Chapter 1351 Shocking inside story!Jia Xu's poisonous plan! - Ask for a monthly pass!

That being said, Guixian didn't mean to be alone in the clouds and dreams.

When Jia Xu saw the ghosts staying behind, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he exchanged glances with Hou Shenjiang secretly.

"Don't worry. Our enemy is also Du Yu!" Jia Xu walked slowly, walked up to Guixian and said with a smile: "The same enemy, why don't we join forces once?"

"Hmph?! What qualifications do you have to let me join hands with ghosts and immortals?" Guixian snorted coldly.

Jia Xu smiled indifferently: "In this way, Guixian, you can just sit aside. Because the true master of our cooperation is coming soon!"

"Who?" Guixian felt sullen when he heard that he was not the main target of their cooperation.

He is conceited of his cultivation and his vision is very high. He thought that if he longed to join hands with me, the ancestor would still understand, but who else among you is stronger than me?
Not long after, a ray of light flashed.

A space monster, carrying a person on its back, slowly descended.

In the barracks, the pot exploded immediately.

Because this space monster turned out to be a rare S-level monster in space—a Qilin beast!

Although this unicorn is not a real unicorn, its appearance is very similar, especially its ability to attack and defend, making it a terrifying monster that makes people change their faces.

But the most shocking thing is that this S-level monster Qilin is willing to be the mount of an adventurer!

This adventurer can actually tame an arrogant S-rank monster. How strong should he be?

The adventurer on the back of this Qilin beast has white hair hanging down his chest, white hair and a childlike face, he is hale and hearty, with a spirit of immortality, only his pair of sharp eagle-like eyes make him look quite imposing.

If Du Yu was here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this is Jiang Ziya, the Immortal of Zifu District who had a grudge with him because of Su Daji in Three Kingdoms Warriors, and even fought with him!

Too fair!
And beside Taigongwang, a flash of lightning flashed by, and a Sao Nian warrior wearing a lotus battle robe, wearing a circle of heaven and earth, holding a red tasseled spear, and stepping on a hot wheel, flew down into the sky in a hurry, it was the fairy Nezha!

He is also a master in Zifu District.

Another celestial wind flashed by, and a Roaring Sky Dog roared, following the celestial wind and descending from the sky.On the ground, Xianfeng turned into a fairy with a strange face, wearing a golden armor, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, and a third eye on his forehead!
Yang Jian!

Too fair!Nezha!Yang Jian!
This is the most powerful immortal among the three decent characters in the Romance of the Gods!
Guixian was secretly startled.

Although he is extremely arrogant, he is not a person who does not know how to read words and expressions.

These three celestial beings, each of them has restrained brilliance, reveals divine power, walks like a tiger, walks like a tiger, and possesses the bones of a fairy. Every step, every movement, and every look in the eyes coincides with the way of heaven, and the wind follows the clouds, which is unpredictable. .

The power of ghosts and immortals may be able to fight against one of them, but with the three of them together, he can only flee.

"It's no wonder that God General Hou is waiting here. These three people really have the capital to make him pay attention." Ghost Immortal also had to sigh with emotion.

Taigongwang glanced at Guixian.The strong death energy on the opponent made him very displeased, and he frowned, but out of the sake of being in Zifu District, he still nodded his head.

The ghosts laughed and said, "Are you also here to deal with Du Yu?"

Taigong Wang was taken aback for a moment, obviously amused by the word Ye, and smiled slightly: "Everyone has to punish the monsters! Du Yu shields the monster Su Daji, and disrupts the government. He is our enemy!"

Ghost Immortal laughed and said: "That's a coincidence, I happen to have a grudge with this kid. This kid is not very capable, and he is good at making troubles. He has offended so many strong people in Zifu district all over the place. I think How did he pass this level!"

Jia Xu was just right, and provocatively said: "Since Du Yu and we both have grudges, why don't you all join hands and teach this ignorant guy a lesson?"

Tai Gongwang smiled slightly: "If the imperial court hadn't been insane, controlled by city foxes such as Su Daji, Pipa Jing, and Pheasant Jing, and jackals were in power, we would not have joined the camp of the rebel generals. This cooperation is also for the Qing Dynasty. "

General Hou Shen heard that the "rebels" were harsh, and was about to explode when Jia Xu gave him a smirk, but he couldn't.

Jia Xu said indifferently: "Whether it's the rebels or the court, the so-called winners are princes and losers are bandits! Back then, King Zhou was innocent, favored Daji, framed Zhongliang, and King Wu worshiped you as commander, defeated Shang Zhou, and established the Zhou Dynasty. It can be called a great kindness! The current situation is similar to that at that time, so why don't you raise up rebels again and attack the court and Du Yu?"

This remark was extremely decent, not only took care of Taigongwang's face, but also secretly gave the opponent's stinky feet, and pointed out that General Hou is a righteous soldier like King Wu of Zhou. Both Shengeneral Hou and Taigongwang nodded secretly , fluttering up.

"In that case, I will join this rebel army and jointly crusade against the innocent imperial court!" Tai Gongwang finally agreed.

Jia Xu was overjoyed, and looked at Guixian: "Old Guixian, what do you say?"

The ghost fairy said without hesitation: "I didn't say anything, join! But I, the ghost fairy, must choose the looted treasures first!"

