Chapter 1334 Challenge the Dragon King!Ruyi Golden Cudgel! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Not long after, Elizabeth found out the whole story from the mouth of the old Dragon King.

"What he gave you is only the treasure house of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. He hasn't brought out the best treasures of the mid-grade evaluation fairy treasures made in the catalogue!" Elizabeth told Du Yu through sound transmission through space.

Du Yu was almost blown out of his lungs, this treacherous old dragon king actually hid his tricks, and was almost caught by him.

He said viciously: "It seems that Your Majesty the Dragon King, you have no sincerity in making a deal at all! Give me back my demon pill, or I will report you now!"

The old Dragon King blushed when his conspiracy was exposed. He was also surprised that he always felt unable to keep his mouth shut when facing Elizabeth. Every time Elizabeth tricked him into revealing important information and secrets.

"Ahem, old man with dim eyesight, that's a misunderstanding. However, the best collections in my Dragon Palace are all fairy treasures above SS rank. I'm afraid that although your Yaodan is precious, brother Du Yu, it's not as good as one. SS-level fairy treasure," the old Dragon King said leisurely with a cough.

This is clearly the lion's big mouth.

However, SS-level fairy treasures, even for the strong in Zifu District, are extremely rare treasures. Under normal circumstances, there are almost no normal transactions, and there is almost no fair price in the space.Just like in reality, Bill Gates wants to buy the Forbidden City as his residence, can this be sold to him?
Du Yu snorted coldly: "Whether the deal can be negotiated is something to be said later. The old Dragon King refused to even show me the treasure list. How can you show your sincerity?"

Forced by Du Yu, the old Dragon King had no choice but to take out a golden coral booklet again, which was much taller than the shell coral just now, and threw it to Du Yu.

Du Yu opened the precious golden coral letter, his eyes stared straight away.

Because, the first treasure at the beginning is the famous one

Golden hoop!
Dinghaishenzhen Golden Cudgel.

In the booklet made by the treasure house, the description is very clear: Ruyi Golden Cudgel, SS-level fairy treasure, and melee magic weapon.According to legend, this object was originally the divine iron smelted by the Taishang Laojun, and was later borrowed by Dayu to control the water.Can be big or small.The big ones can stand upright, and the small ones can be included in the ears.Due to the heavy weight, if the cultivation base cannot reach the realm of transcending tribulation and ascension, this magic weapon cannot be used.

It's just that the Dragon King of the East China Sea on this planet has such a Ruyi Golden Cudgel. I don't know if it's a coincidence or Monkey King fell into the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea saw Du Yu's gaze on the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and suddenly became uneasy. He smiled and said, "We won't change this thing!"

Du Yu's eyes turned cold, he glanced at the Dragon King of the East China Sea and said, "But I just want this Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"

The reason why he chose the Ruyi Golden Cudgel was not entirely out of anger with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but because of the consideration of enhancing his combat power.

As we all know, the fairy treasure props of the immortal are mainly fairy art and long-range, and there are relatively few fairy treasures for melee combat.And Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel is undoubtedly the most famous one.

Du Yu went to the route, which was a powerful melee combat route.The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is the most suitable for his tactics, so it is extremely valuable to him.

Du Yu fell in love with this famous treasure immediately.

The Dragon King said leisurely: "Do you know how my Eastern Sea Dragon Clan got this Ruyi Golden Cudgel?"

Du Yu stared at the Dragon King.

The Dragon King looked a little lonely and said: "Because, in the final battle of the gods, that is, the war of the five declines of heaven and man mentioned by your Tang Dynasty, the ancestor of my dragon clan, the five-clawed dragon god, was on par with a great god in your space. The great sage, Sun Wukong, fought fiercely and both perished. As a pawn of the dragon clan, I went forward to snatch the treasures. This fairy treasure was covered with the blood of my dragon gods. How could I hand it over so easily? to humans?"

Speaking of the latter, he was already stern, with a pair of hateful dragon eyes staring at Du Yu fiercely.

Only then did Du Yu know why the Dragon King hated humans so much.

It turned out to be the ancestor of the protection god, who was killed by the god of the human race, Sun Wukong, in the war of the five declines of heaven and man.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat: "Your Dragon Clan no longer has a guardian god?"

The Dragon King said coldly: "Yes, the gods of my local monsters are different from yours from myths and legends. We are promoted through cultivation. Every strong fighting race basically has its own gods. Five claws The Dragon God is my grandfather. He cultivated to become a god, but was killed by humans. If he hadn’t fallen too early, my dragon clan would have occupied a larger space. Too much, anyway, I am not willing to exchange this item.”

Du Yu was silent for a while.

The battle between the space and the local creatures, from the establishment of the space, has been endless, repeatedly seesawing.

Countless strong men who killed the sea of ​​​​blood and became gods through hard work, fell in the war between the two sides.

"Then Sun Wukong is also a god of the Tang Dynasty?" Du Yu had never heard Nuwa mention Sun Wukong.

