Chapter 1333: The Dragon King of the East China Sea
The voice said: "I have set up a shield with the power of the strongest dragon king. In a short period of time, even the gods of you and me cannot scan this place with consciousness. Only then can we let go of talking."

Hearing this voice, Du Yu's heart flashed, and he sneered, "Is it the Dragon King? Unfortunately, I trusted the integrity of the Dragon Clan so much that I was even waiting here alone, but what you Dragon Clan gave me is incomparable." disappointment!"

"You guys even swallowed up my deal!" Du Yu yelled angrily, "What kind of integrity do you have? Tell me to withdraw my staff?"

The old voice let out a long sigh, and there was unspeakable sorrow in it: "The demon pill you gave to Qinglian is not at ease. If it weren't for that, why would my old Dragon King come to deal with this matter in person in such a sneaky way?"

Du Yu snorted coldly: "Then Dragon King, you will be responsible for the offense the Dragon Clan made against me before!"

The old Dragon King took a deep breath: "How can you take responsibility for my Dragon Clan?"

Du Yu sneered and said, "Since your Dragon Clan has already eaten the demon pills, return all the demon pills to me!"

The Dragon King sighed and said: "After this lesson, even if you let me keep the demon pill, I dare not keep it. My dragon clan only has the Dragon King and the Dragon Prince, and their skill has improved so much that we can cover it up, but if the shrimp soldiers and crab generals have great skills Jin, I really can't hide it from the eyes and ears of the heavenly demons outside the territory!"

With a wave of his hand, Ao You, who was trapped by the demon lock tower and kept smashing, was released immediately.

Ao You Long's eyes were red, his eyes were about to burst, and he crazily rushed towards Du Yu.

"Bastard!" The old Dragon King scolded angrily: "Things that are not successful enough to fail, go back to me!"

Ao You was trapped by a golden light, trapped the body of the dragon, fell into the lake helplessly, and gradually disappeared.

His roar resounded through the sky: "Du Yu, remember! I will never let you go."

Du Yu shrugged: "Old Dragon King, you heard that your son threatened me, and you must give me more compensation."

A golden light flashed, and the old Dragon King appeared in front of Du Yu.

This is a white-haired, burly old man with purple pupils, exuding the majesty of an absolute superior.

"You boy, you have so many evil ideas, but you have such a small mind!" The old dragon king laughed and scolded: "You have cheated me to death. What conditions? Tell me."

Du Yu's eyes flickered with the light of Zhi Zhu holding it, and he said with a smile: "Old Dragon King, you already know very well, what do I want?"
The Dragon King of the East China Sea was silent.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "I can't do it!"

Just as Du Yu was about to speak, the Dragon King of the East China Sea said bitterly, "You know the reason. After the tide of divine punishment for beasts begins, our gods, you call them extraterrestrial demons, will supervise the battle and observe our every move. If our East China Sea Dragon Clan If you don't work hard enough, I'm afraid that the catastrophe of genocide will fly away. I don't dare to hold back against you Datang!"

A flash of light flashed in Du Yu's eyes: "Who told you to keep your strength? You just use the monsters of the East China Sea to sweep and kill them! I don't care at all."

"Are you not doing it for Datang?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea is also an old man. He has a deep understanding of the intelligence of Datang, his old enemy. He rolled his eyes and said clearly: "So that's how it is! That's how it is! What you want to protect is this Yunmengze, right?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "At least this time the beast swarm is so true."

The old Dragon King pondered for a while, still a bit confused: "It's not that I don't want to use force, but Yunmengze is now the third force in the Tang Dynasty besides the capital of the Tang Dynasty and the power of Hou Shenjiang. Going away is a bit unreasonable. Besides, you seem to have some festivals with the extraterrestrial demons? I don't know the specific situation, but the extraterritorial demon who was unable to command due to injury and was forced to supervise the army seems to have a deep resentment towards you. Zeng Wanli voice transmission, You want me to attack the Yunmengze forces you own by name and surname."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Which extraterrestrial demon would have such great resentment and hatred for himself?
The answer is about to come out.

It was Fuxi, the great god of space, the extraterritorial demon who was severely injured by the God of Punishment Thunder in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

It's really a battle of old enemies, you live and die, there is no time for a truce.

His current injury has not recovered, so he must kill himself. If he recovers as before, why don't he kill the grass and roots this time?

Du Yu was really thankful to himself that he dealt cruelly to Fuxi's extraterrestrial demon back then, with a 120% power consumption output, giving him enough damage, otherwise he and Yunmengze would be finished this time.

But how to deal with the old dragon king?
Du Yu rolled his eyes and said with a chuckle, "It's not difficult. You just need to find a reason to make a detour and avoid me, Yunmengze."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea said proudly: "It's not me playing tricks. The current Tang Dynasty is fragmented, and even the capital can't stop the endless tide of divine punishment from my local monster gods. Although Yunmengze has been strengthening defensive measures, in my opinion , as long as half a day, your Yunmengze will be razed to the ground!"

