Chapter 1350 Yin and Poison!Guixian and Jia Xu! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
After discussing tonight's entertainment and nightlife theme with his three ladies and wives, Du Yu concentrated his attention.

The preparations for the war in the West do not seem to be a big problem. Although there are some people who are secretly conspiring and undercurrents, but

Du Yu sneered.

He is very confident in his ability to decipher the conspiracy.

Tang Lv, the No. [-] wind media in space + Tattaglia, the traitor, is not afraid that the enemy will not show the fox's tail!
On the other hand, the Tang Empire in the east faced an enemy, although Du Yu had partially bought them off and would not launch a fierce attack on Yunmengze, but Du Yu was not at ease.

The biggest problem is that there is the insidious opponent Hou Shenjiang, and the pig teammate the imperial court.

"Since I can think of it, the disaster will be diverted to the east, and the beast tide will be led to Hou Shenjiang. There is no reason why Hou Shenjiang, a treacherous and cunning man, can't think of this. How can he play like this?" Du Yu pondered.

At this time, God General Hou was sitting in the big tent.

On both sides of the big tent, two rows of fierce generals were sitting on the crane wings, looking at the Hou Shen general with a murderous look.

Some of these fierce generals are heroic, some are mighty, some are tyrannical, some are cold, but all of them are highly skilled in martial arts and have been battle-tested.

Most of their strength is in the imperial city area, and there are almost no people below the inner city area.

There are even two old men who are from Zifu District.

"Du Yu actually agreed to return the two young masters?" a goatee counselor in front of Hou Shenjiang hurriedly said.

"Yes, what's Wen He's opinion?" Hou Shenjiang put Du Yu's reply letter on the copybook, his face was calm, neither sad nor happy, and he couldn't see any changes.

The man with the goatee turned out to be one of the most vicious and wise counselors in the Three Kingdoms, Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe!

At that time, Sima Zhongda once served under the account of God General Hou, but was killed by Du Yu in the world of Lord of the Rings. Unexpectedly, God General Hou found Jia Xu, who was also unpredictable, and came to act as his chief Adviser!

"In the last world, Young Master Xiaobai took a dozen strong men from the inner city, including four of the top ten, to the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy to assassinate Du Yu who was our enemy." Jia Xu stood up slowly, With a calm look in his eyes, he wrote lightly: "Unexpected, but was defeated and captured by Du Yu in turn, but he did not die. The proof is that the natal jade tablet in your ancestral temple has not been broken, which is the proof."

"But Xiaobai can't escape either." Hou Shenjiang said with lingering anger, "Du Yu must destroy his body and imprison his soul, otherwise he can escape to my Hou Family Ancestral Temple with his secret technique."

"Du Yu is cunning and cunning. He has been immersed in the space for a long time. He is very strict about these escape techniques." Jia Xu's deep eyes shot a cold light: "So, don't try to use unexpected moves to save people."

"I'm willing to sneak into Yunmengze, sneak attack on Du Yu, and rescue the young master!" A thin old man with a master in Zifu District suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Exactly! With our lineup of so many masters, although we dare not say that we can beat Yunmengze to pieces, it is not a problem to besiege an adventurer in the inner city. I heard that Du Yu is very conceited and alone Come and go alone, without expert guards! Besides, Yunmengze, they don’t have Zifu District.” Another Zifu District master is an old man with a ruddy face and big ears.

All eyes turned to Jia Xu.

"Not right, not right." Jia Xu shook his head and said, "Using force to defeat cleverness can only be used when our army's strength and chances of victory are extremely high. Du Yu's forces are lurking in the eight hundred miles of Yunmengze, and they are erratic. , who can accurately locate the person? Who can accurately encircle and kill him? If he jumps over the wall in a hurry and destroys the souls of the young masters, who will be responsible? This is not appropriate."

"But what's your opinion?" the thin old man asked in a sharp voice.He was not convinced by Jia Xu, who was only in the inner city but acted as a military adviser at this level of cultivation.

"My opinion is to agree to Du Yu!" Jia Xu smiled slightly, and clasped his fists at Hou Shenjiang and said, "My lord, Du Yu's letter is clearly intended to be sent back to the two young masters."

"Is he so good?" Hou Shenjiang snorted coldly.

"Of course it's not that simple." Jia Xu smiled even brighter: "As far as I can tell, his strategy is quite simple. Either he thinks the two young masters are of no use to him, and it's okay to let them back, or he wants a high ransom of 100 billion. , or prepare to tamper with the young master's soul, or a combination of the three."

"Master's soul is playing tricks?" Hou Shen's heart tightened for a while: "He won't plan to turn Bai Erfeng into a person with three souls and seven souls? If that's the case, I will never give up!"

"He shouldn't be so unwise." Jia Xu mused, "If I were him, I would do something to the souls of the two young masters, making the two young masters become his spies or traitors, or even involuntarily. , Controlling the two young masters is not good for your great cause. This is the most effective way I have thought of to use the two young masters."

"Then what should we do?" Hou Shenjiang's face was livid.If Du Yu is really like this, it is still a little tricky.

"My lord, don't worry." Jia Xu shook his black feather fan and said with a slight smile, "I happen to know someone who can definitely be called an ancestor who plays with the soul. If you invite him to play, you will definitely be able to see through Du Yu's scheme. Du Yu suffered a big loss!"

