Chapter 1325 Luring the snake out of its hole!Tune the tiger away from the mountain! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
It was Ling'er's turn to make a move, and she, who was transformed into a descendant of Nuwa's blood, made a powerful move of "Thousands of Flames", which burned Baiyue's skin to pieces.With the gain of the three artifacts such as the Heavenly Snake Staff, the power of this stunt has increased by 100%.

Lin Qing'er also sent out an angry blow, and also activated [Flame Ten Thousand Miles]!
The old and new generations of Nuwa's descendants successively activated fire-type skills, burning the moon to the brim.

Elder Shi snorted coldly: "Baiyue, you scum! I have been so loyal to you for so many years. If His Highness Ling'er and Du Yu hadn't woken me up in time, I would have continued to work for you! Go to hell! "

He launched the Blood Fiend Palm, and attacked Baiyue desperately.

Anu, Su Daji, Su Mei, Caiyi, Lin Yueru, etc. released their strongest skills one by one, and attacked Baiyue.

In an instant, Baiyue became a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat him.

But no matter how fiercely besieged by these strong men, even though Baiyue suffered heavy injuries continuously, as long as he was in the water, his injuries recovered at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone seemed to be hitting sandbags. No matter how hard they tried, the sandbags would return to their original positions.

"I said that I am invincible in the water." Baiyue's voice was filled with indescribable arrogance, and his water monster rushed towards everyone crazily.

After a frantic battle, everyone had no choice but to pay homage to the Moon Sect Master, but Lin Yueru was scratched by the water monster instead.

In desperation, Du Yu led his team up temporarily to rearrange the attack.

"Not good." Su Daji said to Du Yu: "Just like in the plot, Baiyue is invincible in the water. Could it be that a descendant of Nuwa must be sacrificed to kill him?"

Qing'er, Ling'er, mother and daughter looked at each other and said in unison: "I, come to seal him!"

Their mother and daughter, at this time, thought of one thing, that is, if it is absolutely necessary, they will sacrifice themselves and completely seal Baiyue.

Du Yu shook his head, and said decisively: "In my hands, I must not seal Baiyue at the cost of sacrificing you! Otherwise, even if I defeat Baiyue, it will be my failure."

"But how do you deal with the Moon Worship that is combined with a water monster?" Su Daji asked suspiciously: "You must know that this deep pool at the bottom of the water is connected to the Erhai Lake in Dali. The Erhai Lake is eight hundred miles away, and it is as vast as the sea. Do not evaporate the water."

Du Yu rolled his eyes, and they suddenly lit up.

"Bai Yue is in the water, of course no one can kill him." Du Yu said with a chuckle, "But if he lands on the shore like a fish out of water, it will not be so difficult to kill."

"This moon worship offended Nuwa, how dare you go ashore? Isn't it courting death?" Su Daji regretted.

"Of course he didn't dare to go ashore, and he must stay in the water. But, hey, how could this kind of thing be his fault?" Du Yu laughed wickedly.

He pulled Ling'er Qing'er over and muttered in a low voice.

Ling'er asked suspiciously, "Will this trick work?"

Du Yu smiled: "It works! Just do what I tell you. Li Mochou, hurry up."

Li Mochou and Du Yu whispered to each other, but also left with a smirk.

Baiyue was underwater, proud of himself, but he didn't wait for the enemy's expected attack.

"These minions of Nuwa, have they given up?"

Baiyue is regretting in his heart.At this time, I have the right time, place and people, and these enemies should jump into the water foolishly and fight with me. If I kill a few more, I can ask Fuxi for credit.

I was regretfully worshiping the moon when I suddenly heard a clear sound.

Lin Qinger, Zhao Linger and Du Yu jumped into the water and swam towards themselves.

"It's just in time!" Baiyue was very excited, and took the initiative to swim over to launch an attack.He is most eager to fight with Nuwa's blood descendants.Because once he gets the blood of Nu Wa's blood, he will truly become immortal and cannot be destroyed.

The three of Du Yu, as if they were unwilling to fail, started another battle with Baiyue.

Just like the first battle, Baiyue was beaten miserably at the beginning, but as the battle progressed, Du Yu and others, who gradually exhausted their energy, began to lose their spiritual power.

The master of worshiping the moon urged the body of the water monster, and rushed towards Ling'er ferociously, like a shark smelling blood: "Let me taste the taste of Nuwa's blood!"

Ling'er's body was hit by the Moon Worship Master's spell, and streams of bright red blood leaked out, and she fled to the shore in a hurry.

The master of worshiping the moon was ecstatic.He gulped down the water rich in Ling'er's blood, felt the strange sensations flowing in his blood vessels, and chased Ling'er madly.

Du Yu and the others fled in haste.

"Haha, you guys are running fast." The Moon Worshiper, with an arrogant expression on his face, stared at the retreating backs of Du Yu and the others in the water, and said with a smirk, "After absorbing the blood of these Nuwas, I am already immortal. I will become an immortal god alongside Fuxi and Nuwa, and enjoy the admiration of all people."

He turned over and swam to the bottom of the dark pool, preparing to find a place where he could concentrate on digesting the divine blood so that he could truly become immortal.

These divine bloods are really extraordinary.

Not long after, Baiyue felt his body becoming hot, like a flame burning in his body.

