Chapter 1335 Du presets, the Dragon King explodes! —Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu finally said leisurely: "So, old Dragon King, the most dangerous enemy will always be behind you. This is a wise saying, right?"

The old Dragon King's eyes flashed: "In this case, I will give you a chance!"

He said with emotion: "This time it's not my East China Sea Dragon Clan. It's not interesting. It's really an extraterrestrial demon. Because our Dragon Clan has no ancestor gods, they persecute us too much and bully us too much! Hmph, even if I make a deal with you once, then what's the point? how?"

He took a deep breath, showed a generous gesture, and said loudly: "But I also have one condition. This is the rule of my East China Sea Dragon Clan, that is, traders must be able to carry this weight of [-]. One hundred catties of Ruyi Golden Cudgel! If you can’t do it, then this demon pill will be given to me for free! How about it?”

There was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Du Yu cursed inwardly.

This is indeed the treacherous and cunning old dragon king, the old immortal who survived the war between the five declines of heaven and man!
Actually at the last moment, he had to put himself together.

In the previous treasure book, the last comment in small characters is clearly written.This Ruyi Golden Cudgel, due to the high level and heavy weight of the Immortal Treasure, it is impossible for immortals who have not reached the stage of Transcendence and Ascension to be recognized by this thing.

How can I use it if I can't even carry it?

This is clearly the old dragon king's making things difficult!

He is so sophisticated in the world, he can see clearly his cultivation at a glance, and he is stuck in the realm of practicing virtual integration and Dzogchen.

Although it is only one step away from crossing the catastrophe and ascending.But at this level of cultivating immortals, every step you take is so close to the end of the world. 9% of the immortal cultivators were unable to take that step, let alone the old dragon king asked Du Yu to pick up the immortal treasure immediately.

The old Dragon King said leisurely: "This is my last condition. Since you have agreed before, to exchange this item for the demon pill, no matter you can't pick it up, we will not return the demon pill."

After he finished speaking, he put the demon pill bottle into his arms.

Du Yu laughed for a while.

Ao You and Ao Guang are so domineering and domineering, they learned it from their father.Like father, like son.

This old dragon king is simply an old hooligan.

But Du Yu had been prepared for a long time, and this did not trouble him.

The old Dragon King pretends to be smart, and will eventually cheat himself to death.

Du Yu sighed and said, "Since you have said so firmly, Dragon King, I have nothing to say, and I can only follow your way. It's just that I'm at a disadvantage in such a deal."

The old Dragon King looked like he was sure about Du Yu, and the old god said, "Unfortunately, this is our final condition."

Elizabeth and Du Yu had a good understanding and played their role brazenly. She shook the old Dragon King's arm coquettishly and said, "Old Dragon King, it's too unfair to us if you do this. It's not easy for us to meet each other in the future if you cheat our allies like this?"

The beauty was jealous, and the old dragon king couldn't hold back his face. He coughed and said, "That's it. If you can lift this thing, I will promise you one more thing. How about giving it to you as a gambling prize?"

He calculated that it was impossible for Du Yu to improve his cultivation in an instant and break through the realm of practicing virtual integration, so he made such a promise.It belongs to the kind of empty check that can't be cashed at all. This is really an iron cock and an old fox.

But Du Yu was satisfied, nodded and said: "In this way, if a gentleman says a word, it will be hard for four horses to chase after him!"

The Dragon King was so squeezed that he had no way to go back on his word. The dragon stared and said: "If you and I have a false statement, teach him to die without a place to bury him!"

Du Yu laughed loudly and said, "Very good! Then let's start!"

The old Dragon King smiled wickedly and waved his hand lightly.

In an instant, he fetched the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the Dragon Palace treasure house!
There are two golden hoops at both ends of the golden cudgel, and a piece of black iron in the middle; next to the hoops there is a line of words engraved: "Ruyi golden cudgel, weighing [-] catties." 'Its image is a stick with a yellow section at each end and a red middle.

When the Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in Yunmeng Lake, in an instant, the light was shining brightly, and even the clouds in the sky gradually gathered together.

This is the vision of the birth of rare treasures!

Just like when Ziqi Donglai Furnace and Heshibi were complete back then, the vision that came down that day was exactly the same.

It's just that this time the rare precious light is even more dazzling.

The old dragon king hastily cast his magical spells to cover the celestial phenomenon of Ruyi's golden cudgel, otherwise it will cause the coveting of countless immortals, gods and demons.

When Du Yu looked at the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which weighed [-] catties and had a golden sheen all over it, he was overjoyed beyond words.

He felt that the [Monkey King's Tricks] suit on his body had an instinctive echo with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.But the bigger echo came from the depths of his heart, as if there was a soul that was as wild, rebellious, sincere, and simple as the Monkey King who liked to rebel and kill the heavens, roaring against the sky!

That's a connection deep in the soul.

Since Du Yu entered the space, he has been living alone and with difficulty as a rebel.Most of the time, he was persecuted and hunted down by powerful space powers. In the end, he had no choice but to stand on his own feet, occupy the mountain as king, and raise the banner of rebellion.How similar is this to the Sun Wukong who rebelled in Huaguoshan, was rebellious, and became king on his own?

