Chapter 1340 Tattaglia!Conspiracy ridden! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
This Chicago typewriter is the mafia's favorite weapon. It has high damage, is stable, strong, reliable, and has an extremely fast burst speed.Although in the plot mode, the ancient and mythological plots suppress it greatly, but in the bloody city, as long as it is not a large-scale war with the army of national forces, this Chicago typewriter can be used in most occasions.

After being shot by a dozen Chicago typewriters, this oriental monkey should die, right?
The big man in black speculated maliciously.

But things backfired.

Du Yu's voice appeared behind him at unknown time.

"Well, your momentum is good, but it's a pity that your attack speed is too slow." Du Yu said leisurely, and smiled slightly: "Also, your melee combat is not strong enough!"

As he said, he has already made a bold move!
The golden light of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms shone in the field, and the sound of the dragon's chant echoed among more than a dozen mafioso tycoons.

The leading group of adventurers in the inner city immediately flew out and was smashed into the air by Du Yu.

Du Yu's shots are heavy and merciless, and all enemies who attack him must be prepared to die.

Besides, Du Yu has already heard about the heinous tragedies that these mafia forces have committed in the Italian region and even the entire space city for the benefit of the dark, so there is no need to be polite to these guys.

Human bodies in black suits flew up horizontally, were blasted into the air by Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and fell to the ground, groaning endlessly.

As usual, Du Yu practiced kung fu, as if there was no one else around, he played a round of reincarnation among a dozen vicious mafia gangsters, closed his momentum steadily, and clasped his fist at Tattaglia.

In the center of the field, no one could stand up anymore.

Tataglia was stunned.

In the Three Kingdoms Warriors world before, although she had seen Du Yu's heaven-defying skills, she hadn't achieved the strength to beat a dozen adventurers of the same level with such ease and ease.Now he did it easily.

The reason for this made Tattaglia suddenly realize: "Your cultivation technique has broken through again!"

Du Yu grinned and said, "That's right."

Tattaglia said unconvinced: "It's not fair, your oriental cultivation technique is too powerful. But the only disadvantage is that the progress of cultivation is slow. But you pervert, the speed of cultivation is so fast that it is dizzying. It's not fair."

Du Yu knew that she was referring to the chosen one, and her terrifying speed of progress made her feel that she was being thrown away, so she smiled: "This world is inherently unfair. People are born to be the emperor's destiny. Some people Come on, haha, like me."

Tattaglia snorted coldly, expressing disdain: "Apart from showing off your progress in martial arts, what else do you want to come to me?"

Du Yu pouted with a smile and said, "Let's talk about the trouble you got into first. Why do these mafia want to arrest you?"

Tattaglia sighed: "Isn't my space ability to blame? I don't know why, my space ability was leaked out, and was found out by that villain boss Robert Tony. He forced me to help him do something. thing. I said no, and I got in trouble."

Du Yu shrugged: "You deliberately asked me to meet in the Italian area, just to use my hand to teach these entangled mafia a lesson?"

Tataglia smiled and said, "With you as a free thug, wouldn't it be stupid to not use it? But you can also ask me to take a shot as a reward."

Du Yu smiled and said, "I really ask you to take a shot. Because I find that I really don't have enough time recently. In the next world, I may have to use my avatar to deal with the space and the plot world at the same time."

Tataglia looked serious: "Are you so busy?"

Du Yu sighed, "The tide of space beasts is about to start, you don't know it?"

Tattaglia said solemnly: "I know how to divination, I already know. This time the beast swarm, the entire bloody city will fall into a terrible disaster."

Du Yu knew that Tataglia's divination skills were very powerful, so he couldn't help but feel heavy.

Tattaglia glanced at the mafia that was rolling all over the ground and said: "These guys will attract more companions. If you don't want to fight with the entire mafia, we'd better leave here immediately."

Du Yu took Tattaglia and swaggered away from the Old Trafford bar.

But as soon as he went out, he encountered a group of mafia gangsters coming by speeding cars.

The roar of Harley motorcycles is deafening. These skilled motorcyclists deliberately raise the wheels. The front axle of the modified wheel is loaded with a roller as sharp as snow. Once the mace hits, it will cause a terrifying human body tear damage.

The leader, with a gloomy face and a shiny back, wore a shiny short windbreaker, and came roaring with many henchmen.

"Oops!" Tattaglia frowned and said, "It's that Robert Tony who doesn't know how to advance or retreat. This guy is the leader of the Italian Mafia. It is said that he has a deep relationship with a certain boss in the Shinra Zifu District. No matter how messed up , the Shinra government will not take action against him. This further fueled his arrogance."

Du Yu shrugged.

Speaking of power in Shinra, who else is deeper than Du Yu?
He has got the Empress Dowager, Empress and Pope at the same time!