His eyes turned red, and there seemed to be a wild beast inside his body, roaring unceasingly, a deadly and wild roar, he longed for killing, blood, and the destruction of all good things!

"What's going on here?" Although Baiyue was very satisfied with the increased killing intent, he was cunning and cunning, and doubts arose in his heart.

Ordinarily, Nuwa's blood, which is full of healing and resurrection power, will give her the ability to heal infinitely, even if she goes out of the water and goes ashore, she will still be invincible in the world.But I have never heard that this Nuwa's blood can make people so crazy and bloodthirsty.

The suspicion in Baiyue's heart became more and more intense, and he swam restlessly at the bottom of the water, making it muddy.

Just when his blood was burning and he was fidgeting, he suddenly heard an angry shout from above: "Bai Yue, hurry up and die!"

There was another sound of water, and someone jumped down.

Baiyue's crimson eyes stared greedily at the top of the water pool, like a shark, smelling the smell of blood, the instinctive restlessness made him unable to resist the instinctive call, and rushed forward.


There is only one thought in Bai Yue's tyrannical heart.

There seemed to be a kind of magic power on the person above, urging him to attack crazily.

The person who jumped down was still Du Yu.

Du Yu saw a huge shadow at the bottom of the black water, rushing towards him rapidly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Worship the moon, worship the moon, even if you have the recovery attribute against the sky, as long as a person has desires, he will have weaknesses. After today, you will naturally understand."

He turned and fled!
Baiyue Crazy chased after him, getting closer and closer.

Du Yu jumped out and flew out of the water!

Baiyue's rationality told him that he must not follow Du Yu out of the water.Once he left this pool, he would be like a rootless tree without a source of water, and his recovery speed would be greatly slowed down.

But the problem is!

The blood in his body is clamoring, clamoring, and roaring crazily, it must drive him, kill him, kill that enemy!
At this time, Du Yu's attraction to worshiping the moon is extremely great, even reaching the point where the rationality of worshiping the moon cannot control his body.

He followed Du Yu and rushed out of the water!
"Roar!" In the air, Baiyue opened the big mouth of the water monster, and there were hundreds of inverted teeth growing out of it, like a great white shark rushing out of the sea to bite its prey in the air!

Du Yu, right on his lips!
But Du Yu disappeared in place in an instant.

"Damn it!" Bai Yue closed his mouth hard, but found that he had bitten nothing.

Du Yu, appearing in the sky above him, looked coldly at the Moon Worshiper.

Baiyue gave Du Yu a resentful look, turned over and was about to escape into the water.But something unexpected happened.

In the depths of his soul, it seemed that there was a bloodthirsty and crazy devil, which took away his reason and body in an instant.Instead of retreating, he continued to add more like a mad dog, completely escaped from the pool, and rushed towards Du Yu in midair.

Du Yu looked at Baiyue who looked like a mad tiger, and smiled slightly: "Sure enough, I've caught the trick! Well, where there is desire, there is also weakness."

In a flash, he disappeared in place and appeared a thousand meters away.

Baiyue roared madly in his heart: "Stop! Stop for me!" But his body completely lost his mind, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Du Yu, as if there was something on Du Yu's body, which came from the depths of his soul. It fascinated him so deeply that he couldn't extricate himself.

Du Yu and Baiyue, who turned into a water monster, fled and chased after each other, and they were thousands of meters away from the water pool.

Baiyue's reason was furious, his eyes were about to burst, he tried his best to control the water monster's body, finally stopped the once out-of-control water monster, turned over and fled to the pool!

He had a dangerous premonition that if he didn't escape quickly, he might end up here!
But it's too late.

After diverting the tiger away from the mountain and luring the snake out of the cave, how could Du Yu's team let the snake that came out, the tiger that descended the mountain, run back?
In an instant, Baiyue felt a darkness between the sky and the earth!
He looked up and saw that in the sky, a tower that was hundreds of meters high and was about to hit him on the head with the momentum of thunder!

The demon lock tower is the most restrained weapon against monsters among water monsters!

The water monster let out a howl from the depths of its soul, turned around and fled.

The direction of the water pool was blocked by the Demon Locking Tower.

Su Daji, Lin Qing'er, Zhao Ling'er, Su Mei and others also appeared in the direction of the Demon Locking Tower, blocking the way of worshiping the moon.

"What did you eat for me?" Bai Yue roared in despair, unable to escape back to the pool.

Beside Du Yu, Li Mochou appeared, carrying purple energy to the furnace, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just the blood of the ancestor werewolf that we got in the world of [Underworld], and was killed I purified and strengthened, re-refined in Ziqi Donglai Furnace, and raised the priority. After eating this sacrificed blood, it will be like the ancestor werewolf, unable to control his desire to kill. You just lost control over the body."

The Master of Worshiping the Moon was confused, but Su Daji's fox eyes lit up, and he smiled softly: "So that's what it is. The original werewolf in the legend of the underworld has a mutated blood, regardless of enemy or friend, and is completely stimulated by bloodthirsty instincts. But to deal with the difficult BOSS Moon Worship in this inner city, the priority is not enough, so I used the fairy artifact Ziqi Donglai Furnace to refine it. But how are you sure, this moon worship will definitely eat this serum?"

(End of this chapter)

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