Chapter 1326 Du Yu Shows His Power!Crush the moon worship! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu sneered and said, "Put down the fragrant bait to catch golden turtles! As long as the bait is sweet enough and the temptation is strong enough, you don't have to worry about golden turtles not biting the hook. Baiyue knew that the blood of Nuwa's blood is extremely important to him. When I framed Empress Lin Qing'er years ago, I tried to take blood from her. Unfortunately, she chose to perish with him. He failed. Today, I deliberately created an illusion to let him Thinking that I had injured Linger and shed blood, I didn't suspect him, and devoured the blood of these ancestor werewolves. In an instant, I lost my mind and chased me relentlessly."

"Is there something else on you that attracts the ancestor werewolves? Why is this moon worship so crazy?" Su Daji smiled, she had always known that Du Yu was cunning.

Du Yu took out a piece of meat that was still beating and wriggling from his arms.

"Is this the egg of the Poison Earl Cain?" All the girls exclaimed in unison.

Du Yu chuckled: "Cain, Earl of Poison, is the common ancestor of werewolves and vampires. His eggs contain the dark power of the ancestor, and are incomparably attractive to evil creatures. Using this thing as bait, how could he, a golden turtle, not be fooled?"

Su Daji sighed: "You bastard, you have too many good things on your body, even the boss of the inner city, the Moon Worshiper, was tricked by you."

"Hey." Du Yu looked coldly at Baiyue in mid-air: "You have left the water, like a tiger falling into the sun, and a dragon trapped in the shallows. How are you still jumping?"

Bai Yue's eyes showed madness, and he yelled: "Huh! This trick can only be used against me once, and I will definitely report back when I turn around!"

He turned into a meteor and flew in another direction.

"No, he wants to flee to the direction of Erhai Lake!" Lin Qing'er said with a smile on her face: "This Moon Worshiper is really cunning and ghostly. If you find something wrong, look for another water area immediately."

Du Yu sneered and said, "Can he escape? I'll take his last name!"

Du Yu waved his hand abruptly.

The Hunyuan seven-color flag grows in the wind.

This Hunyuan seven-color flag is also an S-level fairy treasure, which is Uncle Xi's treasure. After Du Yu murdered and seized the treasure, he asked Empress Nuwa to restore it skillfully. It is now ready for use.

Although Du Yu was not familiar with Xiantian gossip, but it was an S-level forbidden fairy treasure, and it was not a problem to trap Baiyue for a while.

Sure enough, Baiyue was fleeing crazily, but was turned into seven colorful lights by the Hunyuan seven-color flag, and slowly turned around according to the innate gossip.He blocked from left to right and rushed everywhere, but he couldn't do anything about the restraining formation, he could only smash the colorful light into pieces.

"Come!" Du Yu urged to activate the demon lock tower, and with overwhelming momentum, he flew up slowly and awe-inspiringly, and smashed towards the moon worshiping again with a thunderbolt!
With a roar from Baiyue, the water monster's body became even bigger in the air, its muscles exploded, and its demonic power surged, resisting the power of heaven and earth from the Demon Locking Tower in one fell swoop.

"Well, even though you conspired to frame me and transferred me away from the waters, with the combined power of the water monster and me, it's still not a problem to block your mere demon-locking tower." Bai Yue resisted stubbornly, gnashing his teeth.

The demon lock tower confronted the demon power of worshiping the moon in mid-air, and the fairy energy continued to explode, emitting brilliant colorful lights, like electric sparks of two huge positive and negative poles colliding above the clouds.

If there were any other adventurers in the inner city who saw the fighting between Du Yu and the Moon Worshiper here, they would probably be so surprised that their eyes would pop out.

Because, Du Yu is just an adventurer in the inner city, but he fought alone with the boss of the Legend of Sword and Fairy, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, and they were evenly matched!

Is this something an adventurer can do?
For 99% of the adventurer teams, it is already a blessing to be able to meet the Moon Worship Leader and help Li Xiaoyao, Ling'er, and Anu's protagonists defeat the Moon Worship according to the plot.

A person singled out to worship the moon, and still has the upper hand?

This is the plot that will appear in the adventurer's craziest dream, right?
But Du Yu was holding the pearl of wisdom, calm and unhurried, mobilizing his immortal power, attacking Baiyue wave after wave, without any appearance of complacency.

For him, worshiping the moon is no longer an insurmountable mountain.

Even a great god like Fuxi was severely injured by Du Yu's sneak attack. What is worshiping the moon?
He stood facing the wind in mid-air, his clothes rattled, and the strong wind blew wildly, but he revealed a pair of eyes full of confidence and wisdom. His eyes were like cold stars, and his spirit was restrained. He stared at the enemy opposite. Continuously launched, launched the attack methodically, forcing the moon worship to retreat steadily.

Du Yu's battle attracted the attention of many beauties.

There is a saying that women are most attracted to men when they are focused, and women are most attracted to them when they are successful.

Men, with their own abilities, conquer women.

In the eyes of all the women, Du Yu is the most capable man in the world.

Lin Qing'er's eyes were blurred, looking at Du Yu who was standing against the wind and gaining the upper hand, she couldn't help comparing him with her former husband, Wu Wang.

The Witch King has power and status, but he doesn't have the masculinity of Du Yu!

