Chapter 1338 Affecting the fish in the pond, successfully crossing the catastrophe! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The sixth divine thunder gathers dark clouds in the sky, collides and tears, and from time to time, red electric sparks appear one after another, like a bloodthirsty red dragon. Pre.

Du Yu glanced at the sky proudly. His body, after waves of tempering, has become like the body of a demon god. The meridians in his body are at least ten times as wide as before!
One pain, one gain.

This is the function of the Divine Thunder of Overcoming Tribulation.

Du Yu received ten times the power of God's Punishment Heavenly Thunder compared to others, and his harvest was also justified, ten times more than others.

The muscles and bones in Du Yu's body kept making crackling sounds like popping beans, which showed that his muscles and muscles had been hardened.

But how to deal with the sixth divine punishment thunder is still a big problem for Du Yu.

Even the SS-level immortal treasure lock demon tower can only resist for a moment. How can other S-level immortal treasures withstand the last thunder?
Of course, Du Yu believed in the true power of the Demon Locking Tower, but he hadn't been able to fully display it because of his lack of cultivation, otherwise the power of the SS-level fairy treasure would not stop there.

The sixth celestial thunder began to spin in the air, ready to go.

The old Dragon King said with a sinister smile: "Du Yu, I still say the same thing, I advise you to give up the matter. Otherwise, it's not worth paying for your own life?"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

The sixth bolt of lightning finally struck in the air.

Its power reached a terrifying 65 feet.

Although the diameter has only increased by fifteen feet, but after calculation, the power contained in this divine thunder is still more than double that of the fifth divine thunder!
Even the demonic beasts hundreds of miles away around Yunmengze were startled by this celestial phenomenon, and they all ran wildly, fleeing in panic.

The Dragon King shook his head.

He can be sure that Du Yu's strength when he broke through the tribulation and ascended was very powerful, much stronger than ordinary adventurers, which caused such a terrifying celestial phenomenon.

It was impossible for Du Yu to escape this wave.

Du Yu looked up at the sky, his eyes still full of rebellion.

The divine thunder slashed down in a violent rage, like a giant red dragon descending from the sky, baring its teeth and claws, it killed Du Yu in an instant.

"Look at you this time, how will you overcome the tribulation?" The old dragon king sneered, watching from the sidelines.

Who would have thought that Du Yu's figure would disappear in place in an instant!
Really gone.

"How is this possible?" The old Dragon King exclaimed.

He knew that if the God's Punishment Thunder could be dodged so easily, it would not be able to make 6% of the cultivators give up sadly.

God's Punishment Thunder can automatically lock the target, let you escape to the ends of the earth, and you can never escape this catastrophe!
With a hundred miles around, is there any place where Du Yu can hide?

At this time, there are no S-level monsters in Yunmeng Ze. Even if there were, ordinary S-level monsters would not dare to challenge this destructive move!
The Dragon King suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"This bastard won't?"

He turned around.

Suddenly, he found that Du Yu was standing behind him with a smile on his face!

The Dragon King was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he roared angrily, "Why did you run to my side? This day, God will punish the gods and thunder!"

Du Yu pointed at the sky and shouted: "Heaven's Punishment God Thunder is coming! The Dragon King hastened to sacrifice the defensive cover? If I am hacked to death, let it be, and drag the Dragon King to die together. Are you too wronged? Ha ha!"

The old dragon king was so angry that his hands and feet were cold, and he was about to explode. He followed Du Yu's finger and saw that the red dragon transformed from the God's Punishment Thunder was rushing towards him and Du Yu with lightning speed!
He really caught fire at the city gate and brought fish in the pond.

The old Dragon King looked at Du Yu's leisurely and hateful face with hatred, wishing to punch him in the face.This kid must have planned it long ago, and had already planned to use himself as a shield.

I really miscalculated!To be plotted by this kid without knowing it, no wonder he didn't break through sooner or later, but chose to break through at this time!
He clearly wanted to make himself a one-time shield!

Of course, I can choose not to help Du Yu and leave immediately.

But he doesn't have Du Yu's spatial ability, and he can't escape from the close-range lock of Shenlei!
When this wave of divine thunder came down, if he persisted in not resisting, Du Yu would certainly die, but he

I'm afraid that he will also be smashed by this terrifying divine thunder, causing huge losses.

In the blink of an eye, he had no time to weigh the pros and cons, so he could only wave his sleeves subconsciously to mobilize the energy of heaven and earth. A majestic dragon chant sounded, and the old dragon king viciously transformed into a golden dragon!

Du Yu observed carefully, the golden dragon transformed by the dragon king was thousands of feet long, majestic, powerful, with golden scales all over the body, but each claw had only four claws.Thinking of the five-clawed dragon god he mentioned, Du Yu guessed that once the dragon king evolves into a five-clawed golden dragon, he might become the second five-clawed dragon god and become the lord of the world.

"Stinky boy! I can't spare you!" The dragon king turned into a golden dragon, roaring to the sky, the depression planned by Du Budget is beyond words.

