Chapter 1330: Beast Tide Attacks!Actively prepare for battle! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu took out the celestial treasure, the Purple Gold Fairy Gourd, and threw it to Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng looked like he had found a treasure, his eyes shone brightly, like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman.

Yang Guo stammered, "Brother, you got tens of thousands of demon pills. If you sell all these things, I'm afraid we can get 20-30 billion survival points!"

Hearing this number, Guo Fu's small mouth grew bigger, and her brain froze.

20-30 billion survival points?

When can the survival points harvested by a world be calculated in billions?

But this wave of Du Yu has achieved such a terrifying profit.

This wave of income, remitted to the account of the wolf pupil team, will add a lot of firewood to this thriving rebel force, making the fire of rebellion even more prosperous.

Du Yu didn't care, and handed the two large bottles of demon pills to Huang Yaoshi, asking him to hand them over to the management committee for immediate handling.He was busy with his own affairs, so he might not have time to wait for Michelle.As for the 5 million survival points owed to Catherine, he refined tens of thousands of monsters in the demon-locking tower, and he got more than half of the demon pills, worth more than 30 billion, which he gave to Catherine.

"Don't hoard it." Du Yu calmly said to Huang Yaoshi: "Quickly start publicity, expand the influence, sell this batch of demon pills quickly, and recover the funds."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Huang Yaoshi wondered, "If we build momentum slowly and sell in batches, this batch of goods can be sold at a higher price, or even double the price."

Du Yu shook his head and said, "Time waits for no one. The next wave of space beasts is coming! And in the world of Paladin, I have already figured out the real reason for the wave of Heaven's Punishment beasts. It is not like our previous legends, it is space. Will punishment, but external enemies are eyeing! These enemies are the local gods of the colonial planet! Our gods call them extraterrestrial demons. These guys fought a fierce battle with our gods, demons and immortals thousands of years ago. Fang Dashen has all fallen, but the enemy has also suffered heavy losses. Recently, they have gradually recovered and started to stir up trouble again!"

Huang Yaoshi and Wu Jue had serious expressions on their faces, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas and other brothers also concentrated on listening to the news Du Yu brought back.

"If that's the case, everything makes sense." Hong Qigong slapped his thigh and said angrily, "I said, how come these monsters on the wild blood field became so violent and wanted to tear us apart at all costs. It turns out that they were killed by driven by their gods."

Du Yu's eyes were stern, and he remembered that Qinglian, the dragon girl, warned herself that when the beast horde was coming, she told herself that humans would never be able to defeat this beast horde.It seems that, as the emperor of the local Warcraft, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea knows some inside information about the divine punishment of beasts.

Du Yu's heart drifted to the dragon girl Qinglian.

It is necessary to get in touch with this little dragon girl who has friendship twice.

Huang Yaoshi and others, upon hearing Du Yu's news, looked at each other in blank dismay, and nodded in agreement with Du Yu's decision.

"Well, if the situation is so urgent, there is really no need to worry too much about the price of this batch of goods. It is the best policy to ship them early and convert them into immediate combat power such as personnel, weapons, medicines, and props." Huang Yaoshi nodded slowly.

"I have a proposal." Guo Xiang said suddenly: "Brother Yang and the people I know have all kinds of teachings and all-encompassing. During our adventures, we have also encountered adventurers who specialize in cultivating monsters. They are powerful, but they are often not recognized. Advocating the orthodox court tolerance, I think, instead of selling all the demon pills, it is better to take out some of them as bait to lure them to join us. These demon cultivators are already powerful in combat, and after getting the demon pills, they will be even more powerful. Our wolf pupil team is also a great help."

Everyone's eyes brightened at the same time.

That's right, why bother to look far away, wouldn't it be faster to use the demon pill to lure the demon cultivator?
Du Yu even thought of Su Daji, the powerful demon cultivator. After making a 5G phone call, he walked back to Su Daji in Zifu District, and immediately patted his chest to agree. A few stunning goblins who seduced King Zhou together came to defect to Du Yu.

"With the addition of demon cultivators, our strength will definitely increase greatly. But how we should deal with the coming wave of divine punishment for beasts is up to you to decide." Huang Yaoshi looked serious.

Everyone has seen the power of the god-punishing beast tide of the money in the two worlds. The tide of monsters in the Tang Kingdom did not even dissipate until not long ago, and no one dared to underestimate it.

The last beast tide, Du Yu's Yunmengze, was still an open space, with only a few hundred brothers, the boat was small and easy to turn around, and it was not the main direction of the monsters' attack, so they escaped a catastrophe.

But this time, Du Yu's forces have more than 20000 adventurers, which will definitely attract the attention of the beast tide, and the possibility of Yunmengze being attacked is very high.

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth!" Yang Guo's sleeves fluttered, and he shouted awe-inspiringly: "We have built such a complete defensive formation on the central island of Yunmengze, and we have various formations to assist in the defense, how can we be afraid of these things?" Warcraft?"