Wild and rebellious!
For the sake of truth, fairness and justice, you will not hesitate to fight against the powerful!
Don't listen to people's advice, don't fear the destiny, don't be afraid of going against the sky!

The precious light on the Ruyi golden cudgel is even more dazzling, as if a lost wanderer saw his relatives, the hundred-foot-tall stick fairy treasure, the whole body gave out bursts of dragon chant, as if warmly echoing Du Yu, Desire to prevent.

The old Dragon King was dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a crazy and enthusiastic performance of Ruyi Golden Cudgel.This is simply a treasure calling its master!

The old dragon king believes that even if the majestic and invincible Dou Victor Buddha and Monkey King Sun Wukong were resurrected and came to retrieve his lost treasure, this Ruyi Golden Cudgel's recognition of the master's reaction is nothing more than that!

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel must not be returned to Du Yu.

The dragon eyes of the old dragon king cooled down.

He chuckled: "In that case, please come and pick up this Ruyi Golden Cudgel. It weighs [-] jin. I advise you not to try it if you don't have the cultivation base to transcend tribulation and ascend. If I was crushed to death, I would feel guilty too."

The old dragon king began to attack the mind, trying to make Du Yu give up by himself, and surrender as soon as possible.

Du Yu giggled, took his time off, and looked at the old Dragon King with a smile.

He coughed: "Dragon King, do you know if I can carry this wishful golden cudgel, what is my condition?"

The old dragon king said angrily: "You can't carry this treasure that only a fairy who has ascended through the tribulation can carry! What are the conditions?"

Du Yu said leisurely: "My condition is actually not difficult. I invite Miss Qinglian to live in my Yunmeng Lake temporarily. As a father, don't restrict your daughter's freedom. How about it?"

The old Dragon King glared: "Okay, I said you didn't ask me for more treasures. It turned out that you wanted to get money and sex. Hmph!"

Du Yu shrugged and said, "I have absolutely no intention of coercing Ms. Qinglian. What to do is up to her to decide. If I dare to do anything wrong with her, you can just use a knife to kill me!"

This is really a battle of wits and courage between the son-in-law and the old father-in-law.

The old Dragon King was silent.

He agreed to Du Yu's conditions, and he made an oath. Although human oaths are bullshit, monsters still value oaths very much.

Therefore, although the old Dragon King is cunning and cunning, he still has integrity and the spirit of contract.

Thinking of Qing Lian being rescued by this stinky boy, she came back several times, she was a little distraught and sighed, the old Dragon King knew it in his heart.

He began to look at the human.

At a young age, with advanced cultivation, he is self-reliant and flourishing.

Such a human being can be considered capable.


The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, under the deception of the Heavenly Demon, should have a way out.

Double-sided bet?

The old Dragon King doesn't dare yet, but he can acquiesce in certain things happening.

"Hmph, I can only say that this matter will wait until you can afford the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!" The old dragon king stared at him with long eyes: "A man who can't even carry this stick is not qualified to pursue my daughter! "

Du Yu smiled lightly and waved his hand.

Du Yu, who was exactly the same, walked out of the woods.

It was Du Yu's avatar.

The old Dragon King immediately felt something was wrong.

His dragon eyes are like lightning, and he can tell at a glance that this clone is not an ordinary false body, but a

A true avatar with independent cultivation!
The dragon mouth of the old Dragon King gradually widened.

Du Yu smiled faintly: "Old father-in-law of the Dragon King, please stand back a little bit, I don't want the thunder of divine punishment that falls when I am crossing the catastrophe and ascending, I don't want to chop your old man to the ground, then Qinglian won't let me go of."

The old dragon king backed away in fear.

If there is any power in the space that can make the S-rank monsters who are fearless these days fearful, it is the mysterious and unpredictable Space God Punishment Thunder.

The Heaven's Punishment Thunder can wipe out the most powerful Zifu District adventurers from the plane in one go.

Heaven's Punishment God Thunder can leapfrog against extraterritorial demons, causing terrifying injuries.

Even the existence of his own god is afraid of the God of God's Punishment Thunder. How could the old Dragon King not be afraid?

It is a kind of soul, the deepest awe of the violent power of nature.

Crossing the tribulation and ascending, this "tribulation" is the trial calamity that the god of punishment descends and the adventurers who cultivate immortals resist.If the strength is strong and the Dao heart is firm enough, you can carry it through, and the divine thunder tempers your body, making your flesh and immortal essence more pure, and Su Daji can use the cultivation base of the Zifu District to resist Du Yu's five heavenly punishment divine thunders. is proof.If the strength is not enough, it is not uncommon for them to be directly obliterated by the God of Punishment Thunder.

Du Yu's avatar is the initial state of practicing virtual fusion, and Du Yu's body is the state of practicing virtual fusion.In this way, when the two are combined together, they can 100% break through the tribulation and ascension stage!
Only then did the old Dragon King realize that he was tricked by this cunning human youth again!

This master of pretense and slap in the face!

(End of this chapter)

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