Jia Xu looked at General Hou.

Hou Shen will be overjoyed!
He didn't expect that this unpredictable military strategist, so powerful, turning his hands into clouds and rain, would actually keep his face and get 4 strong men from Zifu District to help out!
Moreover, each of these four people is a well-known strong man, much more powerful than the general Zifu District!
Immortal Crane and Immortal Gui laughed: "We have six Zifu Districts here, why don't we join forces and enter Yunmeng Lake, slaughter them wildly, and let these juniors know that Lord Ma has three eyes!"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "No! Although my strength is strong, I will not abuse it. We can't give Du Yu any chance to know about it, let alone let him have the slightest vigilance, so we can act. This time Du Yu exchanged two The son's soul is an excellent opportunity. We are like this."

He taught the opportunity face to face.

Taigong Wang, Nezha, Yang Jian, Gui Xian, He Zhenren and Gui Xianren all nodded their heads.

Tai Gongwang stared at Jia Xu and said, "I am conceited and wise, but according to your plan, this matter has a great chance of success. But on Du Yu's side, there is also Su Daji, a strong man in the Zifu District, who must restrain himself."

Hou Shenjiang said angrily: "No wonder I and Tang Guogong of the Tang Dynasty proposed to join forces to cut off Du Yu first, but was rejected by Su Daji's false edict. It turns out that this woman has already taken refuge in Du Yu! She is really shameless!"

Tai Gongwang said: "If I hadn't been fighting with her all the time, it would not be easy to find out the truth about her collusion with Du Yu. But this woman seems to be very passionate about Du Yu, and she should have been captured by Du Yu."

"Bastard!" Hou Shenjiang, who had seen Su Daji, slammed his fist on the table: "The cabbage is all smashed by pigs!"

Everyone sighed for a while, and it could be seen that everyone still agreed with Su Daji's beauty.He was even more indignant at Du Yugong's behavior.

Jia Xu laughed and said: "If Su Daji appears, Taigong Wang can take action on his own, catch or kill him, and let you handle it. It must be a three-on-one, even if Su Daji has a few witches to help him, he can't even think about turning the tables. It has been confirmed that Du Yu has the ability to summon beauties, so he must not be regarded as one person, but as a team. According to my estimation, he should still have a certain ability to fight in battle, which can greatly increase the combat power. Otherwise, it will be passed back according to Mr. Hou Xiaobai video, he offended God Fuxi, he should not be able to get out of this world."

"How do you plan to deal with this wave of space beasts?" Tai Gongwang was worthy of being an expert in the use of troops, so he changed the topic to the war of space beasts.

Jia Xu's spirit was shaken, Taigongwang asked such a question, obviously intending to cooperate with Hou Shenjiang for a long time, and it is unknown whether he will develop into a family in the future.He got permission from God General Hou, walked to a wall, gently pulled the gauze, and a large and exquisite Datang strategic map appeared in front of everyone.

This map is more exquisite and detailed than the strategic map that was taken away by Du Yu at the beginning. It is divided into three forces: Datang, Houshenjiang and Yunmengze.

"According to our information, the beast tide is led by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. It will launch westward from Jieshi in the east. There are three targets. Yunmengze, us, and the Tang court."

"But it is an open fact that Empress Nuwa appeared and repaired the sky defense cover of Yunmengze. If the beast tide attacks there, it will pay a huge price." Jia Xu sighed regretfully: "The relationship between Du Yu and Nuwa , is my main concern, but it is a pity that the results have not been detected yet.”

"The primary attack direction of the beast horde may be Datang, or we may be." Jia Xu said word by word: "But for us, the top priority is to let the beast horde attack Datang!"

"Attack Datang, and we will all survive!" Jia Xu walked quickly, pointing to the location of Datang's Chang'an City: "According to information, this alliance between Datang and Yunmengze Du Yu gave Du Yu five lands, In addition to the five lands afterwards, the condition is that when the beast tide attacks Chang'an, Du Yu must send troops to defuse it. If the beast tide rushes to Chang'an, Du Yu will have no choice but to attack Chang'an. And we can sit back and watch the success or failure, and then Kill him in one go!"

"The Tang Dynasty is a bunch of pigs!" God General Hou said angrily, "Don't let me, a strong man with more than 20 soldiers, join forces with Du Yu, that little shrimp, hum! What can a foolish king + woman do?" decision?"

"But the crux of the problem is how to drive tigers and wolfs away successfully?" Jia Xu said to himself.

Everyone's eyes focused on Jia Xu.

This is the crux of the matter.

Who can guarantee that God General Hou will not be targeted by the beast tide!

Jia Xu smiled slightly, and pointed to the area of ​​influence of God General Hou: "After thinking about it, I concluded that it is impossible!"

Ghost Immortal swears: "Impossible are you talking nonsense? Waste of time!"

Hou Shenjiang was also disappointed.

The attack direction of this space beast horde really concerns everyone.Although he was a famous general of his generation, he was able to command his troops well, and he worked hard to build a solid line of defense in the camp, but after experiencing a beast tide, General Hou watched helplessly how the imperial court's [-] troops were swallowed by the beast tide. Not a single bone was left, and he wasn't even sure that he would be able to survive the even crazier beast tide.

(End of this chapter)

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