Chapter 1341 Beautiful Spy!Sleep forever! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Thinking of the mysterious strong man whom the Mafia respectfully called "The Godfather", Tony felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his body trembling.

"No! You must not let her escape." Tony roared: "Give me whatever it takes to catch this couple! I will reward you with 100 million survival points!"

Following the boss's howling and heavy rewards, hundreds of mafia gangs in the inner city had red eyes, screamed, and blasted their motorcycles to the maximum, rushing at full speed to the place where Du Yu and Tattaglia disappeared.

On the streets and alleys of the Italian district, a speed of life and death immediately began to be staged.

Du Yu held Tataria in his arms, and was extremely fast, desperately dodging.

"Hey, do you have any plans?" Tataglia said coldly: "With your speed, you have already done it to get rid of these bastards. You don't have any conspiracy, do you?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "Conspiracy? Of course there is! But I need your cooperation."

Tattaglia wondered: "Need my cooperation? Are you planning to hit that boss?"

Du Yu said with a sinister smile, "Of course. Do you dare to cooperate with me?"

A trace of hesitation flashed across Tataglia's delicate face: "You, the chosen one from the East, why do you want to go through this muddy water?"

Why did Du Yu take part?
Because of intuition.

It's an intuition that's hard to explain.Ever since he practiced the longevity formula successfully, his dragon-wolf appearance has an unusual intuition for many things.With the continuous progress of cultivating immortals, his intuition became more and more accurate, and many problems hidden in the deep water were accidentally discovered and broken by him.

Du Yu's dragon-wolf intuition made him keenly aware that when the divine punishment of beasts was approaching, it seemed that there was an undercurrent flowing in the dark with unknown intentions in the kingdom that won the last war - the Shenluo Empire.

As the biggest actual controller of the Shenluo regime at this time, Du Yu certainly does not want any potential enemies to play tricks in the dark, affect his rule, and resist the great cause of the beast tide.So, he wants to check.

What on earth does this Zifu District boss want to do?
In connection with the recent incident of Jon intervening strongly in the affairs of the royal family and trying to expand his influence, Du Yu keenly felt whether this Jon was inextricably linked to this matter?
What are they looking for Tataria to use her spatial ability?
One mystery after another lingered in front of Du Yu's eyes, forcing him to re-examine the situation.

When you see a leaf falling, you know the end of the year.
Du Yu excels in never ignoring these abnormal things and caring about everything.

"Don't worry about it. In short, I need you to agree to the other party's conditions first, join the other party's team, and serve as an undercover agent for me." Du Yu said with a smirk: "Of course, I must absolutely guarantee your safety."

"How can you guarantee my safety?" Tataglia shook his head in disbelief.

Du Yu took out the root of the sacred tree that he had picked up under the sacred tree when he entered the overseas fairyland where the gods lived in "The Lord of the Rings".This thing has been treasured by him for several worlds.

"The root of this holy tree can revive you once." Du Yu smiled: "Of course there is a prerequisite, that is, you must transform into an elf physique."

"What good does it do me to spend so much trouble and take such a big risk?" Tataglia said bluntly.

Du Yu thought for a while, and took out the world of Paladin, and got 99 mouse fruits, 99 trial fruits, 99 eight immortal stones, and ten precious Mengpo soup, and gave them to Tata Leah.

Tataria's beautiful eyes were extremely pleasantly surprised. These are all precious oriental celestial grasses, which can increase her defense, magic, and life, as well as an extremely precious second chance of dying.Why not surprise her?
"These, plus the root of the holy tree and the potion of elf constitution, count as your reward, how about it?"

Du Yu chuckled.

Tattaglia weighed it up. These things are worth more than 1000 million survival points. There is no market for them. He gritted his teeth and said, "I agree. But if you are killed by the enemy and your strength drops, you will be responsible for supporting me." .”

Du Yu nodded boldly and said, "No problem."

So, the distraught Robert Tony finally caught up with Tattaglia not long after, but the eastern man in his early years disappeared.

Seeing that the enemy was defeated in front of him, Tony left the woman and ran away. Haha laughed wildly, and spat fiercely: "Bah! What kind of hero saves the beauty, and you met me, Tony, and you are not a bear?"

He said viciously to Tattaglia: "You still refuse to cooperate with us? Then don't blame it"

Tattaglia said decisively: "Since this person has abandoned me, I have no choice but to cooperate with you. But it cannot hurt me or endanger my life."

Tony grinned and said, "Beauty, you will thank me for your smart choice today."

He took Tattaglia on the motorcycle and galloped away like a gust of wind.

Du Yu stood on a high place, watching Tataria being taken away with awe, his eyes were cold.

He took out the 5G walkie-talkie and dialed a number.

A cute loli and childish voice sounded: "BADGUY Information Service Company, welcome to your visit"

"Hey, 1000 million survival points, check something for me." Du Yu's voice was low.