But the first thing he had to deal with was the sixth divine thunder of punishment from Du Yu.

The red lightning dragon that slashed down suddenly collided head-on with the golden four-clawed dragon king!

There was only a crackling sound, and a ring-shaped shock wave rose from the lake and quickly spread around.

Big trees, mountains, lakes, and even the sky were completely destroyed by this terrifying impact.

Du Yu was secretly glad.

In fact, as early as when he knew the content of the test of crossing the tribulation and ascending, he was thinking hard about how to pass it properly.

This is a feasible way to let the strong help.

Some people would think that in this way, wouldn't the immortal cultivators have a chance to steal and play tricks?As long as he stands behind a super strong man, can he pass the level easily?
But it's not that simple.

God's Punishment Thunder is the obliterating force that directly attacks the soul.Any strong person will have an instinctive fear in the face of the God of Punishment Thunder, and even if he has trained to the Daluo Jinxian, he will be in danger of falling when he encounters the last few powerful divine thunders.

Here comes the question, super strong, who is willing to take the risk to help a Tribulation Trialist to resist the divine thunder?

Even if there are juniors or close relatives who can pull in super strong fighters, once Shenlei finds out that there is cheating, the next Shenlei will be twice as fierce as compensation for the difficulty.

Therefore, this trick to deceive space can only be used once.

Fortunately, the old dragon king is the leader of the dragon clan in the East China Sea, and one of the most powerful native colony creatures!

His cultivation is unfathomable, at least he is among the top powerhouses in Zifu district in the bloody city, even stronger than the usual 3 or 5 Zifu district powerhouses.After all, he is only one step away from stepping into the ranks of gods and becoming a five-clawed dragon god.

Therefore, although the sixth God of Punishment Thunder was extremely fierce, the result of the final battle between the red and golden twin dragons was that the old Dragon King flashed golden light, roared angrily, and forcibly blasted the God of Punishment Thunder into the air!
But Du Yu seized the opportunity, jumped up, and took the initiative to meet the scattered divine thunders.

The power of Shenlei is too powerful, of course it is not a good thing.But as long as the power of the divine thunder is limited within a certain range, it is still beneficial for tempering the immortal body.

Even though it was blown away by the old dragon king, the power of the scattered divine thunder was still extraordinary. Du Yu was tempered by another burst of bang, and his physical injuries became more serious, but in Du Yu's heart, the beauty blossomed.

After this baptism, his meridians were broadened again.The last wave is more than 2 times wider than before the tribulation!
Du Yu fell to the ground, panting heavily, his body was exhausted and his spirit was stretched to the limit.

Now he can't even move a finger.

The old Dragon King didn't catch it well. He was covered in golden dragon scales, and a dozen of them were knocked off by the thunder of God's Punishment. The majestic purple python dragon robe on his body was also smashed to pieces. No wonder he pulled a long distance before. Willing to be involved in the thunder of the gods.The power of this divine thunder can directly injure the soul regardless of one's cultivation.

The old dragon king landed on the ground, roared angrily, and rushed towards Du Yu.

His strong and powerful hands formed a claw shape, and he roared angrily: "You brat, you actually use my old man, watch me kill you!"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "I'm not afraid that I'll report on your Dragon Clan collaborating with the enemy, just come here!"

He put on a shameless and invincible appearance, smiled, and looked at the angry old dragon king.

The old Dragon King's big hand waved to the top of Du Yu's head. Thinking of this brat and the heavenly demon from outside the territory, after weighing the pros and cons for a while, he said viciously: "This bet is not worth it!"

Du Yu ignored him, and took out a elixir made by Yilin. After feeding it, he felt a burst of heat rising in his lower abdomen, and his health and immortality were recovering rapidly.

He is like Sun Dasheng who is not afraid of the day, the earth, the ghosts, and the gods. He has no scruples when he holds the handle of the Dragon King.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel seemed to be able to feel Du Yu's cultivation, suddenly broke through the offline line where he could display his divine power, and immediately burst into golden light.

Du Yu was grinning, and walked up to Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Du Yu's body has already been sublimated to a new height after this extremely dangerous and extremely exciting Heaven's Punishment Thunder Body Tempering.

His meridian has expanded 12 times compared to before!
You must know that Du Yu has practiced the Yi Jin Jing and taken the Xisui Pill. The strength of the meridians and the abundance of immortal energy are far beyond those of ordinary immortal cultivators.

But this time he used clever tricks and survived the catastrophe. After quenching his body, the total amount of immortal energy reached 12 times that of before, which was more than 50 times that of ordinary cultivators in the early stages of transcending tribulation and ascension.

A gap of 50 times!

The so-called one risk, one gain.Du Yu's harvest is that his fairy body is much stronger than others, and it is even stronger than the body of a demon god!
Therefore, when his hand touched the Ruyi Golden Cudgel for the first time, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel immediately began to flow continuously, absorbing his immortal power.

Du Yu was shocked, and the Dragon King was even more shocked and angry, and shouted: "Stinky boy, let go of my baby!"

(End of this chapter)

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