Chapter 1331 The dragon clan swallows treasure, Aoyou clamors! ——One more monthly ticket!

"Yes." Qinglian leaned lightly on Du Yu's shoulder: "They are recovering."

Du Yu's body shook.

He immediately understood who Qinglian was referring to by "they"!

Extraterrestrial Demon!

"So it is!" Du Yu suddenly realized.

The last space beast tide, the west, north, and south directions were exactly the same, it was a beast tide driven by gods, but only the east was launched by the dragon clan of the East China Sea.

Reminiscent of what Empress Nuwa said, in the last war, there were only three celestial demons left outside the territory, which is basically consistent with this situation.

"Those three extraterritorial celestial demons are the three behind-the-scenes forces driving the beast tide and attacking the bloody city. But it seems that the extraterritorial celestial demons need to do their best to control the beast tide. Due to the shortage of manpower, the eastern beast tide has to be led by the East China Sea Dragon Clan. .” Du Yu thought to himself.

"Qinglian said that this time, it should be an extraterrestrial demon, and there are still only three, so she continued to entrust the command of the East China Sea Dragon Clan"

Du Yu calculated in his heart.

In fact, his calculation is not accurate, but it is very close to the truth.

In this world, a new extraterrestrial demon has been revived!
Therefore, it is certain that the commanding authority of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea will be deprived, and the four extraterritorial demons will control the beast tide and launch a siege on the bloody city from all directions!

Surrounded by iron walls.

But unfortunately, in this world, Fuxi was possessed by an extraterritorial celestial demon, ready to attack and kill Nuwa, the only god in the space.

As a result, I met Du Yu.

He punished the heavenly thunder with the god of space, and severely injured the extraterrestrial demon on Fuxi's body, causing his vitality to be severely injured, and his cultivation base could not be recovered temporarily, and he was unable to participate in the battle. By accident, the extraterritorial demon became three again!

Due to the last time the space gods punished the beast tide, the eastern battlefield performed best under the command of the East China Sea Dragon Clan and caused the greatest loss to humans. Therefore, after the four demons discussed, they continued to fight under the command of the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

But with the passage of time, it is certain that there will be more heavenly demons and gods who will gradually wake up from their slumber. It will be difficult for the Dragon Clan to win this honor again in the next space beast tide.

"If I provide enough demon pills to the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, can it partially influence and change the war decision of the Dragon Clan?" Du Yu said solemnly.

"Impossible!" Qinglian shook her head: "War is a big deal, and the Dragon Clan has no guts to make deals with the enemy."

Du Yu nodded.Although the Dragon Clan, as commanders, enjoys high decision-making power, but after all, there are gods and demons above them, and they dare not make things too explicit.

Du Yu had an idea, and his eyes fell on the Yaodan bottle: "However, if I show enough sincerity, and add the direction of Yunmengze, and get the protection of our space gods, the Dragon Clan has the right to take advantage of the situation and attack the weak link." ?”

Qinglian was taken aback.

"In your space, there are still gods?" She frowned: "Besides, you can influence the decisions of the gods?"

Du Yu chuckled, nodded and said, "Exactly."

Qinglian showed a thoughtful look: "If that's the case, there is room for negotiation, but the final decision-making power is still in the hands of my father. With my father's conservative personality, I am afraid that even if there is a demon pill as a gift, it will be difficult for him. Promise the whole group to take risks together. After all, cultivation can be cultivated, but there is only one life."

She struggled to get up from Du Yu's arms, and said shyly, "I want to return to the Dragon Palace quickly to deliver your news. What can you give to the Dragon Clan?"

Du Yu was very bold, and gave all the demon pills to Qinglian: "This is [-] demon pills, which are enough to greatly enhance the potential and combat power of the young talents of the Dragon Clan, and greatly increase the strength of the Dragon Clan in a short period of time." .”

These demon pills are worth more than 30 billion survival points.

But Du Yu didn't hesitate, he was generous and generous, and gave it to Qinglian to take away.

It was a matter of survival, and mere money was something outside of the body, so Catherine must understand.

As long as it can partially affect the tide of space gods punishing beasts, Du Yu feels that this demon pill treasure is too expensive.


There is a deeper conspiracy behind Du Yu's big gift this time!
Facing the pressure of survival, he has completely recovered to his most ghostly peak state.Swindle and deceive, do everything possible.

Qinglian was in a complicated mood: "If the Heavenly Demon finds out that our dragon clan and the human race secretly trade, I'm afraid that our whole clan will not escape the pain of cramp and skinning on the dragon stage!"

Du Yu was startled, and at the same time smiled.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, it seems, is by no means the strongest in the local pyramid.The extraterritorial heavenly demon above is the real master of killing decisions.

Before, even the extraterrestrial demons that existed had fallen into dormancy due to their vital energy being severely injured. The wild bloodland and other places on the planet appeared so primitive, desolate, chaotic, and uninhabited.The human race can expand wantonly, using monsters as resources to plunder and develop.

But now, with the awakening of the heavenly demons from outside the territory one by one, this situation is gone forever!

The wild bloodland, once regarded as a smooth and fertile land, has become the most terrifying destroyer of the bloody city!
Even if the strength of all the adventurers in the city is gathered, they can only survive.

