Chapter 1352 Shocking Void Plan! —Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!

But Jia Xu's eyes were deeper, and he said inscrutablely: "That's right! We really can't stop the beast tide. But unlike the Tang court, they have to keep the bloody city of Chang'an, but we may not!"

"We have legs!" Jia Xu laughed and said, "You can go!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"That's right!" Gui Xianren slapped his thigh and said, "We can fucking run."

"If we withdraw, the beast horde will lose its attack target. But according to the practice of the beast horde, as long as there are still humans on this land, they will not stop attacking. Therefore, where will the swarm of beasts go?" Jia Xu said calmly: "They will concentrate on attacking the capital of Tang Dynasty!"

"And the Tang court, with the remaining 2 troops, can't defend Chang'an!" Hou Shenjiang's breathing became rapid: "It can still drag Du Yu into the water!"

"Yes!" Jia Xu said with a long breath, "Regardless of whether Du Yu will fulfill his agreement with the imperial court, he is finished. Once the imperial court is destroyed and the beast tide recedes, we will counterattack Chang'an City and occupy the main city. You have officially entered the Tang Dynasty. Who else can resist you? Du Yu can only guard Yunmengze and wait for the end to come."

"But where should we escape? Where should we retreat?" Hou Shen will start to use his brain: "You know, the beast tide is extremely intelligent, and it doesn't mean that you will give up hunting if you flee from where you are. According to a record, During a wave of beasts, 190 soldiers of the Shenluo Empire were chased and killed for thousands of miles, and finally the entire army was wiped out."

"Don't worry." Jia Xu showed a hint of cunning: "We have the best place to escape."

He said solemnly: "That is to leave this space temporarily and enter the world of plots!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised!
Guixian circled around Jia Xu twice, and sighed, "How dare you think, boy, to come up with such a whimsical plan? Let me ask you, every time there is a wave of beasts in space, the space will close all adventure plots." The entrance of the world is to prevent adventurers from taking advantage of the power of this space to hide in the plot world and escape from the war. You think, the whole space is at war, you are a mere adventurer, just hide if you say so.”

Tai Gongwang also sighed: "This strategy is really clever, but the possibility of realizing it is extremely low."

Jia Xu said with a chuckle: "The so-called tricks can be changed by everyone, and the tricks are different! In this world, there are actually so many tricks. The key is that as long as this trick can be realized, our army will disappear in an instant in this land that is about to be destroyed. On the earth baptized by the beast tide, when it reappears, it will be the time for us to conquer this Great Tang!"

"What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?" It was also the first time God General Hou heard Jia Xu's crazy plan: "How do you plan to send so many of us to the plot world together?"

"If you're not crazy, you're not going to survive!" Jia Xu's radiant eyes showed a trace of madness, and he said viciously: "According to my speculation, the relationship between the space and the plot space is not a primary or secondary relationship. In fact, the plot world is also a parallel universe that exists objectively! We adventurers go deep into the plot world, but space uses the time wormhole theory to transport us there!"

It was the first time for Hou Shenjiang and the others to hear such profound logical thinking, and they all showed signs of thinking.

"Every time in the plot world, we are sent to a specific plot world by the space with huge energy, tearing down the barrier of time and space. As for the difficulty, it is that in this plot world, there are different parallel spaces, spaces Give the result of choosing and adjusting!" Jia Xu is worthy of the name of a wise man, and seems to have given in-depth consideration to the logic of the existence of the plot world.

"Don't make it so complicated. How do we escape into the plot world, and how do we return?" Guixian asked impatiently.

The tide of space beasts is heavy for anyone.Even the Zifu District adventurers at the top of the food chain pyramid are no exception.

Jia Xu snorted coldly and pointed to the dome of the space.

It was the night sky at this time, and above the sky, there was a bright starry sky shining.Perhaps this colony planet is located at a special angle, and there are exactly four moons shining brightly in the Milky Way at this time.

"We want to take more than 20 people and escape into the plot world. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible. No matter how precious the props are, it is impossible to achieve this level, not to mention whether the props will work at this time, there are still big doubts .”

Jia Xu said slowly.

"So, the answer I gave is a crazy [Void Project]!"

"If the space is still complete, my plan cannot be implemented. But now the protective cover of the space is fragmented, and the rules of the space are full of loopholes. It is by no means impossible for us to take advantage of loopholes!" Jia Xu said decisively.

"I have carefully studied the outer protective film and energy nodes of the space, and found that the position of the space transmitter, such as the transmitter square of the bloody city, is in the node position of unstable time and space. This space-time node is somewhat similar to [Ancient Invasion] The setting of nodes in time and space." Jia Xu said eloquently.

"You mean?" Tai Gongwang heard the play, his eyes focused.

"I found that as long as we bombard the cracks in time and space with the greatest energy, we can create a passage that lasts for a short time. It ensures that we can escape into a parallel world of plots. Of course, the consequences of doing so are also very serious, and it will intensify the space core. Loopholes in the rules make it easier to collapse!" Jia Xu doesn't look like a Three Kingdoms strategist at all, he speaks a lot of space vocabulary, it can be seen that he has been immersed in space for a long time, and he has learned the strategy skills in space.

