Chapter 1348 Du Yu's ambition!Trading Empire! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu smiled slightly: "I'm not a fool. How can I let the extraterrestrial demons easily see through the problem? These materials will be given priority to the Yunmengze forces, and the output of Yunmengze will be used to exchange these materials and exported to For other countries, won’t this solve the problem? Besides, we’re doing it more covertly, so you may not show your feet.”

The so-called once acquainted twice, now that this kind of business has been done once, the Donghai Dragon Clan gradually became more courageous, the old Dragon King nodded and said: "Then it's a deal. We can pay a part of the deposit first, and after reaching the expected amount, you want Give the keel to us for research!"

Du Yu nodded.

He is very fortunate that he has a communication channel with the East China Sea Dragon Clan.But if it weren't for the special relationship with the dragon girl Qinglian, the dragon clan would not be able to trust him.

Under the leadership of the Dragon King of the West Sea, the two sides completed the survey of the underground river, and soon found the exit of the underground river.After being detected by the Dragon King of the West Sea, this dark river can still be used!
Du Yu handed over the Sumeru Ring to the Dragon King of Xihai, but the Dragon King refused, and incidentally despised it.

"Your Sumeru ring can only carry things that fit a room, right?" The blue-eyed and bearded West Sea Dragon King looked at Du Yu and said, "But the blue sea mirror in my hand can hold things the size of a square. It’s perfect to transport supplies. Next month, I will bring a square supply to your Yunmengze, and prepare trading items of corresponding value for me, let’s trade!”

Du Yu nodded in agreement, smiling wryly in his heart.

It seems that this transaction with the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas can only be achieved by concentrating the power of the Three Kingdoms. How can I get together the materials for a square with my own Yunmengze?

However, Du Yu's mind has already surpassed the boundary between Shenluo and Datang.

He called Indra and Yakun.

Although these two people may not be very high-ranking, their masters or families have great say and influence in their respective countries.

If Du Yu wanted to do large-scale transactions with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, he had to control the supply of the entire land, otherwise it would be difficult to complete.Of course, the products from this kind of trade will eventually have to be sold in the four countries in order to complete the digestion of such a huge amount of materials and realize the value-added.

Indra is very grateful to Du Yu, without him, he would have fallen in the two worlds of Heroes and Diablo.He was very surprised at the large-scale transaction conditions proposed by Du Yu, but after thinking about it for a while, he agreed.It can be seen that the real power held by the Indian nobles is huge.

Yakun was a little unimpressed by Du Yu's proposal. This disciple of Sai Yiwu was arrogant and unconvinced by Du Yu's comet-like rise in space.But the so-called situation is stronger than people. Du Yu proposed that the transaction price be 2-3 times the usual transaction price. This tempting condition quickly overwhelmed Yakun's jealousy, so he had to agree and report to his master Sai Yiwu, and reported to Saladin, the supreme ruler of Sudan, to discuss the transaction request of Yunmengze forces.

In this way, Du Yu can carry out trade with the Sudan and the parliamentary country by land, absorb the huge supplies of the dragons from all over the world, earn a huge difference in prices, and continue to enrich the country and strengthen the army.

It can be expected that after the transaction scale of 3000 billion is completed, the profit that Du Yu can obtain will be at least 1000 billion or more!
This terrifying wealth is enough to make Du Yu's Yunmengze power flourish.

The deal with Shinra is not a problem. Catherine and Tracy are worrying about the upcoming wave of space beasts, worrying that Shinra's war supplies are not enough.Since there are trading channels to obtain a large amount of materials, it is self-evident to support the war.

After finishing all this, Du Yu then entered Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty. He had many important matters to deal with in the city.

In the bloody city of Chang'an, there are cruel relics left by the war everywhere.The city wall was stained with blood, broken everywhere, and there were some corpses of monsters, which were left to rot under the city wall.Although the defenders on the city wall tried their best to look like they were well-equipped, the outdated weapons, broken armor and dejected expressions showed that their situation was by no means as optimistic as it appeared on the surface.

Du Yu followed a caravan from Yunmengze, paid the entrance fee, and entered Chang'an City.

The Yunmengze caravan was the most popular guest in Chang'an at this time, even the greedy city gate officials did not dare to criticize the caravan harshly, Du Yu easily got away with it.

The Yunmengze caravan pulled the goods, and as soon as they arrived at the square, they were besieged by merchants, teams, and purchasing representatives from various forces, three layers inside and three layers outside.When the war is about to come, materials are scarce and become the most popular investment product.

Du Yu jumped off the team's carriage, mixed into the crowd, and walked towards the inner city.

He found An Huaqing's small bar, opened the door and walked in.

An Huaqing was surprised to see Du Yu, and welcomed him with a smile.

