Chapter 1336 Transcending Tribulation and Ascension!Divine Lightning Body Tempering! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, don't be complacent, not everyone can pass the tribulation and ascend, about 6% of them will fail, let the divine thunder strike you to death!"

Thinking of the power of God of Punishment Thunder that day, he regained his confidence, straightened his chest, and looked at Du Yu viciously.

In fact, he didn't necessarily want Du Yu to die, but as an old fox, he was continuously slapped in the face by young people pretending to be tricky, and it seemed that he took the initiative to slap him in the face. He really couldn't swallow this tone.

Let Du Yu abduct Ruyi Golden Cudgel and his beloved daughter Qinglian together. Where can he put his old face?

Therefore, the old Dragon King sincerely expected that Du Yu would be struck by lightning, and he had better get seriously injured. If he failed to cross the tribulation, it would be beautiful.

But sometimes things backfire.

Du Yu's two bodies merged into one again.

There is no change between his brows, but the immortal power in his body has reached a terrifying level!

Heaven and man induction.

In Du Yu's body, the total amount of celestial energy broke through the bottleneck of practicing virtual fusion, which immediately caused astronomical changes in space.

By the quiet lake, in the originally cloudless blue sky, dark clouds rolled in for a moment, rolling up countless winds and clouds.

This kind of dark cloud is the harbinger of the coming of God's Punishment Thunder.

The old Dragon King took his time off and retreated to a safe place, smiling wickedly, waiting to see Du Yu make a fool of himself.

He has experienced a lot. Under the majestic God's Punishment Thunder, the immortal who tried to cross the catastrophe, crying for his father and mother, was horribly tossed and turned under the God's Thunder and Heaven's Punishment, and fell a lot.

Seeing the formation, he was startled: "The God's Punishment Thunder triggered by this kid seems to be stronger than the strongest immortal cultivator I have ever seen! This shows that this kid's foundation is extremely solid."

During this critical period of transcending the catastrophe and ascending, the solid foundation of the immortal cultivator can be verified.All immortal cultivators with a solid foundation and strong strength will trigger divine thunders that are also extremely powerful.In this way, the immortal cultivators after crossing the catastrophe will have a degree of physical refinement that far exceeds that of ordinary adventurers.

On the whole, the stronger the God's Punishment Thunder, the greater the benefits to the cultivators, and the greater the risks. It can be said that risks and benefits coexist.

Seeing that Du Yu was so stubborn, resisting the powerful God's Punishment Thunder, the corner of the old Dragon King's mouth twitched, showing an expression of waiting for a good show.

With a calm face, Du Yu looked up at the God of Punishment Thunder gathered in the sky.The shield imposed by the old dragon king on this place can effectively cover people's eyes and ears, so that Du Yu's crossing the catastrophe will not be disturbed by unexpected factors. This is really a surprise.

An unprecedentedly thick Heaven's Punishment Thunder struck down from the sky!
According to the general practice of crossing the catastrophe, the immortal cultivators who cross the catastrophe and ascend to the realm must accept the test of the God of Punishment Thunder every time they improve their realm.Among them, to break through the bottleneck of practicing virtual integration and enter the initial stage of transcending tribulation and ascension, you need to accept 6 times of divine thunder, 7 times for perfection, 8 times for great perfection, and 9 times at most when you step through the void to break through!
But often the space also considers the ability of the immortal cultivator. The power of the divine thunder is gradual, and the first divine thunder is the weakest.There is still a certain time interval between each divine thunder.If the immortal cultivator feels that he is not able to support himself and gives up this tribulation, he can survive as long as he loses a part of his cultivation.Of course, the lost cultivation is your own loss.

Therefore, the Transcendence Tribulation Period is really a threshold for cultivators. Many people can't pass it, and they have no chance of being on the road to immortality, because this is not a threshold that can be broken through through penance. Sufficient strength, resources and luck are necessary.

But when the old Dragon King saw this first time divine thunder, he was taken aback, his eyes popped out!

Because, this first divine thunder, which is supposed to be the weakest, is already as thick as a hundred-year-old tree, more than ten feet thick!Usually, the first thunder of a cultivator is only slightly thicker than a small tree.

The difference is about 10 times.

Ten times the difference!

Split towards Du Yu.

Du Yu closed his eyes, feeling the surging immortal power in his body, rushing from every meridian in the body to the surface of the skin like a raging wave.

With his strength, he summoned a much more powerful divine thunder than ordinary adventurers.

"Old Dragon King! You can see clearly." Du Yu smiled indifferently, looked up at the one-foot-thick God of Punishment Thunder, and roared angrily.

"Let the divine thunder come more violently, and let me accept the most cruel tempering of the divine thunder!" Du Yu's eyes were full of unyielding and determination.

His Dao heart has been tempered to be extremely firm.

This time the divine thunder quenched his body, he has no fear!

What the old Dragon King saw from Du Yu's eyes, instead of being afraid, was a hint of surprise!
Yes, surprise!
Du Yu confirmed his prediction once again after seeing the God of Punishment Thunder!
This Heaven's Punishment God Thunder is indeed of the same origin as his spatial ability, there is no difference!

Du Yu smiled inwardly.

After so many blows, he finally waited for this moment.

The Thunder of God's Punishment struck down with a bang, blasting towards Du Yu's body.

Du Yu raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, he did not dodge or dodge, to meet the bombardment of the God's Punishment Thunder.

