Chapter 1327 Extraterrestrial demons, colonial gods! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"It is said that the heavenly demons outside the territory, what are they?" Du Yu couldn't help asking: "Why do gods, immortals, demons, and saints from all walks of life in space fall one after another?"

The corners of Empress Nuwa's lips curled up, revealing a hint of reminiscence: "This starts with the outer environment of the space. You know, our space is a trial place built by human beings on an extraterrestrial planet. Space colonists picked from Earth."

Du Yu nodded.

"You also know that our colonized planet also has creatures. For example, all kinds of monsters that are common in space, as well as the cruel god-punishment beasts in space and alien planets, right?"

Empress Nuwa spoke eloquently.

"The competition in the space seems to be cruel, and the elimination is ruthless, but compared with the contradiction between the space and the outer planets, it seems to be nothing. No matter how the space is fighting and killing, it is always human beings. For example, before Fuxi and I and Shennong, although faced with They don't agree with each other, but it's a benign fight after all. Everyone competes with immortals, magic weapons, believers, and disciples, and it's not for the purpose of destroying each other's body." , we will unite again and fight against the enemy together! I can tell you that Fuxi and I are brothers and sisters, or husband and wife!"

Du Yu was shocked.

"Brothers and sisters? Husband and wife?" Du Yuxin said, it's no wonder that when Nuwa and Fuxi met, they seemed to love and hate each other, and their relationship was ambiguous. Fuxi seemed to want to save Nuwa's life, so there was such a deep relationship.

Nuwa's beautiful eyes were confused and said: "Yes. Fuxi, Shennong and I are the three emperors of China. Together with the Buddha Sakyamuni, the Taoist Yuanshi Tianzun, and the sage Confucius, they formed the ancestors of the Chinese gods. ! Together with the God of the West, Allah of the Sultan, Shiva of the Parliamentary State, Feathered Serpent and other primitive gods, they rule the space together and determine everything in the space!"

"This is the era in which gods, immortals, demons, and saints ruled together in the age of the ancients!"

"At that time, we selected thousands of apprentices, who walked in various plot worlds and parallel planes, practiced skills, and raised their realm. The power of the highest-level ancient adventurers is ten times or a hundred times stronger than the current adventurers To turn the river upside down and turn the world upside down at every turn is beyond the imagination of adventurers today." Nuwa recalled.

"Then when did the situation change?" Du Yu asked.

"Since a certain day, we call it the day of the five declines of heaven and man, the west calls it the twilight of the gods, the sultan calls it the last judgment, and the parliamentary country calls it the collapse of the gods, but in general, it refers to a "What happened?" Empress Nuwa said in a deep voice, "Heavenly demons from outside the territory have invaded!"

"The extraterrestrial demons are the local gods of our colonial planet!" Empress Nuwa chuckled, "They are gods who are worshiped by tens of billions of native creatures on this huge planet just like us! As for the local monsters To living beings, they are gods! To those of us in space, they are demons! That’s why we call them extraterrestrial demons!”

Du Yu froze as if struck by lightning.

It turned out that the one who invaded Fuxi's mind, occupied his body, and successfully seized his body was a local god. No wonder

In fact, it has long been thought that to control a great god, it can only be another great god!
"These extraterritorial celestial demons came to attack our space on a large scale? Cause the gods, immortals, and saints in the space to fall?" Du Yu swallowed hard.The news was too powerful.

"Yes." Empress Nuwa smiled sarcastically: "Fuxi was also at that time, unknowingly, was controlled by an extraterrestrial demon, and insidiously murdered Shennong, who was also a god! I was also attacked by him , hit hard."

"It seems that Fuxi is not the only one in this situation," Du Yu said in amazement.

"Yes" Empress Nuwa sighed sadly: "As far as I know, these local gods and extraterrestrial demons are very cunning and well-prepared. They attack gods, immortals, demons, and saints at the same time. Four measures were taken."

"One is to seize control and provoke civil war. For example, Fuxi, Shennong and I."

"The second is to bribe the doorman, sneak attack and assassination. For example, the fall of God, with a doorman Judas, was bribed by an extraterrestrial demon, revealed his specific location and weakness, and poisoned him to weaken him. He was besieged, captured, and crucified. and fell into eternal sleep. God had foreseen his own destiny, and at the Last Supper, he publicly announced the betrayal of a traitor."

"The third is fighting with open flames and attacking groups. For example, the other gods in the space were not controlled, framed, or assassinated. In the end, they were all killed by the extraterrestrial demons in a single battle. The location of the battle was in the northern part of the Sultanate. On a piece of wild blood field, I remember it was later called the tomb of the gods. The remaining gods in the space were almost wiped out!"

After hearing this, Du Yu remained silent for a long time.

"But..." Su Daji also felt that the amount of information was too much.These news, no one has ever told them in such detail like Empress Nuwa.Only a witness like Empress Nuwa can tell the truth of the matter so clearly.

