Chapter 1344 Domineering Du Yu scares the Tang Dynasty! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Du Yu saw the territory map of the Tang Empire on the map, and said with a smile: "I saw that the Tang Dynasty still has 3 slum areas and 12 wild bloodland overseas provinces. How about this, give me all these 15 pieces of land, and I will protect Datang through this crisis."

Yi Mei gritted her teeth, and said in a trembling voice: "15 pieces of land? This is the last land of my Great Tang. If it is lost, the Great Tang Empire is still there, but it is still in name only. Do you think I will agree?"

Du Yu said solemnly: "You will agree. Because if Datang does not agree to this condition, this beast tide will perish!"

"But why should I trust you to turn the tide and make this empire survive?" Yimei said with furious eyebrows.

Du Yu smiled: "That's all!"

He waved.

Yimei and the followers looked at the platform beside them.

It was a battle firepower point that Yunmengze was constructing in full swing. It was located on a towering hill, and the large stones transported by tugboats were being used to build the city walls and retaining walls.

On this point of firepower, there stands a row of magic trebuchets that can't be seen!
The treasure of the Shenluo Empire!
A terrifying killer that can project S-level magic cores and severely damage S-level monsters!
Looking at these terrifying heavy weapons worth over ten million survival points each, Yimei's small mouth grew big.

From the eyes of her princess of the Tang Dynasty, of course, she has not even seen these trebuchets, but Du Yu can have so many Shenluo heavy weapons, which shows that the military alliance between him and Shenluo is absolutely extraordinary!
Even in the period when the relationship between Datang and Shinra was the best, it would be wishful thinking to get such a top-secret trebuchet!
But Du Yu has it, and the scale is very large, at least 100.

This is a billion survival points.

"Your army has good firepower." Yimei sneered and said, "But you have enough S-level magic cores, can you fire them? These guys are all burnt gold holes!"

Several of her followers all laughed disdainfully.

Although there are no such heavy trebuchets in the capital city of the Tang Dynasty, there are more advanced kamikaze crossbows.You can tell from the name that these kamikaze bed crossbows have a range of thousands of feet, and the effect against a single monster is even better than Shinra's magic catapult.

But the problem is

These kamikaze crossbows also need to be driven by S-level magic cores.

In Datang's treasury, there are only more than 100 S-level magic cores left. These majestic bed crossbows will be completely silent if they have only one chance to shoot a volley.

Some of the attendants began to mock: "What's the use of these heavy weapons? The silver-like pewter gun heads are useless, and the war will stop at the beginning of the war."

He didn't finish, because his mouth had grown too big to close.

Du Yu kicked away a box in front of him.

The box is full of magic cores!
Each S-level magic core is the size of an adult's fist!
From the mind of an S-rank monster, there is a certain chance to get a terrifying item!
There are probably a full 300 magic cores in this box!
Du Yu kicked it over, and the boxes in front of him opened one by one.

All are S-rank magic cores!
Yimei's eyes were dull.

The self-righteous officials of the Tang Dynasty were completely petrified.

5000 S-level magic cores, 100 heavy-duty trebuchets, this is the first hole card that Du Yu showed!
The sound of gasping for air kept coming and going.

This means that at the beginning of the war, Du Yu was able to kill at least 500 S-level monsters, or 20 times more A-level monsters by just relying on the trebuchet!
Even for the terrifying space beast horde, this number is enough to stagnate any beast horde's attack.

not to mention

This is just the opening dish for Du Yu to show off his muscles.

In the box behind him, the war materials and weapons displayed are so rich that it is outrageous.

On the military field in the distance, 20000 adventurers from the wolf pupil team are ready to go. The weapons and armor they have are bright and beautiful, and they are all high-end goods of at least B level or above.Among them, a 2000-person navy composed of pure water-type monster mounts, and a 1000-person air force riding flying monsters are the most eye-catching.

In addition to the [-]-mile defense system of Yunmengze, as well as various dazzling defensive formations designed by Huang Yaoshi himself, the central city wall that is being built is in full swing.

All of this made Yi Mei and the followers of Tang officials feel that Yunmengze's complete war system is making the most meticulous preparations for this beast horde.

Yimei turned her head to one side.

Although she had a high estimate of Du Yu's strength, she never expected that Du Yu would develop so fast in just a few worlds, and his comprehensive war strength was comparable to that of the Tang Dynasty!

Du Yu smiled: "Princess Yimei, I don't know if these strengths can convince you. After the war begins, I can help the Tang court to tide over the difficulties."

Before Yi Mei could speak, another official from the Ministry of Rituals said sharply: "You have more than enough troops to defend the city, but not enough to attack. Don't tell me that you are willing to fight outside for the sake of the court!"

Du Yu smiled and nodded: "You're right, I really don't intend to confront the beast horde head-on. But there are only two questions."

