Chapter 1346 Unique channel!Trade and get rich! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu said solemnly: "Brother, you came at the right time. The space war is about to break out, and I just need a general to command the army. Brother, you should be my vanguard commander!"

Zhao Yun said with a light smile, "Zilong has come all the way, and he has also seen the demeanor of space powerhouses. If I fight alone, I may not be able to win all battles, but when it comes to commanding troops, Yun is quite strong." Have some confidence!"

Du Yu laughed loudly, and slapped Zhao Yun on the shoulder fiercely: "Zhao Zilong is a cowardly man, a famous general through the ages, who dares to refuse? I have the help of my elder brother, and I am more excited than the ten lands of the Tang Dynasty!"

Zhao Yun sat down with Du Yu, regardless of the dust and dust, first listened to the report on the recent battle situation, and frowned.

"Brother Zilong" had already told Zhao Zilong about the order of seniority, and Yang Guo, who had officially become the third younger brother, interjected with a smile, "I don't know if you think there is something wrong with our arrangement?"

Legolas, Zhang Sanfeng and other brothers also looked at Zhao Yun in conviction.

Zhao Yun has never been defeated in a battle in his life, and the world knows this.

Although he is not as clever as Zhuge Liang in using troops, his ability to not lose a single defeat in the frequent wars of the Three Kingdoms speaks for itself.

Zhao Yun frowned and said: "It is of course a good thing to be able to expand the territory and occupy the land of the Tang Dynasty. Especially the Tang Dynasty court took the initiative to cede it and passed it on to the world, which is of great benefit to us. But at this time, the tide of space beasts is coming. There is no danger to defend the country. I personally think it is not appropriate to station heavy troops. Instead, we should shrink our fists and wait for the time to move. The beast tide should not attack me at Yunmengze, but go in the direction of the imperial court and Houshen general. Whether it is to rescue the imperial court or to attack the Marquis God General, we can send and receive as we wish, advancing and retreating freely."

Du Yu nodded endlessly: "Zilong's words are very much in line with my wishes. The people we sent to these five lands were only responsible for accepting them, and did not send troops to occupy them. Anyway, the beast tide will not destroy these desolate lands with few people, As a key attack direction."

After the discussion was over, Du Yu formally paid homage to the general.

He appointed his eldest brother, Zhao Yun, as General Zhengdong, in charge of the training of the entire army, and in charge of the all-out war against the East Sea beast horde.

The third brother Yang Guo was worshiped as the captain of Zhechong, the fourth brother Zhang Sanfeng was worshiped as the captain of Hengchong, and the fifth brother Legolas was worshiped as the captain of Shenjian. They respectively managed three military camps, assisted Zhao Yun, and managed military affairs.

At the same time, Du Yu did not forget the high-ranking officials of the wolf pupil team who made immortal contributions and made great contributions to the wolf pupil team today.

Michelle was worshiped by him as the chief executive, in charge of logistics, trade, team management and other responsibilities.

Li Tang was promoted to the vice captain of the wolf pupil team, responsible for the combat tasks of the wolf pupil team.

Ai Ning was promoted to the vice-captain of the wolf pupil team, replacing Maishela, and was responsible for managing the logistics of the wolf pupil team.

Some old men of the wolf pupil team have also been promoted one after another, occupying key positions in the army.

As for the Wujue, Du Yu even formed a group of experts to enshrine and advise. Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Ouyang Feng and others concentrated on practicing and impacting the strength of the Zifu District. They didn't bother them with ordinary trivial matters.This arrangement is very much to their liking, and these masters are impatient to manage trivial matters.

Du Yu arranged everything properly, everyone in the wolf pupil team was rewarded, and they got a large piece of land and a large amount of strategic materials.

Du Yu had nothing to do.

Fortunately, besides Yunmengze and the military affairs, he still has many problems to worry about.

Yimei came slowly.

Seeing the rapid growth of Yunmengze's power and vitality, Yimei's beautiful eyes showed complicated expressions.Thinking of the lifeless and scheming appearance in the capital city of the Tang Dynasty and the palace city, in contrast, Yi Mei really didn't want to go back.

Sad, heartbroken.

But she warned herself that she is the princess of Datang!
Life is a person of Datang, and death is a ghost of Datang!
Yimei made up her mind and asked Du to tell her goodbye.

"The agreement between you and me has been reached. I hope you can keep your promise, and fulfill your duties as Prince Yunmeng in this beast tide war, and help the imperial court guard our land!" Yimei's eyes were clear.

Du Yu smiled and said, "According to what I know, is there a severe shortage of supplies in Chang'an City due to being sealed off by General Hou Shen?"

Yimei sighed.This is what she has always worried about.

"General Hou Shen occupied 25 of the 22 slums, surrounded the city walls of Datang from three sides, and cut off the trade between Datang Chang'an City and the outside world. The prices of living materials in Chang'an City have skyrocketed," Yi Mei shook her head.