"But there is a problem." Su Daji finally cleared his mind, and said with difficulty: "These extraterrestrial demons, since they have been carefully prepared and have absolute advantages, they have crushed the gods of space and killed all the gods and demons. Why don't they immediately Destroy the space? Keep the space alive for a thousand years?"

"They do want to!" Nuwa was not polite, and said with a smile: "Since the war of the five declines of heaven and man, the gods in our space have naturally fallen like rain, and they have fallen into eternal sleep. Can I please? Although I was severely injured by Fuxi, I also participated in the last decisive battle. In that battle, the space gods knew that it was inevitable, so they simply didn't hold back and gave it a go. There were as many as 30 extraterritorial demons, They were blown away by our cooperation! There are also an equal number of extraterrestrial demons who fell into eternal sleep due to severe damage to their consciousness. The remaining number of extraterritorial demons is only three."

Du Yu and the others remained silent for a long time, slowly digesting the shock that Nuwa's words had given them.

"After this battle, our entire army was wiped out, but the extraterritorial demons were also severely injured. The remaining three extraterritorial demons were also seriously injured and needed time to recuperate." Nuwa said softly: "Therefore, they also died down. They have never attacked space. For a god, a thousand years is just a blink of an eye. They have enough patience to wait for recovery. Therefore, this thousand years in space is just the self without the interference of gods and demons develop."

"But because there are no gods, the operating mechanism of space gradually deviates from the original intention and formality established at the beginning, becomes distorted, and is monopolized by the powerful and powerful. The formation of the four empires has completed the final monopoly. Space has become It's the Warring States Period." Nuwa said with a calm smile.

"That's what I saw when I entered the space." Du Yu shook his head and sighed.

"Exactly" Nuwa smiled indifferently: "But this is just a temporary truce after both sides have suffered losses. As you can see, in the near future, native creatures have launched a strong counterattack against space! God's punishment of beast tide is only the last part of this counterattack." Concentrate on your performance!"

"You mean, the gods punishing the beast tide were also driven by extraterritorial celestial demons, that is, local gods?" Du Yu was astonished.

"Apart from their gods, what power is there that can bring together so many monsters with conflicting attributes and even natural enemies to launch such a large-scale attack on the bloody city?" Nuwa's beautiful eyes flickered, Said in a cold voice.

Du Yu suddenly realized!

Everything has a reasonable explanation.

Why did the bloody city come under such a violent attack.

Why, Qinglian, the dragon girl, warned herself that this was God's will.

This is not the will of the space god, but the will of the indigenous gods on this colonial planet!

In the past, although there were also hordes of Heavenly Punishment Beasts, due to the lack of presidency by extraterrestrial demon gods, in terms of scale, frequency and time, they were far from reaching the point of threatening the survival of the space.

But now, with the gradual recovery of the extraterrestrial demons, the scale of the Heavenly Punishment Beasts has suddenly increased to once every 2-3 worlds, and the scale has reached a terrifying level of destruction!

The first wave of attacks destroyed half of the Tang Dynasty, half of the Sultan and the parliamentary state.If it weren't for Du Yu's performance against the sky in Shenluo, even Shenluo would not have been spared.Even so, Shenluo lost two provinces, and was forced to spit out all the achievements of a century of colonization.

Counting the time, after the end of the Fairy Sword World this time, there may be a second wave of unprecedented divine punishment and beast tide, and it is not yet known how the Four Kingdoms will survive.

It turns out that everything is caused by the aborigine gods - extraterrestrial demons.

"But it is said that there are more advanced spaces, so what's going on?"

Du Yu said in a deep voice.

"Because of human beings, the colonization of alien planets is not limited to this planet." Empress Nuwa smiled and said, "According to the atmospheric environment of the colonized planet, whether there are living creatures, the strength of the indigenous people, the friendliness of the colonized planet, etc., humans divide the colonized planet into five classes. The colonial star of this bloody city is only a colonial star with a third-level war intensity. There is a higher level of war intensity on it. The space city built there must reach a certain level of cultivation before entering as an adventurer. This is also It is called [absorption] by Westerners. The Miracle of the Four Kingdoms is just a test and trial place for the original gods, demons, and sages for adventurers in their own countries. Only those who can pass can be absorbed into a colony with a higher intensity."

Become a strong man in Zifu District, but only have the opportunity to go to the wonders of the world and participate in the [absorption] trial, in order to go to a more intense colonial battlefield?
"Since the intensity of resistance there is so high," Du Yu didn't understand: "Why do human beings still beg for nothing and send people to colonize? I'm afraid that the gains outweigh the losses?"

Empress Nuwa laughed: "If you think about it, you will know that it was so dangerous to go to the New World back then. Why did Westerners risk their lives and travel across the ocean? Isn't it for the profit that is higher than the danger?"

(End of this chapter)

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