Du Yu is using his own means to win a glimmer of life for the city.The reason why he brought all the demon pills back to Qinglian was to let the Dragon King of the East China Sea see the real thing and lure him into a deal!

Otherwise, the Dragon King of the East China Sea would be furious, imprison Qinglian and refuse the deal, and Du Yu's previous efforts would be wasted.

At this time, it has reached the most critical moment, and I can't help but be reluctant.

"You wait here for me." Qinglian gave Du Yu a charming look, and put on the clothes she had stripped off.

Seeing her curvaceous, exquisite and graceful figure being wrapped up again in Luo Shan, Du Yu sighed with regret.

Qing Lian pursed her phoenix lips, and gave Du Yu a light look. This princess of the Dragon Clan was obviously innocent, but she also had a charming side.

She walked gently into the lake.

The lake turned and formed a large whirlpool.

With the whirlpool shimmering, she disappeared over the lake.

Du Yu sat down and stared at the beautiful figure gradually disappearing in the lake.

"Whether it's life or death depends on how big or small this spread is." Du Yu murmured, "I can't bear children, I can't lure wolves. I just don't know if this bait can lift the golden dragon king of the East China Sea." turtle?"

Thinking of his plan, Du Yu sneered.

"Space must be integrated in order to survive." Du Yu looked up at the sky, "Dividing into four kingdoms and fighting each other is really not conducive to dealing with the tide of gods punishing beasts under unified command. If it weren't for these heavenly demons not yet Open up, insist on advancing troops from all four directions at the same time, and don't understand the tactics of concentrating our forces to defeat one by one, we can't hold it at this time."

Du Yu was lost in thought.

Not long after, the lake water became choppy again.

A vortex slowly opened.

A heroic, silver-armored and white-robed dragon prince rose from the vortex, but Qinglian was nowhere to be seen.

This prince is also an acquaintance of Du Yu.

Ao You.

Ao You also recognized Du Yu at a glance, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a sneering smile appeared: "Who am I to deceive my sister, so it's you, a flamboyant man!"

As mentioned earlier, the princes of the Dragon King are about at the top level in the inner city, and the eldest prince, Ao Guang, has even reached the level of a master in the imperial city.The boss of the Dragon King is naturally a strong man at the district level of Zifu.In the sea or in the river, the Dragon Clan will be promoted by a whole level as a whole.

But with the passage of time in the world, the cultivation speed of the princes of the Dragon Clan is obviously the highest among the monster race. Ao You's cultivation level at this time falls in the eyes of Du Yu, and has already been promoted to the level of the Imperial City.But the realm is a little vain and unstable.

Du Yu's eyes flickered. This was clearly a sign that he had just taken a large amount of demon pills and forcibly used the power of the demon pills to push his realm up.Su Daji and others also had such signs, but with more logistics and practice in the future, they will gradually make up for it, and there will be no side effects.

In a word, this guy Ao You, just as Du Yu expected, has already eaten the demon pill, and his skills have increased by 1700 years.

That's why Ao You disdained Du Yu so much.In his memory, Du Yu's level was only an immortal cultivator in the realm of Jindan Dacheng, and the last time he was able to draw with him was all due to Du Yu's conspiracy.Du Yu is too good at pretending to be aggressive, and the acting is even more aggressive than the real thing.As a result, he was accidentally slapped in the face by Ba Ba Ba, making him feel ashamed.

But now that his own strength has soared, no matter how cunning Du Yu is, he can't shake the tree and fight against him.

"Why didn't Qinglian come?" The person she wanted to see couldn't be seen, and the person she didn't meet came. Du Yu was really angry and shouted angrily.

"Huh! Sister She went back to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and told my father in detail, your proposal, and took out your demon pill. Father, I am also a little tempted by this proposal. Send me here to discuss with you Some time." The sneer at the corner of Ao You's mouth became more and more obvious, and he began to pretend: "But I didn't expect that the mortal leader that Sister Sister said was actually you. connect!"

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

The negotiator sent by the East China Sea Dragon Palace turned out to be such a brainless dragon dandy, what could he do?
Could it be that his major event will be ruined by such a dragon prince?
Du Yu looked at Ao You's expression of being satisfied with the gift, but he was not in a hurry, he just smiled lightly.

"What kind of tricks are you?" Du Yu shouted.

Ao You shrugged and said, "Father wants me to talk to the human who can provide so many demon pills to see if there is any possibility of cooperation. But seeing that this human is you, needless to say, cooperation is impossible gone."

Du Yu pretended to swallow his anger: "In this case, if the cooperation fails, return my demon pill to me."

Ao You laughed loudly, picked up the bottle of demon pills in his hand and said: "You idiot, you actually gave such a precious [-] demon pills to our Dragon Clan so easily. I thought it was some powerful adventurer leader ? If it’s the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, God General Hou and the like, we Donghai Dragon Clan still have to show some face and credit, but if it’s a mere mortal like you, even if we eat up all the demon pills, what can you do to me?”

In a word, I am the prince of the dragon clan, and you are just a mere mortal, so even if my words don't count, what can you do if you blackmail your demon core?

(End of this chapter)

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