Chapter 1332 Stolen food, you can't eat it! —Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu's complexion changed, and he said in a trembling voice, "You??? You Donghai Dragon Clan, all of you have eaten the demon pill I gave you?"

Ao You snorted coldly, and said with a smile: "Of course! Father, Ao Guang, Aoyu and other brothers, plus I, Ao You, all ate them. Father also sent part of the demon pills to the The Dragon Kings of the West Sea, Beihai, and South Seas are considered a big gift. It is estimated that the Dragon Kings and Dragon Princes of the Three Seas have also eaten them. 1700 years of skill, although not too much for our Dragon Clan, but it is not without small benefits. "

Du Yu sighed leisurely: "Oh, the majestic Dragon Clan of the East Sea is so unrestrained and unscrupulous, openly engulfing the things that are traded, and playing such a dark game, I can't do anything about it. But it's a pity, a pity????"

Feeling lost, he sighed long and short.

Ao You was well aware of Du Yu's cunning, so he raised his spear and shouted, "What are you sorry for?"

Du Yu coughed, "It's nothing, I'm not sorry for you."

The more he said that, the more suspicious Ao You became, angrily said: "Pretending to be a ghost, explain it to me clearly!"

Du Yu sighed and said, "Since I know that among the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, there is Prince Aoyou, a bitch like you who has no moral integrity and has not been offline, how dare I not do something?"

Ao You laughed loudly: "You want to trick me into giving you back the remaining demon pills? What a pity, my father and king once found Prime Minister Gui who was in charge of alchemy, and there were many experts who verified the authenticity and confirmed that the demon pills are real. There are no toxins, impurities in the pill, no hands and feet, it is a pure demon pill, you can't fool me!"

Du Yu also laughed loudly: "Lovely silly buddy! It is because the demon pill is not a problem at all, so I sigh. This demon pill is not produced by local monsters, so it is very simple logic, it must have flowed from the land of the human race Pill. When you eat this pill, your cultivation will be unstable in a short time, and the gods will understand it at a glance. If you dragons from all over the world, if you eat this demon pill, your skills will increase greatly. Once I expose it, I’m afraid you won’t know it. By tomorrow, your entire Donghai Dragon Clan, as well as the other Three Sea Dragon Clans, will be sent to the Dragon Raising Platform by the extraterrestrial demons and gods as traitors, and be subjected to the torture of hacking into pieces, cramp and skinning!"

Ao You was stunned!
He didn't expect Du Yu to have such a skill.

"You??? You????!" Ao You suddenly lost his mind and couldn't speak.

The elixir with no relationship problem is the biggest problem?

Du Yu sneered coldly: "Think there is a free lunch in the world? Go ahead and dream! You will get a stomachache if you eat the food you come here for. I'm not afraid to tell you that I have a communication channel with your gods, the extraterrestrial demons. As long as you dare to hack My thing, I'll turn around and report on you East China Sea Dragon Clan, cheating on the Human Clan, being passive and slack in fighting, not working hard! Let's see if the extraterrestrial demons will deal with you severely!"

"You fart!" Ao You was so angry that his hands and feet were cold, trembling with anger, startled and angry.

He was surprised that he would make a mistake and be tricked by Du Budget!
What made him angry was that Du Yu's move was really vicious.He has clearly eaten the demon pill, and his cultivation base has increased, but he can't spit it out!What's even more frightening is that not only him, but the entire Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, all the Dragon Kings and Dragon Princes were eaten!

This is really a deadly move!
If he really has a communication channel with the extraterritorial celestial demons and gods, can the extraterritorial celestial demons not come to investigate if he exposes this matter?
After checking, the dragons of the four seas have eaten the demon pills that are only produced in the human story world, not the local monster demon pills, and their skills have greatly increased???
You said there was no deal, who the hell would believe it!
At that time, this matter will be yellow mud falling in the crotch, which is either shit or shit!

If there are hidden dangers and toxins in this elixir, after the gods inspect it, they will only believe that it is something that the human race framed the dragon race.

But the problem is, there is nothing wrong with these demon pills at all!

The extraterrestrial celestial demon came, checked the bodies of the dragons of the four seas, and found that all of you have greatly improved your skills, and you are eating human things, and there is no hidden danger yet!
You said that you were wronged, that you were bribed by the human race, would the gods believe it?

Would he believe that in the world, there is such an idiot who gives away such a precious thing so easily?
Therefore, Du Yu's seemingly eager cooperation, mindless transactions, and rash and careless gifting are actually an extremely vicious killer move!
Poison bait.

After hearing from Qinglian that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was very cautious and would not easily covet gifts and let the entire race take risks, Du Yu had already made up his mind to set a trap for the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!
Forced them to cooperate with themselves!

If the members of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea were honest and upright, and returned these original demon pills to Du Yu, Du Yu would really have no temper.

But it's a pity, just as Du Yu guessed, how could these East China Sea dragons resist eating such a demon pill that has increased their skills?
The food that comes, if you eat it, you will have a stomachache.

Sure enough, it was a conspiracy.

The key point is that the demon pill is different from other gifts. Other gifts are afraid of being discovered by the gods. If they are not used, they can be destroyed, given away, or returned to Du Yu.

But now that the demon core has become a cultivation base, is it possible to dig out the dragon core of the dragon clan and return it to Du Yu?
Ao You was so angry that he went crazy, and roared: "How dare you blackmail us? We Dragon Clan swear we will never give up with you!"