"Since I have accepted the appointment of the Tang Dynasty and become the prince, I might as well give the Tang court a big gift package first!" Du Yu said with a smile: "I, Yunmengze and the Shenluo Empire, are willing to cooperate with the Tang court. Mutual trade, transport food, medicine, materials, weapons, war horses and props from the Shenluo Empire, supply the Tang Dynasty court, and help you survive this hurdle!"

"Really?" Yimei jumped up for joy, and then remembered something: "But what about the price? The Tang court doesn't have much wealth, so it can pay the price of these materials."

Du Yu said with a chuckle, "The Tang court has no money, but the so-called wealth is hidden by the people. Many powerful people in the gambling city have a terrifying amount of wealth accumulated in their hands, and they do not lack purchasing power. The current war is at the peak of consumption. .Our price will naturally not be cheap hehe”

Yimei gave Du Yu a coquettish look: "You say you are supporting the imperial court, and you are simply taking the opportunity to make money in the country. Such living materials are not precious in Shenluo, but once they are transported to Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty, because Hou Shen will The materials are blocked, but they can be sold at a sky-high price! What a coup to make money."

Du Yu shrugged and said, "At ten times the price, you can buy supplies, which is finally a way to support the Tang court. It's better than the final defense collapse of the Tang capital due to the shortage of supplies. This is my ally's goal." It's a painstaking effort, if the princess disagrees, then forget it."

Due to the long-term siege of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty by the forces of beast hordes and Houshen generals, trade routes were cut off, many supplies were in short supply, and prices skyrocketed. Su Daji and Tang Lu told Du Yu all this information.Du Yu had been planning for a long time to make a huge difference through trade with the imperial court and make a fortune for the country.

Yimei was overwhelmed by Du Yu's outspoken reasoning, but after thinking about it, although Du Yu's price must be very dark, it is always a channel for material input, which can effectively stabilize the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Soaring prices are a good thing.

As for this guy making a lot of money, there is nothing he can do about it.

Yimei glared at Du Yu charmingly, and said suspiciously: "The Shenluo Empire and our Tang Empire have a long-standing feud, and the trade is not smooth. What's more, the four countries are being attacked at the same time. How can they be willing to trade with us at this time?" These supplies? I know you have some energy in Shinra, but ordinary people can't get involved in such important national affairs."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Princess, just go back and prepare for the mutual market trade. I will take care of other things!"

Yimei nodded dejectedly.

Du Yu's strength at this time has completely made her unable to see clearly.

The tacit understanding between him and Shinra almost made Yimei wonder if this guy is Shinra's illegitimate son in the east, why is he so powerful?Say what to ask Shinra to do, and Shinra will execute it immediately.

Afterwards, when she learned the truth, she thumped her chest and said with emotion: "I had already imagined that Du Yu would be awesome, but in fact, he is even more awesome than I imagined!"

After Yimei left, the awesome Du Yu decisively called Catherine and Tracy.

When the two women heard Du Yu's decision, they ordered the Shenluo Empire to prepare to trade with the Tang Empire through the land controlled by Du Yu without any hesitation.

Of course, in terms of pricing, it will definitely not be cheap, at least ten times the profit of usual trade.

Shinra's caravan, carrying abundant food, materials, weapons, armor and other materials, came from the west in a steady stream, bypassed the five lands controlled by Du Yu, connected the slums, and entered the north gate of Datang.

Du Yu's Yunmengze also brought out many special products of Yunmengze, such as the magical beast mounts from Pegasus Ranch, the armor and weapons made by Piaoxiang, and the elixirs refined by Li Mochou and Yilin. Datang mutual market trade.

Looking at the caravans of Shenluo and Yunmengze passing through the gate of the Great Tang city, Yimei, Tang Guogong, and Zheng Guogong standing on the city gate, their eyes were dull.

Who would have thought that a mere Du Yu could bring so much material trade to the Tang Empire with a casual sentence?
Although their prices are ten times higher than usual, and weapons, armor, potions, and monster mounts are even sold at twenty or thirty times the usual price, but under the premise that the bloody city is about to encounter a war of annihilation, these The materials were quickly snatched up by hundreds of thousands of adventurers in the space city.

In particular, the beast mounts of the Pegasus Ranch, the weapons and armor of the Piaoxiang, and the medicines of Li Mochou and Yilin, have received unanimous praise from the bloody city and have become the most sought-after war supplies.Even the adventurers in the imperial city couldn't help but come and buy them.

Some thoughtful people even spared no expense in hoarding and buying large sums of war supplies, trying to sell them at a higher price at the most critical moment of the besieged city to earn a huge profit.

With the help of this trade, Du Yu made a fortune, and the survival points obtained by Yunmengze alone amounted to more than 300 billion.The tolls and benefits paid to Du Yu by the Shenluo merchants were also worth tens of billions.

Some people ridiculed Du Yu, the space is about to collapse, what's the use of asking for money?It's better to keep the supplies and defend safely.

Du Yu's thoughts are much more far-reaching than this!
If there were only four countries in space in this world, the purchasing power and production resources would basically be stable and balanced.Once encountering a beast horde war, the property will drop sharply, then the price will indeed rise.

But the problem is that he has a unique channel to conduct large-scale transactions with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!

Can the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea survive?
(End of this chapter)

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