Chapter 1339 Five-Clawed Dragon God!Dragon bone divine pattern! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
As for the keel of the Dragon God, before he had time to snatch it, he was forced to escape by the battle of the surrounding powerful gods.

In hindsight, he regretted it too much.

Because although Ruyi's Golden Cudgel looked so heaven-defying and violent at the time, in fact, it was useless at all.The Ruyi Golden Cudgel refuses any non-human creatures to use it, and the dragons are also unable to subdue this SS-level fairy treasure, which is tantamount to a piece of scrap iron.

But when the Dragon King evolved into a four-clawed golden dragon and was about to attack the five-clawed dragon god, he was shocked to find that

I don't have the inheritance of god-level exercises!
The five-clawed dragon god fell too quickly, and there was no time to leave him a legacy.

Thus, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were caught blind.

Although the body of the Dragon Clan is extremely strong and they can cultivate themselves quickly, after all, to become gods and saints, they need not only a strong cultivation base, but also conform to the way of heaven.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas discussed countless times, and finally came to the conclusion that there is only one way!
Find the remains of the five-clawed dragon god, and find the cultivation method to become a god from the bones of the old man!
Kung fu practice has always been from training muscles, connecting tendons, to refining bones, with a little bit of inward transition.To be able to reach the level of a god-level creature, to exist supremely, on the bones of the five-clawed dragon god, there must be traces of practicing martial arts. If you trace back in reverse, you should have gained something.

Since the fall of the five-clawed dragon god, due to the lack of their own demon gods, the dragon clan has suffered enough from other demon gods, and now they have become the main cannon fodder of the Heavenly Punishment Beasts. How miserable is it?

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly saw the bones of the five-clawed dragon god, how could he not be ecstatic?

He suddenly rushed towards Du Yu.

With a flicker, Du Yu appeared a hundred feet away deftly, and said with a grin: "So this thing is so important to the old dragon king? I really underestimated its value. I knew it was the remains of the five-clawed dragon god before." , thinking it might be useful, hehe, now the old Dragon King should show his sincerity?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea complained in his heart.

When he saw the bones of the gods, he paid too much attention to them, and for a moment he forgot about the most basic purpose of concealing the true intention of the transaction.This time, Du Yu saw it clearly, raised the price on the spot, and the lion opened his mouth.

Du Yu let out a smirk, and coughed, "I got this thing from the descendants of the Heavenly Demon in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy. I've always wondered why Xizhong can have the keel of the bloody planet? From this point of view, it is very It may be that your five-clawed dragon god back then was picked up by this extraterritorial demon after he fell in battle with the human gods. Hehe"

The old Dragon King's eyes were tearing up.

The five-clawed dragon god and the extraterrestrial demon should be companions fighting side by side.But when the five-clawed golden dragon fell in distress, the extraterrestrial demon actually refused to save him, and rushed to the corpse of his fellow god afterwards, cramped and peeled off the bones, and took away the keel that was still alive!

What companion is this?
This is simply to add insult to injury.

Thinking of the attitude of the extraterritorial celestial demon towards his own dragon clan, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was even more convinced of Du Yu's provocative words.

"Old Ancestor, your death is really worth it. Do you know that your children and grandchildren are about to be squeezed by other demon gods and have nowhere to go." The old Dragon King sniveled and burst into tears, full of bitterness.

He looked at this well-preserved, huge keel. On the keel, there seemed to be some quaint patterns engraved, which were quite related to the skills taught to him by the Dragon God before his death.If you can study it in detail, it will definitely be of great benefit.

But looking at Du Yu's appearance of being a profiteer, the old Dragon King smiled wryly.

This time, it really fell.

People are knives and I am fish and meat, so I can only be slaughtered by others.

Half an hour later, there was a roar of the dragon king by the lake: "Fuck you! Are you crazy? The lion opened his mouth? Do you want so many materials from my East China Sea Dragon Palace? Do you know that this is what my Dragon Palace has saved for thousands of years?" Yes! Besides, these are all war supplies, if you use them on a large scale to make weapons and armor, the extraterrestrial demons will see that they are all produced by my Dragon Palace, and they must peel off my skin!"

In front of Du Yu was a checklist. He leisurely crossed his legs and hugged the huge fossil-like keel tightly, smiling without saying a word.

The Dragon King looked blankly at the words on the paper.

The first one alone was enough to drive him crazy.

"There are 100 Haisheng S-level monster cores, with a total value of [-] billion survival points. This magic core can be used to create large-scale projectile weapons, powerful summoning circles, launch Western and Eastern forbidden spell-level magic and fairy arts, and be used as a trebuchet The bullets will hit the dragon, or supplement the consumption of the war. The strategic value is extremely high."

There are dozens of requirements in the back, all of which are special war preparation materials in the sea. The land is extremely scarce. Although it is not as precious as the first one, there are so many things. After calculation, the total value is about 200 billion survival points.

The total value reached 300 billion, ten times more than the value of the demon pill that Du Yu took out!
This made the old dragon king go crazy, roaring continuously.

