and believe in me, so as to maintain peace forever."

Hei Miao and Bai Miao believed in Nuwa deeply. Seeing that the disaster was eliminated and order was restored, they also saw Nuwa's figure standing between the sky and the earth, as high as ten thousand feet, and heard Nuwa's divine voice with their own ears. Yu, how not to throw yourself into the ground?
The King of Baimiao took the holy aunt, Gai Luojiao and others to bow down to Nuwa, vowing to rebuild the ruins of Nuwa immediately and restore the goddess' faith and glory.

The Black Miao Witch King was a Xibei product found by the Moon Worshiper. Seeing the miracle, he panicked and even wet his pants.The black Miao army that invaded the Baimiao army had no fighting spirit, and was defeated for thousands of miles. Gai Luojiao led the Baimiao army and captured many prisoners.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon, sifting chaff all over his body, cursed loudly, retreated into the palace, trembling.

He couldn't figure it out, how could he become what he is today when he clearly hugged the thickest thigh?
God Fuxi, didn't he go to a decisive battle with Nuwa?
Aren't the sons of Fuxi aggressive and going to destroy Nuwa's minions?
Why at this time, Nuwa seems to have won the victory and is approaching the city?
Immortals fight, and mortals suffer.Didn't he become a victim of the great gods?
Nuwa will never let herself go.

Thinking of this, the leader of worshiping the moon was even more restless, not knowing what to do.

After thinking about it, he could only grit his teeth and said, "Although your Nuwa defeated Fuxi for a while, can you still suppress Fuxi forever? I don't believe it! Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, let's wait and see."

Baiyue was contemplating when the door was suddenly pushed open.

Elder Shi's face was gloomy, and he strode ahead, shouting loudly: "Worship the moon! Look at the good deeds you have done. You actually turned a deer into a horse and blasphemed the empress Nuwa. The empress has already performed miracles and quelled the disaster of black and white seedlings, and sent Angel, come and wipe out you traitor!"

The master of the Moon Worship Sect said with a grim expression: "Elder Shi! I never treated you poorly. Now you are rebelling against the Moon Worship Sect. What exactly do you want?"

Behind Elder Shi, members of the Hei Miao clan who were loyal to Nu Wa rushed in with murderous intent.There were some bloodstains on their bodies, and it seemed that they had already fought fiercely with the guards loyal to the moon worship outside.

Baiyue was furious for a while, and suddenly stood up: "Hmph, I never thought that the first person to betray me was actually my most trusted Guardian Stone. Good!"

He waved.

A large number of followers of the Moon Worship Sect who were loyal to him poured out from the secret doors on both sides and confronted Elder Shi's troops.

Elder Shi looked at Baiyue and turned his face coldly, and smiled slightly: "I am here this time as the vanguard officer of Empress Nuwa. Your real enemy is not this old man, but her!"

He bowed and shouted: "Congratulations to the envoy Nuwa, the daughter of the Witch King, Empress Qing'er and Miss Ling'er."

Thousands of strong black seedlings were divided into two like sea water, and a graceful beauty walked out from the center, with a frosty face and a heroic figure, it was Zhao Linger.

The face of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon became gloomy.

But what made his eyes pop out even more was that beside Linger, there was a more noble and mature beauty with a majestic Fengyi.

Empress Wu!

Lin Qinger.

The Master of Worshiping the Moon wiped his eyes vigorously.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You you..." He retreated step by step as if seeing a ghost, and stammered, "How could you?"

"How come I'm still alive, isn't it?" Lin Qing'er's voice was unspeakably clear, and it also contained endless anger.

"Hmph!" The Moon Worshiping Sect Master rolled his eyes and said loudly: "You witch, you have been declared a snake spirit monster by the Witch King ten years ago, and ordered me to get rid of it. Even if you don't know why, you will not escape death if you come back to life! Come, kill this girl for me!"

"How can it be so easy?"

Following an angry reprimand, Li Xiaoyao, Anu, Su Daji, Su Mei, Caiyi and others all jumped out of the powerful men loyal to Nuwa, stepped forward, and threatened the Moon Worshiper.

