Chapter 1349 Power Up!Jon looms! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu could only feel the spatial power in his body, as if it was boiling and burning violently like a flame.The total amount of his originally abundant abilities gradually decreased as he burned, but what remained was more concentrated essence.The surplus in the tendons and veins can be replenished slowly by absorbing true essence.

This is a purification process.

Condensing the original primary spatial ability into a more filling and compact mid-level ability.

Du had a premonition that the red supernatural energy in the veins was being replaced by a deeper purple-red energy.The exchange condensation ratio between the two parties is about ten to one.

This process was like cramping and shrinking, and it was very painful. Du Yu's forehead was full of sweat.

But compared to the crushing feeling of Shenlei tempering the body, this kind of concentration is nothing, so Du Yu endured it.

Waves of pain hit his veins, turning the supernatural power into a purple-red supernatural power all over his body.

Du Yu let out a long breath, and finally completed this promotion.

The purple-red supernatural power filled his veins, flowing gently like a river, but it contained endless power.

The deer also seemed to have exhausted its strength, and its beautiful forehead was covered with sweat.

"It's finally done." Monk Yizhen jumped out with a wretched face and said, "If someone who didn't know broke in suddenly, they might think that you did something good just now, both men and women are so sweaty!"

He was talking obscenely, when the deer slapped him in anger, smashed a large piece of stained glass, and kicked him away.

Du Yu glanced at the deer gratefully, and said sincerely, "Giving me such a powerful space ability consumes a lot, right? Take a break."

Lu took the glass of ice water that An Huaqing handed over, took a sip, and Wushuang's pretty face recovered a tinge of color. Looking at Du Yu, he said, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You can't escape this time." Lost."

Du Yu chuckled, "I dare you to refuse to die?"

The deer panted for a while, closed his eyes and said, "The most urgent task right now is to revive more space gods to fight against more and more extraterrestrial demons. Nuwa Empress alone is not enough to do what I want."

Du Yu nodded and said: "I know. In the next world, my main task is this. But I have communicated with Empress Nuwa, she said that in order to wake up the gods who have been put into eternal sleep by alien demons, they must enter the [Dream of Eternal Sleep] , to help the gods defeat the extraterrestrial demons. I am looking for any traces of the world that may have dreams of eternal sleep."

Tang Lu jumped up, puffed out her small chest and said, "Intelligence is my specialty, why don't you ask me?"

Du Yu slapped his forehead and said, "I almost forgot that you are the No. [-] wind medium in this space. Do you have any clues?"

Tang Lu bit her finger and calculated: "East, I don't have a clue at the moment, but it is said that in a certain plot world in the West, there was a goddess who once appeared briefly and performed a miracle. Her name is Athena. It is said that she is It appeared in "Saint Seiya". I will continue to investigate."

"As for the other matter you entrusted me to investigate, the Italian Mafia leader named Robert Tony, I have already found out that the boss behind him is an Italian black boss named Panini Augustus. He He has served as the leader of the Mafia for more than 30 years, and is called the "Godfather" by the Mafia, and he is currently a strong man in Shinra Zifu District!"

"Is he really a strong man in Zifu District?" Du Yu gasped.

It is so difficult for him to push others by himself, to reach today's inner city by himself, and the opponent who can reach the strong in Zifu District is naturally not an ordinary person.

Du Yu would not underestimate anyone, let alone a strong man in Zifu District.

"Yes, he is a strong man in the Zifu District. It was he himself who issued the order to track Tataglia this time. But the interesting thing is" Tang Lujiao laughed: "He is not the initiator of this incident. The real big boss is someone else."

"So complicated?" Du Yu's expression changed.

The more complicated a conspiracy, the more terrifying the truth behind it, and the more terrifying the enemy.

This is an iron law.

Even Panini, the strong man in the Zifu District and the leader of the mafia, is a transit tool. One can imagine the horror of the power behind the strong man.

"Who is he?" Du Yu prepared for the worst.

"It's Jon." Tang Lu shrugged: "He is the hidden ancestor of the Shenluo Imperial Court. Not a small force. About ten Zifu District powerhouses, including Panini, are all his loyal helpers or alliance partners. The energy of this person should not be underestimated."

Du Yu cursed inwardly.

His worst premonition was finally confirmed.

Jon, the guy who tried to take his son away and control the Shinra government, is also the man behind the hunt for Tataglia.

What the hell is this guy up to?
Du Yu was puzzled.

Ordinarily, Jon has extremely high authority and strength in Shinra, and what he wants to do is all a matter of one sentence. Why should he be sneaky and launch a hunt for the newly famous supernatural being Tataria?