Robert Tony slammed on the brakes, turning the sharp roller of the motorcycle crazily one meter in front of Du Yu.

Du Yu didn't change his expression, he just stood there.

After a long while, Robert Tony stopped, put down his motorcycle and laughed wildly: "You bastard, are you scared out of your wits? You can't even dodge. What a shame!"
The hundreds of riders behind him laughed wildly, scrambling to flatter the leader.

Tataglia snorted coldly.

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "Thanks to you not rolling the motorcycle up, if so, now your face has been crushed to pieces by the roller."

Tony's face darkened when he heard this, he didn't expect that someone would dare to contradict him like this.

One of his shaggy-haired ghost sisters, with a hot body, walked down, vampire-like eyes, staring at Du Yu with provocation and malice, and screamed: "Who do you think you are? Lone Ranger Ryan? How dare you go alone , challenge Tony. I really don’t know if you are too stupid or too brave, but these two words are synonymous in the Italian area, haha!”

The surrounding mafia pulled out their guns one after another and aimed at Du Yu.

Through the shattered glass of the bar, Tony saw his henchmen crawling all over the ground being beaten by Du Yu, his face became more gloomy, and he shouted: "Boy, no matter who you are, you have caused big trouble this time! But I want Ask Tattaglia a question!"

He looked at Tattaglia playfully, and said with a wicked smile, "Why did you reject my deal?"

Du Yu glanced at Tattaglia and said, "What is the deal he gave you?"

Tattaglia said coldly: "He asked me to serve a big adventurer in Zifu District and participate in this wave of God's Punishment!"

"Huh?" Du Yu keenly grasped the information point of this sentence.

He is the military commander of the Shenluo Empire, so he naturally understands that the boss of Zifu District is not included in the recruitment!

The main force of the Shinra army is the inner city adventurers.Those who can reach the strength of the imperial city have become military officers at all levels.When Du Yu became the commander of Shinra, he wasn't even an adventurer in the inner city.

In the army, the emphasis is on collective combat power rather than personal force, strategic command rather than personal charm.Therefore, one or two adventurers in Zifu District are not that important, let alone change the outcome of a big war.

As far as Du Yu knew, there was no plan to recruit adventurers from the Zifu District to join the battle in the Shenluo army's combat readiness plan.

Therefore, he was acutely aware of the doubts in this sentence.

Besides, even if the big adventurer in Zifu District wants to be loyal to the country and fight the beast tide, why does Tataria have to help?

"Why don't you want to?" Du Yu smiled.

"Resisting the beast tide for the country, I have no objection." Tataglia's eyes flashed coldly: "But unfortunately, I'm afraid that the boss of the Zifu District does not want to save the country at all! There are many signs that he is seeking personal gain."

"What's the name of that boss in Zifu District?" Du Yuhan asked.

"I don't know, I have to ask Tony!" Tataglia pointed.

Tony sneered and said, "Hey? You actually started to torture me. Don't you see who you are? The name of the boss of Zifu District? I'm sorry you haven't heard of it!"

Du Yu didn't want to talk nonsense, and said to Tattaglia: "Get ready to go. Can you protect yourself?"

Tattalia waved his hand, and a string of Tarot cards flew in the air.Du Yu saw that Tattaglia was able to play four big tarot cards in a row at this time, one more than before, which shows that his strength has indeed increased considerably.

Tattaglia said coldly: "As I said before, the strength has greatly improved, enough to protect itself!"

Du Yu chuckled: "In that case, let's go!"

Tony looked at the two and said in astonishment, "Are you crazy?"

He couldn't figure it out, why Du Yu dared to speak so boldly in the face of these more than 100 people, and chose?
Is this man crazy?

But at this moment, Du Yu grabbed Tataria and disappeared in place.

Spatial ability, escape.

Tattaglia and Du Yu appeared a thousand meters away, and the Italian beauty, who was eager to see another Hollywood action drama hero save the beauty, cried out in disappointment: "You were going to run away! You coward!"

Du Yu didn't care, and said carelessly: "Don't run away? Do you want me to fight with hundreds of adventurers of the same level? Isn't that how fantasy novels are written? Besides, it's still useful for me to keep this Tony!"

He picked up Tattaglia's exquisite body in a long skirt, and disappeared into the intricate streets and alleys of the Italian district.

Tony's lungs nearly exploded.He thought that Du Yu was really brave and strong enough to single out a hundred of his own people, and was about to greet his younger brother to go up, but he didn't expect this man to feint and run away!
Thinking of the majestic aura and cold orders of the big boss in Zifu District, Tony felt cold all over his body.

"That woman, Tattaglia, you must get it for me, otherwise I can send you, a little bastard, to the position of mafia leader, and I can easily destroy you! You would rather be a little bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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