Chapter 1345 Expansion of territory, Zhao Yun returns! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
In fact, Du Yu's relationship with the Dragon Clan is far from being a son-in-law.Not to mention whether the dragon princes agreed or not, just the Dragon Lord who was taken away from Ruyi's golden hoop was very angry with Du Yu.

But in the world, many things require bluffing.

In this way, Du Yu took the risk and completed a beautiful deception.

Yimei sighed, and after a brief discussion with officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War, she walked towards Du Yu.

"How can you be sure that after you take over the imperial court's land, you will definitely be loyal to the imperial court?" Yi Mei said coldly, "If you are also a rebellious minister and traitor, wouldn't the imperial court pay your wife and lose your army?"

"If you don't use me." Du Yu smiled: "The court is dead. So, while you can still get the price, hire me quickly."

"Pay 5 provinces in advance, and I will reward you with 5 more after the task is completed. This is the final offer." Yi Mei made a final decision: "Of course, if you fail to complete the commission, you will not lend a helping hand. Even if my Tang court is weak, as long as it survives, Afterwards, we will also unite with General Hou to counterattack and reckon against you!"

Princess Yimei was categorical and stern, obviously not just talking about it, if Du Yu broke her promise and became fat, she would take revenge on Du Yu at all costs.

Du Yu thought about it, and he also knew that it was absolutely impossible to ask for all the land of Datang.Moreover, it is an established policy for him to unite with the imperial court to deal with General Hou Shen, so he nodded in agreement.

"Five pieces of land, I will take over now." Du Yu was not polite.

"I want to pass the content of the talk back, and implement it after the court makes a decision." Yi Mei took a deep breath, with complicated expressions in her eyes.

For the support of Du Yu and Yun Mengze, he ceded ten territories. When the news spread back, he wondered whether he was a hero or a traitor in the eyes of his father and important ministers?
"This is treason!" Tang Guogong smashed the piece of paper that recorded Du Yu's request on the desk, and stood up angrily: "I don't know why Princess Yimei agreed to such an exaggerated request by this traitor." Request! As the Prince Regent, I will never agree!"

Zheng Guoguang sneered and said: "Those ten pieces of land are really painful, but Du Yu can accept these lands after this war regardless of whether we give them or not. Tang Guogong, you have troops in your hands, can you continue to occupy these lands?" ?”

Tang Guogong was at a loss for words, his face turned red, and he said angrily: "Could it be that the country that my ancestors of the Long family worked so hard to conquer is just handed over to Du Yu's rebels? I will never agree!"

"In the past, the Six Kingdoms used the land to serve the Qin Dynasty. It was like fighting a fire with a salary." The old man of the Ministry of War said, "The salary is not exhausted, and the fire is not extinguished. Today we use the land to bribe the rebels, and it is the same. Even if we get through the difficulty this time, After 2-3 worlds, where should we cede it?"

"But now that things are going on, do all the important officials have any other choice?" After wearing the pearl curtain, Su Da has become the lord of the harem and listened to the government behind the curtain. The voice has already made the hearts of the men in the hall scratch like cats.

"I think it's better to cede the land to General Hou!" Tang Guogong said amazingly: "Du Yu has only 2 people, which is less than one-tenth of General Hou's strength. Even if we bribe him, we can't solve the problem. But if the court joins hands with General Hou Shen, there will be a great possibility to successfully keep Datang!"

Tang Guogong's face was terrified, and he stood up suddenly: "It's also cutting flesh. Should we let the king of Hades not beg, and go beg for the little ghost? I've made up my mind!"

Seeing Tang Guogong's sudden attack, turning over all the content of the previous court meeting in one fell swoop, and wanting to join forces with Hou Shenjiang, Zheng Guoguang and others were dumbfounded.

Su Daji's eyes were cold. Although he didn't know why Hou Shenjiang's attitude changed drastically, he could be sure that the combination of the two would be extremely detrimental to Master Du Yu's power.

Yimei, who supported the alliance with Du Yu, was dismissed by Tang Guogong with an excuse. Zheng Guogong's power in the court was greatly reduced, and he could not resist Tang Guogong's decision at all.

The premise is that Ruosu Daji is not Du Yu's person!

Seeing that Zheng Guogong retreated steadily, Su Daji's eyes flashed murderous, and he stood up gracefully.

"All ministers listen to the decree!" she snapped.

Hearing the imperial concubine's declaration, everyone was stunned.

"Brother Huang has a purpose?" Tang Guogong was furious.

Damn it, I went back in despair, drunk and dreaming, why are there so many wills?

Su Daji knew that it was time for her to play a key role for her master, so she didn't hold back, and said decisively: "The emperor has a decree, and Yimei's intention to join forces with Du Yu is out of my will. This time As an envoy, Princess Yimei puts the overall situation first, and should be rewarded! This matter has been decided, and it will be approved by the court immediately, and handed over to Zhi Jinwu for seal!"

She finished speaking decisively and beyond doubt, without even giving Tang Guogong time to refute and counterattack, she turned around and walked inside, leaving an elegant and graceful back view to the important ministers.

"What?" Tang Guogong was furious.

He never dreamed that Su Daji, who had never been interested in Du Yu, would openly stand by Du Yu's side and agree to this crucial decision!
That's a full ten pieces of land. With these lands, Du Yu's strength will be greatly improved, while Datang's strength will be greatly weakened.