Is there anything about Tataglia that deserves his attention?
This is the only conclusion Du Yu can draw.

Tataglia can control time to a certain extent, and Du Yu has used her ability many times to achieve his own goals.Now it seems that Du Yu is not the only one who has this brain and thought of this.

According to Tattaglia's information, the task given to her by the strong man in the Zifu District was to launch a certain action during this wave of divine punishment for beasts.

Space beast tide.

This is Jon's purpose!

A cold light flashed in Du Yu's eyes.

No matter what schemes this conspirator and ancestor Shenluo have, Du Yu will let him shoot himself in the foot!
"Very good! But please continue to investigate." Du Yu gave Tang Lu an extra 500 million survival points for her to continue investigating Jon: "I want to know, what the hell is Jon doing? You can say it directly!"

Tang Lu nodded: "I need to invade the top-secret archives of the Shinra Palace and investigate everything about Jon. But the electronic restrictions there are so strict that it is difficult to crack them. I need you to help me get the permissions."

Du Yu immediately called Catherine.Catherine, as the Queen of Shinra, certainly has a way to get the password of this top-secret archive.

Tang Lu walked away confidently.

Whenever there is a challenging task, she is so bright.

Du Yu chatted with everyone for a while, walked to the BADGUY phone booth on the street behind the bar, and entered the world of [Underworld] through the transmission system.

Not long after, when he came out again, there was already a beautiful woman with a pretty face, a hot body and cold eyes beside him.

The elder vampire—Amelia!
"You're late, it's been a long, long time." The vampire elder woman is still so noble and gorgeous, she seems to be brooding over Du Yu's late arrival, cold and angry flashes in her icy blue eyes, But on the blushing face, there was spring in full bloom. It was obvious that Du Yu had pushed her down on the bed in the world of the plot, and comforted the cold and perfect vampire elder who was surging with the spring tide.

Amelia smiled at Serena who was on Du Yu's side, and the iceberg rose bloomed instantly: "I guess, you and this guy spent a pleasant adventure in the adventure world?"

Serena Dai's eyebrows stretched: "Female elder, this adventure journey is a very long story. But our master, now facing the challenge of a powerful enemy, I will tell you one by one when I have time."

Amelia's explosive body was wrapped in a tight leather jacket, exposing her exquisite and graceful charm and uneven figure.Hearing that Du Yu was challenged by a strong enemy, she raised her eyebrows: "Who dares to fight against us? After you left, I fell into a deep sleep for a long time, longing for killing and blood!"

Du Yu and Serena looked at each other and smiled knowingly: "It seems that our vampire elder lady still has that cold temper on the outside and hot on the inside. The next journey will be very interesting."

Amelia's strength at this time was on par with Serena.As soon as Du Yu saw this pair of glamorous vampire beauties, he felt hot and couldn't help fantasizing about the romantic scene tonight.

He only stayed in the world of [Legend of the Underworld] for 2 days, and returned early because he was worried about the outbreak of the space beast tide.

As soon as he returned to Yunmengze, he received a letter from Feige.

Du Yu had been waiting for this letter, but unexpectedly, it arrived late.

The master of the letter is Hou Shenjiang.

In the letter, he expressed his deep apology to Du Yu for the provocation of his two sons, and later expressed the grief of a father who lost his two sons, who could not sleep at night, and finally asked Du Yu in the most sincere tone. Free the souls of the two sons.He is willing to use any benefit he can give as a ransom in exchange for the lives of his sons.

This letter was written by an expert, the tone of the whole article is sincere, every word is carefully considered, and the feeling of licking the calf is beyond words. It is no problem to use it as a writing tutorial.

At the end of the letter, a thick list is attached.It records that all the apparent assets of the Hou family can be used for hostage exchange.

"It seems very sincere." Du Yu sneered as he flipped through the Hou family's assets, gradually having a rough plan in his mind.

"Next, it's time to deal with the Hou family's affairs." Du Yu stared at the east and said to himself.

"To completely entrap the Hou family in the tide of God's Punishment Beast, apart from the cooperation of the Dragon Clan, Datang, and Yunmengze, the actions of the Hou family themselves are also crucial."

Du Yu smiled coldly, his starry eyes were in the dark night, like a lone star in a winter night, shining with the cold light of revenge!
He scribbled and quickly wrote a reply letter.

Du Yu's conditions were not harsh at all.

Hou Xiaofeng, Hou Xiaobai, he clearly marked the price, each hostage has 50 billion survival points, and requires payment in the form of materials, and does not accept cash and treasures.

The 100 billion condition is an astronomical figure for others, but for Hou Shenjiang, who is half rich, it is by no means a harsh condition that cannot be agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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