Anu pointed at the Moon Worshiper and scolded: "You falsely preached the oracle of the Nuwa Empress, but secretly lured the believers to Fuxi's side. How do you have the right to stay in Miaojiang? As the saint of the Nuwa Empress, On behalf of the Bai Miao people, attack you."

The black-haired man behind Baiyue looked at each other when he heard Anu's accusation.

Although they are loyal to the moon worship, the Miao people's belief in the Nuwa empress is deeply rooted. How can the operation of the moon worship for more than ten years be changed?

Ling'er stepped forward slowly, and the Heavenly Snake Staff hit the ground fiercely, and a silent wave of divine power came out from her hand.The cultivation level at the initial stage of practicing Void Fusion broke out in an all-round way, and for a moment it was as if the Empress Nuwa had arrived in person.

Her clear and melodious voice said coercively: "Master Worshiping the Moon, you murdered the Witch King and Witch Queen, and under the guise of Nuwa Empress, you usurped power and desecrated the divine weapon. This crime is unforgivable, and you will be executed without pardon!"

Elder Shi led the Hei Miao fighters, and roared in unison: "Worship the moon! You don't want to kill me without stretching your neck?"

The master of worshiping the moon, gritted his teeth fiercely, stomped his feet and fled to the depths of the palace, roaring: "I am the immortal worshiping the moon! No one can kill me. Not even Nuwa!"

"Chasing!" Ling'er took the lead and rushed out.Elder Shi and other strong Hei Miao people who supported Ling'er pressed on and coerced them. Those Hei Miao people who were loyal to worship the moon turned their backs one after another.

Du Yu's feet are light, chasing and worshiping the moon.

Time is running out, and Fuxi may leave the customs at any time, so it is necessary to restore Miao Jiang's supplement to the power of Nuwa's belief as soon as possible.

The power of faith is the most important resource of a god.Without believers, gods can only die or sleep forever.

The millions of people in Miaojiang are the foundation of Nuwa's existence.

Worship the moon, you must die!

Du Yu's figure was like lightning, and he chased Baiyue closely.

But Baiyue had been prepared for a long time, and he fled extremely fast. Everyone chased to the depths of a secret passage in the palace, only to hear a "plop", Baiyue had already jumped into a pool under the palace.

A muffled roar of an unknown creature came faintly from under the deep pool of unknown depth.

"Water monster!" Su Daji, who knew the plot well, gasped.

In the world of Paladin [-], the water monster is the final boss.It is with the power of the water monster that Baiyue can create drought in Baimiao and flood in Heimiao, stir up troubles and carry out his own plot.In water, water monsters are almost invincible.If Ling'er and the others were injured and absorbed Nuwa's blood by the water monster, they would transform into immortal beings.In this way, it will become an endless nightmare for everyone.

"Baiyue has merged with the water monster." Ling'er looked solemn, and frowned.

"In this way, the water monster will become the last obstacle for us to restore the order of the Black Miao and rebuild Nuwa's belief."

Lin Qing'er's familiar face was full of cold murderous intent.

"Let's go together and kill this water monster!" Li Xiaoyao was full of confidence and swung the Seven Star Sword.

"Haha! I am invincible in the water. Come down if you have the ability!" Bai Yue's voice was full of pride and provocation.

Du Yu jumped into the pool first.

The strong members of the team also jumped in one after another.

The final battle begins.

The water monster can heal its injuries extremely quickly in the water. It seems to be integrated with the water. As long as there is water, it can be revived infinitely.

"Kill!" Li Xiaoyao was full of blood, and he took the lead in launching the Dionysus taught by Situ Zhong!

The powerful Dionysian Art can only be used 9 times. In this final battle, Li Xiaoyao used it without hesitation!

A wine god, holding a big wine jar, looked up to the sky and drank heavily, wiped his mouth dry happily, chuckled, and suddenly threw the wine jar at the moon worshipper in the form of a water monster.

Being severely injured, Bai Yue's whole body convulsed and wailed endlessly.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao grow up to where he is today, Du Yu nodded in relief.With Li Xiaoyao's current cultivation, he is already capable of being alone.

(End of this chapter)

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