Chapter 1328 Mission Complete!Rich rewards! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Although those colonial planets with more intense wars are full of dangers, they are far richer in energy, minerals, and biological products than this planet!Even if the human beings are in a more difficult situation there, it is difficult to give up the huge benefits. As long as there are enough benefits, anyone can go to risk their lives regardless of the danger. "

Du Yu was silent.

It is the nature of human beings to kill birds for food.

No matter how dangerous the colonization of the universe is, as long as it is profitable enough, even the gods will not be tempted to take risks.

This is not only the instinct of human beings, but also any intelligent creature in the universe.

Greed is the driving force of competition and evolution.

Expansion is the inevitable step of the creatures in the universe.

"Then we now," Du Yu said with a wry smile, "Since Fuxi is controlled by an extraterrestrial demon, he should be able to return to space and make trouble, right?"

Nuwa smiled: "Yes. You must know that the flow of time is different in the story world and our space world. Although the extraterrestrial demon in Fuxi has been here for thousands of years, it has just awakened in terms of space and time. You are ruthless this time. Injure him severely, it is estimated that he will enter the space and look for opportunities to kill you."

Du Yu said with a bitter face: "Nuwa Empress, as the only god in space, you have to let me make the decision. I offended Fuxi because of you."

Nu Wa chuckled: "Okay, stop talking nonsense."

She was in high spirits, and said to herself: "Since I have this corner of Miaojiang, give me the power of faith, and I can slowly recover my divine power. Naturally, I have to deal with the demons from outside the territory! Just do it, don't care if you poke it!" What a mess, I, a space god, will naturally protect you well."

She giggled, "You used the Heaven's Punishment Thunder to deal with Fuxi, didn't you use the power of the programmers? I remember that there was a little monkey named Caesar. I don't know if it was activated by you."

Du Yu's eyes lit up: "Caesar? You actually know them?"

Nuwa said proudly: "Don't forget, I was in space to mend the sky before the war between the five declines of heaven and man. Naturally, the sky patching cannot do without the help of programmers. Caesar is a spirit stone that I created with a piece of heaven and earth. Soul, the leader of the programmer who was refined."

Du Yu nodded: "Caesar has been resurrected."

Nuwa smiled: "Then let me take back Caesar and others first, I want to clean up the space! Although these programmers can play a role in your hands, but you don't understand the power of space rules, Programmers are very inefficient, they are overqualified.”

Du Yu nodded, and without hesitation, he handed over Caesar and other programmers to the real god of space, Empress Nuwa.I believe that with Nuwa Empress' sky patching technique and these programmers, it should be able to greatly reverse the speed of space collapse.

Nu Wa seemed to have insight into Du Yu's heart, and smiled and said, "Don't even think about dismantling the stall. Although I have been resurrected for the time being, the power of faith is very little, and the divine power is still very weak. The space has been corrupted to this point, like a candle in the wind. There are so many positives and negatives, and it is by no means my ability to reverse them. You also need to continue to collect the souls of demon gods, sacrifice them, and resurrect more space gods, so as to speed up the restoration of space order and defend our bloody city."

"Are those extraterrestrial demons also speeding up their recovery?" Du Yuhan asked.

"Yes!" Empress Nuwa said solemnly: "Calculating the time, since I can recover, the extraterrestrial demons will gradually recover in the near future. After the doomsday war, the number of great gods they survived far exceeds space. So your The task is still extremely heavy."

Du Yu had no choice but to nod his head and continue to work as a coolie for Empress Nuwa.

He suddenly turned serious, and said to Nu Wa: "There is a problem."


"I entered the space, and there are many women I date." Du Yu whispered: "But I only let two female adventurer lovers get pregnant and have children, but none of the beauties I dated have children. Why exactly?"

Nuwa smiled: "I have seen your body, and there is no problem. It should be your villain attribute. When you signed a contract with the beauty, you blocked the possibility of women having children. But it is not difficult."

She moved closer to Du Yu's ear and said, "I can release this bondage for you, but there is one condition. You must let Qing'er Ling'er conceive and give birth to you first."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look.

Qing'er and Ling'er, the beauties, mother and daughter, were chatting and laughing happily, and looked in his direction from time to time, as if they didn't know that he was talking about them with Empress Nuwa.

Du Yu's heart felt hot and he nodded.It is every man's dream to let these two stunning mother and daughter flowers conceive and have children for themselves.Empress Nuwa wants to be the first for Linger Qinger in everything, and she also hopes that she will love their mother and daughter the most.

Empress Nuwa pursed her lips and smiled: "My Nuwa clan is the easiest to conceive. You can use the art of mending the house I taught to cultivate this mother and daughter for a few months, and you will definitely gain something."

With her tender hands, she waved lightly on Du Yu's body.

Du Yu seemed to feel a burst of relief.

"Your summoning beauty, I have already released the restriction of not being able to conceive." Nuwa said with a smile: "But you can take it easy, don't give birth to too much."

