Chapter 1347 Two keels, lure for a deal! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Of course not, but they also have a certain demand for land supplies.Du Yu can use his survival point to buy large sums of supplies from the Sultan and the Parliament, and then resell them to the old Dragon King.

What if the old dragon king doesn't buy it?
Don't forget, Du Yu also has a five-clawed dragon bone in his hand!

Based on this thing, Du Yu dared to be sure that the Dragon Clan did not dare to refuse a large deal with him. These survival points, if they were not in his hands, would definitely be exchanged for higher profits!
In space, strength is respected.But strength is not just personal combat power.In fact, facing the world of millions of adventurers, wealth and power are sometimes stronger than personal combat power!
None of the rulers of the Four Kingdoms broke through the Zifu District, but when it comes to the most powerful people in space, they are none other than them!
Du Yu took advantage of his special relationship with the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea to carry out large-scale sea, land, and cross-border trade, and he was able to grab unimaginable wealth and materials!
These materials and wealth are the cornerstones for Du Yu to become the king of space and the supreme throne in the future.

However, Du Yu's energy is limited after all.If he had not had Catherine, Shen Luoyan, Wang Yuyan, Galadriel and other good stewards who were good at management, he would not be able to freely mobilize such a large scale of wealth and materials, and command them freely.

Huge amounts of supplies are traded among the Shenluo, Datang and East China Sea Dragon Clan.

Just as Du Yu expected, the old Dragon King of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea refused to make any more deals with Du Yu, but Du Yu just took a screenshot of the second keel bone and sent it over.

"Are you playing tricks on me?" The old dragon king jumped up and scolded Du Yu angrily.

Du Yu sneered coldly: "Playing dirty? Let me ask you! You traded keel with me with a huge amount of marine resources, will I give it to you?"

The old Dragon King was at a loss for words, he hesitated and said: "Yes, I did, but you didn't say you still have a piece in your hand."

Du Yu said decisively: "Since I have given it, don't talk nonsense. I have never denied that I still have the keel! You studied the keel last time, did you find anything?"

The old dragon king is so treacherous and cunning, how can he be willing to tell the truth, he said with a smile: "I summoned the dragon kings of the four seas, and studied it seriously for two days, but unfortunately the dragon pattern on the dragon bone is only made by the ancestors, not some kind of achievement. Fa, it is very useful for us to inspire Hey! What are you doing?"

The veins on his forehead popped up, and he grabbed Du Yu's hand.

Du Yu was taking out another piece of keel with lightning speed, and was about to smash it down with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his other hand.The old dragon king was frightened out of his wits, if this [-]-jin Ruyi golden cudgel was smashed down, how could the real keel of the ancestor that he regarded as his life be destroyed under the nest?
He didn't tell Du Yu the truth.In fact, ever since the Dragon King of the Four Seas witnessed the five-clawed dragon god's true god keel, he never closed his eyes again.

The four dragon kings were all staring at the scarlet eyes, greedily staring at the mysterious and simple dragon pattern on the keel.

Although he hadn't fully comprehended it yet, the Dragon King of the East China Sea felt that he was only facing the dragon pattern, and his cultivation, which had been stopped for a long time, began to loosen a little!

He saw the hope of breaking through the shackles of SS-level monsters and becoming a god in one fell swoop!

But the only problem is that the number of dragon patterns on the keel of the true god is too small to comprehend thoroughly.

You need to find more true god dragon bones, so that you can be more confident and break through the god position!
The old dragon king issued the order of the dragon king of the four seas, at all costs, to search for any real god bones and materials left by the ancestor five-clawed dragon god.

Who would have thought that just as he greedily opened his eyes wide and searched at all costs, Du Yu, that stinky boy would actually take out another keel!
The old dragon Wang Fei also came here just to snatch the keel.

Seeing that the old Dragon King was desperate to protect the keel with his body, Du Yu sneered, holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel: "Since this thing is of no help to the old Dragon King, I am really ashamed. Since In this way, I simply smashed the second keel, lest the old Dragon King say I lied to you again!"

"No!" The old dragon king roared angrily.

Not only that, around Du Yu, the figures of the Dragon King of the West Sea, the Dragon King of the North Sea and the Dragon King of the South Sea appeared one after another.

The old dragon kings of the four seas rushed towards Du Yu together, pressed the keel of the beloved dragon under his body, stared at Du Yu with the same enemy, and when there was a big disagreement, the four dragons joined together.

Looking at the eyes of these old dragon kings, Du Yu was quite helpless. He shrugged, and with a wave of his hand, the keel automatically returned to his hand.On the territory of the bloody city, adventurers have unquestionable master rights over their belongings.The Dragon King of the Four Seas could only stare blankly.

The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea stared at Du Yu fiercely, and said helplessly after a while, "Tell me, what do you want? Give us this?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Of course it's mutual trade!"