He raised a finger: "First, once the beast horde begins, the Tang court will definitely retreat all its troops to the capital, that is, the bloody city, to defend Chang'an to death, right?"

"So what?" The official from the Ministry of Rites said disdainfully: "Chang'an is in trouble, of course the 15 provinces need to help the king."

"In that case, your 15 provinces have no soldiers, and I want to seize the opportunity. How can the Tang court stop me?" Du Yu laughed wildly.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites were dumbfounded, but they were speechless.

Call Du Yu rebellious?

He was originally a traitor!

"Du Yu is right. Once the war starts, the imperial court will definitely give up the land in these 15 provinces." Yi Mei said bitterly: "Whether we give him these lands or not, he can easily get them."

Du Yu glanced at Yimei appreciatively, and raised his second finger: "In view of this, instead of being slapped in the face by me at the beginning of the war, it is better to sell favors now, give me the land, and shrink the troops back. There are benefits."

"Shameless!" An official of the Tang Dynasty's Ministry of War shouted: "You want to defeat others without fighting? Get the land of the imperial court for nothing?"

Du Yu spread his hands and said, "I'm still in charge of saving the imperial court from the catastrophe of the beast horde. The merits of the surviving dynasty should be rewarded with some land, right?"

Yimei looked at Du Yu with her curious eyes and said, "What trick do you have, how dare you boast about this seaport?"

Du Yu knew that it would be impossible for the Tang Dynasty to cede the land without talking about the real thing. He smiled lightly, pointed at the boxes behind him, and said with a chuckle, "Look at the origin of these boxes, do they look familiar?"

Yimei leads people to carefully examine these combat supplies

Suddenly, Yimei lost her voice and said: "These are all sea creatures from the East China Sea Dragon Palace!"

Du Yu nodded slowly: "Not bad! Not bad! And then? What problems can you see?"

Yi Mei looked at Du Yu in disbelief: "You actually have the ability to make such a large arms deal with the East China Sea Dragon Palace before the war started? What relationship do you have with the East China Sea Dragon King?"

Du Yu chuckled and whistled.

Qinglian, the dragon girl, walked out slowly, looking at Du Yu with a confused look on her face: "Hey! What do you want me to do?"

The official from the Ministry of Rites sneered, "Although this woman is beautiful, is there any difference?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard an officer from the military department tremblingly saying: "The girl Long Longjiao is from the Dragon Clan!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the officials of Datang were stunned.

They know what the dragons do, they know best.

The last space beast swarm, Ao Guang and Aoyou two Dragon Princes led the beast swarm to annihilate the Jieshi Legion in the east of the Tang Dynasty. They ran thousands of miles in one breath and hit the capital of the Tang Dynasty, besieging the capital for several months.Every Tang official has enough time to pay their respects to the appearance of these two dragon princes.

After they transform, they are the same as human beings, but the most obvious feature is that they have dragon horns on their heads!
This girl also has dragon horns.

Reminiscent of Du Yu's relationship with the East China Sea Dragon Palace, no one dared to question this girl's identity as a dragon!
"You not only traded with the Dragon Palace, but also got the princess of the Dragon Clan?" Yi Mei's voice was also trembling.

This time, the evidence given by Du Yu is really amazing.

If these are true, the relationship between Du Yu and the Dragon Clan is very close!

The dragons of the East China Sea will be the commanding race for the next wave of divine punishment!

Their decision has a key impact on the life and death of the Tang court.

Regardless of the shock on the faces of the officials of the Tang Dynasty, Du Yu said very calmly: "Well, I think these two pieces of evidence are enough to explain the relationship between me and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea? I'm not afraid that you will know that next time the beast tide, The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has already promised not to attack me at Yunmengze. The main attack direction of the beast tide will be chosen from the imperial court and the Houshen general forces. I have to say that it is very wise for you to find me at this time. I He is the only one who can save Datang, now you only need to make a second choice, whether to give me enough benefits."

He closed his eyes and said no more.

Qinglian, the dragon girl, was summoned by Du Yu, and she was so angry that she punched Du Yu hard: "Let you pretend to be aggressive! If the princess doesn't beat you for a day, you will go to the house to expose the tiles?"

"Hey! We're talking about serious business here, don't make trouble if you have nothing to do."

Du Yu and Qinglian are making a fuss.

But this kind of farce further reflects the unusual relationship between Du Yu and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

In the eyes of many sophisticated and sharp-eyed officials, Du Yu's head seems to have been covered with the aura of "son-in-law of the dragon clan" and is shining brightly.

In the cruel and ruthless space beast tide, the relationship with the dragon clan, the king of monsters, seems to be equated with "life-saving".

Du Yu's image and identity immediately improved.

The innocent Qinglian did not expect, and the cunning Lord Long did not expect that Du Yu used them to make a big fuss in order to gain huge profits.

(End of this chapter)

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