Du Yu smiled and stood against the wind.

He really wanted to roar up to the sky.

Because, the mystery of space has been completely revealed!

An infinitely beautiful, but also infinitely dangerous future is waiting for him ahead!
For his own woman and child, he will give it a go and hold the future firmly in his own hands!

Feeling that Du Yu was so energetic, so confident and heroic, the beauties were gradually attracted to him, showing fascinated expressions one after another.

"Master, are you leaving this world?" Li Xiaoyao came over with Anu, and asked sadly.

Du Yu nodded: "Xiaoyao, Anu, the task for you to stay here is actually very difficult. The power of Empress Nuwa's faith still needs to be strengthened. In addition, you must continue to spread the belief of Empress Nuwa so that more Most people believe in Nuwa. Only in this way can Nuwa have stronger divine power."

Anu nodded and said: "Master Du Yu, don't worry. Anu is the holy daughter of Empress Nuwa, how could she not care about it?"

Li Xiaoyao knelt down to Du Yu and kowtowed three times respectfully: "Master, I will continue to work hard. I will go to your space to find you when I succeed in cultivation and break through the void!"

Du Yu patted Li Xiaoyao's head in relief: "Apprentice, you and I are destined to meet each other. I have Nuwa Empress to protect you here, and Anu to take care of you, so I can rest assured."

Under the reluctance of Li Xiaoyao and Anu, Du Yu received a space reminder: "You have completed three villain missions. Now start the reward calculation:"

"1. Help the Moon Worship Sect, prevent Li Xiaoyao from being accepted by the Jiujian Immortal, break the alliance between the Shushan faction and the Southern Robbers faction. The difficulty factor is 4, the basic reward is 4. The villain is rewarded with 10000 points. The completion rate is 100%, and the villain is rewarded It is worth 10000 points and rewards 16 attribute points."

"2. Recover Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Anu, at least one of the three heroines. The rest, Rucai, can also be recovered. The difficulty factor, Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, and Anu are all 4, and the basic reward points are 4. As a result, Zhao Linger Reward 5000 points, reward attribute points 16 points, Lin Yueru rewards 4000 points, attribute points 16 points, Caiyi rewards 4000 points, attribute points 8 points, Su Mei rewards 5000 points, attribute points 12 points, hidden heroine Lin Qinger rewards 6000 Points, 20 attribute points, a total of 24000 villain reward points. 72 attribute points.” (This time the world’s heroine recovery rewards are different from the previous world’s immediate distribution, but are distributed uniformly.)
"3. Obtain a powerful five-line spirit bead. Get any spirit bead, reward 4000 villain points. (This item has been cashed in), reward attribute value 20 points.

Du Yu looked at his account, and in an instant there were 34000 villain points and 108 attribute points, almost speechless in surprise.

Without hesitation, he put all the villain points into the beauties' internal power chain skills.This seemingly inconspicuous B-level skill has actually become the key skill that Du Yu's team invests the most and earns the most. After investing 34000 villain points, upgrade all beauties' [Internal Power Chain] skills to level 10!
The highest level of B-level skills cannot be improved for the time being.

But in contrast, Du Yu's team's Tiangang Constellation Formation's transmission ratio of immortal power has also increased again.Relying on the internal force chain, 100% of the immortal power and true essence of all beauties can be transferred out.

If combined with the ratio brought by the nourishing method, the beauties can instantly transmit 130% of the internal force to any point of the formation.

Some people may ask, why the ratio can exceed 100%?Could it be that in the conduction process, not only there is no conduction loss, but instead there is gain?


Under normal circumstances, [Internal Force Chain] can transmit up to 100% internal force, but Du Yu and the beauties each have dual cultivation skills, but they are extremely mysterious.

The core essence of Xuanyuan Caibu method and Nuwa Xuanmu method is the harmony of yin and yang. In the love between men and women, the internal energy in the dantian is constantly transferred. After nine turns and nine times, the internal force will reach the peak like a snowball.Therefore, if a stream of internal force is transmitted in the formation chain, it can break through 100%!

This has breakthrough significance for the Tiangang Constellation Formation!

This means that the power of the formation can exceed the sum of individual internal strength and reach a higher level.

This huge investment is also to build a stronger team.

In the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Du Yu is no longer able to call the wind and call the rain, relying on the strength and wisdom of the collective no longer alone!

With the help of Tiangang Constellation Array, he created a series of miracles.

Du Yu nodded intently, led the girls, and left the world with a smile on his face.

Su Daji was the help he got privately by taking advantage of his power, and he had quietly left before the world rewards were settled.She didn't want to be caught cheating by the space and be wiped out.

Shen Luoyan said strangely: "My lord, we still have less than half a year to stay in this world. Fuxi's threat was also offset by Empress Nuwa. This time can also be used to practice kung fu (speaking of this, Military Master Qiao blushed), Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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