Chapter 1329 Wolf pupil development!The demon pill is against the sky! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu smiled bitterly: "Because I was at home, my newly born son Du Mu was threatened by Jon, the hermit patriarch of the Shenluo royal family. Although Jon said that he would take him away in six months, who knew that Jon would take him away?" Won't we start early? Besides, the tide of space gods punishing beasts is about to erupt. I have to go back early and be prepared. In this mere six months, I will no longer be demanding on training."

Six months, according to space time, is 15 days.Going back fifteen days in advance, Du Yu wanted to make full preparations for the unprecedented fierce battle that might break out in the future.

The space god's punishment of beast swarms is the lore of the extraterritorial celestial demon coercing and commanding the local monsters to attack the bloody city.The four countries will all undergo the most severe test.

Through his avatar, Du Yu knew the fear of Catherine and Tracy at this moment. He had to rush back to comfort his woman, take charge of the overall situation, and stabilize the situation!
Without practicing the realm of virtual integration and Dzogchen, just relying on the avatar, it is impossible to stop so many guys with different ambitions in Shenluo.For example, Jon, the hermit patriarch of Zifu District who is already old and still refuses to let go!

Also, after capturing the brothers Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng, it seems that they can also talk to God General Hou about the situation in the east.With his two sons in hand, Du Yu didn't believe that he could squeeze out any oil from General Hou Shenjiang!
There is also the great god Fuxi who is destined to return to space, and Du Yu also has to think hard about the way to resist.Although the power of his beauty team has been strengthened three times, it is already enough to fight, but Du Yu doesn't want to act in a hurry when things are imminent.

There are also the strong Guixian, Jiang Ziya, and Jon who have offended Zifu District.

Du Yu thought of so many powerful enemies, and felt a splitting headache.

In the plot summary space, various scenes in this world are replayed one by one in the starry sky.In the end, it was fixed on the screen where Du Yu punished the sky with thunder and bombarded Fuxi.This represents Du Yu's most brilliant record in this world.

Du Yu appeared alone in the teleportation square of Langtong headquarters in Yunmengze.

This teleportation square, when walking, was still a simple piece of yellow land.When it rained, there were mud ponds everywhere. When he returned, Du Yu was astonished to see that the site had been leveled, paved with large granite slabs, and decorated with fountain statues around it, which looked majestic, graceful and pleasant.

"Mai Laxue, you did a good job!" Du Yu secretly praised in his heart.He has been fighting outside for a long time, and his internal management depends entirely on Michelle.

Along the way, Du Yu found that not only the teleporter square, but also the headquarters of Yunmengze, were renovating and building new houses everywhere.The entire center of Yunmengze has become a huge construction site in full swing, and the city wall of the wolf pupil team headquarters is also being heightened and reinforced.On the city wall, the city defense tools and the Immortal Realm Restriction were erected densely, the defense was tight, and the elite soldiers patrolled. Both in terms of equipment and state, they were much stronger than before Du Yu left.

Du Yu heard some people talking about it.

"Brother, when did you go to Yunmengze?"

"I got the news late. I just came from Kanyu Mountain in the south, and it's been less than a month since I joined the Yunmengze forces."

"Hey, bro, I've been in this faction for 6 months, and I've become a small captain. Say hello to me if you have anything to do!"

"Brother, you are so wise and decisive. Why didn't you call me earlier? By the way, this time I was cruel and brought the stronger brothers in the team together."

"The situation outside is unpredictable. Whether it is Datang or Hou Shenjiang, they are all using unscrupulous means to recruit people into the army. It is still Yunmengze's forces. When the time and place are favorable, it is easy to survive."

"Yes! Recently, the Yunmengze power has become a place of dreams for many people. As far as I know, there are even many people in the inner city of the capital of the Tang Dynasty who wish to defect to this place."

Du Yu heard these conversations, smiled slightly, and entered the headquarters of the wolf pupil team.

Unfortunately, Mai Sheila, Li Tang and others are on a mission and will not be back in half a month.However, the wolf pupil team left half of its manpower for alert defense.Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Guo Fu, Guo Xiang and others were all in the headquarters, and Du Yu's brothers Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng came out to welcome them.

Huang Yaoshi glanced at Du Yu, and said with a smile, "You have made great progress, are you only one step away from crossing the catastrophe and ascending?"

Du Yu observed Huang Yaoshi and found that Huang Yaoshi's state had also reached the state of Dzogchen, which is the state of practicing emptiness and body.Zhou Botong, Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng and others also reached the state of Dzogchen.It seems that he is not the only one who is trying to improve his realm.

Du Yu nodded with a smile: "I plan to upgrade my cultivation level to Ascending Tribulation during this vacation."

Huang Yaoshi looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "I know that your skill is accumulated over a long period of time, and you already have the strength to break through the bottleneck of transcending the tribulation and ascending. After all, you have reached the great perfection of practicing virtual fusion after returning from the Three Kingdoms world. In this world, prepare to It is more sufficient. But I still want to remind you that among the seven realms of cultivating immortality, ascending through the tribulation is the most likely to fall. Then the divine thunder of the doomsday god's punishment destroys the sky and the earth, and is merciless. Once the tribulation is activated, only Hold on to the past. You must be fully prepared before starting to cross the tribulation!"