"You don't have the sincerity to trade at all!"

Du Yu crossed his legs leisurely, smiled and said, "Yes, old Dragon King, I have no sincerity to exchange this item. If you don't want to agree to this condition, you can ignore it. I can give you another 5 million survival points as a Compensation. Let's clear it up! Cough cough, I still have a lovely wife and daughter, waiting for me to go back. Are we going to end here?"

He jumped off the boulder and wanted to slap his ass and leave.

The old Dragon King became impatient and grabbed Du Yu's sleeve: "Don't leave! This thing must be mine."

Du Yu smiled and said: "Boss Dragon King is going to be rough? Don't forget that this is my Yunmengze."

The old Dragon King blushed, and he also knew that Du Yu was the king of the land here. As soon as he called for an army of 20000 adventurers, he drove over. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't withstand the siege of so many adventurers.

Since he couldn't be violent, and he couldn't stop, the old Dragon King had no choice but to lower his face, and said with a smile: "To be honest, I don't regret these things, let alone take them out. After all, they are the bones of my ancestors. How can I have the heart to let them go?" Is it left outside? Although these seafood materials are precious, I will spare them! But now that the two sides are about to fight, let me take out such large-scale war materials and use them by your human race. In case they are seen by the demons outside the territory , my Dragon Clan can only go to the dragon-cutting stage."

Du Yu smiled and said, "You don't intend to attack me in this war. Could it be that I will go crazy and hand over these hard-won war materials to Datang or General Hou? Just feel at ease. The next war It may not be that you are in the lead, it just happens to be a big surprise for the extraterrestrial demons!"

The old Dragon King still hesitated.

Du Yu said impatiently: "Hmph, if you don't want to be pulled down, anyway, as long as your dragon clan can't become a god, you can't evolve into a five-clawed dragon god, you can only be the younger brothers of the extraterrestrial demons! Cannon fodder! Let them fiddle with you, and you will defend yourself!" Take those materials and finally hand them over to the extraterrestrial demons!"

Du Yu's words deeply hurt the old Dragon King's heart.

Below the gods, they are all ants.

As long as there are no gods to support the facade, aren't their dragon clan the younger brothers of the extraterrestrial demons?

Thinking of the unfeeling and ungrateful celestial demons outside the territory, and thinking of the tragic death of the ancestor, the old dragon king suddenly glared and roared: "Huh! My dragon clan is rich in the world, how can these supplies be nothing? Take the remains of the ancestor, and I will exchange them." !"

He waved.

From the lake, a vortex appeared.

Qinglian brought a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals carrying big boxes, and appeared in front of the two of them.

Qinglian looked at Du Yu and the old Dragon King curiously, and said timidly, "Father, please forgive Qinglian this time. I won't dare again."

The old Dragon King snorted coldly: "You? How many times have you said that you dare not? The result is not running around the world? Du Yu, order some goods first."

When Du Yu saw the shrimp soldiers and crab generals opening the big boxes one after another, his eyes were suddenly blinded.

Really blinded.

He always thought that the royal families like Datang and Shinra were the richest people on this planet.

But now he knows he was wrong.

Compared with the Dragon Palace, which owns the whole world, the Four Great Empires are as poor as a bumpkin, or an upstart local tyrant, the difference between them and the richest man in the world!
[-] S-level magic cores alone are worth more than [-] billion survival points.

Du Yu still remembered that when he was stationed on the western front to fight against the magic dragon, Shenluo's western guarding army used S-level magic core catapults to deal with the magic dragon. Those with few bullets were very precious.

This is the number one army built with all the power of the whole country, and it has been prioritized by the country's resources!

But at this moment, Du Yu had ten thousand such magic cores in front of him. In theory, he could launch thousands of magic trebuchets and kill thousands of S-level monsters.

This is the difference!
The treasure materials in other boxes are also extremely precious, and they are all war preparation materials.

The surface value of these materials exceeds 300 billion, but the actual value far exceeds this figure.

There are two influencing factors.One is a geographical issue.These are treasures that can only be produced in the sea. Due to the long-term hostile war with human beings, it is impossible for them to flow into the bloody city!Therefore, their value is much higher than the market price.

The second is the timing at this time, which is a sensitive moment when war is about to break out.

Before the outbreak of war, the price of arms will soar, which does not need much explanation.

Du Yu estimated that if the 300 billion worth of war materials were sold by the governments of the four countries, it would not be a problem to sell hundreds of billions of them at this time.If the total amount of materials is not too large, it can even be sold at a higher unit price!
This is the real big list of wars!

Du Yu was also very generous. After inspecting the goods, he put all the things into the Sumeru ring and handed over the keel to the old Dragon King.

The old dragon king gave Du Yu a hard look, pulled up Qinglian, and rushed towards the lake angrily. It could be seen that he, who was an iron rooster, had a heart for Du Yu's brutal slaughter.

Du Yu shouted: "Hey! Old Dragon King, you can promise to keep Qinglian with me for a while. Your precious girl, how about I give you a lot of hair?"

(End of this chapter)

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