As expected, Tang Lu, Lu, Lan Lei and others were also drinking and chatting in the bar.

Du Yu gave Tang Lu 1500 million survival points, which was the fee for the last time Tang Lu was asked to investigate the inside story of the Shinra Italian Mafia Tony.

"It won't take so much." Tang Lu was surprised.

"The rest is the cost of my trip. I'm going to the world of dark night legends." Du Yu smiled at An Huaqing: "A glass of whiskey with ice."

An Huaqing pushed the drink over and Du Yu caught it.

Since he came in, Lu's beautiful eyes have never left him, and he said softly: "I heard that you have done a good job recently, even Empress Nuwa was successfully resurrected by you?"

Du Yu smiled: "Gods of space, I will try to resurrect them one by one."

Lu smiled lightly: "I can feel that the space is developing in a good direction step by step under your activeness. Nuwa used the five spirit beads to recast the eastern sky and protected the Yunmengze area, although the effect is limited , but this is the first time in thousands of years that the space gods have taken action to help the space and repair the space, which makes us space managers, ecstatic, and believe that there is nothing wrong with choosing you as the chosen one of the space."

"But the current crisis in the space is still serious." Lu closed his beautiful eyes and said: "I can feel that the dark forces around me are growing stronger step by step. Waiting for our weak time to launch a fatal blow. This wave of space The beast tide is just the first step in their invasion."

"I will give them the strongest counterattack." Du Yu threw the ground and said: "Use the corpses of countless monsters! Even if these extraterrestrial demons are the gods of local creatures, their divine power and prestige will suffer. Heavy damage, right? After all, monsters need time to grow and recuperate before they can gather again."

"Yeah." Lu nodded: "But as a GM, we have to commend your achievements. We decided to upgrade your spatial ability!"

"Spatial ability upgrade?" Du Yu's eyes lit up, this is a big fortune!

In the past adventures, Du Yu has felt several times that the space ability is the skill field that distinguishes him from other adventurers. Its terrifying priority and useful characteristics, even bosses, immortals, and gods cannot limit him. Its spatial ability can be called a big killer.

But the fly in the ointment is that Du Yu's space ability - the law of space, is relatively monotonous to use, and the tactics are relatively simple, with only two effects of sneak attack and running away.The effects of other attacks are not obvious.

In order to commend his hard work all the time, Deer finally wants to upgrade his ability level.

This made Du Yu, who had expanded his powers by 12 times after Du Jie ascended and Shenlei quenched his body, was ecstatic.

Lu slowly walked up to Du Yu, stroked Du Yu's face with his palm, a blush appeared on his holy face, and he muttered something.

"The chosen one of the space, I represent the space, and I will give you more advanced power. You will have a powerful power that surpasses other adventurers, and even surpasses the general rules of space."

"Close your eyes and tell me, what did you see?" the deer said softly.

Du Yu closed his eyes.

In his mind, a picture appeared.

I am fighting against a powerful BOSS, Du Yu fought bravely, but the BOSS is too powerful, Du Yu repeatedly fought and failed.Suddenly, a spatial ability flashed, and he came to the boss, and at the same time as he activated the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in his hand, a red light flashed!
A crack in space appeared on the boss!
Half of the BOSS's body remained in this world, while the other half was caught in the crack of space, and was split into two halves abruptly!
The pain can be imagined.

The powerful BOSS roared up to the sky, but Du Yu's red space crack was helpless, and he couldn't resist it. Big streams of blood gushed out. In the end, the BOSS was split in half by Du Yu, and the red flesh was still bulging. Jumping, but can no longer stand up.

"What a powerful combat skill!" Du Yu said with emotion.

"In previous battles, you have already used the medium-level supernatural ability of this space, and you have killed enemies that are much stronger than you. You have some basics, so this comprehension should go smoothly." Deer's voice was clear and beautiful. With a smile in his eyes, he praised Du Yu's understanding very much.

Du Yu closed his eyes and continued to experience the mid-level application of the spatial ability.

Using spatial powers, sneak attacking or escaping are just the first stage applications.

The mid-level application uses space turbulence and different time and space teleportation to directly attack the enemy, causing terrible injuries.

The application of higher ranks is still unknown, but Du Yu believes that it is absolutely overwhelming and changes everything.

The deer guided the spatial ability in Du Yu's body, feeling Du Yu's surging power, a trace of astonishment flashed in his beautiful eyes: "The spatial ability in your body is more than ten times more than I imagined, how could it be so? How much? What have you been through?"

Du Yu chuckled and didn't answer. He developed his abilities little by little with his heart, and had a complete epiphany.

In the cruel space, only strength is everything.

Space ability, as one of his trump cards, should also be upgraded.

(End of this chapter)

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