"Ancestors playing with souls?" Hou Shenjiang was taken aback.The square-headed and big-eared old man from Zifu district turned cold: "Jia Xu, is it true?"

"Yes!" Jia Xu smiled slightly: "It is the super strong man in Zifu District called Guixian, the old man Guixian!"

Ghost Immortal's crooked and withered figure appeared in the center of the arena at some time, with a pale dead face and a pair of dead fish eyes, he glanced at the thin old man and the square-headed old man with a slight mockery, and said sharply: "I Whoever it is, regardless of his status, ran to Hou Shenjiang in a hurry to serve as his slaves. It turned out to be He Zhenren and Gui Xianren, you two guys."

The thin old man and the square-headed old man seemed to know Gui Xian, and they said angrily at the same time: "Gui Xian! You bastard, didn't you also run to Hou Shenjiang? Fifty steps laugh a hundred steps!"

Guixian proudly said: "Who said I came here to be a slave? If it weren't for Jia Xu, who told me that my disciple Xian Zhen and the S-level fairy treasure [Myriad Ghosts Refining Soul Bag] were all taken Du Yu intercepted it and took it away. I'm too lazy to go down to the realm and go here to wade through the muddy waters!"

Hearing such an aloof expression, although Immortal Crane and Immortal Gui were not convinced, they seemed to be quite afraid of ghosts and immortals, and they did not dare to speak ill of each other.

Gui Xian was careless, walked to the front of the hall without restraint, and stared.

A fierce general, captured by the aura of the super strong man in the Zifu District, couldn't help himself, stood up and gave his seat to the ghost.

Ghost Fairy sat down, glanced at Hou Shenjiang with a cold gaze, smiled, as a greeting, and immediately looked at Jia Xu!
"Hey! You kid, you said that Du Yu murdered and seized the treasure, and shot at my Guixian sect, do you have evidence?" Guixian said impatiently: "If you are wrong and can't produce evidence, don't blame my ancestor In front of your lord, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget! Hehe."

Seeing this ghost fairy, who was so arrogant, dared to attack the military master in Hou Shengeneral's tent, many fierce generals looked down and stood up one after another.

Even if he is dissatisfied with Jia Xu's high position, the majesty of General Hou Shen must be maintained!
But Guixian seemed to be no one else around, and locked on Jia Xu with a pair of cold eyes.

Jia Xu didn't panic, she smiled calmly and walked towards Guixian.

"Here is a battle video, it was sent to me by Young Master Bai before he died in battle." Jia Xu chuckled and threw a piece of purple crystal to Guixian.

Guixian opened the crystal.

The above is the situation where Du Yu's team is fighting fiercely with the strong team led by Hou Xiaobai.

When Guixian saw Du Yu, he showed a sneer: "Hmph! It's ridiculous to spread rumors about Du Yu, a rising star in Yunmengze. In my opinion, the difficulty of the inner city is not enough."

"Please look down," Jia Xu said with a harmless smile.

When Guixian saw Du Yu took out a treasure and launched a fierce attack on Hou Xiaobai, his eyes suddenly narrowed!
Although the video is too far away to see it clearly, it is undoubtedly his treasure [Myriad Ghosts Refining Soul Bag]!
"Hmph! You little boy, how dare you break ground on Tai Sui's head!" Gui Xian was furious, stood up and said, "I have to peel his tendons and skin, refine his bones and burn his soul, so that I can relieve my hatred!"

Ever since Xianzhen disappeared and the treasure was taken, he has been a common murderer.But it's a pity that Du Yu was cunning and cunning, and didn't leave any traces. He tried several methods, but he couldn't find Du Yu's real body, so he stopped for a while.

But now that the truth has been obtained, how can the ghost immortal be willing to give up?

"Master Guixian, wait a minute!" Jia Xu gently shook the black feather fan, and came step by step: "How do you want to take revenge?"

Guixian snorted coldly from his nostrils, and laughed strangely: "Since you dare to take my treasure, you must have the consciousness of being brutally retaliated by me. I will go to Yunmengze, sneak attack on Du Yu, and behead him!"

Jia Xu sighed softly: "It's not that I look down on you, old man, or that I don't know your great reputation, but to be honest, I don't like your revenge very much. Maybe Du Yu is waiting for you to come to your door." .”

As soon as Guixian turned around, he glanced coldly at Jia Xu and said, "Zhuzi dare you? You question my ability?"

Jia Xu was not afraid, and hurriedly said: "Do you know how many capable people Du Yu has in his hands? There are more than 20000 adventurers alone. Even if you are a leader in Zifu District, Guixian, you can stop Du Yu." Yu's crowd tactics? Besides, Du Yu has been mixed all the way to the present, and has occupied a place in the Tang Dynasty. The former imperial court's pursuit and the emperor's roundup have nothing to do with him. His rich anti-assassination experience is rare. Ghost Master Xian, don’t fail to take revenge, but risk your own life instead!”

Guixian didn't seem to be all arrogant and ignorant. Hearing what Jia Xu said, he sat down with a gloomy face, and said in a hateful voice: "Hmph. So what if there are so many others? I, Guixian, are all over the Tang Dynasty. Who am I afraid of?" Come?"

(End of this chapter)

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