"We have already made a large-scale trade with you." The Dragon King of the West Sea exclaimed angrily: "You have obtained [-] S-level magic cores. I am afraid that this news will not be hidden from the demons from the outside world! We have already taken too much risk. Openly trade with you, I'm afraid that our Dragon Clan will all go to the dragon's stage."

Du Yu nodded: "I admit that there are certain risks in this. So I will not force others. You don't need to start a large-scale mutual market immediately. You just need to do it secretly. We can agree on a final mutual market trade volume. The true god keel is given to you for free, how about it?"

"Free?" The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other with serious bewilderment in their eyes.

The last time Du Yu used this item, he took away treasures worth 300 billion survival points for free. Why did he change his nature this time and play a free strategy?
Or the Dragon King of the East China Sea had the best brains, rolled his eyes and said, "What's the minimum trade amount you stipulated?"

"3000 billion survival points" Du Yu was really blunt and offered a sky-high price.

"3000 billion survival points?" The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas roared one after another: "This trade volume, are you planning to let us trade with your land humans for thousands of years? The one who went to the dragon-cutting stage."

Du Yu said coldly: "If you do it once, you will go to the dragon-cutting platform. If you do it ten times, you will also go to it! Anyway, it's all about smuggling. If you don't have the courage, I won't force you, but it may help you break through and become a god." The true god keel, don't even think about getting it!"

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other in blank dismay.

This Du Yu was sure of them, and he set a sky-high price for this thing because he was determined to get it.

Compared with the 3000 billion mutual market trade volume, they are eager to get the keel, and they would rather spend money to buy it at a price of 300 billion, so that they will not have the trouble of being known by the demons outside the territory.

But Du Yu's attitude was very firm: "For this transaction, I only accept the trade volume, and I don't sell this item. If you don't agree, forget it."

He is building a big chess game!

The most profitable business in the world is war fortune!
Pull supplies from one side of the war and sell them to the other!
Many materials, which are not worth a penny in the country, are expensive to the other side where the trade is prohibited.This rule also applies to both the Tang Dynasty and the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

Du Yu's gaze had already seen through the fierce battle of the beast tide, and looked in a further direction.

Although native creatures and the bloody space seem to be incompatible, is there a bottom line of survival that both parties can accept?
If Du Yu can solve this problem and reconcile the seemingly irreconcilable contradictions between the two parties, he will have the potential to usher in a new era.

The trade with the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea was an attempt by Du Yu.

A bold attempt.

In the past, it was not that no adventurers thought of trading with native creatures, or even intermarrying, to resolve the fierce life-and-death conflict between the two sides.But without exception, they all failed.

At this time, Du Yu held great power, controlled the forces of Shenluo and Yunmengze, and even formed an alliance with the Tang court. In addition, he had a special relationship with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, which made him have the conditions that others could not have. Trade on an unprecedented scale!

His way of solving the problem is to use trade to combine the interests of the old enemies of the native creatures and the bloody city. There is me in you, and you in me, so as to finally achieve common peace.

Throughout human history, how many old enemies did not achieve peace under pressure and war, and finally became a reality in the silent trade and exchanges.

Under the strong coercion of Du Yu's bet on the dragon bone of the true god, although the Dragon King of the Four Seas still had doubts about the total transaction amount of up to 3000 billion survival points, under the temptation of the dragon bone, he did not stop doing anything, and basically agreed to the deal. transaction terms.

"I suddenly remembered something!" The blue-eyed and bearded Xihai Dragon King said suddenly: "My father told me that thousands of years ago, in order to bypass the Tang Dynasty's east-facing Jieshi Fortress and sneak attack on the bloody city, our Xihai Dragon Clan once Behind the backs of both the enemy and us, an underground underground river was dug in extreme secrecy. This underground river happens to lead to Yunmengze, a swamp eight hundred miles inland!"

"You mean?" Du Yu's eyes sharpened: "Even the demons from outside the territory don't know about this secret passage?"

"Yes" the Dragon King of the West Sea smiled bitterly: "It's ridiculous to say that most of the demons outside the territory were asleep at that time, and a few of them did not respond to our request. My father made meritorious deeds + was eager for revenge, and used a lot of hidden power in private. The underground river was successfully opened up. This channel is currently only known to me and the Dragon Prince Xihai."

"In other words, this secret passage can be used as a window for both parties to smuggle?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea was overjoyed.

"But how to ensure that human beings will not foolishly use the materials we provide for space warfare?" The Dragon King of the South China Sea said bluntly: "Our transaction scale is so large, it is hard to say that these materials will not end up on the front line. If other extraterritorial demons During the battle, it will be a lot of fun to find that the war materials of human beings are provided by our dragon clan."

(End of this chapter)

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