The surrounding rocks and willows by the lake were affected by the aftermath of the divine thunder and turned into ashes!
The power of this divine thunder can be seen.

In fact, even if you dodge, as long as the immortal cultivator does not give up the trial, the thunder will hit him steadily, and there is no possibility of success in dodging.But for many immortal cultivators, this fear of being wiped out by the God's Punishment Thunder goes deep into their bones. When they see the God's Punishment Thunder coming down, they instinctively dodge or block it.

But Du Yu didn't.

The pain came from the body surface.

The reason why the red God's Punishment Thunder is frightening is that it can directly kill the soul of the tester!

No defensive technique or magic weapon can block the power of the God of Punishment Thunder.At this time, the only thing the cultivator can rely on is the immortal body tempered by the usual cultivation base, and the perseverance of the Dao heart!

If the cultivation level is advanced, the immortal body is strong enough to resist the God of Punishment Thunder, but if the cultivation level is not enough, you can only resist the God of Punishment Thunder with Dao Heart!
The most frightening thing about the Divine Punishment Thunder is that it directly affects the souls of cultivators.When obliterating adventurers, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will inevitably be directly bombarded and killed by the God of Punishment Thunder.

Du Yu's soul was bathed in the thunder of God's Punishment at this moment, and he was so painful that he just wanted to commit suicide.

Yes, suicide.

If he had a choice at this time, Du Yu would directly stab his heart with a knife to end his pain!

Compared with the bombardment of the God of Punishment Thunder this day, death is a kind of relief.

When Du Yu got He's Bi, he was also hit by the God of Punishment Thunder, and he was in great pain at that time, but compared with the pain at this time, the God Thunder was very gentle at that time.

It's no wonder that 6% of the monks knew that they would be able to pass safely with a little more support, but they just couldn't withstand the power of the five thunders and the torture of destroying bones. They gave up a second before the success came.

Totally gave up hope.

So, we can only go back and come back.

Therefore, there is a saying in the world of cultivating immortals that "the God of Thunder and Immortals who cross the catastrophe are afraid, and the ghosts are worried about life and death", which describes that the God of Punishment Thunder can ascend to the sky in one step, and can also reach hell in one step.

And what Du Yu endured was ten times stronger Heaven's Punishment Thunder!

The pain he suffered was ten times that of other monks!
Du Yu couldn't bear it for a while, his whole body turned cold, and he almost gave up.

The corners of the old Dragon King's mouth turned up, and he sneered: "You can't chew more than you can chew! You deserve it for bringing in such a large-scale God of Punishment Thunder!"

But Du Yu endured the severe pain, his Dao heart was extremely firm, as solid as a rock!

Because, on his way of cultivating immortals and strong men, he has already endured many disasters and pains, some heart-piercing pains, which torture people's souls more than this divine thunder!

The bloody city is originally a place where pain and carnival coexist.Du Yu came up from the bottom, and he experienced it one by one.

From the depths of his soul, he let out an earth-shattering roar!

"Come on! Fight!"

As if enraged by Du Yu's cry, the second divine thunder did not give Du Yu too much time. After a little preparation, it became more majestic and swept the world, and it struck down violently!
This time, the Shenlei was more than two feet thick, twice as thick as the first time, and could completely cover Du Yu's body!
Du Yu's cry was submerged in the red God of Punishment Thunder that was more than two feet away, and disappeared.

The second Thunder of God's Punishment is more than twice as powerful as the first one.This time, not only the lake rocks and willow trees suffered, but even the rocks with a radius of ten feet under Du Yu's feet were split open, and the rocks flew everywhere, forming a big pit with a depth of more than three feet and a width of twenty feet!
"This brat, he won't be killed by the God of Punishment Thunder, right?" The old Dragon King was a little worried instead.He only wanted to see Du Yu making a fool of himself and failing to cross the tribulation, but Du Yu was still useful to the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

In particular, Du Yu's words "the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked" deeply convinced the old and cunning Dragon King.

If Datang is defeated soon, can the extraterritorial demons in charge of the East allow the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea to dominate?

Fortunately, Du Yu's figure reappeared in the center of the pit.

Although his figure is in a state of distress, his clothes are torn, and his body is covered in blood, he is like a green pine, standing proudly under the heavy snow, standing still!
The heavy snow presses down on the green pine, and the green pine is straight and straight!
There was no way to stop the second thunderstorm.

"This kid has some skills." A flash of appreciation flashed in the eyes of the old Dragon King.

In the final analysis, he was just a little bit embarrassed by Du Yu's attack, and he was reluctant to part with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. It was not because he had any deep hatred, and he didn't want Du Yu to be unexpected when the cooperative relationship was established.

He didn't know that although Du Yu looked very embarrassed, in his heart, he was already happy!

To others, the God of Punishment Thunder is a hypnotic talisman of black and white impermanence, but to Du Yu, it is the Gospel of the Supreme Predestination Method for tempering the body!
Every strike of God's Punishment Thunder can take away a large amount of internal force and impurities accumulated in Du Yu's body due to excessive practice and rapid rise in skill, making his body more condensed and familiar.

Each immortal has only four chances for this kind of chance to temper the body with thunder.

The others feared it like a tiger, and tried their best to use all kinds of fairy treasures and spells to resist the divine thunder, wishing to escape from the past, but Du Yu was willing to take it, seeing it as a great opportunity for him to become a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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