The mechanical recording instantly switched to Tang Lu's baby voice: "Wow, you finally contacted me. What can I do for you?"

"Help me find out, the adventurer in Zifu District of Western Shinra, who is the boss behind the mafia? He robbed Tataglia, why?"

Although Du Yu can also investigate at this time, he has a lot of things to do, and professional things should be left to professional people.

Tang Lu cheered: "Don't worry. I will have a result soon. But I need to add 500 million survival points."

Du Yu agreed without any hesitation.In such a sophisticated struggle, even a little information can bring a huge advantage, so it cannot be stingy.Besides, his net worth is rich enough.

"I'm afraid that your service will not be up to par. I have plenty of money."

Du Yu transferred 1500 million to Tang Lv, who was smiling like a flower.

"I'll write to you soon."

After hanging up Tang Lu's communication, Du Yu accidentally received a voice transmission from Empress Nuwa.

"You're finally back?" Du Yu was overjoyed and said, "The extraterrestrial demons are about to launch a large-scale attack on our space."

Empress Nuwa's voice contained a trace of exhaustion that could not be concealed: "In the plot of Immortal Sword, Fuxi was finally dismissed. The extraterrestrial demon controlled Fuxi's body and escaped out of space. We will probably meet again. To be honest, if Without you defeating his aura, I really can't resist it. But now that the demons from outside the territory are launching a beast tide, I have limited divine power and it's hard to resist."

Du Yu could feel the helplessness of Empress Nuwa, and said generously, "Don't worry, Empress, I will do my best to solve your problems. Both things are on my shoulders."

"You mean, you can lead the Tang and Shenluo countries through this catastrophe?" Empress Nuwa's voice was full of unspeakable surprise: "Then your power is enough to rival the two gods. "

Du Yu said with a chuckle: "I dare not take it seriously, but a gentleman is not born differently, and he is good at things. Although we humans are not as good as the primitive aborigines in terms of physical talent, but when it comes to wisdom and brains, they are not flattering." Our opponent."

The voice of the empress trembled a little, and said gratefully: "There are countless tyrants in the space, but you can pat your chest and promise me that one person can block both sides, and you are the only one. Tell me, what conditions do you have?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "I brought back the Five Spirit Orbs from Legend of Sword and Fairy last time. The space beast tide is coming. I need you, Nuwa Empress, to turn these Five Spirit Orbs into sky-replenishing stones to strengthen the Yunmeng where I am." Ze force defensive cover, so that the beast tide dare not lightly commit crimes."

Although he has reached an agreement with the Dragon King of the East China Sea that the monsters of the East China Sea will not attack Yunmengze, Du Yu knows that this kind of alliance is very fragile. If there is not enough card protection, the Dragon King of the East China Sea may betray and turn his face at any time. It is best to improve the defense and be prepared. .

Nuwa frowned and said, "Although the Five Spirit Orbs are infinitely useful, after being transformed into a protective cover, the immortal power is more than enough to cover your Yunmengze, and the invading monsters will be repelled by the power of space, and can only exert 7% of their combat power. It can protect your Yunmengze forces. But in this way, the pressure from the wave of monsters encountered in other places will increase exponentially, are you sure it’s okay to do so?”

Du Yu patted his chest and said, "Your Majesty, since you trust Datang and Shinra to me, I will naturally protect these two countries from being swallowed by the beast tide! If there is a mistake, Your Majesty can punish me."

Hearing that Du Yu was taking care of everything, Nuwa pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's really reassuring to have such a capable leader like you. My energy can be used in the north and the south. Alas, the space god I am the only one resurrected, so I am really alone. If you can revive another god in the next world, I will not be so lonely with one against four."

Du Yu knew that what Nu Wa felt was that, as the only god in space, she had to deal with four extraterrestrial demons at the same time, and it was difficult for her to do so alone, so she couldn't help but smile wryly.

Who let the extraterrestrial demons, powerful and pre-emptive, defeat the space gods, heaven and humans, and fall one after another after the war of five declines?
He had an idea: "In the next world, how about I go to resurrect a god and add a helper to you?"

Nuwa chuckled and said: "The gods now have either fallen into the war between the five declines of heaven and man, or fallen into eternal sleep. It is not easy to wake them up. I was in the West and I also knew a good goddess named Athena. of."

"This Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war in Western mythology. She is extremely intelligent and powerful. She is also a goddess, and she is my confidant from afar."

She paused, and continued: "In the final battlefield, she fought side by side with me. I witnessed that she exhausted her divine power, was hit by an extraterrestrial demon, and fell into eternal sleep. It's embarrassing."

"[Dream of Eternal Sleep]?" Du Yu heard the new vocabulary.

"This dream can only be done in the eternal sleep of the gods. I was trapped in the world of Paladin, deep into the dream of eternal sleep, unable to extricate myself."

(End of this chapter)

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