The Dragon King said in a deep voice: "Your human gods are actually divided into levels. There are differences between the upper gods, the middle gods, and the lower gods. As for the gods, there are only Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong, Three Emperors, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Hongjun. Taoist, Sakyamuni and Confucius, there are seven in total. Others, such as Sun Wukong, Taishang Laojun, etc., belong to the great gods, and there are immortals such as Lu Dongbin under them. In contrast, our gods also include heavenly demons, great demons and The difference between little demons. Unfortunately, it is one of our celestial demons who is eyeing you. So I can't bear the pressure."

Du Yu nodded.

The one who can possess a god like Fuxi can only be the stronger demon of the opponent. Fortunately, the opponent took advantage of his only weakness and messed it up, otherwise he would have a lot of fun now.

When the transaction was at an impasse, Elizabeth suddenly smiled and said: "Old Dragon King, you are so funny. Since you risked your life to get this thing back, you must have thought about it and sold it! Otherwise, why not go Snatching your ancestor's body, instead of grabbing the enemy's treasure?"

This sentence, the words of the heart, asked the old dragon king.His face was flushed, and he roared angrily in a low voice: "So what? Hmph! You just want to exchange [-] demon pills for me to kill the ancestor Dragon God? Don't even think about it!"

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this nasty old dragon was still dissatisfied with his trading conditions and asked for a higher bid.

Anything that kills the ancestor's hatred is an excuse, an excuse to raise the price.For the creatures on these colonial planets, natural selection and survival of the fittest are the norm.The ancestor of the dragon clan has fallen, and the life of the dragon clan has been difficult for so many years. How can such a precious treasure be put on the shelf to commemorate such a luxury?

It's just that the bid is high or low!

Du Yu had an idea, his eyes lit up, he laughed and said, "So that's how it is!"

An ominous premonition flashed in the old Dragon King's heart, and he said in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "The extraterrestrial demons, let your dragon clan be the main force to attack the Tang Dynasty, but this is not an honor, but a kind of weakening! Right? None of the four of them are the ancestors of your clan. I don’t feel sorry for the loss of your Four Seas Aquarium, and they even hope that you and our human race will suffer both losses and perish together, so that they can expand their race into your territory! Sigh, this is really under the fence of others, and the swords and swords are raining. How can I bear it? .”

The old Dragon King bowed his head in acquiescence, and turned his gaze elsewhere.Although he didn't say a word, he already acquiesced in Du Yu's guess.

Du Yu seized this opportunity and said in a deep voice: "So, your emotions towards human beings are very complicated. On the one hand, you hate that the human race killed your ancestors, forcing your race to live a thousand years is very difficult. On the other hand On the one hand, you are not willing to send out the Donghai people to act as cannon fodder for the demons, and fight to the death with our human race, for fear of being killed by donkeys and boiled by rabbits and dogs! Right?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea said bitterly: "So what? Our clan has no demons, not even great ones. How can we resist the will of the demons?"

Du Yu pointed to the demon pill in the hands of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and said with a smile: "Isn't this an opportunity? You have many descendants of the dragon clan, and each of you has improved 1700 years of skill. Together, it is a big increase in strength! This benefit is real, Wouldn't it be a hundred times better than throwing this Ruyi golden cudgel into your dragon palace, and the jewels and jade will be covered in dust?"

The old Dragon King remained silent.

Du Yu was well aware of the concerns of the old Dragon King.

This is the same as doing arms business while the two countries are at war, and they want to take advantage and have scruples.

After all, the Dragon Clan is hostile to the Human Clan. If this Monkey King's treasure, the SS-level Immortal Treasure, was returned to Du Yu, wouldn't Du Yu want to kill everyone when we meet on the battlefield in the future?

Just now, the old Dragon King had already noticed the battle between Ao You and Du Yu.

Ao You obviously has superior strength and cultivation base, and is a spatial S-level monster. No matter his body or spells, he should not suffer a disadvantage, but the cruel fact is that

With the strength of the inner city, Du Yu beat Aoyou to the brim!
If this Ruyi Golden Cudgel is handed over to him, wouldn't he be even more powerful?
Du Yu looked at the Dragon King with a smile: "Dragon King, you have to know, who can really threaten your East China Sea Dragon Clan, me or the demons?"

The Dragon King stared at him and said, "What do you want to say?"

Du Yu said leisurely: "You know very well that no matter how powerful our human race is, it will not be able to threaten the real survival of your East China Sea Dragon Clan. Because it is very difficult for our human race to even hold onto the land, let alone enter the sea, which is the same as the overall upgrade of the sea. Even if all the gods of space are present, our human race cannot do this, let alone the current weak human city. Therefore, the war between you and us is just a war of races, and the difference is only It’s as far as the land. But even if you occupy the land, can’t you carve it up from all over the world?”

The old Dragon King remained silent.

Du Yu hit the rails while it was hot: "The Heavenly Demons are different! Their race is eyeing the superiority of your dragon clan, and they are looking for excuses to replace you at any time! Become the king of monsters. How did the dragon cutting platform be set up? Why did they target you? The Dragon Clan set up this thing? You should know it best!"

(End of this chapter)

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