His eyes flashed fiercely, and he charged at Du Yu with a gun.

On the half-land and half-water terrain of Yunmengze, Ao You enjoys a certain attack bonus, and his power has reached the top level of the imperial city.

After thinking about it, the cleanest way is to get rid of Du Yu here at this moment!

Without the informant, naturally there would be no family crisis.

Du Yu saw Ao You rushing madly in spite of everything, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Are you rough?" Du Yu waved his hand.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, powerful impact!

If he met Ao You before, Du Yu would still be afraid. After all, the top players in Huangcheng District are also a great threat to him.

But at this time, his cultivation has reached the bottleneck of training the virtual body and the great perfection, and he is about to break through the tribulation and ascend, and he is also standing on the watershed in the strength of the imperial city.

Not at all afraid of the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan who relied on blackening the Yaodan, increased his skill for 1700 years, and whose cultivation base is unstable at this time!

With a roar, Du Yu pulled out the [Demon Reflecting Mirror], and a ray of light shot at the Third Prince of the Dragon Clan.

There are too many cards in his hand at this time.

Aoyou of the Dragon Clan was suddenly shrouded in the light of the Demon Reflecting Mirror, revealing his original shape.

A silvery white dragon with a length of hundreds of feet, two horns on its head, and an angry dragon.

Du Yu smiled coldly, and threw out the Demon Locking Tower.

For a bitch like Ao You, if he didn't beat him hard, he wouldn't know that Prince Ma has three eyes!

The Demon Lock Tower is an SS-level fairy treasure, the strongest treasure in the world of Paladin.Turning slowly in the air at this time, he found the figure of Jiaolong Aoyou, and locked on it immediately.

The demon lock tower has incomparable restraint against the demon race.Although the Dragon Clan is the most noble monster and a member of the Monster Clan, of course it must be restrained by the Monster Locking Tower!
Ao You was locked by the demon-locking tower, and he couldn't move his body, he was shocked.

But by now it was too late.

The Demon Locking Tower smashed down on poor Ao You with overwhelming momentum and overwhelming momentum.

As soon as Ao You came up, he was full of arrogance and a sense of superiority. He rushed up excitedly, ready to give Du Yu a slap in the face, but unfortunately, he kicked the iron plate again this time.

The demon lock tower, mighty and mighty, smashed towards Aoyou.

Ao You blocked from left to right, but couldn't break free from the shackles of the demon lock tower, but was hit hard twice by the demon lock tower!
Du Yu focused on urging the demon-locking tower, and smashed it at Ao You. This kind of exhilarating feeling of killing the enemy with a huge monster is really sour!
Ao You, who is strong in the Huangcheng District, really suffered eight lifetimes of blood misfortune, so he was slaughtered so cruelly by Du Yu. After several battles, he didn't get any benefit, but Du Yu smashed two scales off, bleeding profusely.

Ao You almost vomited blood from anger.

Last time, Du Yu pretended to force him to slap him in the face. With his strength in the inner city, he was beaten until his cheeks were red and swollen, and he was humiliated to death.Going back, Ao Guang and the others laughed at him for a while, holding back his anger, and wanted to find an opportunity to teach this mortal a lesson.

Heaven obeys people's wishes, but he actually waited for a chance to take revenge.

As a negotiator, he rejected Du Yu's proposal without hesitation, blackmailed Du Yu's goods, and prepared to kill people to silence Du Yu forever.

For a high-ranking Dragon Prince, such a result is in line with a reasonable plot direction.

But the sad thing is that Ao You found that his skills had increased to the imperial city, but the enemy had increased even more. With the strength of the inner city, he resisted and violently beat himself!

He ate the 1700-year-old demon pill, and his strength increased greatly, but the enemy's golden finger opened up, and the SS-level fairy treasures were thrown out casually, and the S-level fairy treasures appeared one after another!
What is rhythm?
Ao You was almost driven crazy by Du Yu's strong strength and irritating pretentiousness!

"I'll fight with you!" Ao You roared, his body suddenly grew bigger, from hundreds of feet to thousands of feet, and transformed into a more majestic golden dragon.But it seems that this kind of transformation is a short-term stimulation method, and it cannot be maintained for a long time.

Du Yu also felt a sense of oppression. After all, Ao You is a master in the Imperial City. He dared not underestimate him because of his many celestial treasures.

Just as the two sides were at war, another vortex suddenly appeared in the lake, and the blue waves were rippling, and it seemed that there would be another member of the dragon clan appearing.

Du Yu flashed a warning sign and summoned him immediately.

Here, after all, is Yunmengze!
Instead of the East China Sea.

In Yunmengze, Du Yu has the entire force as the backing, Wujue, sworn brothers and countless adventurers and strong men can help him at any time.

After receiving Du Yu's warning, Yun Mengze was quickly alarmed.

Huang Yaoshi, Ouyang Feng, Hong Qigong, Yang Guo and other masters rushed towards this direction one after another.

The adventurer troops commanded by Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas and others also quickly assembled and charged in this direction.

War is imminent.

At this moment, in Du Yu's mind, a majestic and old voice suddenly sounded: "If you want to cooperate with us, withdraw all these troops! Don't let anyone see our Dragon Clan people, otherwise you will be killed." This transaction must be voided!"

(End of this chapter)

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