"Will that be too dangerous?" Another counselor hesitated for a moment, stood up and objected: "According to my analysis, there is a direct relationship between the space beast tide and the logic confusion of the core rules. Now the Goddess Nuwa managed to mend the sky once." , restored part of the protective cover of Datang Dongfang. If we mess around like this, I’m afraid Dongfang’s protective cover will be torn apart in an instant. The next space beast tide will become even more irresistible. This is drinking poison to quench thirst!"

Hou Shenjiang couldn't help hesitating.

As the most powerful person in the Tang Dynasty at this time, although he was eager to wipe out all opposition forces, he had to consider the overall situation of the space.

"Besides that," Jia Xu glanced at the opposing counselor like a wolf, and said coldly, "Your Excellency, do you have any other ingenious strategies to preserve the power of the lord in this unprecedented beast horde, so that you will be able to survive?" The imperial court and Du Yu, who are our enemies, will suffer the biggest loss?"

The counselor was speechless.

Hou Shenjiang remained silent.

Jia Xu bowed to God Hou, and said decisively: "My lord! You must continue to be rebellious! At this time, the situation is very obvious. The court and Du Yu have formed an alliance. Du Yu has won the favor of Empress Nuwa, and the beast tide The chances of attacking us first are very high! May I ask my lord, what can you do to stop the overwhelming beast tide? If you can't even pass this level, what is the future? What is the overall situation?"

He talked eloquently: "Although we took a risky blow that would damage Dongfang's protective film, we were able to avoid this disaster as much as possible and by surprise. After this incident, we regained our strength and fought back. Rule the Great Tang. No matter how much the Empress Nuwa doesn’t like us, as the only survivor in the east, she can only cover us, and she will never sit back and watch the adventurers of the Great Tang be wiped out. So”

He sneered: "Let's be villains for once, so what? That saying is good, despicableness is the passport of the despicable, and nobleness is the epitaph of the noble! I, Jia Xu, am used to using poisonous tricks, so let me replace you, my lord." Take the charge of this poison master!"

He fell to his knees suddenly.

Hou Shenjiang was dumbfounded, looking at Jia Xu who was calm and kneeling.

"You" Gui Xian was shocked.

He usually kills people like hemp, but where has he heard of Jia Xu's outrageous tricks, such a generous and bold?

Break the void and transfer the entire Houshen General force, more than 20 people, into the plot world!
Even at the expense of breaking the protective cover in the east of Datang, pushing Datang into the abyss!

Rather teach me to betray the world, don't teach the world to defeat me!
Chen Shou, the author of "Three Kingdoms", once commented: "Xun You and Jia Xu, they have almost exhausted their strategies, and they are good and flat after they have changed their minds!"

This Jia Xu really deserves to be called a peerless counselor like Zhang Liang and Chen Ping.

Even Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Yang Jian and others looked sideways at him.

Hou Shenjiang looked at Jiang Ziya, and said in a deep voice: "I have heard about the great reputation of the Grand Duke for a long time. He is resourceful and decisive, and helped King Wu succeed in defeating Zhou! Can you teach me today?"

Jiang Ziya closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

As a space adventurer, everyone knows that the space protection shield and space order are the legacy of the gods who built the space, and they play an extremely important role in resisting the tide of local monsters.Jia Xu traded the damage to the core rules and protective shields in exchange for an overall victory. Although the success of this strategy is very high, it will bear the reputation of being unkind and unrighteous.

Others are fighting bloody battles with monsters, you destroy the protective cover and escape?

This is undoubtedly a betrayal of space.

Do you choose selfishness or justice?

Is it a despicable life, or a noble death?

After a long time, Tai Gongwang uttered a word softly: "Be willing."

He stopped talking.

Hou Shen will be silent.

The meaning of willingness is the most abundant.If you are willing, how can you gain if you are not willing?
This answer, from the side, agreed to Jia Xu's poisonous plan.

What is sacrificed is the order and stability of the space, and what is gained is a crushing victory over the imperial court and Du Yu!
Hou Shen will suddenly stand up!
He looked solemn, glared at King Kong, and shouted resolutely: "After listening to the words of Military Advisor Jia Xu and Tai Gongwang, I have made up my mind! I will start to implement this plan in an all-round way! The above plan is code-named Flying Carpet Operation. Any details of the operation are listed at the highest level." Confidential. Anyone who reveals the secret will be executed on the spot!"

Hearing the decisive words of killing and attacking, all the fierce generals of the Marquis God General suddenly stood up and shouted angrily at the same time: "The last general obeys the order!"

Taigongwang, Guixian and others also stood up solemnly.

They bet their fate on Hou Shenjiang.

The treasure has been pressed, the dice have been thrown, and the rest depends on the result.

(End of this chapter)

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