"Although this is the case, don't be reckless." Huang Yaoshi shook his head and said, "In terms of strong defense, who in the world can compare with the Great Tang Capital? But under the leadership of the two Dragon Princes, even the Great Tang Capital was besieged by beast hordes. There are several worlds that are almost falling. Our defense facilities are not yet complete, so it is hard to say that we can completely cut off the beast tide. Besides, the fall of Fort Saint-Michel has also made adventurers fearful of aquatic monsters. We should not underestimate it. "

Everyone was silent.

The most terrifying aspect of the God's Punishment Beast Surge lies in its terrifying scale, making any natural dangers unreliable, and adventurers have nowhere to hide.

"Well, if you rely solely on passive defense, you really can't stop the wave of gods punishing beasts." Du Yu came to a conclusion, but he rubbed his chin, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smirk: "But the best defense is to attack. Why do we have to stick to Yunmengze and fight to the death with monsters?"

When everyone saw Du Yu's expression, they knew that this guy had a new idea.Any look like this is to play tricks on others.

"The plan will be released?" Huang Yaoshi straightened his clothes and said with bright eyes.

Du Yu sneered: "My family is not the only one in the Tang Dynasty, there are also the imperial court and Houshen generals. We can make a disaster!"

"The beast tide doesn't have any reason, and completely depends on the drive and instinct of the gods. How can you influence the direction of the beast tide?"

Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

A long time ago, he noticed that there were certain differences in the beast tides in the four countries.The animal tides in the west, south and north are all driven by gods, but the eastern beast tide is led by the extremely intelligent dragon clan of the East China Sea!
Therefore, judging from the performance of the battle in the four directions, the Eastern Beast Tide has the best attack effect.Datang's main army was completely submerged, and even the capital was besieged for several months.The animal hordes in the other three countries were extinguished one after another because they only knew how to charge blindly, but they did not cause such tragic losses.

Since it is the East China Sea Dragon Clan that controls the Eastern Beast Tide, then

There is something to talk about!

Du Yu thought about it, and instead of going to Shinra immediately, he took out a blue dragon scale!
Qinglian, the dragon girl, once gave Du Yu a piece of dragon scale as an emergency contact.

Du Yu found a lake, in Yunmeng Lake, there are small lakes everywhere, and put the dragon scales in the water.

On the dragon scales, there was a flash of light, and a trace of cyan quickly passed by.

Du Yu knew that Qinglian already knew that he was calling her.

Not long after, Qinglian's little face appeared in the lake in front of Du Yu.That is the unique communication method of the Dragon Clan. With the dragon scales and water of the main body, they can send messages at any time.

"What's the matter with you?" The dragon girl put her hips on her hips, looking savage and cute.

"Oh, I miss you, can't I contact you?" Du Yu said with a smile.

On the face of the dragon girl Qinglian, a rare blush appeared, and she spat: "I'm bah. You human men don't have a good thing. Miss me? Do you want to kill me to make a dragon scale shield?"

Du Yu called out to Tianqu: "Qinglian is so beautiful and lovely, how can anyone have the heart to plot against you? If I have the slightest intention of harming you, let me be struck by lightning and die under the tide of beasts!"

Qinglian snorted coldly, expressing her disbelief, but the blush on her delicate dimple betrayed her heart.

"I won't talk nonsense with you. I haven't told the truth all day." Qinglian lowered her head, and her voice became lower and lower: "What do you want from me?"

Du Yu has played countless women, and he is well aware of the temperament of such a delicate young lady like Qinglian.She doesn't care about politics or war, she has no love for these things, but she is full of fantasies about romance, love between men and women.The most important thing in dealing with such a tsundere young lady is that if you want to win her heart, she will help you with anything.If the relationship is not good, or if you can't impress her, she won't bother with you.

Fortunately, Du Yu once saved her life, had two friendships, and had a solid foundation. He could grasp the context of a young lady like Qinglian, and after a few words, he coaxed Qinglian into a circle and blamed her Du Yu was glib, but one side of his face was getting redder and redder, almost bleeding, his black eyebrows were flying, and the smile on his beautiful eyes and cherry lips couldn't be concealed.

Foreseeing that it was about the same time, Du coughed and said seriously, "I want to see you."

"What are you doing?" Qinglian opened her beautiful eyes vigilantly: "Are you trying to kidnap me?"

Du Yu said helplessly: "If you want to be unfavorable to you, wouldn't it be good if you are captured by Hou Shenjiang's men in the land of Jieshi to the east?"

Qinglian pursed her lips, and said angrily, "If you count your kindness towards him once, how can you repeat it over and over again? Normally, it wouldn't be a problem for him to go out, but now"

When Du Yu heard Qinglian groan unintentionally, his heart suddenly sank!

Qinglian's unintentional words have revealed an important message!

That is the tide of space beasts, and it may be about to start!
This news aroused Du Yu's great attention.

Thanks to myself giving up half a year of training in the plot world and returning to the city 15 days in advance, otherwise I must have missed this time window to prepare for war!

(End of this chapter)

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