At this time, Du Yu was fighting with his enemy, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, so heroically and majesticly, in the beautiful eyes of the beautiful wife Lin Qinger, he was indeed a hero sent from heaven to save her!Angel!
The body and mind of the beauty empress was occupied by this handsome man with powerful celestial power, and the shadow of the Witch King, a weak and cowardly man, no longer occupied any place in the heart of the beauty wife.

Ling'er took her mother's jade hand, the mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled knowingly.The heart in that blood has a tacit understanding, expressing the mother and daughter's heart.

Du Yu is their happy destination!

Worshiping the moon while fighting and retreating, Du Yu's celestial arts exploded in full force. The SS-level fairy treasure lock demon tower, the S-level fairy treasure mixed yuan seven-color flag, and the ghost refining bag, like butterflies wearing flowers, constantly fluttered in mid-air, viciously Hit him, making him overwhelmed.

Worshiping the moon in the form of a water monster, he was sweating profusely in battle, but the situation became more and more unfavorable.

"A mere mortal, how can he do this?" He secretly groaned in his heart, "This strength really deserves to be a strong man who kills the gods and immortals."

He was even more in the dark, faintly feeling a more majestic divine power, scanning him coldly.His body, all kinds of weaknesses, as if naked, were completely seen by this divine consciousness.

"Nuwa!" The Moon Worshiper secretly groaned in his heart.

Does he know how many bad things he has done to Nuwa.Nuwa has been suppressed by Fuxi for a long time, and she has no time to deal with him, making Baiyue self-inflated, thinking that Nuwa is weak and deceitful, but that's all.

But only now did he realize that Empress Nuwa's divine power is absolutely comparable to Fuxi's!
With this in mind, why did he dare to entangle Du Yu in the air?

"You must escape as soon as possible, 36 counts is the best!"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon gritted his teeth hard.

Du Yu seemed to be able to see through his heart, and said with a cold smile, "Worship the moon! Your doomsday is now. Let you see the results of our ten years of hard work! Bu Tiangang constellation!"

Su Daji and other beauties immediately set up a 28-day stellar array.

After Du Yu and the beauties honed their swords for ten years, and constantly familiarized themselves with the evolution, this constellation formation has become extremely proficient and seamless, and it is three times stronger than when they fought against Xi Zhong.

The Eastern Azure Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Xuanwu, the four formations took shape in an instant, like a machine biting together, they rotated slowly and tightly, trapping the Moon Worshiper at the core.

This time, the lineup has been adjusted.

Su Daji, Lin Qinger, Zhao Linger, Caiyi, Su Mei, and Lin Yueru joined the strongest Eastern Azure Dragon Formation.During the ten years, they got along with Du Yu day and night, and they had a close relationship. Nuwa's Xuanmu method made great progress, and the Yaozu's cultivation speed was fast, so they formed a team to participate in the ultimate battle against the moon worship.

Worshiping the moon, I felt the terrifying pressure coming from all directions.

The reason why Du Yu dispatched 28 constellations to deal with the moon worship was not because he couldn't deal with the moon worship, but because of a rare opportunity, he took the moon worship as the enemy of the exercise and practiced the power of the formation.

He occupies the position of Ziwei Star in Tianyuan, flies back and forth with the 28 beauties of the stars, mobilizes the sword formation, and continuously launches attacks on worshiping the moon.

Baiyue was overwhelmed and was repeatedly hit by beauties.

Especially Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er, who were as deep as the ocean in worshiping the moon, were selected by Du Yu as the main attackers, and they continued to gather the power of the formation on the two of them!
Thor, Vulcan, Mountain God

In addition to the water spells that are not effective for worshiping the moon, all kinds of top-notch fairy arts are thrown at the moon for free.

The most frightening thing is the magic of Qinger Linger mother and daughter. With the formation of all personnel, each blow can cause 20 times the terrifying damage of the normal body attack!
Worshiping the moon, as if being modified by the player with a golden finger to attack 20 times the immortal power in the game, he was bombarded and devastated, and it was extremely miserable.

Tit for tat, he framed Lin Qinger's mother and daughter so cruelly back then, now it's his turn to pay the price.

The fierce battle gradually fell silent.

Lin Qing'er and Ling'er were panting violently. They used the stormy bursts to squander all the aura in their bodies, and they all bombarded the Moon Worshiper, and they didn't even have the strength to breathe.

However, although the two mothers and daughters were exhausted, they were finally taking revenge on their old enemy, venting their anger, and feeling very comfortable.I let out all the suffocated breath in my chest, and there is nothing smoother in the world than this.

When Du Yu saw that the mother and daughter had finished venting their anger, he withdrew the right to fire, activated the demon lock tower, and kept hitting the Moon Worshiper.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon was beaten by Du Yu's team and completely lost his temper.He was lured out of the water pool at this time, unable to recover his body at the same speed as before in the air, and was smashed to a bloody mess.

Although Bai Yuekong has an astonishing cultivation base and a mysterious trump card, but Du Yu uses a strategy to control Bai Yuekong to death, and uses different methods to prepare him.This final boss, which has made countless people's faces change, has never been able to display its terrifying combat power, and has been suppressed and unable to lift its head.

With a flash, Du Yu suddenly appeared in front of the worship leader of the moon. With a flip of his hand, the dark soul stone stabbed at the forehead of the moon worshiper.

(End of this chapter)

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