Du Yu was silent, he really couldn't refute the threat of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea shook his head and said, "Find a reason why you have to avoid Yunmengze? What reason can you avoid Yunmengze?"

Du Yu had already thought up the draft, and with Zhizhu in his hand, he said in a deep voice, "You monsters are attacking the space, why are you becoming more and more rampant now? Didn't you find a loophole in the rules of the space, and you are so presumptuous when the space collapses?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was at a loss for words and remained silent. This involved the absolute secret of native creatures, and he dared not reveal the secret.

But Du Yu became more firm in his opinion: "It is precisely because the space adventurers commit suicide, constantly break the rules of the space, and even artificially create loopholes! While the order of the space is being undermined bit by bit, the defense mechanism on the periphery is also being destroyed. A little bit of collapse. You just seized this opportunity and launched a war on space."

"What exactly are you going to say?" the Dragon King said in a deep voice.

Du Yu smiled lightly: "It's nothing, this is just part of our plan. I will beg the gods of space to partially repair the defense layer in the east. Of course, it refers to my space defense cover in Yunmengze. In this way, Then you have an absolutely reasonable reason to give up the attack on Yunmengze and attack other places instead!"

The Dragon King's eyes lit up: "This reason can really convince the demons outside the territory. No one can give up the weak defense and force my children and grandchildren to attack the strongest point of defense. As long as you can complete this defense repair project, I can do the rest!"

The two looked at each other, one big and one small two foxes understood each other.

"But what about the benefits of my Dragon Clan in the East China Sea?" The Dragon King was a little reconciled: "We just ate some of your demon pills, and you coerced us into using your sword to kill people. Doesn't that sound good?"

Du Yu smiled calmly and said, "Dragon King! Anyway, I asked God Nuwa to build a protective layer, and you can't send your children and grandchildren to die. This is our favor. I saved your daughter last time."

The Dragon King took a deep look at Du Yu, looked at the demon pills in his hand with some reluctance, and said in a deep voice: "My dragon clan's descendants still need these demon pills to increase their cultivation. Can you make a price? My dragon clan is rich in the world. , with a wide range of products, there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing we can't get out of."

Du Yu nodded.

On this extraterritorial planet, the land area is roughly similar to the earth compared to the ocean, 3:7. After countless years of colonization and development, the bloody city occupies only a small part of the wild bloodland area in the land area.In other words, the vast majority of this planet is still in the hands of the native warcraft creatures and gods.If compared to wealth, no country in space can compare with the Dragon King of the East China Sea who controls the four seas.

"But do you have any treasures, can you let me see them?" Du Yu said calmly.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea exhaled a disdainful breath from his thick dragon nostrils, and with a swipe, he threw a letter made of shell coral to Du Yu.

Du Yu opened the letter and was stunned by the gifts that could be exchanged on it.

All kinds of treasures and materials on it are dazzling and dizzying.

Du Yu even saw an S-level fairy treasure that only adventurers in Zifu District have!
Some people would say that the Dragon King is a space monster, how could there be a fairy treasure only for adventurers?
Indeed, the Dragon King, as the emperor of warcraft in space, would definitely not have the fairy treasure given by the system.But the problem is!He can kill!

In a long life, the dragons of the East China Sea fought fiercely with the humans in the East, especially the monks of the Tang Dynasty.Wasn't the Tian Chengzi that Du Yu found in the wilderness blood field the Zifu District powerhouse who fell after fighting with a dragon and died with unrepentant death?

In every space beast tide, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea will charge forward, and the fierce battles with the monks of the Tang Dynasty may be innumerable. After killing the monks, it is so strange to get the fairy treasures from them?
But the fairy treasures fell into the hands of the Dragon King, so they couldn't show their true strength.The dragon clan relies on the powerful innate dragon body and innate supernatural powers. For many fairy treasures, they can't even be named, and they can't figure out how to use them.

Du Yu's eyes widened instantly.

He realized that his chance to make a fortune had arrived!
Due to the deep conflict between the dragon clan and human monks, especially after the gods awakened recently, it is absolutely impossible for the dragon clan to make any transactions with human monks. Therefore, these fairy treasures are left in the treasure house of the Dragon Palace meaninglessly.

I'm afraid that I am one of the few monks who can trade with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea for thousands of years!
Especially the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, who also ate his demon pill, was taken advantage of by him and had to trade.

A treacherous smile appeared on Du Yu's face.

He summoned Elizabeth.This eloquent, beautiful and shrewd female pirate captain is really proficient in trading.

Sure enough, as soon as Elizabeth appeared, she took the old Dragon King's arm affectionately, her admiration was beyond words.

Although the old dragon king gritted his teeth towards the human race, he also loves beauty when it comes to beauties, so he couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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