Du Yu knew that what Huang Yaoshi said was old-fashioned, so he nodded.

It seems that Ouyang Feng, Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong are about to start crossing the catastrophe, and these old men all showed solemn expressions.

Hong Qigong bit a fat chicken leg with thorns and thorns unique to space, and muttered: "If it wasn't for the imminent collapse of the nearest space, it would force people to challenge the miracle of the world and go to another space. I really don’t want to challenge the bottleneck of crossing the tribulation and ascending. Eat some space delicacies in peace, practice boxing, and beat bad guys. What a pleasant day.”

Zhou Botong muttered: "I don't want to challenge some kind of divine thunder either. I heard that the divine thunder is the same as the lightning that wipes out adventurers, and they are merciless at all. Together, they will strike down with a click, oh, what a pity. Hiccup fart."

Du Yu smiled and said nothing: "I'll try it first. This is a breakthrough in the realm of virtual fusion. Once I have some experience, I will definitely share it with you."

He didn't say a word.

His innate ability is quite similar to God's Punishment Thunder.

For others, the God's Punishment Thunder that ascended through the catastrophe is a deadly killing lightning, but for Du Yu, this God's Punishment Thunder is his usual weapon!
If Du Yu's guess is correct, crossing the catastrophe and ascending to the sky is a way for the gods to punish the heavenly thunder, temper the body of the immortal, and temper the heart of cultivating immortality. , so tempted to endure, gain what it can't.This is both a test and a reward.If one can pass the Tribulation Divine Thunder, the immortal body will become more focused, and the Taoist heart will become firmer, which will be of great benefit to the future cultivation of immortals.

Du Yu was guessing whether the secret of God's Punishment of Heavenly Thunder was actually the same as his own spatial ability, so that it would be easier for him to pass the level.and

He will help Wujue to pass the level smoothly!
Perhaps, in the future, Wu Jue's cultivation might be affected a little because of this, but the premise is that they successfully become immortal cultivators who have transcended the tribulation and ascended to the realm!
This strength is enough to make them immediately become the top immortal cultivators in the imperial city!
It is only one step away from Zifu District.

Du Yu saw that there were many more adventurers around, and they were busy coming and going. He wondered, "Why is our wolf pupil team developing so fast?"

"It should be said that you found a good vice-captain." Huang Yaoshi chuckled and said, "In your absence, Myshela can take charge of the overall situation, lead this force, continue to develop healthily, and continue to expand. Our number , has increased by 10 times. Now there are 2 adventurers in Yunmengze, swearing allegiance. And our transactions with Shinra's weapons, monsters, medicines, etc. have also made a lot of profits, allowing us to have resources to expand wildly and equip Get up. Now, in Tang Guogong's so-called three worlds, destroying you is destined to be a joke. If the Tang court comes, they will not dare to step into Yunmengze!"

Du Yu nodded.

Guo Xiang tugged at the corner of Du Yu's clothes and asked, "Brother Du, you are in the world of swords and swords, why did you ask for such a huge sum of money from sister Maishela? What is it for?"

Du Yu chuckled, and took out two large bottles from the Sumeru ring.

These two large bottles are filled with pills of various colors.

"This is the income I got from investing." Du Yu smiled lightly.

Ouyang Feng, who is good at pills and poisons, uncorked the bottle, sniffed it, and asked in surprise, "This is? A demon pill? A demon pill that improves the cultivation of monsters?"

Du Yu nodded.

Ouyang Feng looked at the big bottle in disbelief, and opened another one, this time his expression was even more exciting!

He widened his eyes and growled: "Is this the best demon pill? One is enough to improve the cultivation of monsters for 10-12 years?"

Guo Fu murmured: "It's only a 10-12-year cultivation base, which is not a panacea? A monster needs 8000 years of skill to enter the Zifu District, and a 10-year panacea can only eat 99 pills. That's 1000 years of skill."

Ouyang Feng didn't show any face, he sneered and said: "Girls without knowledge, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Hmph, how precious is strength in space? This is only the top-grade pill, and there are middle-grade and low-grade pills. Add up It has been 1700 years! This is the skill that can be bought with money, and there are no side effects! There are no less than tens of thousands of demon pills in this bottle. Adventurers in the space will immediately rush to grab it! A high-grade demon pill, if done well, it will be auctioned off for millions of survival points, without any pressure."

Hearing this, Yang Guo, Guo Fu, Guo Xiang and the others were completely stunned.

"This monster's demon pill is so precious?" Guo Fu asked in amazement.

Ouyang Feng said with a strange yin and yang air: "In space, strength is the most important thing! Any potions and props that can improve strength are invaluable! But the refining of monster pills is extremely difficult. On the one hand, powerful monsters are needed, and on the other hand, fairy treasures need to be refined. I don't know how you, Du Yu, refined so many demon pills?"

(End of this chapter)

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