Tang Guogong chose to join forces with Hou Shenjiang, of course he had his special intentions.

Last night, Hou Shen general Huang Ye came to meet him in secret at the Banshan Pavilion on Qingcui Mountain, ten miles outside the capital.

That's right, the God General Hou who ruled over half of the Tang Dynasty, and the Prince Regent Tang Guogong, men who were supposed to be mortal enemies, conspired secretly outside the city.

The secret meeting between the two lasted for a full two hours before they each retreated.

As for the content, it is divided into two worlds!
Hou Shenjiang and Tang Guogong, two men, ruled the Tang Empire together.

The first target to be cut off is Du Yu's Yunmengze faction.

As for this space sky punishment beast tide, the two sides agreed to resist together.

Although Tang Guogong didn't trust Hou Shenjiang, a repeated villain, but this did not prevent him from choosing to join forces with Hou Shenjiang temporarily.

Because he instinctively felt that although Du Yu was weak at this time, his ambition was even greater than that of General Hou Shen.

This son must be cut off early!
But Tang Guogong did not expect that the plot just concluded would be messed up by Cheng Yaojin, Su Daji, who killed him this morning!

"This vixen, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?" Of course Tang Guogong didn't believe that the drunken emperor brother was willing to give up his hatred for Du Yu and choose to join forces with Du Yu.

He can be sure that it must be Su Daji who falsely preached the imperial decree!
This crime is a major crime against the Nine Clans.

But the problem is that now, except for Su Daji, no one can see the emperor in the leopard room.

Even myself, the Prince Regent, asked to see him ten times, but was rejected nine and a half times.

The reason why half of the time is that even if the emperor reluctantly sees him, he still embraces him from left to right, surrounded by enchanting beauties such as Su Daji, Pheasant Jing, Pipa Jing, Hu Jing, etc., busy with nephrite fragrance and warmth, and has no time to talk to himself State affairs.After two or three sentences, I sent myself back.

"This woman, is she tolerable or unbearable!" Tang Guogong looked at Su Daji's swaying back with resentment, filled with hatred in his heart.

Su Daji went down to the imperial court, and sent a voice transmission to Hu Jing, Pipa Jing and his own people: "I offended Tang Guogong, beware of his counterattack, all the guards and forbidden soldiers in the entire palace must be completely controlled, and replaced by our own people!"

Although the Tang emperor was fatuous and no longer involved in state affairs after being hit by Du Yu, he still cherished his own life very much, and was especially wary of Tang Guogong, the regent prince, who would become a hindrance.All the palace guards, imperial guards, and master priests were selected by the emperor himself, and solemnly handed over to Su Daji to take charge.

With so many strong guards, even if Tang Guogong wanted to rebel openly and conspire against the king, he had to weigh his own strength and see if he could do it.

The corner of Su Daji's mouth showed a charming smile: "He is lurking in the Tang court this time, and he has done such a big thing for the master, how should the master reward him? Hehe, why don't you bring a pipa essence next time?" The two goblins, Pheasant Essence, are you going to practice Nuwa's Xuannian method together with your master? These two girls are only willing to use demon methods to confuse and never lose their dignity to serve the master of men. With their master's strength, they should be able to subdue them, right? ?”

Su Daji's giggling laughter resounded through the gorgeous palace corridor.

Only after receiving a message from Su Daji did Du Yu know that there was such a soul-stirring struggle behind the decision.

Thanks to him placing Su Daji by the emperor's side, this time he shattered the joint conspiracy of Lord Hou and Tang Guogong, and took the land of Tang Dynasty into his pocket without a fight.

That's a whole ten lands.

For Su Daji's request for a reward of eclectic beauty, Du Yu's heart moved and he agreed.

Princess Yimei soon received a reply letter from the Tang court, which was affixed with the emperor's seal, indicating that the agreement between herself and Du Yu came into force.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief. This mission has achieved fruitful results, and finally accomplished a major event.

Du Yu immediately sent Wu Jue and his brothers to lead their own teams to the five agreed lands to take over the lands ceded by the Tang Empire.

The land of the Yunmengze faction has expanded significantly.

Michelle and the others who had already returned were immediately overwhelmed, registering the population, making maps, arranging defenses, investigating resources, and all kinds of things.

Wu Jue, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas, Guo Fu, Guo Xiang, Mai Shela, Li Tang and others were all dizzy with their work, but their spirits were high and their morale was boosted.

Fortunately, returning with Michelle this time, there was another person whom Du had been looking forward to for a long time.

One man, one rider, white horse and white robe, Magnolia and white dragon colt, Yajiao spear, who is not Du Yu's sworn brother Zhao Yun?
Seeing Zhao Yun coming, Du Yu couldn't believe it. He rushed forward with a stride and hugged his elder brother's shoulders tightly!

"Brother Zhao Yun, you came at the right time!" Du Yu patted Zhao Yun's shoulder hard.

Infected by Du Yu's emotions, Zhao Yun's eyes filled with tears, he held Du Yu's hand tightly, and sighed: "Yun, I have served Uncle Liu Huang, defeated Xichuan, became the king of Hanzhong, and after the Wuzhao monster is eliminated, follow your instructions. Method, to kill the adventurer weather, ascend to space, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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